Paquets logiciels dans « experimental », Sous-section php

libphp8.3-embed (8.3.4-1) [debports]
HTML-embedded scripting language (Embedded SAPI library)
php-algo26-idna-convert (4.0.2-2)
pure PHP IDNA converter
php-doctrine-persistence (4.0.0-1)
Doctrine Persistence abstractions
php-getid3 (2.0.0~beta6+dfsg-1)
scripts to extract information from multimedia files
php-google-protobuf (3.25.4-1)
PHP bindings for protocol buffers
php-imap (3:1.0.2-3~exp1)
This package provides the IMAP module(s) for PHP
paquet virtuel fourni par php8.3-imap, php8.4-imap
php-imap-all-dev (3:1.0.2-3~exp1)
This package provides the IMAP module(s) for PHP
php-parsedown (2.0.0~beta-1-2)
Parser for Markdown
php-pcov (1.0.11-7)
Code coverage driver
paquet virtuel fourni par php8.2-pcov
php-pcov-all-dev (1.0.11-7)
Code coverage driver
php-pda-pheanstalk (6.0.0-1)
client en PHP pour la file d’attente beanstalkd
php-predis (3.0.0~alpha1-1)
A flexible and feature-complete Redis client for PHP
php-pspell (3:1.0.1-3~exp1)
This package provides the pspell module(s) for PHP
paquet virtuel fourni par php8.3-pspell, php8.4-pspell
php-pspell-all-dev (3:1.0.1-3~exp1)
This package provides the pspell module(s) for PHP
php-psr-container (2.0.2-1)
interface de conteneur commune – PHP FIG PSR-11
php-psr-http-message (2.0-1)
Common interface for HTTP messages
php-sabre-event (3.0.0-1)
lightweight library for event-based development
php-sabre-vobject (4.1.0-1)
library to parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard objects
php-symfony (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
set of reusable components and framework for web projects
php-symfony-all-my-sms-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony AllMySms Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-amazon-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Amazon Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-amazon-sns-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Amazon SNS Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-amazon-sqs-messenger (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Amazon SQS extension Messenger Bridge
php-symfony-amqp-messenger (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony AMQP extension Messenger Bridge
php-symfony-asset (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
gestion des URL de ressources
php-symfony-asset-mapper (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
maps directories of asset and makes them available in a public directory
php-symfony-azure-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Microsoft Azure Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-bandwidth-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Bandwidth Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-beanstalkd-messenger (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Beanstalkd Messenger Bridge
php-symfony-bluesky-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Bluesky Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-brevo-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Brevo Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-brevo-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Brevo Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-browser-kit (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
simulate the behavior of a web browser
php-symfony-cache (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
provides extended PSR-6, PSR-16 (and tags) implementations
php-symfony-chatwork-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Provides Chatwork integration for Symfony Notifier
php-symfony-click-send-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony ClickSend Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-clickatell-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
pont de notification vers Clickatell de Symfony
php-symfony-clock (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Decouples applications from the system clock
php-symfony-config (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
chargement de configurations à partir de sources de données différentes
php-symfony-console (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
run tasks from the command line
php-symfony-contact-everyone-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Contact Everyone Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-crowdin-translation-provider (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Crowdin Translation Provider Bridge
php-symfony-css-selector (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
convert CSS selectors to XPath expressions
php-symfony-debug-bundle (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
debugging tools for the Symfony framework
php-symfony-dependency-injection (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
standardisation et centralisation de construction d’objets
php-symfony-discord-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Discord Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-doctrine-bridge (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
intégration de Doctrine avec divers composants de Symfony
php-symfony-doctrine-messenger (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Doctrine Messenger Bridge
php-symfony-dom-crawler (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
ease DOM navigation for HTML and XML documents
php-symfony-dotenv (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
.env files parser to make environment variables accessible
php-symfony-emoji (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
provide emoji characters and sequences
php-symfony-engagespot-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Engagespot Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-error-handler (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
manage errors and ease debugging
php-symfony-esendex-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Esendex Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-event-dispatcher (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
dispatch events and listen to them
php-symfony-expo-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Expo Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-expression-language (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
compile and evaluate expressions
php-symfony-fake-chat-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Fake Chat (as email or log during development) Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-fake-sms-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Fake SMS (as email or log during development) Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-filesystem (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
basic filesystem utilities
php-symfony-finder (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
find files and directories
php-symfony-firebase-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Firebase Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-form (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
create HTML forms and process request data
php-symfony-forty-six-elks-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony 46elks Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-framework-bundle (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
cadriciel MVC basique, robuste et flexible
php-symfony-free-mobile-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Free Mobile Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-gateway-api-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony GatewayApi Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-go-ip-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony GoIP Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-google-chat-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
pont pour Symphony pour Google Chat Notifier
php-symfony-google-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
pont de Google pour Mailer de Symphony
php-symfony-html-sanitizer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Provides an object-oriented API to sanitize untrusted HTML input for safe
php-symfony-http-client (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
méthodes pour obtenir des ressources HTTP de manière synchrone ou asynchrone
php-symfony-http-foundation (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
couche orientée objet pour la spécification HTTP
php-symfony-http-kernel (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
construction de blocs pour des cadriciels flexibles et rapides basés sur HTTP
