Version 0.19.1 (November 3, 2016)#

This is a minor bug-fix release from 0.19.0 and includes some small regression fixes, bug fixes and performance improvements. We recommend that all users upgrade to this version.

Performance improvements#

  • Fixed performance regression in factorization of Period data (GH 14338)

  • Fixed performance regression in Series.asof(where) when where is a scalar (GH 14461)

  • Improved performance in DataFrame.asof(where) when where is a scalar (GH 14461)

  • Improved performance in .to_json() when lines=True (GH 14408)

  • Improved performance in certain types of loc indexing with a MultiIndex (GH 14551).

Bug fixes#

  • Source installs from PyPI will now again work without cython installed, as in previous versions (GH 14204)

  • Compat with Cython 0.25 for building (GH 14496)

  • Fixed regression where user-provided file handles were closed in read_csv (c engine) (GH 14418).

  • Fixed regression in DataFrame.quantile when missing values where present in some columns (GH 14357).

  • Fixed regression in Index.difference where the freq of a DatetimeIndex was incorrectly set (GH 14323)

  • Added back pandas.core.common.array_equivalent with a deprecation warning (GH 14555).

  • Bug in pd.read_csv for the C engine in which quotation marks were improperly parsed in skipped rows (GH 14459)

  • Bug in pd.read_csv for Python 2.x in which Unicode quote characters were no longer being respected (GH 14477)

  • Fixed regression in Index.append when categorical indices were appended (GH 14545).

  • Fixed regression in pd.DataFrame where constructor fails when given dict with None value (GH 14381)

  • Fixed regression in DatetimeIndex._maybe_cast_slice_bound when index is empty (GH 14354).

  • Bug in localizing an ambiguous timezone when a boolean is passed (GH 14402)

  • Bug in TimedeltaIndex addition with a Datetime-like object where addition overflow in the negative direction was not being caught (GH 14068, GH 14453)

  • Bug in string indexing against data with object Index may raise AttributeError (GH 14424)

  • Correctly raise ValueError on empty input to pd.eval() and df.query() (GH 13139)

  • Bug in RangeIndex.intersection when result is a empty set (GH 14364).

  • Bug in groupby-transform broadcasting that could cause incorrect dtype coercion (GH 14457)

  • Bug in Series.__setitem__ which allowed mutating read-only arrays (GH 14359).

  • Bug in DataFrame.insert where multiple calls with duplicate columns can fail (GH 14291)

  • pd.merge() will raise ValueError with non-boolean parameters in passed boolean type arguments (GH 14434)

  • Bug in Timestamp where dates very near the minimum (1677-09) could underflow on creation (GH 14415)

  • Bug in pd.concat where names of the keys were not propagated to the resulting MultiIndex (GH 14252)

  • Bug in pd.concat where axis cannot take string parameters 'rows' or 'columns' (GH 14369)

  • Bug in pd.concat with dataframes heterogeneous in length and tuple keys (GH 14438)

  • Bug in MultiIndex.set_levels where illegal level values were still set after raising an error (GH 13754)

  • Bug in DataFrame.to_json where lines=True and a value contained a } character (GH 14391)

  • Bug in df.groupby causing an AttributeError when grouping a single index frame by a column and the index level (GH 14327)

  • Bug in df.groupby where TypeError raised when pd.Grouper(key=...) is passed in a list (GH 14334)

  • Bug in pd.pivot_table may raise TypeError or ValueError when index or columns is not scalar and values is not specified (GH 14380)


A total of 30 people contributed patches to this release. People with a “ ” by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

  • Adam Chainz

  • Anthonios Partheniou

  • Arash Rouhani

  • Ben Kandel

  • Brandon M. Burroughs

  • Chris

  • Chris Warth

  • David Krych

  • Iván Vallés Pérez

  • Jeff Reback

  • Joe Jevnik

  • Jon M. Mease

  • Jon Mease

  • Joris Van den Bossche

  • Josh Owen

  • Keshav Ramaswamy

  • Larry Ren

  • Michael Felt

  • Piotr Chromiec

  • Robert Bradshaw

  • Sinhrks

  • Thiago Serafim

  • Tom Bird

  • bkandel

  • chris-b1

  • dubourg

  • gfyoung

  • mattrijk

  • paul-mannino

  • sinhrks