Software Packages in "bookworm", Subsection web

acmetool (0.2.2-1 b4)
automatic certificate acquisition tool for Let's Encrypt
activity-aware-firefox (0.4.1-2)
wrapper to make Firefox aware of Plasma Desktop activities
adminer (4.8.1-1)
Web-based database administration tool
akregator (4:22.12.3-1)
Агрегатор стрічок новин RSS/Atom
album (4.15-1) [non-free]
HTML photo album generator with theme support
album-data (4.05-7.2) [non-free]
themes, plugins and translations for album
analog (2:6.0.17-3)
Аналізатор журналу реєстрації подій веб-сервера
angelfish (22.11-1 b2)
Web browser for Plasma Mobile
aodh-api (15.0.0-3)
OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer) Alarming - API server
aodh-common (15.0.0-3)
OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer) Alarming - common files
aodh-evaluator (15.0.0-3)
OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer) Alarming - alarm evaluator
aodh-expirer (15.0.0-3)
OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer) Alarming - expirer
aodh-listener (15.0.0-3)
OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer) Alarming - listener
aodh-notifier (15.0.0-3)
OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer) Alarming - alarm notifier
apcupsd-cgi (3.14.14-3.1 b1)
APC UPS Power Management (web interface)
arcanist (0~git20220903-2)
Command line interface for Phabricator (review platform) (4.2-2.4)
demo pages for ASP.NET infrastructure
awffull (3.10.2-8)
програма для аналізу журналів web сервера
awstats (7.8-3 deb12u1)
Потужний та функціональний аналізатор журналів веб-сервера
axel (2.17.11-3)
light command line download accelerator
berrynet-dashboard (3.10.2-2)
deep learning gateway - python3 modules
blazeblogger (1.2.0-4)
simple to use, command line based, content management system
blosxom (2.1.2-2.1)
Легкий, багатофункціональний веб-журнал з можливістю розширення втулками
bluefish (2.2.12-1.1 b2)
Потужний текстовий редактор на Gtk для веб та розробки
bluefish-data (2.2.12-1.1)
advanced Gtk text editor (data)
bluefish-plugins (2.2.12-1.1 b2)
advanced Gtk text editor (plugins)
bootstrap-icons (1.10.3 dfsg-1)
icon library for Bootstrap (SVG files)
cacti (1.2.24 ds1-1 deb12u4)
web interface for graphing of monitoring systems
cacti-spine (1.2.24-1)
Multi-Threading poller for cacti
cadaver (0.24 dfsg-1)
Консольний клієнт WebDAV
calypso (2.1-1)
CalDAV/CardDAV server with git backend
camo (2.3.0 dfsg-1.1)
SSL/TLS image proxy to prevent mixed-content warnings
camping (2.3-1.1)
small Ruby web framework for Model-View-Controller type applications
ceilometer-agent-central (1:19.0.0-3)
OpenStack efficient metering counters system - agent central
ceilometer-agent-compute (1:19.0.0-3)
OpenStack efficient metering counters system - compute agent
ceilometer-agent-ipmi (1:19.0.0-3)
OpenStack efficient metering counters system - IPMI agent
ceilometer-agent-notification (1:19.0.0-3)
OpenStack efficient metering counters system - notification agent
ceilometer-common (1:19.0.0-3)
OpenStack efficient metering counters system - common files
ceilometer-polling (1:19.0.0-3)
OpenStack efficient metering counters system - Polling agent
certbot (2.1.0-4)
automatically configure HTTPS using Let's Encrypt
cewl (5.5.2-2)
custom word list generator
cgi-mapserver (8.0.0-3 b8)
Виконуваний CGI для MapServer
chai (4.3.7~ds1 ~cs9.7.21-1)
assertion library for Node.js
chalow (1.0-6)
weblog tool that converts ChangeLog to HTML
chromium (131.0.6778.139-1~deb12u1) [security]
Веб оглядач
chromium-common (131.0.6778.139-1~deb12u1) [security]
Веб-браузер — загальні ресурси, що використовуються chromium-пакунками
chromium-driver (131.0.6778.139-1~deb12u1) [security]
web browser - WebDriver support
chromium-lwn4chrome (1.0-3)
Chromium extension for making slightly easier to read
chromium-sandbox (131.0.6778.139-1~deb12u1) [security]
Веб-браузер — пісочниця безпеки setuid для Chromium
chromium-shell (131.0.6778.139-1~deb12u1) [security]
web browser - minimal shell
chromium-tt-rss-notifier (0.5.2-2.1)
Chromium extension providing toolbar button for TT-RSS installations
chronicle (4.6-2.1)
HTML & RSS blog compiler
ciderwebmail (1.05 20221106-1)
IMAP webmail service
civetweb (1.15 dfsg-4)
embeddable web server with optional CGI, SSL and Lua support
ckeditor (4.19.1 dfsg-1)
text editor which can be embedded into web pages
ckeditor3 ( dfsg-7)
text editor for internet
cleancss (5.3.1 ~5.6.1-1)
Tool for minifying CSS files
cog (0.16.1-1)
Single-window web browser based on WPE WebKit
compass-blend-modes-plugin (0.0.3 20150331~dfsg-3)
use standard color blending functions in Sass
compass-blueprint-plugin (1.0.0-5)
Compass extension for blueprint CSS framework
compass-breakpoint-plugin (3.0.0-1)