php-symfony-infobip-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Infobip Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-infobip-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Infobip Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-intl (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
limited replacement layer for the PHP extension intl
php-symfony-iqsms-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
pont de notification Iqsms de Symfony
php-symfony-isendpro-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony iSendPro Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-joli-notif-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony JoliNotif Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-kaz-info-teh-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony KazInfoTeh Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-ldap (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
abstraction layer for the PHP LDAP module
php-symfony-light-sms-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony LightSms Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-line-bot-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Provides LINE Bot (Push Message) integration for Symfony Notifier
php-symfony-line-notify-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Provides LINE Notify integration for Symfony Notifier
php-symfony-linked-in-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony LinkedIn Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-lock (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
création et gestion de verrous
php-symfony-loco-translation-provider (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Loco Translation Provider Bridge
php-symfony-lokalise-translation-provider (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Lokalise Translation Provider Bridge
php-symfony-lox24-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony LOX24 Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-mail-pace-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony MailPace Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-mailchimp-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
pont Mailchimp Mailer pour Symfony
php-symfony-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
help sending emails
php-symfony-mailer-send-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony MailerSend Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-mailgun-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Mailgun Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-mailjet-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Mailjet Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-mailjet-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Mailjet Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-mailomat-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Mailomat Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-mailtrap-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Mailtrap Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-mastodon-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Mastodon Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-mattermost-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Mattermost Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-mercure-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Mercure Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-message-bird-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony MessageBird Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-message-media-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
MessageMedia Notifier Bridge de Symfony
php-symfony-messenger (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
envoi et réception de messages
php-symfony-microsoft-teams-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Microsoft Teams Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-mime (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
library to manipulate MIME messages
php-symfony-mobyt-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Mobyt Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-monolog-bridge (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
integration for Monolog with Symfony Components
php-symfony-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
envoie des notifications à l’aide d’un ou plusieurs canaux (courriel, SMS…)
php-symfony-novu-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Provides Novu integration for Symfony Notifier
php-symfony-ntfy-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
pont de notification vers Notifier de Symfony
php-symfony-octopush-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
pont de notifications Octopush de Symphony
php-symfony-one-signal-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony OneSignal Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-options-resolver (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
configure objects with option arrays
php-symfony-orange-sms-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Orange Sms Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-ovh-cloud-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony OvhCloud Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-pager-duty-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony PagerDuty Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-password-hasher (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
password hashing utilities - Symfony Component
php-symfony-phpunit-bridge (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
integration for PHPUnit with Symfony Components
php-symfony-phrase-translation-provider (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Phrase Translation Provider Bridge
php-symfony-plivo-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Plivo Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-postal-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Postal Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-postmark-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Postmark Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-primotexto-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Primotexto Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-process (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
execute commands in sub-processes
php-symfony-property-access (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
read from and write to an object or array
php-symfony-property-info (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
extract information about properties of PHP classes
php-symfony-psr-http-message-bridge (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
integration for PSR HTTP message with Symfony Components
php-symfony-pushover-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Pushover Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-pushy-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Pushy Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-rate-limiter (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
rate limit input and output in applications
php-symfony-redis-messenger (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Redis extension Messenger Bridge
php-symfony-redlink-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Redlink Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-remote-event (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Eases handling remote events
php-symfony-resend-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Resend Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-ring-central-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony RingCentral Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-rocket-chat-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony RocketChat Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-routing (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
association d’une requête avec du code qui génère une réponse
php-symfony-runtime (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
découplage d’applications PHP de l’état global
php-symfony-scaleway-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Scaleway Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-scheduler (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Provides scheduling through Symfony Messenger
php-symfony-security-bundle (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
système configurable de sécurité pour le cadriciel Symfony
php-symfony-security-core (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
infrastructure for authorization systems - common features
php-symfony-security-csrf (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
infrastructure for authorization systems - CSRF protection
php-symfony-security-http (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
