OWASP Helsinki

Welcome to the OWASP Helsinki Chapter

The plan is to meet at least three to four times a year, each lasting 1,5-3 hours (more active “hands” means more meetings). This chapter is based in the capital area and therefore the meetings will be in or around Helsinki. During COVID-19 Pandemic the events will be virtual.

If you wish to present at one of the meetings or have any other inquiries, please contact the chapter leaders and shortly describe the talk. (the contact details can be found in the bottom of the page). We encourage everyone to suggest ideas for presentation topics. The talks can be either a full talk (45-60min) or a lightning talk (~15min).


The Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software. All of our projects, tools, documents, forums, and chapters are free and open to anyone interested in improving application security.

Chapters are led by local leaders in accordance with the Chapter Policy. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online donation button. To be a SPEAKER at an OWASP chapter simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP Project, independent research, or related software security topic you would like to present.

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in our Projects, Local Chapters, Events, Online Groups, and Community Slack Channel. We especially encourage diversity in all our initiatives. OWASP is a fantastic place to learn about application security, to network, and even to build your reputation as an expert. We also encourage you to be become a member or consider a donation to support our ongoing work.

Local News

  • Meeting Location
  • Everyone is welcome to join us at our chapter meetings.

Past Events

You may find more information about our past events at Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/OWASP-Helsinki-Chapter/events/past/

Chapter Meetings

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #42: Nov 30th 2021

Time: 18:00 - 19:20


18:00 Opening words and news from OWASP - Pekka Sillanpää, Chapter leader, OWASP Helsinki chapter

18:20 Threat Modeling in 2021 - Adam Shostack, President, Shostack Associates

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #41: May 11th 2021

Time: 18:00-20:30


18:00 Opening words and news from OWASP, Pekka Sillanpää, Chapter leader, OWASP Helsinki chapter

18:05 A three part talk/demo about Zed Attack Proxy, Simon Bennett, ZAP Project leader

Part 1. Intro to ZAP for people who dont know it

Part 2. How to handle modern web apps

Part 3. Intro to the Automation Framework

20:00 QA and final words

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #40: March 16th 2021

Time: 18:00-20:30


18:00 Opening words and news from OWASP, Pekka Sillanpää, Chapter leader, OWASP Helsinki chapter

18:15 Introduction to Juice Shop, Björn Kimminich, Chapter leader, OWASP German chapter

19:15 Trust considered harmful: Breaking dangerous trust relationships in modern web applications, Teo Selenius, Senior Security Specialist, Nixu Oyj

20:00 Questions and answers

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #39: Oct 22nd 2019

Time: 17:30-21:00


17:30 Welcome coffee

18:00 Opening words, Chapter leader - OWASP Helsinki

18:05 Words from the sponsor, Juho Ranta, CTO, Second Nature Security (2NS)

18:15 OWASP SAMM2 - your dynamic software security journey, Sebastien Deleersnyder, OWASP SAMM project leader, Managing partner Application Security, Toreon

19:15 Break

19:30 Scaling up threat modeling, Mikko Saario, Security Architect, KONE Corporation

20:15 Trusted Computing - beyond the TPM, Ian Oliver, Senior Security Researcher, Nokia Bell Labs

21:00-> Discussions continue with Snacks, Refreshments and Sauna sponsored by 2NS.

Please register by 21st of Sep here (Note that the seats are limited)

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #38: Sep 3rd 2019

Location: Second Nature Security (2NS), Keilaranta 1 (auditorium Ankkuri), 02150 Espoo

Time: 17:30-21:00


17:30 Welcome coffee

18:00 Opening words, Lasse Korvala, Chapter co-leader - OWASP Helsinki

18:05 Words from the sponsor, Juho Ranta, CTO - Second Nature Security (2NS)

18:15 What’s new in the ASVS 4.0, Josh Grossman, OWASP ASVS Project co-leader, Head of Security Services, AppSec Labs. ![](OWASP_Helsinki_Sep_2019_ASVS_4.0_release.pdf "File:OWASP_Helsinki_Sep_2019_ASVS_4.0_release.pdf")

19:15 Break

19:30 How to determine the security of a mobile authentication app, Petteri Ihalainen, Senior Specialist, Traficom ![](OWASP_Helsinki_MobileAuthnAppSecVerification.pdf "File:OWASP_Helsinki_MobileAuthnAppSecVerification.pdf")

20:15 If you like it then you shoulda put a TPM on it 🎵, Gabriela Limonta, Security Researcher, Nokia ![](OWASP_presentation_-_Gabriela_Limonta.pdf "File:OWASP_presentation_-_Gabriela_Limonta.pdf")

21:00 Snacks/BBQ, Refreshments, Sauna & Jacuzzi

Please register by 1st of Sep here (Note that the seats are limited).

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #37: May 21st 2019

Location: KONE, Keilasatama 5, 02150 Espoo

Time: 17:30-21:00


17:30 Welcome coffee

18:00 Opening words, Pekka Sillanpää, Chapter co-leader - OWASP Helsinki

18:05 Words from the sponsor, KONE

18:10 Blockchains; How secure are they in practice in an IoT disrupted world and making the things secure, Onur Zengin, Senior Software Security Architect, KONE

18:50 Break: Snacks & Refreshments

19:20 Traficom’s security label for IoT consumer devices - goals and challenges (tietoturvamerkki), Juhani Eronen and Saana Seppänen, Traficom

19:50 Deploying a bug bounty / test automation environment for thousands of IoT devices with Kubernetes, Pekka Sillanpää, CTO and Teemu Huhtala, Senior SW engineer, Tosibox

20:30 Networking with peers

21:00 Discussions continue in Sauna/Jacuzzi on the top of Keilaranta 1 (neighbour building) sponsored by 2NS

Please register by 13th of May here (Note that the seats are limited).