really simple media queries with Sass
compass-color-schemer-plugin (0.2.8 20140309-4)
create color schemes with ease
compass-normalize-plugin (7.0.1-3)
Sass version of Normalize.css
compass-sassy-maps-plugin (0.4.0-6)
map helper functions for Sass maps
compass-toolkit-plugin (2.10.2-2)
toolkit of awesome Sass stuff
cronolog (1.6.2 rpk-3)
Logfile rotator for web servers
cthumb (4.2-3.2)
Program to generate themable Web picture albums
curl (7.88.1-10 deb12u8)
Інструмент командного рядка для передачі даних за синтаксисом URL
cutycapt (0.0~svn10-0.1 b2 [amd64, arm64, i386, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x], 0.0~svn10-0.1 b1 [armel, armhf])
Утиліта для захоплення відтворення веб-сторінки рушієм WebKit
davical (1.1.12-2)
PHP CalDAV and CardDAV Server
debian-cloud-images-packages (0.0.6)
List of packages the Debian cloud images needs
dh-xsp (4.2-2.4)
debhelper add-on to handle ASP.NET sites
dicoweb (2.11-2)
Модульний сервер протоколу DICT, що відповідає RFC 2229 (веб-інтерфейс)
didiwiki (0.5-13 b1)
simple wiki implementation with built-in webserver
dillo (3.0.5-7 b1)
Small and fast web browser
djvuserve (3.5.28-2 b1)
CGI-програма для опрацювання файлів DjVu «на ходу»
dnshistory (1.3-3)
Трансляція та зберігання IP-адрес з журнальних файлів
doc-central (1.9.0)
web-based documentation browser
dokuwiki (0.0.20220731.a-2)
standards compliant simple to use wiki
douceur (0.2.0-3 b6)
simple CSS parser and inliner in Go (program)
drraw (2.2b2-4.1)
simple web based presentation front-end for RRDtool
e2guardian (5.3.5-4)
Web content filtering (Dansguardian fork)
eiskaltdcpp-web (1.0.1-2)
Simple Web UI for eiskaltdcpp-daemon
eja (9.5.20-1 b1)
micro web server for static and dynamic Lua generated content
elinks (0.13.2-1 b4)
Навігатор тенет в текстовому режимі
elinks-data (0.13.2-1)
Навігатор тенет в текстовому режимі — файли даних
eot-utils (1.1-1 b1)
Tools to convert from OTF or TTF to EOT font format
expeyes-web (5.3.0 repack-3)
Web interface for expEYES-Junior
falkon (22.12.1-2)
lightweight web browser based on Qt WebEngine
fcgiwrap (1.1.0-14 deb12u1)
simple server to run CGI applications over FastCGI
fex (20160919-2) [non-free]
web service for transferring very large files
fex-utils (20160919-2) [non-free]
web service for transferring very large files (utils)
fgallery (1.9.1 ds-1)
static HTML JavaScript photo album generator
firefox-esr (128.5.0esr-1~deb12u1 [amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, ppc64el, s390x], 115.15.0esr-1~deb12u1 [mips64el]) [security]
Веб-браузер Mozilla Firefox — версія з довгостроковою підтримкою
freeboard (1.1.0 dfsg.1-5)
dashboard for IoT and web mashups
freedombox (23.6.2 deb12u1)
легко керований, орієнтований на приватність домашній сервер
freetable (2.3-4.4)
Facilitates production of HTML tables
ftpcopy (0.6.7-5)
Набір FTP-клієнтів
gallery-dl (1.25.3-1)
command-line program to download image galleries
gitit ( dfsg-2 b6)
Wiki engine backed by a git or darcs filestore
glewlwyd (2.7.5-3 deb12u1)
Experimental Single-Sign-On server with multiple factor authentication
glewlwyd-common (2.7.5-3 deb12u1)
Experimental Single-Sign-On server - common files
glowing-bear (0.9.0 ds-4)
Web frontend for the WeeChat IRC client
gosa (2.8~git20230203.10abe45 dfsg-1 deb12u2)
Web Based LDAP Administration Program
gosa-desktop (2.8~git20230203.10abe45 dfsg-1 deb12u2)
Desktop integration for GOsa²
gosa-dev (2.8~git20230203.10abe45 dfsg-1 deb12u2)
GOsa² development utilities
gosa-help-de (2.8~git20230203.10abe45 dfsg-1 deb12u2)
German online help for GOsa²
gosa-help-en (2.8~git20230203.10abe45 dfsg-1 deb12u2)
English online help for GOsa
gosa-help-fr (2.8~git20230203.10abe45 dfsg-1 deb12u2)
French online help for GOsa²
gosa-help-nl (2.8~git20230203.10abe45 dfsg-1 deb12u2)
Dutch online help for GOsa
gosa-plugins-dhcp-schema (2.8~git20211027.5741b8f-4 deb12u2)
LDAP dhcp schema for GOsa² systems plugin
gosa-plugins-dns-schema (2.8~git20211027.5741b8f-4 deb12u2)
LDAP dns schema for GOsa² systems plugin
gosa-plugins-ldapmanager (2.8~git20211022.877a67e-3)
ldapmanager plugin for GOsa²
gosa-plugins-mailaddress (2.8~git20211027.08b10a2-2)
Simple plugin to manage user mail addresses in GOsa²
gosa-plugins-netgroups (2.8~git20211022.3b6449d-4 deb12u1)
NIS netgroups plugin for GOsa²
gosa-plugins-pwreset (2.8~git20211021.d93b138-4)
Password Management Add-On for GOsa²
gosa-plugins-sudo (2.8~git20211022.7ff3ed2-2 deb12u1)
sudo plugin for GOsa²
gosa-plugins-sudo-schema (2.8~git20211022.7ff3ed2-2 deb12u1)
LDAP schema for GOsa² sudo plugin
gosa-plugins-systems (2.8~git20211027.5741b8f-4 deb12u2)
systems plugin for GOsa²
gosa-schema (2.8~git20230203.10abe45 dfsg-1 deb12u2)