infrastructure for authorization systems - HTTP integration
php-symfony-semaphore (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
accès exclusif à des ressources partagées
php-symfony-sendberry-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Sendberry Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-sendgrid-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Sendgrid Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-serializer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
conversion d’objets PHP dans des formats particuliers, et vice versa
php-symfony-sevenio-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-simple-textin-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony SimpleTextin Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-sinch-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Sinch Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-sipgate-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Sipgate Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-slack-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Slack Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-sms-biuras-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony SmsBiuras Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-sms-factor-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony SMSFactor Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-sms-sluzba-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-sms77-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony sms77 Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-smsapi-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Smsapi Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-smsbox-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Smsbox Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-smsc-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony SMSC Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-smsense-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony SMSense Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-smsmode-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Smsmode Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-spot-hit-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
pont pour le notificateur de Symphony pour Spot-Hit
php-symfony-stopwatch (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
profilage du code PHP
php-symfony-string (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
API orientée objet pour travailler avec des chaines
php-symfony-sweego-mailer (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Sweego Mailer Bridge
php-symfony-sweego-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Sweego Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-telegram-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
pont Telegram Notifier de Symfony
php-symfony-telnyx-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Telnyx Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-termii-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Termii Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-translation (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
outils d’internationalisation d’une application
php-symfony-turbo-sms-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony TurboSms Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-twig-bridge (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
integration for Twig with Symfony Components
php-symfony-twig-bundle (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
configurable integration of Twig with the Symfony framework
php-symfony-twilio-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Twilio Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-twitter-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Twitter Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-type-info (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
extract PHP types information
php-symfony-uid (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
object-oriented API to generate and represent UIDs
php-symfony-unifonic-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Unifonic Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-validator (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
outils de validation de valeurs
php-symfony-var-dumper (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
mechanisms for walking through any arbitrary PHP variable
php-symfony-var-exporter (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
export serializable PHP data structure to plain PHP code
php-symfony-vonage-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Vonage Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-web-link (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
manage links between resources
php-symfony-web-profiler-bundle (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
collecte d’informations de requêtes pour l’analyse et le débogage
php-symfony-webhook (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Eases sending and consuming webhooks
php-symfony-workflow (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
manage a workflow or finite state machine
php-symfony-yaml (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
conversion de YAML en tableaux PHP et d’autres manières semblables
php-symfony-yunpian-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Yunpian Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-zendesk-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
Symfony Zendesk Notifier Bridge
php-symfony-zulip-notifier (7.2.2+dfsg-1)
pont Zulip Notifier pour Symfony
php-thrift (0.20.0-1+b2)
PHP language support for Thrift
php8.2-pcov (1.0.11-7)
Code coverage driver
php8.3-bcmath (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module Bcmath pour PHP
php8.3-bz2 (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module bzip2 pour PHP
php8.3-cgi (8.3.4-1) [debports]
server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (CGI binary)
php8.3-cli (8.3.4-1) [debports]
command-line interpreter for the PHP scripting language
php8.3-common (8.3.4-1) [debports]
documentation, exemples et module commun pour PHP
php8.3-curl (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module CURL pour PHP
php8.3-dba (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module DBA pour PHP
php8.3-dev (8.3.4-1) [debports]
Files for PHP8.3 module development
php8.3-enchant (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module Enchant pour PHP
php8.3-fpm (8.3.4-1) [debports]
server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary)
php8.3-gd (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module GD pour PHP
php8.3-gmp (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module GMP pour PHP
php8.3-imap (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module IMAP pour PHP
php8.3-interbase (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module Interbase pour PHP
php8.3-intl (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module Internationalisation pour PHP
php8.3-ldap (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module LDAP pour PHP
php8.3-mbstring (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module MBSTRING pour PHP
php8.3-mysql (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module MySQL pour PHP
php8.3-odbc (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module ODBC pour PHP
php8.3-opcache (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module Zend OpCache pour PHP
php8.3-pgsql (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module PostgreSQL pour PHP
php8.3-phpdbg (8.3.4-1) [debports]
server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (PHPDBG binary)
php8.3-pspell (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module pspell pour PHP
php8.3-readline (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module readline pour PHP
php8.3-snmp (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module SNMP pour PHP
php8.3-soap (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module SOAP pour PHP
php8.3-sqlite3 (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module SQLite3 pour PHP
php8.3-sybase (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module Sybase pour PHP
php8.3-tidy (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module tidy pour PHP
php8.3-xml (8.3.4-1) [debports]
modules DOM, SimpleXML, XML et XSL pour PHP
php8.3-zip (8.3.4-1) [debports]
module Zip pour PHP
php8.4-imap (3:1.0.2-3~exp1)
This package provides the IMAP module(s) for PHP
php8.4-pspell (3:1.0.1-3~exp1)
This package provides the pspell module(s) for PHP
phpcpd (7.0.0~git20230110-2)
copy and paste detector (CPD) for PHP code