


A cloud-based generative design software for civil infrastructure projects, utilizing AI and geospatial analytics.

Om oss

Committed to shaping the future of infrastructure, Infraspace is a cloud-based software that utilizes advanced optimization algorithms and geospatial analytics to identify and optimize infrastructure projects such as roads, railways, and power lines. As the volume of digital data continues to expand, the need for robust and smart software intensifies. Infraspace introduces generative design to seamlessly leverage available digital data to automate workflows in the construction industry. By cutting costs, saving time, and reducing environmental impact, Infraspace is propelling the interconnected world of infrastructure development forward. Get in touch and book a demo now to learn more about how Infraspace can enhance your projects. 🏅Top 50 Construction Tech Startup by CEMEX Ventures

2–10 ansatte
Privateid selskap
BIM, CAD, 3D, GIS, Generative design, Cloud, SaaS, Parametric design, Visualization, Environmental impact, Optimization, Automation, AI


Ansatte i Infraspace


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    Vis organisasjonssiden til Infraspace, grafisk

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    We're hosting a webinar October 30th!🥳 Thrilled to announce that we’ll be hosting a webinar October 30th 12:00-12:45 PM (GMT 2). After this webinar, you will know: - What is generative design✨ - Relevant use cases for generative design in road projects🚅 - Potential gains - and pitfalls to avoid ✅⛔ The webinar is relevant for anyone involved in civil infrastructure planning - whether it's roads, railways, power transmission or pipelines - or for those simply interested in learning more about cutting-edge technology (with examples focused on roads)⚡🛣️💦 Sign up by filling out this form: More information will be sent via email as we get closer to October 30th. If you have any questions or specific topics you'd like us to address during the webinar, feel free to comment below or in the sign up form. We're looking forward to connect with you!👋 #Webinar #GenerativeDesign #Infrastructure #ConTech

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    We're hosting a webinar October 30th!🥳 Thrilled to announce that we’ll be hosting a webinar October 30th 12:00-12:45 PM (GMT 2). After this webinar, you will know: - What is generative design✨ - Relevant use cases for generative design in road projects🚅 - Potential gains - and pitfalls to avoid ✅⛔ The webinar is relevant for anyone involved in civil infrastructure planning - whether it's roads, railways, power transmission or pipelines - or for those simply interested in learning more about cutting-edge technology (with examples focused on roads)⚡🛣️💦 Sign up by filling out this form: More information will be sent via email as we get closer to October 30th. If you have any questions or specific topics you'd like us to address during the webinar, feel free to comment below or in the sign up form. We're looking forward to connect with you!👋 #Webinar #GenerativeDesign #Infrastructure #ConTech

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Infraspace, grafisk

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    Vi gleder oss til Innovasjonsarena den 22. oktober, hvor vår CEO og gründer, Andreas Bjune Kjølseth, vil delta sammen med Harald Monsen fra Nye Veier AS for å presentere hvordan innovasjon kan bidra til mer bærekraftige infrastrukturprosjekter. 🌿🦾 Kan friste med at det blir en spennende prat om hvordan generativ design kan gi verdi og muligheter for bransjen.✨ Vi vil også være tilgjengelig på stand, og gleder oss til å snakke med våre bransjekollegaer og vise frem Infraspace til den som er nysgjerrige.😉🙏

    💡 Programslipp for Innovasjonsarena 2024: 22. oktober i Kristiansand Dyktige fagfolk deler suksesshistorier, erfaringer og kunnskap fra scenen. Få med deg blant annet: • Bærekraftig infrastruktur: Innovasjon som katalysator for fremtidens veier (Harald Monsen, Nye Veier AS og Andreas Bjune Kjølseth Infraspace) • Virtual Reality i infrastruktur – fra tegnebrett til virkelighet (Victor Prestholm, Bouvet og Jan Vidar Strømsvold, Statens vegvesen) • KIs rolle i innovasjon for infrastruktur (Morten Goodwin, University of Agder (UiA)   På Innovasjonsarena får du også: • Mulighet for å presentere idé eller produkt for fagpanel   • Mulighet for 1:1-møter med Statens vegvesen, Nye Veier og fylkeskommuner   • Program fra scenen, messeområde og festmiddag Les mer her: Vi gleder oss til å ønske deg velkommen!