LDAP schema for GOsa
graphite-web (1.1.8-2)
Enterprise Scalable Realtime Graphing
grunt (1.5.3-2)
JavaScript task runner/build system/maintainer tool
gtml (3.6.1-2)
HTML pre-processor
gulp (4.0.2 ~cs54.26.36-6)
streaming build system to automate painful or time-consuming tasks
hdav (1.3.4-2 b5 [amd64], 1.3.4-2 b4 [arm64, armel, i386], 1.3.4-2 b3 [armhf, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x], 1.3.4-2 b2 [mips64el])
command-line WebDAV client
heat-api (1:19.0.0-3)
OpenStack orchestration service - API server
heat-api-cfn (1:19.0.0-3)
OpenStack orchestration service - CFN API
heat-common (1:19.0.0-3)
OpenStack orchestration service - common files
heat-engine (1:19.0.0-3)
OpenStack orchestration service - engine
hiki (1.0.0-2.1)
Wiki Engine written in Ruby
hitch (1.7.2-1 b1)
scalable TLS proxy
hoteldruid (3.0.4-1)
web-based property management system for hotels or B&Bs
htdig (1:3.2.0b6-19 b1)
Система пошуку та індексації Павутиння — виконавчі файли
html2text (1.3.2a-28)
Вдосконалений конвертор з HTML у текст
html2wml (0.4.11 dfsg-2)
converts HTML pages to WML (WAP) or i-mode pages
htmldoc (1.9.16-1)
Обробник HTML, який генерує індексовані HTML, PS та PDF
htmldoc-common (1.9.16-1)
Загальні архітектурно-незалежні файли для HTMLDOC
htmlmin (0.1.12-4)
HTML Minifier - command line interface
htp (1.19-8)
nice HTML pre-processor
httperf (0.9.0-9 b2 [amd64], 0.9.0-9 b1 [arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x])
HTTP server performance tester
httpfs2 (0.1.4-1.1)
FUSE filesystem for mounting files from http servers
httpie (3.2.1-1)
Консольний різновид cURL для людей
httrack (3.49.4-1)
Copy websites to your computer (Offline browser)
httraqt (1.4.11-1)
program for downloading of internet sites
hugo (0.111.3-1)
Швидкий і гнучкий ґенератор статичних сайтів, написаний на Go
hv3 (3.0~fossil20110109-8)
Легкий вебоглядач
ifetch-tools (0.18.5-1)
Збір, моніторинг, а також перегляд зображення з IP-камер
igal2 (3.1-1)
online image gallery generator
iipimage-server (1.1-3 b2)
Web-based streamed viewing and zooming of ultra high-resolution images
ikiwiki (3.20200202.3-1)
wiki compiler
imageindex (1.1-4)
Створює статичні HTML-галереї із зображень
imaptool (0.9-20 b1)
tool for creating client-side image maps
imgsizer (2.10-0.2)
Додає атрибути WIDTH та HEIGHT до теґів IMG у файлах HTML
ip2host (1.13-2.1)
Resolve IPs to hostnames in web server logs
jekyll (4.3.1 dfsg-3 deb12u1)
simple, blog aware, static site generator
jesred (1.2pl1-23)
Redirector for the Squid proxy
jigl (2.0.1 20060126-7)
Generates a static html photo gallery from one or more directories of images
jison (0.4.17 dfsg-5)
parser generator with Bison's API
jsmath (3.6e-2.2)
TeX equations in HTML documents
jsmath-fonts-sprite (1.0-4.2)
raster fonts for jsMath plugin spriteImageFonts
kanboard (1.2.26 ds-2 deb12u2)
kanban project management software
konqueror (4:22.12.3-1)
Вдосконалений файловий менеджер, веб-оглядач та програма перегляду документів
kristall (0.4 dfsg-1)
high-quality visual cross-platform gemini browser
ldap-account-manager (8.3-1)
webfrontend for managing accounts in an LDAP directory
ldap-account-manager-lamdaemon (8.3-1)
Quota and home directory management for LDAP Account Manager
ledgersmb (1.6.33 ds-2.1)
financial accounting and ERP program
lemonldap-ng-fastcgi-server (2.16.1 ds-deb12u3)
Lemonldap::NG FastCGI server
lemonldap-ng-uwsgi-app (2.16.1 ds-deb12u3)
Lemonldap::NG uWSGI server
lgogdownloader (3.9-2 deb12u1)
downloader for files
libapache2-mod-auth-gssapi (1.6.4-3)
GSSAPI Authentication module for Apache2
libapache2-mod-auth-mellon (0.18.1-1)
SAML 2.0 authentication module for Apache
libapache2-mod-auth-openidc ( deb12u2)
OpenID Connect Relying Party implementation for Apache
libapache2-mod-authn-yolo (1.1-1 b1 [arm64], 1.1-1 [amd64, armel, armhf, i386, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x])
Yolo style authentication for Apache 2
libapache2-mod-authnz-pam (1.2.3-1)
PAM authorization checker and PAM Basic Authentication provider
libapache2-mod-form (0~svn146-1.1)
Apache module to decode data submitted from Web forms
libapache2-mod-intercept-form-submit (1.1.0-1.1)
Apache module to intercept login form submission and run PAM authentication
libapache2-mod-lookup-identity (1.0.0-1)
Apache module to retrieve additional information about the authenticated user
libapache2-mod-mapcache (1.14.0-1)
tile caching server - Apache module
libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi (2.4.62-1~deb12u2)
transitional package
libapache2-mod-watchcat (1.1.2-2)
Process monitoring Apache module
libjs-filesaver (2.0.4 dfsg ~2.0.5-2)
Client-side, HTML5 library for saving local files
libjs-mousetrap (1.6.0 dfsg1-4)
