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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- It is now possible to upload MP3 files to Commons. Only users with MP3 file upload rights can upload MP3 files. [1]
- You can now use live updates for recent changes if you use the new filters. This feature updates the filtered recent changes every three seconds when you activate it. [2]
- There is an experimental onion service for Wikimedia projects. [3]
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 5 December. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 6 December. It will be on all wikis from 7 December (calendar).
- Very old versions of the Opera Web browser are no longer supported. This means that technical development will not be tested to make sure it works with those Opera versions. Use Opera 15 or above or another browser if you have problems. [4]
- Almost 170 wikis with no high-priority errors in Linter categories will switch to use the Remex parsing library. This is to replace Tidy. A few larger wikis such as German and Italian Wikipedia will also make this switch. It will happen on 5 December. Other wikis will be recommended to switch soon when they have fixed the errors that must be fixed. Tidy will be removed in the middle of 2018. [5][6]
- You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 5 December at 19:30 (UTC). See how to join.
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 6 December at 16:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- The 2017 Community Wishlist Survey will decide what the Community Tech team will work on next year. You can vote for wishes on the survey page until 10 December. You can see what has happened to last year's wishes on the 2016 results page.
- The Community Liaisons team at the Wikimedia Foundation is looking for active tech ambassadors. This is to make sure the Wikimedia communities get all the information they need about new features and can be involved in the technical development. [7]
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
4. des. 2017 kl. 18:51 (CET)
Invitation to Blocking tools consultation
[rediger kilde]Hello all,
The Wikimedia Foundation's Anti-Harassment Tools team invites all Wikimedians to discuss new blocking tools and improvements to existing blocking tools in December 2017 for development work in early 2018.
How can you help?
- Share your ideas on the discussion page or send an email to the Anti-Harassment Tools team.
- Spread the word that the consultation is happening; this is an important discussion for making decisions about improving the blocking tools.
- Help with translation.
- If you know of previous discussions about blocking tools that happened on your wiki, share the links.
We are looking forward to learning your ideas.
For the Anti-Harassment Tools team SPoore (WMF), Community Advocate, Community health initiative (talk) 8. des. 2017 kl. 00:23 (CET)
Notis om kandidatartikler: Beneš-dekretene
[rediger kilde]Artikkelen Beneš-dekretene er nominert til WP:UA. Se Wikipedia:Kandidatsider/Beneš-dekretene.
M O Haugen (diskusjon) 10. des. 2017 kl. 23:05 (CET)
Dette er en notis for å informere om grenseoverskridende konsekvenser av krig.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Siste endringer
- URLs that link to sections on Wikimedia wikis with non-Latin scripts have looked like this:Википедия#.D0.98.D1.81.D1.82.D0.BE.D1.80.D0.B8.D1.8F
instead ofВикипедия#История
. This has now been fixed on all wikis. Old links will still work. [8] - En ny Emneknagg markerer redigeringer der en omdirigering ble skapt eller fjernet. Dette skjer uavhengig av hva den som redigerte skrev i sammendraget. Du kan f.eks. finne diesse emneknaggene i endringsvarslingen, artikkelhistorien, brukerbidragene eller på søkelista di. [9]
- Dersom du bruker Chrome på Android, kan du nå bruke „skriv til PDF“-funksjonen for lage en PDF-fil av en artikkel. [10]
- Filter by number of edits or filter by time range have been grouped on a same menu on the recent changes page if you use the new filters. The "Vis nye endringer siden $1" link is now more prominent. [11]
- Some of the web fonts that were provided by the Universal Language Selector extension are being removed. This is to reduce the load time on pages. The web fonts were added many years ago to help users read text in scripts which did not have fonts or had broken fonts. This is not the case any more. You can check the status page for a list of all web fonts and whether they are currently being used and especially for special requirements. [12]
Endringer denne uken
- Den nye versjonen av MediaWiki vil bli rullet ut på testwikier og fra og med 12. desember. Den vil være på ikke-wikipedia wikier og noen wikipediaer fra og med 13. desember. Den vil bli rullet ut på alle wikier fra og med 14. desember (kalender).
