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Getting Started

This page summarizes all the essentials you will need to know to start with Octo.

Table of contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Installation
  3. Service configuration file explained
  4. Create a new service
    1. Step1: Generate Octo configuration
    2. Step3: Create a new service
    3. Step4: Build function Docker container
    4. Step5: Deploy the service
    5. Step6: Test the service


This tutorial assumes that you already have an OpenFaaS or Knative deployed on either Minikube or the cloud(GKE, Digitalocean..etc). For more detailed installation instructions,check Knative and OpenFaaS.


if you did not install Octo CLI already,please refer here for instructions.

Service configuration file explained

Octo will generate a service configuration YAML file that will be used through the deployment process, it has the following configurations:-

  • service_name: name of the service which would be used in HTTP Route.
  • query: SQL Statement.
  • parameters: represent the input for the API and they will be would be passed to the query.
  • db: is the source database for the API to run the given query against.
  • service_type: describe if the API will read data or write it to the database.
  • platform: define the serverless framework that API will be deployed to.

Create a new service

The below instructions will help you deploy your first service using Octo CLI.

For examples, they can be found in the repo examples/ directory.

Step1: Generate Octo configuration

Generate Octo configuration by running

$ octo-cli init 

Then you will be asked to add the query, database credentials, API parameters, service name, and it going to generate a YAML file with the service name service-name-config.yml

Step3: Create a new service

To create a new service run the following command:

$  octo-cli  create -f service-name-config.yml

as result, it creates a new service folder in the current path with the service name as a name.

Step4: Build function Docker container

To build function Docker container type the following command:

 octo-cli  build -f service-name-config.yml  --prefix dev.local --tag v1

If no tag is provided, the :latest is the default tag .

Step5: Deploy the service

The deploy command have different options based on the platform,to see the full options run octo-cli deploy --help

  • To deploy to OpenFaaS run the following command:
    $ octo-cli  deploy -f service-name-config.yml -i dev.local/get-users:latest  -u admin -p 41d21dfa77da9 -g
  • To deploy to Knative run the following command:
    $ octo-cli deploy -f service-name-config.yml -i dev.local/get-users:latest

    When deploying to Knative, Octo detects and uses a kubeconfig file to communicate with the Kubernetes cluster. The kubeconfig file should be stored at $HOME/.kube.

Step6: Test the service

  • OpenFaaS
    $ curl --location --request GET 'http://openfaas-gateway-url/function/service-name'
  • Knative
    $ curl --location --request GET 'http://knative-url/service-name'