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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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Classroom Resources for Educators

District of Columbia Early Learning Standards

The District of Columbia Early Learning Standards include indicators for infants, toddlers, two-year-olds and preschoolers, as well as exit expectations for children leaving pre-K and kindergarten. These standards provide parents and teachers with information about expectations for what children know and be able to do and describe how children progress at various ages and development levels. They focus on the whole child and include a broad range of domains because young children’s learning and development are interrelated and cross all areas of learning. The Early Learning Standards acknowledge the essential role of the teacher in intentionally guiding children’s learning and development in a high-quality early care and education environment in partnership with families.

Read more about the Early Learning Standards.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)

DC recognizes the importance of STEM as part of a well-rounded educational experience. STEM skills and knowledge are not only valuable components to a solid academic program, but also core fundamentals for life experience. STEM skills and knowledge help students develop logic, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills that can be used in every discipline and that enable them to compete in the continually growing high-tech job sector.  As such, DC strives to improve STEM opportunities for all its students and has established the following statewide goals for STEM:

  • Goal 1: To prepare all students in DC to graduate high school with a college- and career-ready mastery of math, science, engineering and technology
  • Goal 2: To increase the number of DC students who major in STEM fields in college and enter STEM careers

Read more about the STEM program.

Environmental Literacy Program

OSSE’s Environmental Literacy Program (ELP) assists schools in implementation of the DC Environmental Literacy Plan by providing environmental education guidance, training, and technical assistance. The Environmental Literacy Program also assists schools in applying for the US Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools Award and supports the planning and implementation of District-wide events such as Growing Healthy Schools Month.

Read more about the Environmental Literacy Program.

Health & PE Education

Health and physical education materials and resources for educators seeking to utilize age appropriate lesson plans and activities, to comprehensively address health matters.

Read more about the Health & Wellness Curriculum and Instruction.

Special Education

Resources and archived training materials to support educators, administrators, and staff in serving students with disabilities in the District of Columbia.

Find more information about Specialized Education Training and Technical Assistance.

English Learners

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) provides school leaders and teachers guidance around maintaining a language instruction educational program (LIEP) for English learners (ELs) that is rooted in federal and local regulations. This guidance, including administrative procedures and instruction, is available in the form of publications, professional development, and in-person technical assistance and programmatic support.

Learn more about the English Learner Policy.