this time i recorded the audio directly. please think its cool

if U have my phone number: being mutuals w/ me does NOT give U permission to hit me up on Nextel Chirp like “Where You At?” for god and everybody in the D. M. V. to hear …

Docter must have me on that Great great cuz im offf it like 1 day and now im strate retaded



Kingdom Hearts


Feb 2007
Archived Media File
📀 🔊


Me, starting a brand new installment of my favorite M-rated visual novel: Ah yes, time for my brain to make the happy chemicals lol

*My wife & kids interrupt*

Me: *le sigh* never mind


well folks, it happened. my dick fell clean off of my mons pubis and into da donation plate. when i tried to discreetly slip it back into my pocket, a small bird swooped by and swiftly collected it in its beak. while the camera was following close behind him, the seasons change but he remains in the center of the shot.




i know theres a white dove out there carrying a beautiful cock for me and its kind of too heavy and theres sharks leaping out of the water at it

and like a random guy in a canoe out in the middle of the ocean jumping at it too
