Pig latin

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Pig Latin is a Language game that can be created from, i.e., based on, any other language (but we would like to know if it is widely based on languages other than English). The rules are roughly:

  • For words that begin with consonants, move the leading consonant(s) to the end of the word and add "ay." Thus, "ball" becomes "all-bay"; "button" becomes "utton-bay"; "star" becomes "ar-stay"; "three" becomes "ee-thray";
  • for words beginning with "qu," move the "qu" to the end of the word and add ay. Thus "question" becomes "estion-quay"; and
  • for words that begin with vowels, simply add "way" to the end of the word. Thus, "a" becomes "a-way"; "at" becomes "at-way"; "ermine" becomes "ermine-way." This rule tends to get varied a lot.

Is-thay is-way an-way example-way of-way Ig-pay Atin-lay. As-way ou-yay an-cay ee-say, its-way illy-say, ut-bay ots-lay of-way un-fay or-fay ildren-chay. --ArrylayAngersay

Certain Pig-Latin translations, most notably ixnay, have been incorporated into English slang.
