Small quality of life update

Just a quick update for the project, just before the deadline of the Github Game Off!

I received some feedback saying that people would like to be able to navigate the menus/interface with keyboard only. So, I fixed that!

  • There are clear hotkeys underneath the buttons (R for restart, ESC to go back to menu, ENTER to advance to next level).
  • You're also able to hop between buttons using the arrow keys; pressing ENTER will execute the currently selected button.

Some people also said that the intro was rather long. I still think 40 seconds is a good time frame for explaining a story, explaining the game rules, and setting a mood. However, I understand that some people just want to get into the game and start puzzling immediately! So I added the option to skip the intro (by pressing any key, or touching the screen during the intro).

Lastly, I made some minor visual improvements and made several animations a bit quicker (like the game over animation, so you can restart faster)

Oh no, wait, this is the last point I wanted to talk about: I also made the soundtrack of the game (in original, high quality) available for download. I think the soundtrack might be the best thing about the game, so I wanted to add this option.

Anyway, have fun with the game! (And no more updates for until the rating period for the game jam is over. I promise.)

Files 108 MB
Version 1 Nov 27, 2019
Into My Arms.apk 42 MB
Version 4 Nov 29, 2019 108 MB
Version 1 Nov 27, 2019
Into My 37 MB
Version 3 Nov 29, 2019 37 MB
Version 3 Nov 29, 2019 35 MB
Version 4 Nov 29, 2019

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