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #36: Feb 12th 2019

Location: Veikkaus, Aku Korhosen tie 2, 00440 Helsinki

Time: 17:30-21:00


17:30 Welcome coffee 

18:00 Opening words, Pekka Sillanpää, Chapter co-leader - OWASP Helsinki 

18:05 Words from the sponsor, Veikkaus 

18:10 What Every Developer and Tester Should Know About Software Security, Anne Oikarinen, Senior Security Consultant, Nixu 1

18:50 Break

19:00 Security in Agile Development, Joakim Tauren, Application Security Architect, Visma OWASP_Helsinki_-_Security_in_Agile_Development_(1).pdf

19:45 OWASP Cornucopia - a live card game session, Veikkaus volunteers DeathStarArchitecture_v0.8_DRAFT.pdf

20:15 Snacks & Refreshments 

Please register by 10th of Feb https://www.eventbrite.com/e/owasp-helsinki-chapter-meeting-36-tickets-55288270706 (Note that the seats are limited).

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #35: Nov 6th 2018

Location: Second Nature Security (2NS), Keilaranta1 (auditorium Ankkuri), 02150 Espoo

Time: 17:30-21:00


17:30 Welcome coffee

18:00 Opening words, Pekka Sillanpää, Chapter co-leader - OWASP Helsinki

18:05 Words from the sponsor, Juho Ranta, CTO - Second Nature Security (2NS)

18:15 Hunting for bounties in a web browser, Juho Nurminen, White Hat Hacker, InfoSec Specialist - 2NS ![](Nurmi_BugBounty_slides.zip "File:Nurmi_BugBounty_slides.zip")

18:45 Break

19:00 How to become a bug bounty hunter, Iiro Uusitalo, Cloud and Security Specialist - Solita

19:30 Running a successful bug bounty program, Thomas Malmberg, Partner & Owner - Hackrfi ![ a successful bug bounty program - public.pdf](Running_a_successful_bug_bounty_program_-_public.pdf "File:Running a successful bug bounty program - public.pdf")

19:50 Short break

20:00 Panel & Discussion about bug bounty with Juho, Iiro and Thomas

20:30 Snacks & Refreshments

Please register by 4th of Nov https://www.eventbrite.com/e/owasp-helsinki-chapter-meeting-35-tickets-51465932991 (Note that the seats are limited).

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #34: Jun 12th 2018

Location: Eficode, Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 25, 00100 Helsinki

Time: 17:30-21:30


17:30 Welcome coffee 

18:00 Opening words / Pekka Sillanpää, OWASP Helsinki

18:05 Words from the sponsor / Pekka Siltala-Li / Eficode

18:15 Perfectly secure API, Matti Suominen, Lead Security Consultant - Nixu

19:00 Break 

19:15 Best friends: API security & API management, Antti Virtanen, Software Architect, Solita 

20:00-21:30 Sauna, Snacks & Beverages

Please register by 10th of Jun https://www.eventbrite.com/e/owasp-helsinki-chapter-meeting-34-tickets-46690898735 (Note that the seats are limited).

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #33: Nov 14th 2017

Location: F-Secure, Tammasaarenkatu 7, 00180 Helsinki

Time: 17:30-21:00


17:30 Welcome coffee

18:00 Opening words / Pekka Sillanpää, OWASP Helsinki

18:05 Words from the sponsor

18:10 Coping with GDPR requirements in development, Kira Ahveninen-Kuha, Lead, Data Protection and Cybersecurity Law, Nixu

19:00 Break

19:15 Integrating Privacy Work in Threat Modeling and Design Review, Antti Vähä-Sipilä, Principal Security Consultant, F-Secure

20:00 Panel & Discussion – Kira and Antti debate about privacy and GDPR with the audience

20:30 OWASP Helsinki DevSecOps Hackathon: Lessons learned, Pekka Sillanpää, OWASP Helsinki

21:00-22:00 Snacks & Refreshments

Please register by 12th of Nov here (Note that the seats are limited).

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #32: Sep 27th

If you are working in a DevOps team and want to get concrete ideas on how to integrate security into your CI/CD pipeline, this hackathon is a fun opportunity to learn by doing together with others.

More information here: OWASP Helsinki DevSecOps Hackathon

In summary, we familiarize and investigate (and of cource hack with) some nice open source tools, including:

The output of this hackathon is an OWASP wiki page describing what was achieved in the hackathon, possible commits to the tools’ repositories and future plans. If there is enough interest, we might organize “part 2” for this event in Autumn.

To participate in this event, it is recommended to have at least basic programming/scripting skills (python, ruby, bash, etc) and understanding of configuration management tools (puppet, salt, ansible, etc.). If you are interested to join or have questions, please send email to [email protected] by Jul 7th 2017 and a short description of your background. Tracks of the hackathon environment are tuned based on the skills and background of the participants.

The maximum of 15 seats are available for this event. The event is fully free of charge.

Location: Nixu, Keilaranta 15, 02150 Espoo

12:00 Hackathon starts

17:00-23:00 Hackathon continues after the work day as long as needed. Pizza and beverages available.