library for handling keyboard shortcuts in Javascript
liblemonldap-ng-ssoaas-apache-client-perl (2.16.1 ds-deb12u3)
Lemonldap::NG SSOaaS client for Apache
libphutil (0~git20220903-2)
Shared library for Arcanist and Phabricator
libreoffice-script-provider-js (4:7.4.7-1 deb12u5)
JavaScript script support provider for LibreOffice scripting framework
libreofficekit-data (4:7.4.7-1 deb12u5)
Загальні дані для LOKDocView
linkchecker (10.2.1-1)
check websites and HTML documents for broken links
linkchecker-web (10.2.1-1)
check websites and HTML documents for broken links (web client)
linklint (2.3.5-5.3)
Інструмент для перевірки інтернет-посилань та обслуговування веб-сайту
links (2.28-1 b2)
Web browser running in text mode
links2 (2.28-1 b2)
Веб-оглядач, що працює в графічному і текстовому режимах
litmus (0.13-5)
WebDAV server test suite
livescript (1.6.1 dfsg-3)
language which compiles to JavaScript
llgal (0.13.19-1.1)
Генератор онлайн-галереї з командного рядка
logstalgia (1.1.4-1)
web server access log visualizer
logswan (2.1.12-1 b1)
fast Web log analyzer using probabilistic data structures
luakit (1:2.3.3-1)
fast and small web browser extensible by Lua
lynx (2.9.0dev.12-1)
класичний неграфічний (текстовий) вебоглядач
lynx-common (2.9.0dev.12-1)
shared files for lynx package
lz4json (2-2)
unpack lz4json files, usually generated by Mozilla programs
mailman3-web (0 20200530-2.1)
Django project integrating Mailman3 Postorius and HyperKitty
mailto (1.3.2-3.1 b1 [amd64], 1.3.2-3.1 [arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x])
WWW Forms to Mail Gateway
mapcache-cgi (1.14.0-1)
tile caching server - CGI binary
mapproxy (1.15.1-2)
open source proxy for geospatial data
markdown (1.0.1-12)
Засіб для конвертування тексту в HTML
mediawiki (1:1.39.10-1~deb12u1)
Веб-сайт-рушій для спільної роботи
mediawiki-classes (1:1.39.10-1~deb12u1)
website engine for collaborative work - standalone classes
mediawiki-extension-codemirror (4.0.0~git20221204.b897975-1)
Syntax highlighting in MediaWiki's wikitext editor
mediawiki-extension-youtube (1.9.3~git20221020.e005c0b-1)
Embed YouTube and other videos into MediaWiki pages
mediawiki-skin-greystuff (1.2.5~git20220922.60bda8c-2)
fixed-width grey skin for MediaWiki
memcached (1.6.18-1)
High-performance in-memory object caching system
merecat (2.31 git20220513 ds-4.1)
Embedded web server
mirmon (2.11-7)
monitor the state of mirrors
mocha (10.1.0 ds1 ~cs29.3.1-1)
simple, flexible, fun test framework - Node.js module
mod-musicindex-common (1.4.1-3.1)
Common files for mod-musicindex
mono-apache-server4 (4.2-2.4)
ASP.NET 4.5 backend for mod_mono Apache module
mono-fastcgi-server4 (4.2-2.4)
ASP.NET 4.0 backend for FastCGI webservers
mono-fpm-server (4.2-2.4)
ASP.NET backend for FastCGI Process Manager
mono-xsp4 (4.2-2.4)
simple web server to run ASP.NET 4.0 applications
mono-xsp4-base (4.2-2.4)
base libraries for XSP 4.0
mp4h (1.3.1-17 b1 [amd64], 1.3.1-17 [arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x])
Macro processor for HTML documents
multiwatch (1.0.0-rc1 really1.0.0-1 b1)
Forks and watches multiple instances of a program
nanoc (4.12.14-3)
static site generator written in Ruby
netrik (1.16.1-2 b2)
text mode WWW browser with vi like keybindings
netsurf-common (3.10-1)
small web browser with CSS support common files
netsurf-fb (3.10-1 b3)
small web browser with CSS support for framebuffers
netsurf-gtk (3.10-1 b3)
small web browser with CSS support for GTK
nginx-confgen (2.1-1)
nginx configuration file macro language and preprocessor
node-decko (1.2.0-3)
useful Javascript decorators
node-is-path-in-cwd (3.0.0-2)
Check if a path is in the current working directory
node-leaflet (1.7.1~dfsg-7)
mobile-friendly interactive maps - Node.js library
node-websocket-stream (5.4.0-5)
use websockets with the node streams API in browser and node
nodejs (18.19.0 dfsg-6~deb12u2)
evented I/O for V8 javascript - runtime executable
nodeunit (0.11.3 ds-4)
Unit test framework for Node.js and the browser
novnc (1:1.3.0-1)
HTML5 VNC client - daemon and programs
npm (9.2.0~ds1-1)
package manager for Node.js
ntpstat ( b1 [amd64], [arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x])
показує стан протоколу мережевого часу (ntp)
nurpawiki (1.2.4-2 b10 [amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, ppc64el, s390x], 1.2.4-2 b7 [armel, mips64el, mipsel])
Wiki with integrated to-do list and scheduler
ocsinventory-reports (2.8.1 dfsg1 ~2.11.1-1)
Hardware and software inventory tool (Administration Console)
ocsinventory-server (2.8.1 dfsg1 ~2.11.1-1)
Hardware and software inventory tool (Communication Server)
openapi-specification (3.1.0-1)
community-driven open specification within the OpenAPI Initiative
