Nordic Edge

Nordic Edge

Ideelle organisasjoner

Stavanger, Rogaland 5,496 følgere

🌎 Advancing a smarter and greener tomorrow through our Smart City Agritech Clusters, Innovation hub Innoasis & Expo

Om oss

Nordic Edge is a non-profit organization working in close cooperation with private companies, municipalities, academia and citizens towards smarter and more sustainable cities and communities. Our aim is to be a driving force for the development, testing and export of smart city technology and sustainable solutions on behalf of our cluster members. Built on the core philosophy “Smart with a Heart”, Nordic Edge strives to advance a smarter and greener tomorrow with a human-centric, inclusive, and collaborative approach. By sharing and enhancing knowledge, being an arena for interaction, initiating cross-sector collaboration and innovation projects, and creating commercial opportunities, our aim is to strengthen innovation capacity on behalf of our cluster members. Thus, resulting in scalable solutions, new business opportunities and knowledge-based jobs that benefit both people and the planet. We believe that a smart city puts the citizens first, using new technology, innovative methods, and co-creation to make the city a better place to live, reside and work.

Ideelle organisasjoner
11–50 ansatte
Stavanger, Rogaland
Ideell organisasjon
Innovation, technology, Conference, exhibition, smart city, cluster


Ansatte i Nordic Edge


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    📲 Important 5G call to all innovators! Earlier this spring we had the grand opening of a 5G/IoT Lab located at Innoasis, a collaborative project by Lyse and Nordic Edge. 💬 The 5G/IoT Lab was inaugurated by the Norwegian minister of Digitalisation and Public Governance Karianne Tung, who said; «This initiative promotes innovation and business development, and is a crucial contribution to rebuilding the country using digitalization as a tool.," This lab offers unmatched opportunities for companies, and is designed to be a hub for innovation, providing: 🔬 5G Lab-as-a-Service for physically testing - Access to cutting-edge infrastructure 📚 Showcases and knowledge-sharing events - Thematic and inspiring gatherings to enhance knowledge, share expertise and to create collaborations around 5G and IOT solutions 🤝 Business development and collaboration opportunities - Innovate in smart cities, and get start-ups, scale-ups and established companies to actively think about business development, especially by using the 5G/IoT lab as an opportunity for practical project collaboration. Learn more: #5G #IoT 

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    😁 Møt Steinar under Arendalsuka, han har en lidenskap for å skape nye gode koblinger og samarbeid mellom offentlig, privat og akademisk sektor. Han stiller spørsmålet: Smarte byer med null utslipp innen 2030, noen som tror på det da? 💬 "I år så ser jeg spesielt fram til å lede et seminar hvor vi setter søkelyset på byenes ambisjoner om å bli smarte og klimanøytrale innen 2030. Her vil vi se på hvordan vi faktisk ligger an så langt etter flere år med byvekstavtaler og andre tiltak, og vi vil også se på hva som skal til for å nå disse hårete målene som er satt. Jeg gleder meg spesielt til å lede paneldebatt med blant annet ordføreren i Stavanger og byrådslederen i Trondheim, og jeg håper at vi klarer å få litt temperatur på scenen." - Steinar Meling 📅 Eventet finner sted onsdag 14. august, kl 13:30 – 14:30 på båten Rygerelektra I Arendal samles alle aktørene som vi i Nordic Edge jobber med til daglig – politikere, kommune- og fylkesadministrasjon, små og store bedrifter, akademia og finanssektoren. Det er derfor naturlig at vi er til stede og bidrar til at Arendalsuka blir en relevant arena for våre medlemmer. Les mer om våre eventer under Arendalsuka her:

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    🇺🇦 In May, Nordic Edge was host to a delegation from Kyiv. The workshop "Transforming Adversity into Opportunity" served as a powerful example of how a nation at war mobilizes its forces and, out of necessity, discovers new solutions. As a follow-up to our collaboration with our Ukrainian friends, we were invited to be a part of the jury panel for the innovation programme "Resilient City". 💡 Despite wartime challenges and power outages, this two-day event brought together some of Ukraine's brightest minds - entrepreneurs, students, scientists, and government officials. Together, they discussed critical issues and collaborated on building a stronger, more secure Kyiv for everyone. "It was truly moving to see the presentations and experience the drive and pride that exist within a people determined to rebuild their country." - Says CEO Terje Eide, who represented Nordic Edge in the jury. Here are the winners:  🥇 Universal utilizer-gas generator boiler ALLIGATOR. 🥈 3b - 3D printing of architectural forms from innovative materials. 🥉 KPI Energy Monitor - software and hardware complex for efficient energy management. A special nomination from Kyivstar was awarded to the Safe City manhole cover solutions for the city. Spencer Cash, Denys Nazarenko, Tetiana Horbonos

