
Since 1997, SEID has delivered industrial-scaled air pollution abatement systems to more than 30 countries.

Om oss

SEID - Pioneering Sustainable Solutions for a Cleaner Future - since 1997 Transforming Industrial Emissions & Advancing Green Hydrogen Production. About SEID: For over 25 years, we have been a global leader in industrial-scale air pollution abatement, serving diverse industries in 30 countries. Our cutting-edge technologies tackle odour, VOCs, NOx, SOx, and particle emissions, ensuring cleaner air for all. Our Portfolio: ModuPlasma: Advanced non-thermal plasma systems for comprehensive air pollution control. ModuPlasma HD: High-performance DeNOx and DeSOx solutions for large combustion processes and engines. ModuPower & SEIDPower: Powerful HF/SMPS modules (30kW/60kW) for optimizing electrostatic precipitator (ESP) performance. ColdSpark: Revolutionary cold methane pyrolysis technology, producing low-carbon hydrogen and solid carbon without CO2 emissions or the need for carbon capture and storage (CCS). Join us in shaping a greener future through innovation and sustainable technology. [email protected]

11–50 ansatte
Åpent aksjeselskap
Non-thermal Plasma, Odor removal, Cold Plasma, Air pollution, ESP, Animal feed, Fish feed, H2S removal, ColdSpark, Hydrogen , Carbon Black, ColdSpark, Sustainable hydrogen, UltraHigh Voltage, SMPS


Ansatte i SEID AS


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    Maritime Industry's Clean Air: Beyond Scrubbers, the Power of Electrostatic Precipitation from SEID! The maritime industry has long grappled with a significant challenge: 🚭The air pollution spewed from its vast fleet of vessels. 🔀Marine scrubbers have been the go-to solution for years, but their effectiveness has plateaued. Spurred by tightening regulations and a growing environmental consciousness, the industry is preparing for a paradigm shift that promises to slash exhaust emissions by an astonishing 98%. ⚡A Two-Pronged Approach: Scrubbers and Electrostatic Precipitation The key to this transformative leap lies in a complementary approach that combines the existing scrubber systems with an innovative technology known as the Marine Wet Electrostatic Precipitator (WESP). While scrubbers effectively remove sulphur oxides (SOx), WESPs target particulate matter (PM), a particularly harmful pollutant linked to respiratory and cardiovascular problems. The Power Behind the Clean Air Solution Surprisingly, the most critical component in the WESP system isn't the steel reactor itself but rather the power system that drives it. It is where cutting-edge technology like SEIDPower Marine®️ from Norwegian SEID AS enters the picture. This next-generation 3-phase Ultra-High Frequency Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS), specifically designed for marine applications, is the linchpin of this clean air revolution. 🫡SEIDPower Marine®: The Engine of Electrostatic Precipitation SEIDPower Marine delivers the precise high-voltage electrical fields necessary for the WESP to function optimally. By charging the PM particles in the exhaust gas, the WESP system forces them to adhere to collection plates, effectively removing them from the airstream. The result is a dramatic reduction in harmful emissions, far beyond what scrubbers (~35%) can achieve. The integration of a WESP and SEIDPower Marine®️ offers a host of benefits beyond simply cleaner air: •            Regulatory Compliance: The technology helps ship owners and operators meet stringent emission standards like the International Maritime Organization regulations. #IMO •            Improved Fuel Efficiency: By removing PM, WESPs can enhance engine performance and reduce fuel consumption, contributing to cost savings and sustainability. •            Enhanced Brand Image: Embracing clean air solutions showcases a commitment to environmental responsibility, resonating with increasingly eco-conscious consumers and stakeholders. The combination of scrubbers and WESPs, powered by advanced technology like SEIDPower Marine®️, represents a breakthrough in the quest for a cleaner maritime industry. This two-pronged approach not only addresses the immediate challenge of air pollution but also paves the way for a more sustainable future for shipping. #Maritime #CleanAir #ElectrostaticPrecipitation #SEIDPowerMarine #Sustainability #EmissionControl #ModuPower #Scubbers Image: A vessel without a WESP!

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    SEID AS is proud to announce the completion and upcoming shipment of nine #ModuPower systems to ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India. This marks a significant step in our commitment to providing cutting-edge air pollution control solutions to industries worldwide. We are confident that our ModuPower technology will greatly enhance ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India's air pollution control capabilities, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment for their operations and the surrounding communities. We look forward to a continued partnership with ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India in their pursuit of sustainable and responsible industrial practices. #India #ESP #AirPollution #SMPS #PulsedPower #WESP Innovation Norway Cristian Valdes Carter Haakon Korshavn Stig Feyling G Anantha Murthy SE TECHNO HUB

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    Dear valued clients and partners! As the warm days of July approach, SEID is excited to announce that we’re going into summer mode! ☀️ During this time, our team will take a well-deserved break to recharge and enjoy the sunshine. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support. 🙌 Whether in India, the USA, Chile, or anywhere else, we appreciate your trust in our services. Wishing you all a fantastic summer and joyful holidays! 🌴🌺 Stay safe, stay hydrated, and we’ll be back with renewed energy in August! Best regards, TEAM SEID 🚀 Photos: SEID products are ready for shipment to India, the USA, and Chile.