openstack-debian-images (1.73)
script to build a Debian image for OpenStack
openstack-debian-images-build-farm (1.73)
script to build a Debian image for OpenStack
openstack-debian-images-updater (1.73)
script to build a Debian image for OpenStack
otrs2 (6.5.1-1) [non-free]
Open Ticket Request System Znuny
parser3 (3.4.6-3)
Parser 3 — вбудована у HTML мова сценаріїв (збірний пакунок)
parser3-cgi (3.4.6-3 b1)
Parser 3, HTML-embedded scripting language (CGI binary)
parser3-common (3.4.6-3)
Common files for packages built from the Parser 3 source
parser3-mysql (10.8-3)
MySQL driver for Parser 3
pdf.js-common (2.14.305 dfsg-2)
Portable Document Format (PDF) viewer - common files
pelican (4.8.0 dfsg-1)
blog aware, static website generator
perlbal (1.80-4)
Perl-based reverse proxy load balancer and web server
pgn2web (0.4-3.1 b2)
convert PGN chess game files into webpages
php-geos (1.0.0-7 b1)
GEOS bindings for PHP
php-http-all-dev (4.2.3-3.1)
PECL HTTP module for PHP Extended HTTP Support
php-luasandbox (4.1.0-1 b1)
PHP extension that provides a sandboxed Lua environment
php-solr (2.6.0 2.4.0-3)
PHP extension for communicating with Apache Solr server
virtual package provided by php8.2-solr
php-stomp (2.0.3-2)
Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol (STOMP) client module for PHP
virtual package provided by php8.2-stomp
php-stomp-all-dev (2.0.3-2)
Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol (STOMP) client module for PHP
php8.2-http (4.2.3-3.1)
PECL HTTP module for PHP Extended HTTP Support
php8.2-stomp (2.0.3-2)
Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol (STOMP) client module for PHP
phpliteadmin (
web-based SQLite database admin tool
phpliteadmin-themes (
web-based SQLite database admin tool - themes
phpmyadmin (4:5.2.1 dfsg-1)
Веб-інструмент адміністрування MySQL
phpqrcode (1.1.4-3.1)
PHP library for generating two-dimensional barcodes
phpsysinfo (3.4.2-3)
PHP based host information
phpwebcounter (1.0-5.1)
simple and light web hit counter
phpwebcounter-extra (20071108-4.1)
extra graphical numbers to PHP Web Counter
piperka-client (0.2.2-1 b1 [amd64, arm64, i386, mipsel], 0.2.2-1 [armhf, mips64el])
Mobile oriented web comics reader client
pixelmed-www (20220618 dfsg-1)
DICOM implementation containing Image Viewer and a ECG Viewer - web
planetfilter (0.10.0-3)
filter for blog aggregators
pnopaste (1.8-3)
Pastebin with syntax highlighting
pnopaste-cli (1.8-3)
Pastebin with syntax highlighting (cli tool)
poolcounter (1.1.3-2 b1)
network daemon which provides mutex-like functionality
poppass-cgi (3-6.1)
CGI script to interact with a poppassd server
prewikka (5.2.0-2)
Security Information and Events Management System [ Web Interface ]
privoxy (3.0.34-1)
HTTP-проксі з розширеними налаштуваннями конфіденційності
proxytrack (3.49.4-1)
Build HTTP Caches using archived websites copied by HTTrack
puf (1.0.0-7 b2)
Parallel URL fetcher
pwget (2016.1019 git75c6e3e-8)
downloader utility which resembles wget (implemented in Perl)
pycsw (2.6.1 dfsg-2) [non-free]
OGC compliant metadata (Catalogue Service for the Web) server
pycsw-wsgi (2.6.1 dfsg-2) [non-free]
WSGI Apache CSW service based on pycsw
pysassc (0.22.0-1)
SASS for Python: command line utility for libsass
python3-harmony (0.7.1-1)
program and library for creating and managing Discord accounts
python3-httpbin (0.7.0 dfsg-5)
HTTP request and response service (Python 3 package)
python3-librecaptcha (0.7.3-1)
program and library for solving reCAPTCHA challenges
python3-searx (1.1.0 dfsg1-1)
Privacy-respecting metasearch engine - library package
python3-wikkid (0.4-1)
VCS-backed wiki
pywps (4.5.2-2)
Implementation of OGC's Web Processing Service
pywps-wsgi (4.5.2-2)
Implementation of OGC's Web Processing Service - WSGI example
quiterss (0.19.4 dfsg-1)
RSS/Atom news feeds reader
qutebrowser (2.5.3-1)
Keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQt5
qutebrowser-qtwebengine (2.5.3-1)
QtWebEngine backend dependency package for qutebrowser
qutebrowser-qtwebkit (2.5.3-1)
QtWebKit backend dependency package for qutebrowser
radicale (3.1.8-2)
simple calendar and addressbook server - daemon
redmine (5.0.4-5 deb12u1)
flexible project management web application
redmine-mysql (5.0.4-5 deb12u1)
metapackage providing MySQL dependencies for Redmine
redmine-pgsql (5.0.4-5 deb12u1)
metapackage providing PostgreSQL dependencies for Redmine
redmine-plugin-custom-css (0.1.7 dfsg-1.1)
Redmine plugin to add custom CSS editable through web interface
redmine-plugin-redhopper (2.0.0-2)
Kanban boards for Redmine, inspired by Jira Agile
redmine-sqlite (5.0.4-5 deb12u1)
metapackage providing sqlite dependencies for Redmine