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #31: Jun 13th 2017

Location: Solita, Alvar Aallon katu 5, 00100 Helsinki

Time: 17:30-20:30


17:30 Welcome coffee

18:00 Opening words / Pekka Sillanpää, OWASP Helsinki

**18:05 DevSec -  Developers are the key to security, Antti Virtanen, Software Architect, Solita ![](Devsec-owasp-2017.pdf "File:Devsec-owasp-2017.pdf")**

19:00 Break

**19:15 Docker Security, Mika Vatanen, Systems Architect, Digia ![](Owasp-Helsinki-20170613-Docker-Security.pdf "File:Owasp-Helsinki-20170613-Docker-Security.pdf")**

**20:00 Lightning talk: Leaking credentials - a security malpractice more common than expected, Bogdan Mihaila, Synopsys [: Mihaila - Leaking Credentials.pdf](:File:Bogdan_Mihaila_-_Leaking_Credentials.pdf "wikilink")**

20:15 Introduction to DevSecOps “mini-hackathon”, Pekka Sillanpää, OWASP Helsinki

20:30-22:30 Snacks & Refreshments

Please register here by 12th of Jun (Note that the seats are limited).

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #30: Oct 11th 2016

Location: Fujitsu, Valimotie 16, 00380 Helsinki, Auditorio

Time: 17:30-20:30


17:30 Welcome coffee

18:00 Opening words / Petteri Arola, OWASP Helsinki

18:05 How to protect mobile application? Case “Nordea Tunnusluvut” / Michael Peltonen, Senior Business Developer, Nordea ![](Helsinki_meeting_30_-Michael_Peltonen_OWASP_11102016.pdf "File:Helsinki_meeting_30_-Michael_Peltonen_OWASP_11102016.pdf")

19:00 Break

19:15 Lightning talk: Authentication topic / Teemu Simonen, System Architect, Fujitsu ![](Helsinki_meeting_30_-Authentication_topic.pdf "File:Helsinki_meeting_30_-Authentication_topic.pdf")

19:30 Threats and vulnerabilities in federation protocols - and how did I find 0-days in the most common access management products / Teemu Kääriäinen, Senior IAM Consultant, Nixu Oyj ![](Helsinki_meeting_30_-_Threats_and_Vulnerabilities_in_Federation_Protocols_and_Products.pdf "File:Helsinki_meeting_30_-_Threats_and_Vulnerabilities_in_Federation_Protocols_and_Products.pdf")

20:30-> Snacks & Refreshments

Please register here by 9th of October (Note that the seats are limited).

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #29: Mar 29th 2016

Location: Solinor, Elimäenkatu 14 C, 00510 Helsinki

Time: 17:30-21:15


17:30 Welcome coffee

18:00 Opening words / Petteri Arola, OWASP Helsinki

18:05 OWASP Security Knowledge Framework, Glenn Ten Cate ![](Skf-owaspHelsinki-16.pdf "File:Skf-owaspHelsinki-16.pdf")

19:00 Break

19:15 Amazon Web Services Security, Joel Leino, Solinor ![](Aws_security_joel_leino.pdf "File:Aws_security_joel_leino.pdf")

20:30 Do’s and don’ts: A Day Of Browser Bug Hunting, Atte Kettunen, University of Oulu <File:Do's_and_Don'ts-_A_Day_Of_Browser_Bug_Hunting_rev2.pdf>

Please register here by 26th of March (Note that the seats are limited).

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #28: Nov 10th 2015

Location: LähiTapiola, Revontulenkuja 1, 02100 Espoo

Time: 17:30-20:30


17:30 Welcome coffee

18:00 Opening words / Petteri Arola, OWASP Helsinki

18:05 How we feel about Bug Bounty, Leo Niemelä, CISO, LähiTapiola Group (in Finnish)

19:00 Break

19:15 Security and “Modern” software Deployment, Rory McCune, Managing Consultant, NCC Group

20:30 Discussion continues in a local cafe / bar

Please register here by 8th of November (Note that the seats are limited).

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #27: May 29th 2015

Location: Life Science Center Keilaranta 10-16

Time: 17:30-20:00 (networking ends 23:00)


17:30 Welcome coffee

18:00 Opening words / Petteri Arola, OWASP Helsinki

18:05 Word from our sponsor / Nixu

18:15 50 Shades of AppSec / Troy Hunt

19:00 Break

19:15 Hack yourself first: how go on the cyber-offence before online attackers do / Troy Hunt

20:00-23:00 Refreshments and Sauna on the 7th floor

Please register here by Monday Fri 22th May (Note that the seats are limited).

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #26: January 13th 2015

Location: Castrén & Snellman Attorneys Ltd. Eteläesplanadi 14 6th Floor Helsinki, Finland.

Time: 17:30-21:00


Opening words / OWASP Helsinki\&IAPP

Words from our sponsor / Castrén & Snellman Attorneys Ltd.

Privacy Seals and Marks, Hannu Järvinen, Specialist Partner, Attorneys at Law Borenius Ltd

Privacy Engineering, Antti Vähä-Sipilä, software security guy, F-Secure Oyj

Privacy Use Cases, Saku Vainikainen, Lead Consultant, Nixu Oyj

Please register here https://t.co/OoQN2FRbBX by Monday 12 Jan.

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #25: September 29th 2014

Location: Appelsiini (Elisa), Kaarlenkatu 9-11, 00530 Helsinki. Public transport is strongly recommended.

