NGI - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute

NGI - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute


On safe ground

Om oss

NGI is an independent international centre for research and consultancy in engineering-related geosciences, integrating geotechnical, geological and geophysical expertise. We find good and sustainable solutions for building infrastructure on land and at sea, and within environmental technology, contaminated soil and natural hazards – such as landslides and avalanches. Our research provides knowledge required to solve some of the most important challenges facing the world related to climate, environment, energy and natural hazards. Our core tasks are to contribute with research and consulting to societal development. The research at NGI should be relevant, so our results can be used by the market and benefit society, business and industry. Research and consultancy therefore go hand in hand. Our research integrates knowledge across geotechnics, geology and geophysics. Public authorities, business and private industry in Norway and abroad use our geo-expertise to ensure that we build our society on safe ground. Our head office and laboratories are in Oslo, Norway, with a branch office in Trondheim, Norway, and an avalanche research station on Mount Strynefjellet in western Norway. We have overseas offices and a geotechnical laboratory in Houston, Texas, USA, and office in Perth, Western Australia, as well as partnership agreements with well-established companies and universities around the world. Impressum NGI is a private independent foundation for consulting and research services in the engineering geosciences.

201–500 ansatte
Privateid selskap
Offshore energy, Building, construction and transportation, Natural hazards, Environmental technology



Ansatte i NGI - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute


  • In the #SummerPortrait, you get to know students with summer jobs at NGI. Meet Live Østvold: My name is Live, I'm from Oslo, and I'm 22 years old. I study Civil and Environmental Engineering at NTNU in Trondheim and have completed my third year. In my free time, I am active in NTNUI orienteering, enjoy being outdoors, and hiking in the mountains. How is it to have a summer job at NGI? Having a summer job at NGI is a lot of fun. I've been able to participate in many different and educational activities. You meet many passionate people who are happy to explain a bit about their field of expertise and what they usually work on. Which department do you work in, and what are your tasks? I work in the field department. My workday is very varied, which I find both fun and exciting. I get a good insight into fieldwork within geotechnics, how various investigations are conducted, and the different challenges encountered. What is your best NGI moment? The best NGI moment must be the trip to Svelgen outside Florø; it was fieldwork in magnificent surroundings. What will you take with you moving forward? After a summer in the field department at NGI, I'm taking away many valuable experiences. I've gained a better understanding of the field and the various opportunities within geotechnics. The summer job has given me an even greater interest in the field and good motivation for the upcoming master's years. I will carry with me a summer where I met many nice people, had exciting days, and learned an incredible amount.

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  • In the #SummerPortrait, you get to know students with summer jobs at NGI. Meet Markus Fink Kvamme: My name is Markus, I’m 24 years old, and comes from Asker. I’m studying technical geosciences in Trondheim and will be going on exchange to Florence in the fall. How is it to have a summer job at NGI? A summer job at NGI is very educational. The colleagues are nice and skilled in their work, which provides a high learning outcome. In addition, it is exciting to be involved in various projects. Which department do you work in, and what are your tasks? I work in the field department and go out into the field on drilling rigs to help with drilling. What is your best NGI summer moment? The best NGI summer moment is getting to drive one of the drilling rigs :) What will you take with you from your summer at NGI? Furthermore, I will take with me everything I have learned from the summer here at NGI. Everything from the academic knowledge to the values you have at NGI, which promote a good environment with good results and enjoyment in the workday.

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  • Are you working in Offshore Renewables? Do you have innovative research to share? Are you eager to connect with fellow researchers in your field? We are thrilled to announce that we will host a session at the upcoming American Geophysical Union (AGU) conference in Washington, D.C., from December 9-13. Our session, "Advancing Offshore Renewables: Multiscale Characterization of Geomaterial Systems," is designed to highlight innovative research and build valuable connections. Submit your abstracts by July 31st to be part of this exciting event! Help us make this session dynamic and engaging by spreading the word. We look forward to your participation! Here is the session link:

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  • In the #SummerPortrait, you get to know students with summer jobs at NGI. Meet Maryam Sadat: How is it to have a summer job at NGI? It is educational and interesting. Which department do you work in, and what are your tasks? I work in the offshore department. I have had the pleasure of working on a research project where I will perform geotechnical testing, process data, and write reports. What is your best NGI summer moment? It's hard to choose one moment; I think every moment has been unforgettable, from the work to the social aspects. What will you take with you from your summer at NGI? I will take with me a lot of knowledge and experience that can be applied in the future.

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  • In the #SummerPortrait, you get to know students with summer jobs at NGI. Meet Nora Andreassen: My name is Nora, I am 22 years old, and I come from Kolbotn. I study Technical Geosciences at NTNU in Trondheim and have just finished my third year. How is it to have a summer job at NGI? Having a summer job at NGI is both educational and exciting. It's fun to get an insight into what it's like to work at NGI and to learn from skilled people. Which department do you work in, and what are your tasks? I work in the Climate Adaptation and Hydrodynamics (Natural Hazards) department. My tasks this summer include coding in Python, finding solutions to improve the bidding process and CVs at NGI, and article revision. What is your best NGI summer moment One of the highlights was NGI's summer party at Villa Eckbo at the beginning of the period. It was a great opportunity to mingle and get to know both the regular employees and the summer students. What will you take with you from your summer at NGI? Pleasant acquaintances and an insight into the kinds of opportunities available as an employee at NGI.