restfuldb (0.16.0 dfsg-1)
Web frontend for relational databases
rmagic (2.21-5.1)
Report Magic for Analog
roundcube (1.6.5 dfsg-1 deb12u4)
skinnable AJAX based webmail solution for IMAP servers - metapackage
roundcube-core (1.6.5 dfsg-1 deb12u4)
skinnable AJAX based webmail solution for IMAP servers
roundcube-mysql (1.6.5 dfsg-1 deb12u4)
metapackage providing MySQL dependencies for RoundCube
roundcube-pgsql (1.6.5 dfsg-1 deb12u4)
metapackage providing PostgreSQL dependencies for RoundCube
roundcube-plugins (1.6.5 dfsg-1 deb12u4)
skinnable AJAX based webmail solution for IMAP servers - plugins
roundcube-plugins-extra (1.4.10 1-4)
skinnable AJAX based webmail solution - extra plugins
roundcube-skin-classic (1.6.0 ds-2)
skinnable AJAX based webmail solution for IMAP servers - classic theme
roundcube-skin-larry (1.6.0 ds-2)
skinnable AJAX based webmail solution for IMAP servers - Larry theme
roundcube-sqlite3 (1.6.5 dfsg-1 deb12u4)
metapackage providing SQLite dependencies for RoundCube
rsass (0.27.0-2)
sass implementation in pure rust - CLI tool
rss-bridge (2022-01-20 dfsg1-1)
web service generating ATOM feeds for websites that don't have them
rtmpdump (2.4 20151223.gitfa8646d.1-2 b2)
small dumper for media content streamed over the RTMP protocol
ruby-sass (3.7.4-5)
deprecated CSS compiler - use sassc or ruby-sassc instead
samizdat (0.7.1-3)
Web collaboration and open publishing engine
sarg (2.4.0-3)
Генератор звітів про роботу squid
sass-stylesheets-bourbon (7.2.0-1)
lightweight Sass tool set
sass-stylesheets-bulma (0.9.4~ds-1)
Sass and CSS framework using flexbox
sass-stylesheets-compass (0.12.12-1)
mixins for Sass derived from Compass (deprecated)
sass-stylesheets-gutenberg (0.6.1-3)
mixins for Sass for print-optimized styling
sass-stylesheets-neat (4.0.0-2)
lightweight and flexible Sass grid
sass-stylesheets-purecss (2.1.0-1)
set of small, responsive Sass and CSS modules
sass-stylesheets-sass-extras (1.0.0~ds-2)
useful utilities for working with Sass
sass-stylesheets-typey (1.1.2-2)
framework for working with typography in sass
sassc (3.6.1 20201027-2 b1)
C/C port of the Sass CSS precompiler - command-line tool
sbox-dtc (1.11.7-1.1)
CGI chroot wrapper script for safer hosting environment
searx (1.1.0 dfsg1-1)
Privacy-respecting metasearch engine
selektor (3.13.73-1)
Tor exit node selector and traffic router
shaarli (0.12.1 dfsg-8)
Особистий, мінімалістичний, надшвидкий і безбазовий сервіс для закладок
shellinabox (2.21 b2 [amd64], 2.21 b1 [arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x])
publish command line shell through AJAX interface
shibboleth-sp-utils (3.4.1 dfsg-2)
Federated web single sign-on system (daemon and utilities)
siege (4.0.7-1 b1)
Утиліта для регресивного тестування та аналізу продуктивності HTTP
simplesamlphp (1.19.7-1 deb12u1) [security]
Authentication and federation application supporting several protocols
simplyhtml (0.17.3 dfsg1-1)
Java word processor based on HTML and CSS
sitecopy (1:0.16.6-10 b1)
program for managing a WWW site via FTP, SFTP, DAV or HTTP
smarty-gettext (1.7.0-1)
Gettext plugin enabling internationalization in Smarty
smarty-lexer (3.1.33 dfsg-1)
Smarty Lexer/Parser generator
smarty-validate (3.0.3-4)
Server-side form validation plugin for Smarty
smarty3 (3.1.47-2 deb12u1) [security]
Smarty - the compiling PHP template engine
smarty4 (4.3.0-1 deb12u2) [security]
Smarty - the compiling PHP template engine
sniproxy (0.6.0-2.1)
Transparent TLS and HTTP layer 4 proxy with SNI support
spawn-fcgi (1.6.4-2)
FastCGI process spawner
spice-html5 (0.3.0-2)
Spice Web client which runs entirely within a modern browser
sputnik (12.06.27-3)
Extensible wiki
sql-ledger (3.2.6-1)
Web based double-entry accounting program
squid (5.7-2 deb12u2)
Full featured Web Proxy cache (HTTP proxy GnuTLS flavour)
squid-cgi (5.7-2 deb12u2)
Full featured Web Proxy cache (HTTP proxy) - control CGI
squid-common (5.7-2 deb12u2)
Full featured Web Proxy cache (HTTP proxy) - common files
squid-openssl (5.7-2 deb12u2)
Full featured Web Proxy cache (HTTP proxy OpenSSL flavour)
squid-purge (5.7-2 deb12u2)
Full featured Web Proxy cache (HTTP proxy) - cache management utility
squidclient (5.7-2 deb12u2)
Full featured Web Proxy cache (HTTP proxy) - HTTP(S) message utility
squidguard (1.6.0-4)
filter and redirector plugin for Squid
squidtaild (2.1a6-6.2)
Squid log monitoring program
staticsite (2.3-1)
Static site generator
surf (2.1 git20221016-4)
Simple web browser by suckless community
surfraw (2.3.0-2)
fast unix command line interface to WWW
surfraw-extra (2.3.0-2)
extra surfraw search tools with heavy dependencies
swish (
semantic web toolkit - tools
swish (6.1.5-6)
Проста система індексування документів (версія на С )