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    Did you happen to know? SEID’s ModuPower® Next-Gen High-Frequency Switch-Mode Power Supply - replacing older T/R sets 🔌 Optimized High Voltage ESP Solutions The ModuPower® MPX enhances the Particulate Matter (PM) collection efficiency of electrostatic precipitators (ESP) by increasing average power regardless of the application. It generates a pulse high-voltage signal that charges the electrical field inside the ESP/ModuPlasma™ reaction chamber. 🔧 Modular Design for Reliability SEID AS power supplies consist of multiple, independently operating 30 -60 kW modules connected in parallel. This modularity improves reliability and reduces downtime in case of failure. ❄️ Advanced Cooling System ModuPower® MPX handles heat-sensitive power electronics in industrial environments. Forced cooling ensures proper operation under all load conditions, and common cooling system designs allow effective operation in various settings. 🛠️ Easy Maintenance Designed for maximum reliability, the ModuPower® MPX allows user-friendly servicing. Components are readily available, and major parts can be replaced by a single technician in less than 30 minutes. Read more about it: #ModuPower #ModuPlasma #SEIDPower #SEID #ESP #WESP

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    SEID AS is thrilled to announce our next step in revolutionizing Elemental carbon and low-carbon Hydrogen utilization through ColdSpark. We are now preparing a cutting-edge application for the EU's HORIZON-JU-CBE-2024-IA-07 call, aiming to advance our groundbreaking ColdSpark® technology to commercial readiness. This project focuses on the innovative conversion of biogenic gaseous carbon into valuable bio-based chemicals, ingredients, and materials. We are committed to driving a circular economy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by harnessing the power of renewable resources and carbon-negative methane. With a proven track record of excellence, including a near-perfect score of 14.5 out of 15 in our previous ColdSpark EU project, we are confident in our ability to deliver exceptional results. -> Our ambitious goal is to achieve this application's highest possible score of 15 points! Stay tuned for updates as we embark on this exciting journey towards a more sustainable future! -> Feel free to contact us if you want to join our consortium! #SEID #ColdSpark #CarbonUtilization #Bioeconomy #CircularEconomy #Sustainability #Innovation European Commission BioBased Circular

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    Cold Plasma vs. Ozone Injection: Choosing the Right Odor Control Solution! Cold plasma technology has emerged as a powerful tool for odour control. But what's the difference between direct treatment cold plasma and cold plasma injection systems, and which one is right for your specific needs? Direct Treatment Cold Plasma: The Power of OH Radicals In direct treatment cold plasma systems, the flue gas passes directly through the inner core of the plasma reactor. This direct exposure to the plasma generates a variety of reactive species, including highly effective hydroxyl (OH) radicals. These radicals break down complex odour molecules, resulting in superior odour removal efficiency compared to ozone injection systems. Advantages of Direct Treatment of Cold Plasma: - Higher Efficiency: OH radicals are more reactive than ozone, leading to faster and more complete odour elimination. - Versatility: Effective against various odour compounds, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and odorous sulfur compounds. - Reduced Byproducts: Produces fewer unwanted byproducts compared to ozone injection. Cold Plasma Injection: The Simplicity of Ozone - Cold plasma injection systems, on the other hand, inject ozone into the flue gas. While ozone is still effective against many common odorants, it lacks the raw power and versatility of OH radicals generated in direct treatment systems. Advantages of Cold Plasma Injection: - Cost-Effective: Typically, it is less expensive to implement than direct treatment systems. - Ease of Integration: This can be easily retrofitted into existing exhaust systems. - Suitable for High Flow Rates: Effective for treating large volumes of air. Which Solution is Right for You? The optimal odour control solution depends on several factors, including: Odour Concentration and Composition: Due to their superior efficiency, direct treatment systems are often preferred for high concentrations or complex odour mixtures. Available Space: Injection systems may be more suitable for applications with limited space. Budget: Ozone injection can be a more cost-effective option for certain applications. Integrated Solutions with SEID At SEID, we offer direct treatment cold plasma and cold plasma injection systems tailored to meet your needs. We can also integrate these technologies with other odour control solutions, such as scrubbers or electrostatic precipitators, to provide comprehensive odour abatement. Please contact us today to discuss your odour control challenges and find the best solution for your business. #coldplasma #odorcontrol #environmentaltechnology #SEID #ModuPlasma #ModuPower #SEIDPower #fishfeed #animalfeed Aerox B.V. Riedel Filtertechnik GmbH JIMCO A/S Centriair Energima Gruppen Landes Group Pescadores Industriales del Biobío