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  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Infraspace, grafisk

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    Startuplab Climate Tech Summit 2030🌍 Three years ago, we attended our first Startuplab 2030 event with a minimum viable product that was only a few months old. Here, we initiated our first collaboration with Nye Veier AS - an important moment for us as a young company - which kick started the development of Infraspace in close dialogue with industry experts. 🤝 Thanks to Sebastian Kussl for your early faith in our vision three years ago, sending us in the direction towards where we are today - with a product that's now in use and providing value to several infrastructure projects in Norway.🛣️ Meeting Nye Veier and other companies at the same event this week, we were proud to showcase how the product has evolved into a smarter, faster, and more flexible tool, while remaining true to our original vision presented three years ago. We are excited about the next steps and look forward to continuing to develop technology for more streamlined planning of infrastructure. Read more about our collaboration with Nye Veier here: #Infrastructure #GenerativeDesign #ClimateTech #ConTech

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  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Infraspace, grafisk

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    Use WMS in Infraspace to Get Faster Insight🌍✨ Managing data from multiple platforms is often time-consuming and frustrating. This is where WMS in Infraspace comes in, providing a more streamlined and accessible way to manage geographical data. But what exactly is WMS, and how does it improve your project workflows in Infraspace? What is WMS? WMS stands for Web Map Service, which delivers geo-referenced map images. These maps offers layers of detailed information about the area you’re working on. With WMS in Infraspace, you can easily visualize layers like: 📃 Regulation Plans (Reguleringsplan): Detailed zoning and land-use regulations. 🌿 Resource Planning (Ressursplan/AR5): Insights on how resources are allocated. 🏫Cultural Heritage Data (Kulturminner): Identifying areas with cultural significance. How Does WMS in Infraspace Improve Your Workflow? By integrating WMS, Infraspace allows users to quickly access geographical data, removing the need to switch between systems and experts. This simplifies the workflow for all the stakeholders by making it easier to: ✅Understand the context of your project. ✅Make informed decisions, and identify potential challenges early ✅Ensure that stakeholders are aligned with the same information. By harnessing the power of WMS in Infraspace, you gain a powerful tool for managing your project with the needed context right at your fingertip - both for you as a project manager and you as a GIS expert.

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Infraspace, grafisk

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    We had an inspiring day in Asker today! Our CEO and founder, Andreas Bjune Kjølseth, was invited to share his entrepreneurial journey. He spoke about how Infraspace started as an idea and the steps taken to turn it into a commercialized product now used by several companies. It was also very inspiring to hear insights from the other speakers and connect with the local entrepreneurial community. Thank you for having us!🙏

    Vis organisasjonssiden til RE Gründerhus, grafisk

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    🎉 Gründeruka i Asker og Bærum er i gang! 🎉 For en fantastisk start på Gründeruka! Fullt hus, venteliste, og inspirerende foredrag fra Vanessa Lagerkvist i SIRQEL og Andreas Bjune Kjølseth i Infraspace. Spesielt spennende var det å høre Eli Haugerud, ny næringssjef i Bærum Municipality, dele sine tanker om næringslivet fremover. En stor takk også til Jørgen Jensen Axelsen fra ASK Management for å dele verdifulle råd om strategiske valg og fallgruver ved kapitalinnhenting. 💡 🌟 Kick-off på Gründeruka – Frokost og inspirasjon for gründere! 🌟 Vil du få med deg resten av uken? Det er fortsatt mulig å melde seg på flere spennende arrangementer de kommende dagene! 📅 Ikke gå glipp av: "Den som ikke forandrer seg, blir en annen" med Sjur Dagestad – i dag kl. 16:30 på RE Gründerhus Lær å søke tilskudd til kreative prosjekter med Frilanslivet – i morgen kl. 09:00 på Folkebadet i Sandvika 7 nøkkelingredienser for en nettside som selger – torsdag kl. 09:00 på RE Gründerhus Se fullt program her: 👉 Det er mye inspirasjon og nettverksmuligheter denne uken – meld deg på og bli med! 💼🚀

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  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Infraspace, grafisk

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    Danke, Berlin! A huge thank you to Deutsche Bahn for hosting such an successful startup event last week! It was very exciting to connect with so many industry leaders and innovators - like ORIS Materials Intelligence and GScan. It is truly inspiring to see groundbreaking ideas in action. 🙌🚆 A special shout-out to our workshop partners, such as DB InfraGO and to Torsten Bode from Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group, for your enthusiasm and interest in our product. It was inspiring to collaborate with you! Huge congrats to all the winners! Keep on building. We’re proud to to be among the finalists. Looking forward to more events like this — it certainly won’t be our last time in Germany! 🚀 Photos: © Deutsche Bahn AG | Oliver Lang #Innovation #DeutscheBahn #Berlin #ZIB #ConTech #GenerativeDesign

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  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Infraspace, grafisk

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    We're off to Berlin!✈️ Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day as we head to Berlin for the DB Mindbox startup event, where we've been selected as finalists. We can't wait to connect with industry leaders and meet other innovative startups!🤝