swish-e (2.4.7-6.1 b2)
Simple Web Indexing System for Humans - Enhanced
swish-e-dev (2.4.7-6.1 b2)
Simple Web Indexing System for Humans - Enhanced
td2planet (0.3.0-5)
Ruby-based server-side blog aggregator
tdiary (5.2.3-2)
Metapackages of tDiary
tdiary-contrib (5.2.3-1)
Plugins of tDiary to add functionalities
tdiary-core (5.2.3-2)
Communication-friendly weblog system
tdiary-mode (5.2.3-1)
tDiary editing mode for Emacsen
tdiary-theme (5.2.3-1)
Themes of tDiary to change the design
themole (0.3-3.1)
automatic SQL injection exploitation tool
thin (1.8.1-2)
Швидкий і дуже простий веб-сервер Ruby-застосунків
tidy (2:5.6.0-11)
HTML/XML syntax checker and reformatter
tightvnc-java (1.3.10-4)
TightVNC java applet and command line program
tinyows (1.2.0-2) [non-free]
lightweight and fast WFS-T server
tinyproxy (1.11.1-2.1 deb12u1)
Lightweight, non-caching, optionally anonymizing HTTP proxy
tinyproxy-bin (1.11.1-2.1 deb12u1)
Lightweight, non-caching, optionally anonymizing HTTP proxy (executable only)
tirex-example-map (0.7.0-3)
Tirex example map data and configuration
toot (0.34.1-1)
mastodon cli client
trafficserver (9.2.5 ds-0 deb12u1)
fast, scalable and extensible HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2.0 caching proxy server
trafficserver-dev (9.2.5 ds-0 deb12u1)
Apache Traffic Server Software Developers Kit (SDK)
trafficserver-experimental-plugins (9.2.5 ds-0 deb12u1)
experimental plugins for Apache Traffic Server
trojan (1.16.0-1 b3)
fast and lightweight proxy that helps you bypass firewalls
tryton-sao (6.0.28 ds1-2)
Tryton application platform - web client
tsmarty2c (1.7.0-1)
Smarty Gettext's translation string ripper
tt-rss (21~git20210204.b4cbc79 dfsg-1.2)
Tiny Tiny RSS - web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) aggregator
uap-core (1:0.16.0-1)
User Agent Parser core - collection of regular expressions
urlwatch (2.25-1)
monitors webpages for you
usemod-wiki (1.2.1-2)
Perl-based Wiki clone
uwsgi (2.0.21-5.1)
fast, self-healing application container server
uwsgi-app-integration-plugins (2.0.21-5.1)
plugins for integration of uWSGI and application
uwsgi-core (2.0.21-5.1)
fast, self-healing application container server (core)
uwsgi-emperor (2.0.21-5.1)
fast, self-healing application container server (emperor scripts)
uwsgi-extra (2.0.21-5.1)
fast, self-healing application container server (extra files)
uwsgi-infrastructure-plugins (2.0.21-5.1)
infrastructure plugins for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-alarm-curl (2.0.21-5.1)
cURL alarm plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-alarm-xmpp (2.0.21-5.1)
XMPP alarm plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-asyncio-python3 (2.0.21-5.1)
asyncio plugin for uWSGI (Python 3)
uwsgi-plugin-curl-cron (2.0.21-5.1)
cron cURL plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-emperor-pg (2.0.21-5.1)
Emperor PostgreSQL plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-fiber (2.0.21-5.1)
Fiber plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-gccgo (2.0.21-5.1)
GNU Go plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-geoip (2.0.21-5.1)
GeoIP plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-glusterfs (2.0.21-5.1)
GlusterFS storage plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-graylog2 (2.0.21-5.1)
graylog2 plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-ldap (2.0.21-5.1)
LDAP plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-lua5.1 (2.0.21-5.1)
Lua WSAPI plugin for uWSGI (Lua 5.1)
uwsgi-plugin-lua5.2 (2.0.21-5.1)
Lua WSAPI plugin for uWSGI (Lua 5.2)
uwsgi-plugin-mono (2.0.21-5.1)
Mono/ASP.NET plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-php (2.0.21 4 0.0.15)
PHP plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-psgi (2.0.21-5.1)
Perl PSGI plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-python3 (2.0.21-5.1)
WSGI plugin for uWSGI (Python 3)
uwsgi-plugin-rados (2.0.21-5.1)
Ceph/RADOS storage plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-rbthreads (2.0.21-5.1)
Ruby native threads plugin for uWSGI (ruby3.1)
uwsgi-plugin-router-access (2.0.21-5.1)
Access router plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-sqlite3 (2.0.21-5.1)
SQLite 3 configurations plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugin-xslt (2.0.21-5.1)
XSLT request plugin for uWSGI
uwsgi-plugins-all (2.0.21-5.1)
all available plugins for uWSGI
varnish (7.1.1-1.1)
state of the art, high-performance web accelerator
varnish-modules (0.20.0-2)
Varnish module collection
varnish-re2 (2.0.0-2)
RE2 regular expressions for Varnish
varnish-redis (15.1-1)
access Redis servers from VCL
varnish-selector (2.6.0-3)