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    We are thrilled to present our technology & solutions at the Aarhus University Power-to-X Symposium. Date: May 28-30. Abstract: SEID AS isn't just transforming industries; we're forging a cleaner, greener future. Our cutting-edge technology is a beacon of innovation, contributing to slashing exhaust emissions in the maritime sector and driving the production of ultra-low-carbon hydrogen and Elemental Carbon. Imagine ships sailing across the seas, leaving behind a mere whisper of pollution. This isn't science fiction; it's SEID's reality. But we're not stopping there. Our technology's versatility is unlocking new possibilities, propelling us towards a more sustainable tomorrow. Join us as we chart a course towards a brighter future, powered by SEID's ingenuity. Wärtsilä Marine A.P. Moller - Maersk DTU - Technical University of Denmark Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Daphne Technology Daphne Technology Valmet ONS Stavanger kommune Sandnes kommune #smps #modupower #moduplasma #exhaustgas #elementalcarbon

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    ModuPlasma UV: A Game-Changer for Air Purification in Industrial Settings Are you struggling with dust, particulate matter, and unpleasant odors in your industrial facility? Look no further than the innovative combination of ModuPlasma non-thermal plasma and UV technology. Our latest research has shown that the synergistic effect of these two technologies delivers unparalleled air purification results. Moduplasma's non-thermal plasma technology effectively breaks down pollutants, including VOCs and odors, at the molecular level. When combined with UV light in the secondary step, the efficiency of dust and particle removal is significantly enhanced. This dual-action approach not only creates a cleaner and healthier work environment but also helps to improve the longevity of your equipment by reducing the buildup of harmful pollutants. It's a win-win for both your employees and your bottom line. If you're ready to take your air purification to the next level, don't hesitate to reach out to us for a free consultation. We'll help you assess your specific needs and create a customized solution that fits your budget. Read more: #airpurification #industrialhygiene #moduplasma #UVtechnology #cleanerair #healthierworkplace

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    🎙️ Podcast varsel fra SEID AS og Project #ColdSpark⚡ Vi er stolte av å kunne annonsere at SEID AS har deltatt i en podcast innspilling med Teknisk Ukeblad! Sammen med Jan M Moberg ble vi invitert til å delta i en episode av "Teknisk sett", en podcast som dykker ned i spennende teknologiske temaer. 🎧 I episoden fikk vi muligheten til å fortelle mer om SEID, vår banebrytende Plasma teknologi, og de spennende mulighetene som ligger foran oss både for teknologien og selskapet. Vi vil takke Karianne Skjæveland og Energy Transition Norway for å ha koblet oss med Teknisk Ukeblad og gjort denne podcast-innspillingen mulig. 🤝 Forbered deg på en høyspent ⚡ podcast fylt med spennende innsikt og innovative ideer! 💥 Stay tuned! 😎 #SEID #ColdSpark #Podcast #TekniskUkeblad #Teknologi #Innovasjon Næringsforeningen i Stavanger-regionen Stavanger Aftenblad

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    Han vil gi norsk naturgass nytt liv

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    🌿 SEID at IFAT worldwide Munich 2024: - > Pioneering Solutions for Odor and Air Pollution Abatement 🌿 We’re thrilled to announce that SEID will attend IFAT Munich 2024, the world’s leading trade fair for environmental technologies, from May 13 to 15. 🫡Our team is eager to connect with industry professionals, innovators, and policymakers passionate about tackling the challenges of odour and air pollution. Join Us to Explore Cutting-Edge Solutions: Where: IFAT Munich, Germany When: May 13-15, 2024 Let’s Discuss: - Innovative strategies for odour and air pollution control - Advanced technologies for air quality improvement - Collaborative approaches to environmental sustainability We believe in the power of collaboration to drive progress and are excited to share insights, learn from others, and explore partnerships. If you’re attending IFAT and are interested in discussing the challenges and opportunities in odour and air pollution abatement, we would love to meet you. Schedule a Meeting: To arrange a one-on-one discussion with our experts, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at [email protected] Let’s work together for a cleaner, healthier environment. We look forward to meeting you at IFAT Munich 2024! #IFAT2024 #EnvironmentalTechnology #AirQuality #OdorControl #Sustainability #Innovation Aerox B.V. Centriair Riedel Filtertechnik GmbH

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