    Vis organisasjonssiden til DB mindbox, grafisk

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    🔥It’s going to be hot – At our startup selection day tomorrow 🚀   This Thursday, things are heating up both outside and inside our DB mindbox office by the Spree! We’re hosting our startup selection day for the program "Future of railroad construction industry 2024", where we collaborate on future innovations alongside key partners from the Zukunftsinitiative Bahnbau (ZIB).   💡Interactive workshops Before the pitches start, we’ll dive into workshops to highlight the current challenges of the industry and discuss various startup solutions. Topics include improved work facilitation, advancement of green technologies & approaches, knowledge transfer, and predictive maintenance. These workshops will allow startups to better understand the use cases and prepare comprehensively for the upcoming pitches.   🎤 Startup live pitches After the workshops, it’s time for the stage to shine! 20 selected startups will present their innovative solutions for different use cases. We look forward to koppla, ALICE Technologies Inc., Frontline Industrial Software Pte Ltd, ORIS Materials Intelligence, Infraspace, AmberRoad, dida Machine Learning, platform3l GmbH, Vrex, Flyability, GScan, irmos technologies AG, Respeak, Kitepower, SFC Energy AG, Volta Energy NL, clone:it, BIMPRINTER, #QTainer & #CoMMoD.   🗣️ Networking and exchange Before and after the program, there will be time for networking to connect and build valuable contacts. On-site will be innovators and experts from Deutsche Bahn, as well as representatives from our program partners DB InfraGO, DB Bahnbau Gruppe GmbH, KAF Falkenhahn Unternehmensgruppe, INROS LACKNER SE, Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group, BUG Verkehrsbau SE and Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes. We can't wait for a day full of inspiration and exciting connections!   #DBmindbox #StartupHub #DeutscheBahn #Startups #Digitalization #Innovation #ZukunftsInitiativeBahnbau #ZIB #RailConstruction #ConTech #Technology #ConstructionSite #StartupSelectionDay #Networking #Berlin

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  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Infraspace, grafisk

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    The Construction Industry’s Productivity Challenge This month, McKinsey & Company published a report that highlights a harsh truth for the construction sector. While global productivity in industries like manufacturing has experienced significant growth, construction remains far behind, with only a 0.4% annual growth rate in productivity from 2000 to 2022. 🏗️This gap is more than just a statistic—it represents a critical challenge that risks slowing global infrastructure development and postponing essential societal goals, including the net-zero transition. 💡Improved productivity in construction isn’t about working harder—it’s about working smarter. By adopting innovative technologies, companies can streamline operations, cut costs, and deliver projects more efficiently. This shift isn’t just beneficial; it’s essential to meet the growing global demand for construction and infrastructure. ✨As highlighted in the report, AI-driven solutions like generative design are key productivity innovations that the industry can greatly benefit from. Yet, many construction companies have not yet adopted these productivity innovations. 📈Where does your company stand? Are you leveraging at-scale productivity innovations like generative design? Which side of the productivity gap do you want to be on?

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    Vis profilen til Allister Lewis, grafisk

    ADDD Marketplace is the first ecommerce site for ConTech software, jobs and services. Helping overwhelmed Architects, BIM Managers, and AEC professionals to Search, Test, Review and Report on new software.

    🎯 Overwhelmed by the ever-changing world of Generative Design tools? Imagine if you could stop the endless web searches and find every tool you need in one place—saving you hours of frustration and uncertainty. Check out my FREE #GenerativeDesign Cheat Sheet! As an Architect and BIM Manager with over 20 years of experience, I’ve navigated the complexities of Generative Design tools, testing and evaluating many for clients across various sectors, I know how daunting it can be to find the right software that truly fits your unique needs. That's why I compiled all my findings into a single, easy-to-use cheat sheet. This resource is the culmination of months of work, designed to save you time and help you stay ahead of the curve in this fast-paced industry. Imagine having a go-to guide that not only lists the top tools but also gives you detailed information, direct links to their websites, and YouTube channels to see them in action. Whether you're designing for Residential, MMC/modular, or planning a large urban development, this cheat sheet will guide you to the perfect tool—quickly and easily. 👉 Download the ultimate Generative Design Cheat Sheet—for free! This resource will make your software selection process faster, easier, and far more effective. Link in the comments below! And if you're serious about staying ahead in this space, explore these tools further on our ADDD Marketplace, where you can find detailed reviews, virtual demos, and more. #GenerativeDesign #AEC #ConTech #PropTech #Construction #Innovation #DigitalTransformation #ADDDMarketplace #BIM Check out these companies: ARCHITEChTURES arqgen Gensler canibuild CONIX.AI CONSIGLI Delve by Sidewalk Labs (Part of Google) Digital Blue Foam Finch Giraffe Technology Gridics Hypar Infraspace laiout Maket (Techstars '21) MetricMonkey EvolveLAB Outline AI SiteSolve Skema.AI Spacio TestFit XKOOL TECHNOLOGY Zenerate

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