Time: 17:00-21:00


17:00 Coffee and registration

17:10 Opening words / OWASP Helsinki

17:20 Words from our sponsor / Elisa

17:30 Mobile Security Chess Board - Attacks & Defense / Hemil Shah / Founder, Director eSphere Security ![<File:Mobile_Security_chess_board_-Attacks&Defense.pdf>](Mobile_Security_chess_board-Attacks&Defense.pdf “File:Mobile_Security_chess_board-Attacks&_Defense.pdf”)

18:45 Break

19:00 Mobile Platform Security: OS (kernel) Hardening and Trusted Execution Environment / Onur Zengin / Trustonic ![](Onur_Zengin_-_TEE_chapter_meeting_presentation.pdf "File:Onur_Zengin_-_TEE_chapter_meeting_presentation.pdf")

20:00 OWASP Mobile Top Ten Risks 2014 - The New M10: ‘Lack of Binary Protection’ Category / Bo Asklund and Rikard Kullenberg / Arxan ![](OWASP_Mobile_Top_Ten_-_Meet_the_New_Addition.pdf "File:OWASP_Mobile_Top_Ten_-_Meet_the_New_Addition.pdf")

21:00 Networking and continue discussions in TBD location nearby

Please register at Eventbrite

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #24: March 25st 2014

Location: F-Secure, Tammasaarenkatu 7, 00180 Helsinki. Parking space is limited, public transport is strongly recommended. Ruoholahti station for metro, Länsisatamankatu stop for tram 8, Länsiväylä stop for buses from Espoo.

Time: 17:00-19:30


17:00 Coffee and registration

17:20 Welcome /Petteri Arola, OWASP

17:30 Enhancing security through tight collaboration and automation /Kalle Hallivuori Presentation material: http://kato.iki.fi/owasp-pci-devops/

18:00 Continuous Security Testing in a Devops World /Stephen de Vries Download the presentation from our file page: image:OWASP-Continuous_Security_Testing.pdf

19:00 Demo of Burp Suite & HTTP API fuzzing automation with Python & Behave /Antti Vähä-Sipilä

19:30 Time to go to Pub (Amsterdam) and continue discussion there

Please register at Eventbrite

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #23: January 21st 2014

Location: HTC Keilaniemi, Keilaranta 13, 02150 Espoo

Time: 17:30-21:00


17:30 Coffee and registration

18:00 Welcome /Petteri Arola, OWASP

18:05 Word from our sponsor /Nixu

18:20 The inner HTML Apocalypse - How MXSS attacks change everything we believed to know so far /Mario Heiderich

19:15 JSMVCOMFG - To sternly look at JavaScript MVC and Templating Frameworks /Mario Heiderich”

20:15 QA

20.30 - 21.30 Discussion continues over snacks and refreshments

Please register at Eventbrite

OWASP Helsinki chapter meeting #22: November 19th 2013

Location: Aalto University, Hall S1, Otakaari 5, 02150 Espoo

Time: 18:00-21:00


18:00 Registration

18:10 Welcome /Petteri Arola, OWASP

18:20 Word from our sponsor

18:30 Backgrounds of Eve in Digiland comic and cyber research in Aalto University /Timo Kiravuo, Aalto University

19:15 Break”

19:30 Cyber crime response from CERT perspective and backgrounds of Finnish web site attacks /Jussi Eronen, CERT-FI

20:00 Methods in Finnish cyber crime police investigation and case example /Timo Piiroinen, National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)

20:30 Networking and discussion continues at same location

Please register at Eventbrite

OWASP EUTour2013: June 17th 2013

Location: HTC Keilaniemi, Keilaranta 15

Time: 16:00-19:00


16:00 Registration & coffee

16:15 Welcome /Petteri Arola, OWASP

16:30 Word from our sponsor

16:45 Nokia responsible disclosure program /Omar Benbouazza-Villa, Nokia

Nokia has launched a responsible disclosure program recently. In this presentation we’ll go through experiences starting and running such a program as a part of enterprise application security program.

17:30 Social engineering /Gavin Ewan”

Jac0byterebel is not your typical social engineering presenter. Out goes the snake oil sale of analysing the minutia of pop psychology and trying to squeeze out real answers to the questions asked during a real social engineering attack. In comes hard hitting accounts of social engineering attacks drawn from real sources but anonymised to protect the pwned.

19:00 Rounding up and discussion continues over food & drinks at same location

Please register at Regonline

OWASP Helsinki Chapter Meeting #21: April 24 2013

Location: KPMG, Yrjönkatu 23 B, 6. floor

Time: 18:00-20:00


18:00 Opening words /OWASP

18:10 Word from our sponso /Mika Laaksonen, KPMG

18:15 OWASP project news /Petteri Arola, OWASP

Newsflash of new and rebooted OWASP projects.

18:45 Utilizing VAHTI software development guide (VAHTI-sovelluskehitysohje) /Antti Alestalo, KPMG

VAHTI software development guide was published January 2013. Antti will talk about how to best utilize this new guide. Link to the guide: http://www.vm.fi/vm/fi/04_julkaisut_ja_asiakirjat/01_julkaisut/05_valtionhallinnon_tietoturvallisuus/20130207Sovell/VAHTI_1_Sovelluskehityksen_tietoturvaohje_NETTI.pdf

19:15 Database self-defence /Mika Aronen, KPMG (in place of “HTML5 & security /SC5”

20:00 Official program ends and discussion continues over food & drinks at same location

Please register at Eventbrite

OWASP Helsinki Chapter Meeting #20: December 4 2012

Location: Nokia House, Keilalahdentie 4, Espoo

Time: 17:00-20:00


17:00 Socializing time @ Nokia Lounge – Meet people & get to know your peer while having the opportunity to see Nokia product demos

18:00 Opening words /OWASP HelsinkiJS

18:10 Word from our sponsor

18:20 Securing JavaScript based web apps /Erlend Oftedal

Single page web applications move much of the application logic to the client side. We now also see applications using JavaScript on the server side. How do we handle such applications from a security perspective? What problems are introduced and how do we handle them?