match strings with backends, regexen and other strings
varnish-vmod-digest (6.4 20220108-1)
Varnish digest module
w3c-markup-validator (1.3 dfsg-4)
W3C Markup Validator
w3cam (0.7.2-6.3)
a simple CGI to retrieve images from video4linux device
w3m (0.5.3 git20230121-2)
WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/frames support
w3m-img (0.5.3 git20230121-2)
inline image extension support utilities for w3m
wap-wml-tools (0.0.4-7 b1) [non-free]
Wireless Markup Language development and test tools
wapua (0.06.4-1)
Web browser for WAP WML pages
wbox (5-4)
HTTP testing tool and configuration-less HTTP server
webalizer (2.23.08-3.3)
web server log analysis program
webdeploy (1.0-2.1)
Deploy files using FTP
webdis (0.1.9 dfsg-1.1)
simple web server providing an HTTP interface to Redis
webdruid (0.5.4-16)
Web server log file analysis tool
webext-browserpass (3.7.2-1 b10)
web extension for the password manager pass
webext-bulk-media-downloader (0.2.1-3.1)
Cross-browser extension to detect and download media resources
webext-debianbuttons (2.3-2)
Buttons for querying Debian-related pages with Firefox
webext-form-history-control (
extension to manage form history
webext-foxyproxy (7.5.1 dfsg-3)
Advanced proxy management for Firefox
webext-keepassxc-browser (1.8.4 repack1-7)
Web browser extension to organize web site credentials in KeePassXC
webext-lightbeam (3.0.1-1)
visualize sites that may be tracking you around the internet
webext-privacy-badger (2020.10.7-1)
Privacy Badger automatically learns to block invisible trackers
webext-proxy-switcher (0.3.9-1.1)
Modify Proxy Settings for your Browser
webext-treestyletab (3.5.20-1)
Show browser tabs like a tree
webext-ublock-origin-chromium (1.46.0 dfsg-1)
lightweight and efficient ads, malware, trackers blocker (Chromium)
webext-ublock-origin-firefox (1.46.0 dfsg-1)
lightweight and efficient ads, malware, trackers blocker (Firefox)
webhttrack (3.49.4-1)
Copy websites to your computer, httrack with a Web interface
webhttrack-common (3.49.4-1)
webhttrack common files
webkit2gtk-driver (2.46.4-1~deb12u1 [amd64, arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mips64el, ppc64el, s390x], 2.42.2-1~deb12u1 [mipsel]) [security]
WebKitGTK WebDriver support
websocketd (0.4.1-1 b11)
Turn any program that uses STDIN/STDOUT into a WebSocket server
weevely (4.0.1-2)
Stealth tiny web shell
wget (1.21.3-1 b2 [amd64], 1.21.3-1 b1 [arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x])
Отримання файлів з Інтернет
wget2 (1.99.1-2.2)
file and recursive website downloader
wims-help (4.01-5)
help files for wims
wims-lti (
gateway server that links LMSs to WIMS servers, using LTI
window-size (1.1.1 ~1.1.0-1)
get the height and width of the terminal
wmf (1.0.5-8.1)
Web Mail Folder
wml (2.32.0~ds1-1)
off-line HTML generation toolkit
wordpress (6.1.6 dfsg1-0 deb12u1)
Менеджер веб-блогу
wordpress-plugin-http-authentication (4.6-2)
weblog manager (HTTP Authentication Plugin)
wordpress-theme-twentytwentyone (6.1.6 dfsg1-0 deb12u1)
weblog manager - twentytwentyone theme files
wordpress-theme-twentytwentythree (6.1.6 dfsg1-0 deb12u1)
weblog manager - twentytwentythree theme files
wordpress-theme-twentytwentytwo (6.1.6 dfsg1-0 deb12u1)
weblog manager - twentytwentytwo theme files
wpewebkit-driver (2.38.6-1)
WPE WebKit WebDriver support
wput (0.6.2 git20130413-11)
tiny wget-like ftp-client for uploading files
wrk (4.1.0-3 b2 [amd64, arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mipsel], 4.1.0-3 b1 [mips64el])
HTTP benchmarking tool
wwwconfig-common (
Авто-налаштування для веб у Debian
xapian-omega (1.4.22-1)
CGI search interface and indexers using Xapian
xul-ext-debianbuttons (2.3-2)
Buttons for Firefox - Transitional package
xul-ext-treestyletab (3.5.20-1)
Show browser tabs like a tree - transitional package
yaws-chat (2.1.1 dfsg-2)
Chat application for Yaws webserver
yaws-mail (2.1.1 dfsg-2)
Webmail application for Yaws webserver
yaws-wiki (2.1.1 dfsg-2)
Wiki application for Yaws webserver
yaws-yapp (2.1.1 dfsg-2)
Provides an easy way to deploy applications for Yaws webserver
youtube-dl (2021.12.17-2)
download videos from YouTube and other sites (transitional package)
youtubedl-gui (3.0-2)
GUI on yt-dlp (ie, youtube-dl) to download videos from a variety of sites
yrmcds (1.1.9-1 b2 [amd64], 1.1.9-1 b1 [arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x])
memcached compatible KVS with master/slave replication
yt-dlp (2023.03.04-1)
downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites
ytcc (2.6.1-1)
YouTube channel checker
ytfzf (2.5.4-1)
script to find and watch youtube videos from the terminal
zoph (1.0.1-3)
Web based digital image presentation and management system