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  • In the #SummerPortrait, you get to know students with summer jobs at NGI. Meet Ida Elise Onsøien: My name is Ida, I am 23 years old, and I come from Larvik. I am pursuing a master's degree at NTNU's School of Entrepreneurship and have a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. How is it to have a summer job at NGI? It is very fun! We have been given many varied and exciting tasks. This has allowed me to learn a lot of different things and apply my knowledge in various areas. Which department do you work in, and what are your tasks? I work in the Department of Geophysics and Remote Sensing. I am part of NGI's summer incubator program, where I work on the commercialization of NGI's technology. I have worked with technologies in seismics and satellites, among other things. What is your best NGI summer moment? Lunch in the sun🌞🌞 NGI has a beautiful outdoor area outside the cafeteria. What will you take with you from your summer at NGI? From my summer at NGI, I will take with me valuable experience and knowledge in geophysics and remote sensing. I have had the opportunity to work with advanced technology and have seen how the theory from my studies can be applied in practice. Working at NGI has also given me a network of colleagues that I can benefit from in the future.

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  • 🎧 Nysgjerrig av natur, eller bare interessert i å slå i hjel noen timer på stranda? Sjekk ut «Med blikket mot bakken» i din foretrukne podcast-app. Vi anbefaler denne episoden om tsunamier. Jordskjelvet vest for Sumatra i 2004 førte til en tsunami som forårsaket enorme ødeleggelser i kystsamfunn rundt Det indiske hav. Her hjemme har vi hatt skred som har forårsaket dødelige flodbølger i blant annet Loen og i Tafjord. Men visste du at vi i forhistorisk tid hadde et undersjøisk skred på størrelse med Skottland i areal, som skapte en kystbølge som rammet Norskekysten fra Stavanger til Nordkapp, Skottland og trolig også Grønland og Danmark? Hvordan kan vi best forutse og sikre oss mot slike naturkatastrofer? Hvordan endret tsunamien i 2004 forskningsarbeidet for å vurdere risiko og rask varsling? Hvordan jobber NGI med sannsynlighetsvarsler og risikovurdering som sikrer myndighetene et godt kunnskapsgrunnlag? Og kan nye, tunge regnemaskiner, såkalte supercomputere, i framtida gi oss mer regnekraft som kan gi oss enda bedre sannsynlighetsberegninger? Gjest: Finn Løvholt, NGI, teknisk ekspert ved Avdeling for Geofare og dynamikk. Programleder: Liv Bjergene

  • In the #SummerPortrait, you get to know students with summer jobs at NGI. Meet Endre Svendsen: My name is Endre Svendsen, I am 23 years old, from Arendal, and I am studying at NTNU's School of Entrepreneurship. I have previously studied Electronic System Design and Innovation. Besides, this summer I spend my time playing football or being on the boat. How is it to have a summer job at NGI? The summer job at NGI is very exciting and challenging with many rewarding tasks. I am given a lot of trust and do a lot of independent work. I also learn a lot about geology/geophysics/geotechnics from skilled people. Which department do you work in, and what are your tasks? I work in the Department of Remote Sensing and Geophysics. My task is to explore commercialization opportunities for Inio, which is an InSAR technology. What is your best NGI summer moment? Right after I started at NGI, I was invited to NGI's summer party. There, I met many new people and got to know NGI better. What will you take with you from your summer at NGI? I will take with me a lot of valuable experience that I will carry forward into my studies.

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  • In the #SummerPortrait, you get to know students with summer jobs at NGI. Meet Marie Gotaas: My name is Marie, I am 23 years old, and I come from Nøtterøy. I am studying engineering geology at NTNU in Trondheim and have completed three years of my studies, with two years remaining. I am an enthusiastic student who loves to learn new things and challenge myself. I spend my free time involved in Start NTNU, with friends, and hiking. How is it to have a summer job at NGI? The summer job at NGI is incredibly educational and exciting. I have met many friendly and welcoming people, which makes the daily work even better. It's amazing to see the many opportunities at NGI and the passion the employees have for their field. Which department do you work in, and what are your tasks? I work in the Department of Engineering Geology and Rock Engineering. During the summer, I have participated in several site inspections, both on railways and tunnels. One of the most exciting experiences was spending three days in Stavanger at the Rogfast tunnel. I will also spend a week in the field in Flåm with a PhD student from the Natural Hazards Department, looking at how vegetation affects slope stability. I have also contributed to writing reports after inspections, attended meetings, and conducted research for a project. What is your best NGI summer moment? My best moment must be the tunnel inspection in Stavanger. It was incredibly cool to see how a tunnel is constructed, gain insight into the entire process, and learn from all the people working there. What will you take with you from your summer at NGI? I have learned an incredible amount from everyone I have met and gained valuable insight into the many opportunities in the industry, especially as an employee at NGI, both in consulting and research. Anything else you would like to say? 😊 Thank you for an amazing summer experience at NGI! I look forward to seeing what the future brings and staying in touch with all the fantastic people I have met here.

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  • ⏰ Søk traineeprogram i geoteknikk hos NGI: Vi behandler søknader fra og med 1. august 2024, og ansetter fortløpende inntil vi har fylt traineeplassene. Er du masterstudent i geoteknikk eller konstruksjonsteknikk og ønsker å bli en del av et verdensledende fagmiljø? NGI tilbyr Norges eneste traineeprogram i geoteknikk, som starter i 2025. Du blir lønnet på linje med andre nyutdannede, og i løpet av 18 måneder får du muligheten til å jobbe med ulike geotekniske fagområder, både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Vi søker etter dedikerte talenter som ønsker å bidra til å løse komplekse utfordringer innen klima, miljø, energi og samfunnssikkerhet. Les mer og søk her:

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