19:05 RESTful Security

Many applications rely on web services and ws-security for integration. But for more lightweight services with simpler protocols, REST is quickly gaining popularity. How do we secure REST services? What problems do we need to be aware of?

20:00 Official program ends and free debate continues at nearby location

CLOSED: Please register at Eventbrite

Please use the NORTH entrance when entering the Nokia campus

OWASP Helsinki Chapter Meeting #19: October 16 2012

Location: Fujitsu, Valimotie 16, Helsinki

Time: 18:00-20:00


18:00 Opening words /Petteri Arola, chapter leader

18:10 Word from our sponsor /Fujitsu

18:25 Hybrid mobile application security and HTML5 with a focus on getUserMedia /Mikko Saario, Nokia

Both the mobile scene via “hybrid” apps and the so-called traditional web are evolving into the same direction – are the threats doing the same? Using mainly Windows Phone 7 (and some Qt) examples and demos, Mikko will take a look at the security aspects in mobile hybrid apps. The HTML5 demo will concentrate on some newly mainstreamed technologies such as getUserMedia.

19:10 Introduction to Oauth 2.0 demo /Teemu Kääriäinen, Nixu

Teemu gives an introduction about Oauth 2.0 and takes a closer look at security aspects, implementation guidelines and compares Twitter, Facebook and Google implementations.

20:00 Official program ends and free debate continues at nearby location

Please register in Eventbrite http://www.eventbrite.com/event/4462882602

OWASP Helsinki Chapter Meeting #18: June 26 2012

Location: Kela, Nordenskjölkinkatu 12, Helsinki

Time: 17:30-20:00


17:30 Opening words /Petteri Arola, chapter leader

17:45 Word from our sponsor /Kela

18:00 Helsinki Ruby Brigade intro

18:15 Ruby on Rails security - why could it fail

19:00 Panel discussion

19:45 Wrap-up

20:00 Discussion continues in a nearby pub Hadanka

Please register with petteri.arola(at)owasp.org

OWASP Helsinki Chapter Meeting #17: March 21 2012

Location: Marttakeskus, Malminrinne 1 B, 7. krs, Helsinki

Time: 17:30-19:30


17:30 Coffee

17:40 Opening words /Petteri Arola, chapter leader

17:50 Web Application Access Control Design Excellence / Jim Manico, OWASP

Download the presentation from our file page: image:Developer_Top_Ten_Core_Controls_v4.1.pdf

19:30 Meeting ends and discussion continues over buffet and refreshments and there’s a possibility to bath in sauna too

23:00 Event ends

Please register with enroll(at)nixu.com

Tietoturvapäivä Turku: February 7 2012

’ Sovellusturvallisuus / Petteri Arola, OWASP

Download the presentation from our file page: image:OWASP_esitys_tietoturvapäivä_Turku_20120207.pdf

OWASP Helsinki Chapter Meeting #16: October 18 2011

Location: Hall TU2, Tuas house, Otaniementie 17, 02150, Espoo

Time: 17:00-19:30


17:00 Coffee and lock picking

17:30 OWASP - What is it?

17:45 Introduction to OWASP projects - OWASP Top Ten, ASVS - Testing guide - How OWASP relates to academic world

Download presentation from our file-page: Image:OWASP_presentation_for_Aalto.pdf 18:45 Break

19:00 Hacking demonstrations

19:30 - Discussion continues in a nearby public house

Please register with petteri.arola(at)owasp.org

OWASP Introduction to Turku AMK students: September 12th 2011

Introduction to Application security and OWASP / Petteri Arola, OWASP

OWASP top 10 and hacking demos / Pekka Sillanpää, OWASP

OWASP Helsinki Chapter Meeting #15: June 15 2011

Location: Itämerenkatu 11 - 13, Helsinki

Time: 17:30-19:30

’'’Agenda ‘’’

17:30 Welcome, Petteri Arola, Chapter Leader

17:35 Word from our sponsor Nokia

17:45 HTML5 Security, Ville Säävuori, Syneus

18:30 Break

18:40 Mobile Application Security, Ari Kesäniemi and Juhani Mäkelä, Nixu Image:Mobile-threat-analysis-short-presentation
owasp.pdf Image:Why-privacy-matters.pdf

19.30 - Discussion continues in a nearby public house or terrace if it’s sunny

Please register with mikko.saario(at)nokia.com

OWASP Helsinki Chapter Meeting #14: February 22 2011

Location: Nixu Oy, Keilaranta 15, Espoo

Time: 17:30-19:30

Agenda 17:30 Welcome Petteri Arola, OWASP Helsinki Chapter Leader

17:35 Word from our sponsor Nixu Oy

17:45 OpenSAMM, Pravir Chandra /Fortify

18:30 Break

18:40 Threat modeling, Pravir Chandra /Fortify

19.30 - Sauna and refreshments from our sponsor

Please register with enroll(at)nixu.com

Download OpenSAMM presentation from opensamm.org 2

OWASP Helsinki Chapter Meeting #13: June 8 2010

Location: KPMG, Forum, Yrjönkatu 23 B 6th floor, Helsinki

Time: 17:00-19:30

Agenda 17:00 Welcome Petteri Arola, OWASP Helsinki Chapter Leader

’'’17:05 Word from our sponsor KPMG ‘’’

17:15 Agile secure software development, Antti Vähä-Sipilä / Nokia Oyj http://www.owasp.org/images/c/c6/OWASP_AppSec_Research_2010_Agile_Prod_Sec_Mgmt_by_Vaha-Sipila.pdf

18:00 ASVS (OWASP Application Security Verification Standard), Pekka Sillanpää / Nixu Oy

