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Office of Disability Rights

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Wheelchair icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

We offer ADA and other disability rights laws and regulations training to DC Agencies.

Information, Assistance, and Complaints
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

ODR provides information, guidance and technical assistance to individuals with disabilities. 

Braille Icon
Braille Services Interpretation Program

DC Government documents can be provided in Braille language upon request. 

health icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Emergencies can happen at anytime. Learn how you can prepare.

Woman in a power chair presses the accessible door opener

We can help you provide equal access to your organization’s programs, benefits and services.

Sign Language Interpreter Icon
The universal sign for interpreter in sign language

The Mayor's Office of Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing provides sign language interpreter services for most DC agency meetings and public functions.

Video Trainings
Screenshot from the film Awkward

The DC Office of Disability Rights (ODR) invites all District Government employees to participate in our short just-in-time training series.  Follow our protagonist, Bob, as he learns how to interact with people with disabilities.