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    ♻ 💚 Cities on a mission! Nordic Edge was this week present in Valencia, for the third edition of The Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission Conference. Pursuing the goal for achieving 112 climate neutral and smart cities by 2030, city mayors and practitioners, representatives of national and regional authorities, innovation clusters and others met to share valuable insights, concepts, experiences, and inspiration. 💼 👀 The event echoed one of the speaker’s main point; we must look at the transition to greener and smarter cities as a giant business opportunity. New products, services and processes are needed to solve the complex societal dilemmas we are facing, and innovative private companies are indispensable as solution providers. 🚪 🤝🏼 Hence, we will relentlessly strive to be the door opener and matchmaker for our cluster members both on a national and an international level.

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    Nordic Edge and Universitetet i Stavanger (UiS) have established an innovation programme, designed to enhance your innovation capabilities. Through four sessions, we will explore various aspects of innovation, and how to use it to take your organisation to the next level. We are now ready for session 3 in this series:   Session 3: The power of user insights in innovation What have users truly done for your organization’s innovation journey, and are you harnessing their potential to the fullest? Challenge your assumptions about innovation by delving into the power of user insights. In this session, we explore the growing interest in ‘free innovation,’ unlocking the valuable contributions users can make to enhance front-end ideation and downstream adoption and diffusion. Can your organization afford to overlook the untapped resource of user-driven innovation? Join us to redefine your approach and leverage user insights to propel your innovation initiatives forward. Read more and register for the session in the comments

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    80 start-ups and over 100 investors has so far participated at Nordic Fund Day – we are now excited to announce the date and location for your favourite startup & investor event once again ... 🥁 🥁 🥁 Where: Amsterdam When: 30 October 2024 We're so excited to welcome you to the eighth Nordic Fund Day, where we gather the most promising Nordic start-ups, solving challenges related to our urban environments and our international financial network. This year we’re bringing the event to Amsterdam, with the aim of connecting Nordic companies with the even more European investors 🇳🇱🌷 Interessted? 1. Have a look at the recap video below from our last Nordic Fund Day 🎬 2. Check the link in the comments for more information 💡 3. Sign up as an investor 👋🏻 4. Apply as a startup before 1 September 💬 Got any ideas about who should we talk to in the Netherlands? Let us know! - Emilie Martinsen Christensen, Jørn Haanæs, KOMPAS VC, LUMO Labs, ClimatePoint

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    In collaboration with sister cluster Energy Transition Norway, we had the chance to put our joint cluster member PowerPal on stage at the Norway-Belgium Summit in Oslo today. We shared the stage with ministers from both countries such as Terje Aasland and Tinne Van der Straeten. Thank you to our cluster partner Flux50 for the opportunity. Looking forward to coming collaborations big and small!! #energytransition #smartcities #innovation

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    📸 Det har de siste ukene vært mye oppmerksomhet rundt nye Meta-regler knyttet til bildebruk på Facebook og Instagram. Klyngemedlemmet vårt Kakadu ønsker gjøre det enkelt for deg som privatperson å verne om dine bilderettigheter på disse plattformene. 🦜Takk til kakaduene som gjør den digitale hverdagen enklere, slikt heier vi på 🙌🏼 Les hele saken i kommentarfeltet

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    Nordic Edge is proud to represent Stavanger as an official Community Partner of this year’s 2030 Climate Tech Summit - applications are now open! On September 24th Startuplab is hosting the 2nd annual 2030 Climate Tech Summit where Norway’s most promising climate startups gather to present their solutions to international VCs, corporate executives, and government decision makers. As a Community Partner, Nordic Edge will help represent Stavanger to ensure that the amazing technology being developed here in this region is represented at the Summit in Oslo. Are you a startup interested in pitching to world leading investors and having the chance to win 500 000NOK? Then apply today! Registration link in the comments below. We hope to see many of our members join in September!

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    🇪🇸 Interested in Barcelona Smart City Expo 2024? Nordic Edge is going to Barcelona with the mission to set up a valuable program for our members. 🤝 "SCEWC Barcelona is the meeting place for everyone who want's to innovate within the urban space. This year we seek to get the most out of this experience for our members, we therefore want your input! We welcome you to join in on a digital info meeting, and share what will make the trip to Barcelona truly worth the effort. " - Says Emilie Martinsen Christensen, Funding & Internationalisation Manager in Nordic Edge ♻ Barcelona Smart City Expo is the place where international actors meet to share solutions and ideas to global challenges related to sustainable urban development and the mobility of tomorrow. 💬 Hear more about the opportunity, and why you should join us at 21st June 10:00. Sign up at the link in the comments below!

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