18:45 ESAPI (OWASP Enterprise Security API) demo, Anssi Porttikivi / KPMG

Download presentation from our file-page:Image:ESAPI for

19.30 - Discussion continues at some nearby establishment

Please register with anssi.porttikivi(at)kpmg.fi

OWASP Goes! Locksport: April 20 2010

Location: Nsense Oy, Ahventie 4, Espoo

Time: 17:30-20:30


17:30 Welcome Petteri Arola, OWASP Helsinki Chapter Leader

17:35 Word from our sponsor Nsense Oy

17:45 Introduction to Locksport (presentation in Finnish)

19:00 - Sauna and refreshments from our sponsor

’'’Please register with ilmoittautumiset##nsense.fi ‘’’

OWASP Helsinki Chapter Meeting #12: March 30 2010

Location: Helsingin Energia, Sähkötalo, Runeberginkatu 1, Helsinki

Time: 18:00-20:00

Agenda 18:00 Welcome Petteri Arola, OWASP Helsinki Chapter Leader

Download presentation from our file-page:Image:OWASP -12 Helsinki
chapter meeting.pdf

’'’18:05 Word from our sponsor Helsingin Energia ‘’’

18:15 3 different views on information security and social media applications

- information security in social media API’s, Antti Nuopponen/Nixu Oy

Download presentation from our file-page:Image:Security of social
media apis v1.pdf

- Facebook apps, Markus Törnqvist/Fad Consulting

Download presentation from our file-page:Image:Mjt owasp

- Payment API’s, Tuomas Toivonen/Scred

Download presentation from our file-page:Image:Owasp-payment-apis.pdf

20.00 - Discussion continues at nearby establishment Bruuveri

Please register with antti##owasp.org

OWASP Helsinki Chapter Meeting #11: November 17 2009

Location: Nsense Oy, Ahventie 4, Espoo

Time: 18:00-20:30

Schedule 18:00 Welcome Antti Laulajainen, OWASP Helsinki Chapter Leader

18:05 Word from our sponsor Nsense Oy

18:15 Manual vs. Automated Code Analysis, Ari Kesäniemi, Senior Consultant, Nixu

Download presentation from our file-page:Image:Ari kesaniemi nixu

19.00- Sauna and refreshments from our sponsor

Please register with ilmoittautumiset##nsense.fi

OWASP Helsinki Chapter Meeting #10: October 20 2009

Location: Tieto Oy, Ratamestarinkatu 7B, Helsinki

Time: 18:00-19:40

Schedule 18:00 Welcome Antti Laulajainen, OWASP Helsinki Chapter Leader

18:00 Word from our sponsor Tieto Oy

18:10 Distributed Services Security, Anton Panhelainen, Tieto Oy

Download presentation from our file-page:Image:Security in integration

18:40 Public Web Services Interface and Security, Pyry Heikkinen, Finnish Customs

19:40 Closure and move to Vltava

20:00 or so

  • Enjoy Helsinki Vltava watering hole at own risk & cost near Helsinki Railway station

Please register with Pauli Kauppila pauli.kauppila##tieto.com or Mobile 358 400 870 324

OWASP Helsinki Chapter Meeting #9: May 12 2009

Location: Louhi Networks Oy, Itälahdenkatu 22 A, Helsinki

Time: 17:30-19:00

Schedule 17:30 OWASP latest activities Antti Laulajainen, OWASP Helsinki Chapter Leader

17:45 Word from our sponsor Louhi Networks

18:00 Panel discussion about application scanners

  • Panel members includes representatives for Nixu Oy, KPMG Oy and Louhi Networks Oy

19:00 or so

  • Enjoy local establishments at own risk & cost at Bar 52 near meeting location

Please register with Henri Lindberg henri.lindberg##louhi.fi

OWASP OWASP Goes! Viestimuseo: March 29 2009

’'’Location: Varuskunta, Takakasarmi, Viestimuseontie rak. 64, 11311 Riihimäki ‘’’

Time: 13:00-15:00

Viestimuseossa Riihimäellä, http://www.viestikiltojenliitto.fi/viestimuseo/ on maaliskuun loppuun WWII radiotiedustelua esittelevä erikoisnäyttely, josta voi löytyä ammennettavaa myös tämän päivän tietoturvatekniikoiden parissa työskenteleville. Koska OWASP:in tiimoilta löytyi kiinnostusta lähteä tutustumaan ko. näyttelyyn, museolle on varattu opastettu kierros maaliskuun viimeiselle sunnuntaille su 29.3.2009 klo 13:00 eli kokoontuminen museolla ko. aikaan.

Museo ja näyttely ovat auki myös muina aikoina, joten jos tämä aika ei käy, paikalla voi toki käydä muulloinkin.

Tarkemmat ajo-ohjeet ja yhteystiedot löytyvät museon kotisivuilta, http://www.viestikiltojenliitto.fi/viestimuseo/yhteystiedot.html

Museo sijaitsee Viestirykmentin vieressä, mutta varsinaisen varuskunta-alueen ulkopuolella, joten museokäynti ei vaadi kulkulupia alueelle.

Paikalle innostuvat hoitavat oman logistiikkaratkaisunsa & sisäänpääsymaksunsa.