- Du kan bli med på møtet med VisualEditor-teamet. Under møtet kan du fortelle utviklerne hvilke problemer du mener er viktigst å fikse. Møtet vil være 12 desember kl. 19:30 (UTC). Se hvordan man kan bli med.
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 13 desember at 16:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- You can discuss new or improved blocking tools with the Wikimedia Foundation Anti-Harassment Tools team. They will work on building better blocking tools. Leave comments on the talk page.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
11. des. 2017 kl. 18:57 (CET)
Notis om kandidatartikler: Tysklands kanslere
[rediger kilde]Artikkelen Tysklands kanslere er nominert til WP:GL. Se Wikipedia:Kandidatsider/Tysklands kanslere.
M O Haugen (diskusjon) 13. des. 2017 kl. 10:23 (CET)
Dette er en notis for å informere om keisere, diktatorer og demokrater.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Tech News
- Because of the holidays the next issue of Tech News will be sent out on 8 January 2018.
- When you import a page from another wiki the usernames of the users who edited the article on the wiki you imported it from are shown in the article history. This should link to the users on the original wiki. A script to fix this caused problems for Wikidata and German Wikipedia. It also created a large number of SUL accounts on wikis where editors had never edited. [13]
- Some bot owners got email about their bots logging in from a new computer. If this is from one or a couple of wikis, you can turn these messages off in your preferences on those wikis until the problem has been solved. If not, you can report more about the problem in Phabricator.
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week. There will be no new MediaWiki version next week either.
- You can join the next meeting with the Editing team. During the meeting, you can tell developers which bugs you think are the most important. The meeting will be on 19 desember at 19:30 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- Files on Commons will have structured metadata in the future. The developers are now looking for examples of different kinds of metadata to make sure they are aware of them when they build prototypes for structured data on Commons. You can read more and help by giving examples of interesting media files.
- The Structured Commons team are making sure Commons work with structured data. If you regularly contribute to Commons and Wikidata you can answer a survey that helps the team prioritise the tools that are important for the Commons and Wikidata communities. The survey ends on 22 December. You can read more on Commons. You can also help the team decide on better names for "captions" and "descriptions". This ends on 3 January 2018.
- The 2017 Community Wishlist Survey has now ended. You can see the results. They decide what the Community Tech team will work on next year.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
18. des. 2017 kl. 16:26 (CET)
Latest news from the Wikimedia Global Collaboration team, about Notifications, Structured discussions, Edit Review Improvements and Content translation. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
- The filters are now deployed as a default feature on all wikis on RecentChanges and RecentChangesLinked pages.
- The filters are still available as a Beta feature on all wikis on Watchlists. Please try them!
- LiveUpdates have been deployed as a default feature for all wikis.
- On wikis using Extension:Translate, translated messages can now be filtered. System messages can be filtered as well, on all wikis. [14]
- "Vis nye endringer siden $1" link is now more prominent, to invite users to use that native feature to update the list of results. [15]
- Pagination and time period selectors are now combined and located on the right on left-to-right wikis. [16]
- When a user wanted to click outside of the filter menu to close it, it was possible to click on "revert" link by accident. It is not possible anymore. [17]
- It is now possible to filter the following events using the Tags menu: Making a page a redirect, Changing redirect target, Changing an existing redirect into a non-redirect, Blanking of the page, Removing more than 90% of a page content, Rolling back an edit. [18]
- Some design improvements have been done to Related Changes page to integrate the new filters. [19]