Lisätietoja tarvittaessa timo.merilainen (ät) iki.fi

OWASP Helsinki Chapter Meeting #8: March 12 2009

Location: Samlink, Linnoitustie 9, Espoo (Leppävaara)

Time: 17:00-19:00

Schedule 17:00 OWASP latest activities Antti Laulajainen, OWASP Helsinki Chapter Leader

17:15 Introduction to Samlink, Jari Pirhonen, security director, Samlink

17:30 Methodology owner’s point of view: Information security as part of software development methodology, Topi Mattila, methodology manager, Samlink

18:15 Presentation from Finnish Tax Administration”, Petri Puhakainen, security director, Finnish Tax Administration

19:00 or so

  • Enjoy local establishments at own risk & cost at Sello

Please register with Jari Pirhonen jari.pirhonen##samlink.fi

OWASP Introduction to startup firms: Thursday January 15th 2009

Location: Ravintola Korjaamo, Töölönkatu 51, 00250 Helsinki

Time: 18:00-20:00

Schedule 18:00 Introduction to OWASP by Henri Lindberg, OWASP Helsinki Active Visitor

  • What OWASP is
  • Examples of useful Tools and Documents
  • OWASP in Finland

Presentation: Image:OWASP Startups 20090115

(Antti Laulajainen, OWASP Helsinki Chapter Leader was originally supposed to introduce OWASP)

18:15 Implementing application security in a Finnish startup by Henri Lindberg, Scred

  • Henri Lindberg from Scred shares experiences and lessons learned
  • How to make your web application more secure with minimal budget

Presentation: Image:SDG Scred 090115.pdf

18:30 or so

  • Enjoy local establishments at own risk & cost

OWASP Helsinki Meeting #7: Tuesday November 11th 2008

Location: Nokia Ruoholahti, Itämerenkatu 11-13, 00180 Helsinki

Time: 17:00-18:30

Schedule 17:00 Welcome by Antti Laulajainen, OWASP Chapter Leader

  • Current state and progress of OWASP Top 10 Finnish translation

17:20 Antti Vähä-Sipilä, Nokia: SAFECode

  • Introduction and overview of SAFECode (The Software Assurance Forum for Excellence in Code)
  • SAFECode publications

17:40 Juhani Eronen, CERT-FI: Lifecycle of a security vulnerability

  • Microsoft MS08-067 (Vulnerability in Server Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution), its history (MS06-040) and exploitation.


18:30 or so

  • Enjoy local establishments at own risk & cost [cerveza, aqua con gas, etc]

PLEASE REGISTER WITH: mikko . saario at nokia . com (we have reserved snacks for 25 people)

OWASP Helsinki Web Hacking Workshop, Tuesday September 10th 2008

Location: Teleware / KPMG, Laajalahdentie 23, 6. floor, reception at the ground floor, 00330 Helsinki

Time: 18.00 - 20.00


’'’18.00 Welcome and recent activities. Antti Laulajainen ‘’’

18.05 Web Hacking Workshop, Anssi Porttikivi, Senior ICT Advisor KPMG/Teleware

  • KPMG Oy IT Security Advisory marketing presentation 15 min
  • Web hacking exercises and demonstrations in a laboratory class (using WebGoat and WebScarab tools)

Snacks available. Send your reservations to Anssi’s mail address, [email protected]. Room for 20 participants.

Note! Be in time, because the reception closes at 18.

OWASP Goes! CERT-FI, Thursday, June 12th 2008

Location: Viestintävirasto, Itämerenkatu 3 A, 00180 Helsinki and One Pint Pub Santakatu 2, 00180 Helsinki

Time: 16.00 - 20.00


’'’16.00 Welcome and recent activities. Antti Laulajainen ‘’’

16.10 Introduction of CERT-FI. Juhani Eronen, Information Security Adviser, CERT-FI

16.30 Vulnerability coordination. Juhani Eronen

  • CERT-FI as a vulnerability coordinator
  • Coordination examples

18.00 Possibility to continue the evening at the One Pint Pub

  • If someone fancies a (self-financed) beer

Viestintävirasto asks those who wish to participate to the meeting to register in advance. For registrations please contact CERT-FI Unit Secretary Virpi Hienonen (virpi.hienonen(at)ficora.fi). The deadline is June 6, 2008.

OWASP Helsinki Chapter meeting/Get Together #6 Tuesday, May 13th 2008

Thank you for attending.

You can download the presentation herehttps://www.owasp.org/images/7/70/OWASP_HelsinkiChapter_130508.pdf

Coverage of the event in local news (Finnish only) http://mikropc.net/uutiset/index.jsp?categoryId=atk&day=20080514#w2008051411524012715

Location: Ixonos, Hitsaajankatu 20, 00810 Helsinki and Ravintola Kaisla, Vilhonkatu 4, 00100 Helsinki

Time: 16.00 - 20.00

Welcome to spring meeting 2008.


16.00 - 16.10 OWASP update. Antti Laulajainen

16.10-17.00 Notes From The field, OWASP tools and usage experiences, Jarkko Holappa & Antti Laulajainen

17.30 - 20.00 Drinks at Ravintola Kaisla (Bring Your Own Wallet)

Hope to see as many of you as possible!

OWASP Helsinki Chapter meeting #5 Tuesday, March 11th 2008

Location: Ixonos, Hitsaajankatu 20, 00810 Helsinki.

Time: 18.30 - 20.30

Welcome to first meeting of 2008. OWASP Helsinki resumes activities after winter break.

We are pleased to have as a speaker Technology Manager of Nokia Product Security, Alexandr Seleznyov. His topic will be current state of application security.


18.30 - 18.40 OWASP update. Antti Laulajainen

18.40 - 20.30 Current State of Application Security. Alexandr Seleznyov

Hope to see as many of you as possible!

OWASP Helsinki & RWSUG Seminar Tuesday, January 29th 2008

Location: IBM, Laajalahdentie 23, 00330 Helsinki. Time: 11.15 - 19.00

OWASP Helsinki and Rational and Websphere User Group Finland RWSUG are aiming to co-operate to raise application security awareness. OWASP Helsinki will have a presentation in RWSUG agility seminar. More information from http://www.rwsug.fi/default.asp?path=1,39,385

You can download the presentation here https://www.owasp.org/images/c/cd/RWSUG5_Agile_Security_Management.pdf

See program below. Most of it is Finnish only

  • 11.15 Ilmoittautuminen alkaa
  • 11.15-12.00 Buffet-lounas
  • 12.00-12.10 Tilaisuuden avaus Jussi Jutila, Puheenjohtaja, RWSUG ry


  • 12.10-13.30 Scaling Agile Software Development: Strategies for Applying Agile in Complex Situations Scott W. Ambler, Practice Leader Agile Development, IBM Canada
  • 13.30-13.45 Kahvitauko
  • 13.45-15.30 SOA liiketoiminnan näkökulmasta ja SOA toteutuksen näkökulmasta kansainvälisessa hankkeessa Kari Laine, IT Architect, IF ja Jarmo Laine, Senior Software Architect,Primasoft
  • 15.30-15.45 Tauko
  • 15.45-16.30 Ketterä tietoturvan hallinta ohjelmistotuotannossa Reijo Savola, VTT
  • 16.30-17.15 Jazz Update IBM
  • 17.15-19.00 Iltapalaa ja verkostoitumista IBM Forumissa

OWASP Helsinki Introduction to ISACA Finland Thursday January 24th 2008

OWASP Helsinki participated in ISACA Finland meeting to raise application security awareness among system auditors and inspectors. A presentation was held that introduced basic web techniques, some security issues, OWASP in general, OWASP projects and OWASP Helsinki chapter. You can download the presentation here: https://www.owasp.org/images/e/e4/OWASP_ISACA_20080124.pdf (Finnish Only)

OWASP Helsinki meeting #4 Fall 2007 with Mark Curphey, Tuesday, October 2 2007

Location: Ixonos, Hitsaajankatu 20, 00810 Helsinki.

Thank you for all participants and Mark from great presentation.

Coverage of the meeting in the local news (in Finnish): http://mikropc.net/uutiset/index.jsp?categoryId=atk&day=20071003#w2007100315112711629

We are delighted to have Mark Curphey - the OWASP founder and new head of Microsoft’s ACE (Application Consulting & Engineering) team in Europe

  • to visit Finland and discuss web app security with us. Hopefully as many as of you possible can participate!

18:30 Welcome and recent Helsinki chapter activities. Antti Laulajainen

18:40 Naked Software Security. Mark Curphey

  • Commentary on how to build secure software
  • Thoughts on the industry


OWASP Helsinki meeting #3 Summer 2007: “SOA, Web Services & XML Security”, Tuesday, June 5th 2007

Date: June 5th

Location: Smilehouse, Itälahdenkatu 22A (Stonesoft building), Lauttasaari.

Coverage of the meeting in the local news (in Finnish): http://www.tietoviikko.fi/tietoturva_docview.jsp?f_id=1186167

19:00 Welcome & quick recap of recent OWASP activity and the Spring conference. Mikko Saario.

19:15 Gunnar Peterson, CTO Arctec Group and project lead for the OWASP “XML Security Gateway Evaluation Criteria”.

Gunnar will be visiting Finland to provide training via Tietoturva ry on this subject. Topics to be covered:

  • XML Security Gateways
  • Message level threats and security countermeasures in Web services
  • OWASP XML Security Gateway Evaluation Criteria Project

20:15 “Real-life usage of OWASP tools”. Alexandr Seleznyov, Nokia Product Security.

(There is a chance Alex cannot make it. In that case we will discuss SOA stuff in more detail or just head off to bar earlier.)

20:45 Enter Bar 52… –> Enjoy (sponsored) beverages.

OWASP Helsinki meeting #2 Winter 2007, Web Application Firewalls, Thursday, February 22 2007

Thank you for the 29 participants, the speakers and the host - Nixu - for making this event happen!

Location: Nixu, Mäkelänkatu 91, 00601 Helsinki.

What are Web Application Firewalls (WAF), how do they work, what do they do and what don’t they do. Discussion and sharing of experiences of various technologies and products.

18.30 Welcome. Mikko Saario, Chapter Leader.

Today’s topic and agenda in short.

18.35 “Web Application Firewalls Technical Analysis”. Joakim Sandström, CTO nSense.


- Technology

- Blacklisting & Whitelisting

- mod_security features

- Do’s and Don’ts

19.30 “The Core Rule Sets”. Ofer Shezaf, CTO Breach Security.


- WAF deployment and protection strategies

- Detection of generic web layer attacks

- Virtual patching

OWASP Helsinki meeting #1, Tuesday, Dec 12 2006 at Ernst & Young

The Helsinki chapter had the first meeting at Ernst & Young office in Elielinaukio 5 B. The agenda and the presentations for the meeting are below. We had a good turnout: 22 people were present i.e. all seats were taken - we were very happy to see all these people to be interested in application security issues.

Coverage of the meeting in the local news (in Finnish): http://www.tietoviikko.fi/doc.do?f_id=1083463

18:30 Welcome. What is OWASP and why OWASP Helsinki?

Mikko Saario made a short presentation about OWASP and the objective for the local Helsinki chapter.

19:00 Analyzing Threats (Olli Wiren; olli [at] juurihoito.org)

Olli Wiren discussed application related threats and corresponding security issues.


19:45 Open discussion regarding OWASP Helsinki; what is expected or wished; how to go ahead and so forth.

There was a lively discussion regarding what type of activities should be arranged in the future. More details will follow…