- "Save current filter settings" menu and legend overlapped the results. This is now fixed. [20]
- Some small design improvements have been done. [21]
Content translation [More information • Help pages]
- Now Content Translation prevents source and target language to be set to same language. [22]
- The dialog for selecting article to translate is standardized. It introduces a new component that is used for the selected page on both the "New translation" dialog and the "Suggested pages" list. [23]
- More space is given to the language filter, to increase responsiveness and show more language names without truncation. [24]
- While searching for a new page to translate, duplicates are not shown anymore for user search input. [25]
- Various PHP warnings and JavaScript errors have been fixed. [26][27]
Structured discussions [More information • Help pages]
- It is now possible to use Special:Nuke on hidden Structured discussion topics. [28]
- The Reply button is not active anymore until something is typed. [29]
- For wikis that use ORES, preferences for ORES have been rationalized in Special:Preferences, on Recent Changes tab and Watchlist tab. [30]
- ORES will be deployed on Simple English Wikipedia. That wiki will be able to use the Prediction filters. [31]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Global Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
19. des. 2017 kl. 15:31 (CET)
Nyhetsbrev fra Wikimedia Norge
[rediger kilde]Hei, Wikimedia Norge-medlemmer og andre bidragsytere, her er årets siste nyhetsbrev fra oss. Vi ønsker alle en god jul og et godt nytt år! 🎅
- Wikitreff 16. januar
- Tirsdag 16. januar 2018 klokken 1700, blir det wikitreff i Amalie Skram-salen på Litteraturhuset i Oslo. Innleder vil være Thomas Hylland Eriksen som beskriver av tema for møtet slik:
- «Wikipedia kan brukes som eksempel på mye, også menneskets enestående trang til kunnskap og innsikt. Imidlertid er det skjær i sjøen, blant annet monopolisering, relevans, fagidioti og kunnskapsfiendtlighet. I en slik verden er en institusjon som Wikipedia viktigere enn noensinne.»
- Meld deg gjerne på på denne siden! Møtet er gratis og åpent for alle. Reiseutgifter kan gjerne dekkes av Wikimedia Norge (ta kontakt med [email protected]).
- Wikistipend
- 15. februar er det søknadsfrist for wikistipend. Vi håper på mange spennende søknader!
- Årsmøte
- Årsmøtet til Wikimedia Norge blir på Samisk hus i Oslo den 3. mars 2018 kl 11. Vi planlegger både wikitreff, dronesafari og Wikidata-workshop samme helgen, så hold av datoene 2.–4 mars. Reiseutgifter kan dekkes for medlemmer i Wikimedia Norge. Vi kommer tilbake med mer info i neste nyhetsbrev.
- Nordsamisk Wikipedia
- Wikimedia Norge har i høst startet et prosjekt for å forbedre Wikipedia på nordsamisk. Vi har i løpet av høsten fått oversatt nettsida vår til nordsamisk, holdt undersøkelse blant nåværende og tidligere bidragsytere til wikien, planlagt samarbeid med diverse institusjoner og deltakelse på Márkomeannu og Riddu Riđđu. Dette arbeidet vil fortsette i 2018, og de som er interesserte kan melde seg på for oppdateringer om prosjektet her.
- Dette prosjektet er også det første der vi bruker Phabricator for prosjektstyring. Prosjektet kan følges her.
- Retriever og
- Tilganger til Retriever ble fordelt på nytt den 20. november 2017, og ny fordeling skjer 20. mai 2018. Vi minner om at vi også gjerne hjelper til med å søke om tilgang til for wikipedianere med utenlandsk IP-adresse. Mer informasjon om tilganger finnes på denne siden.
- Wiki Loves Earth
- De internasjonale vinnerne av Wiki Loves Earth ble kåret 11. desember! Vi gratulerer med en norsk deltaker på 5. plass.
Ønsker du å melde deg inn i Wikimedia Norge og støtte vårt arbeid, så kan du gjøre det her, eller du kan støtte oss ved å vippse til 10386 – Wikimedia Norge.
Følg oss gjerne på Facebook, Instagram og Twitter!
Dette nyhetsbrevet postes av en bot. Gi tilbakemelding • Abonner eller avslutt abonnement
Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) 20. des. 2017 kl. 23:29 (CET)
Notis om kandidatartikler: Liste over Italias statsministre
[rediger kilde]Artikkelen Liste over Italias statsministre er nominert til WP:GL. Se Wikipedia:Kandidatsider/Liste over Italias statsministre.
--M O Haugen (diskusjon) 27. des. 2017 kl. 09:14 (CET)
Dette er en notis for å informere om konger, diktatorer, og demokrater.