Om oss

GlobalConnect er et ledende teknologi- og datakommunikasjonsselskap i Nord-Europa. Konsernet leverer helhetlige løsninger fra jord til sky basert på egen infrastruktur, som består av 100 000 km fibernettverk og datasentre med totalt 34.500 kvadratmeter i Norge, Danmark, Sverige og det nordlige Tyskland. GlobalConnect har 30.000 bedriftskunder og leverer fiberbasert høyhastighets internett til 650.000 privatkunder i Sverige, Danmark, Tyskland og Norge gjennom merkevarene IP-Only, OneFiber og Homenet. GlobalConnect har omkring 1.700 ansatte og en samlet omsetning på over NOK 6 milliarder i 2021.

1 001-5 000 ansatte
Privateid selskap
IT outsourcing, Data Centers, Fibre Networks, Internet (B2B), IT security (B2B), SIP Trunk, Managed Services, SD-WAN, Unified Communications, Networking, Public Cloud Access


Ansatte i GlobalConnect


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    🌐 GlobalConnect säkrar ny avtalsperiod med Sjunet! 🌐 GlobalConnect har vunnit en ny upphandling för att leverera ett Wide Area Network (WAN) till Sjunet, det nationella nätverket för svensk sjukvård. Det är vår tredje avtalsperiod och innebär att vi fortsätter leverera stabil och pålitlig nätverksinfrastruktur till hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn. – Vi ser fram emot att fortsätta leverera en säker och stabil produktlösning för en samhällskritisk funktion som hela vårdsverige kan dra nytta av. Vårt team ser fram emot att fortsätta stödja Sjunet och bidra till att säkerställa en pålitlig kommunikationsinfrastruktur för svensk sjukvård, säger Anna Granö, Executive Vice President B2B på GlobalConnect. Sjunet erbjuder säker kommunikation för svensk sjukvård och möjliggör effektivt informationsutbyte mellan vårdinrättningar i hela landet. Läs mer här: #Sjunet #WAN #Sjukvård #DigitalInfrastruktur #Säkerhet

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    Ancient Paths, Modern Connections 🌍🔗 As we create the super mega fiber cable from Berlin to Luleå, GlobalConnect is uncovering history! While laying this groundbreaking cable, our team scanned 1,300 square meters, finding Viking relics🏺🗡️. Each discovery connects us to the past. We’re committed to preserving this heritage while pushing tech forward. Our fiber cables bridge not just lands but centuries, blending the old with the new. Every layer of soil tells a story, adding depth to our future. #GlobalConnect #BerlinToLuleå #History #Vikings #TechAndHistory #Archaeology #FiberOptics

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    GlobalConnect expands Nordic digital infrastructure with new terrestrial fiber route between Helsinki and Berlin 🌐🚀 Improved infrastructure between Finland and Sweden is an important enabler for the continued digitalization of Northern Scandinavia and it will enhance the digital collaboration and defense efforts between the two neighboring NATO countries. The infrastructure will also cater to the growing regions capabilities of attracting global tech & datacenter investments. Read more:

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    GlobalConnect becomes Cisco Gold Partner worldwide, enhancing capability to deliver superior services in the Nordics. This recognition solidifies the company's position as a leading provider of Cisco solutions, significantly enhancing its ability to deliver superior services across all markets. Anna Granö, Executive Vice President, B2B of GlobalConnect, expressed pride in the achievement, stating: "Receiving the Cisco Gold Service Provider certification is an integral part of our dedication and hard work to become the leading provider of Managed Connectivity services in the Nordics and beyond. Since we began this journey four years ago, we have seen growth in this business area that far exceeds what we have in our more traditional business areas. As our customers face even more demands on cost efficient operations, in an environment where dependability and security are becoming more and more paramount, they have increasingly chosen to let GlobalConnect handle their entire digital infrastructure in a secure, managed and cost-efficient way."

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    Suomen toinen Internetkulttuurin klassikot-muistomerkki on nyt luovutettu! 🏆 🎉 Alkuvuodesta pyysimme Suomen kansaa äänestämään rakastetuinta viraalia videota. Yli 600 ehdotuksen ja 10 finalistin joukosta voittajien joukkoon lukeutui ”Ei oo puuhöylä”-sanonnasta tunnettu video, joka on peräisin Voittopotti-tietokilpailusta. Videossa ohjelman juontaja Tony Hällfors saa kovasanaista palautetta kisan osallistujalta. Internetkulttuurin klassikoksi kruunatun videon kunniaksi palkitsimme videon tähden, juontaja Hällforsin sekä Pöllölaakson tästä suomalaisia jo 17 vuotta viihdyttäneestä viraaliklassikosta. Lue lisää:

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    Suomen ensimmäinen Internetkulttuurin klassikot-muistomerkki on nyt asennettu! 🏆 🎉   Alkuvuodesta pyysimme Suomen kansaa äänestämään rakastetuinta viraalia videota. Yli 600 ehdotuksen ja 10 finaaliin päässeen videon joukosta voittajaksi kruunattiin "Ui juma!"-nimelläkin tunnettu video, jossa nuoren pojan pyöräretki päättyy veteen eikä voimasanoiltakaan säästytä. Videosta tuli nopeasti viraali, ja se on jäänyt suomalaisten mieleen ikimuistoisimpana viraalivideona.   Suomen ensimmäinen internetkulttuurille omistettu muistomerkki on nyt asennettu Vaasaan, Gerbyn lammelle, jossa tämä klassikko ikuistettiin. Videon kuvaajan ja Vaasan kaupungin edustajan läsnäollessa on nyt pystytetty muistolaatta videon kuvauslokaatioon muistuttamaan tulevia sukupolvia internetkulttuurista ja näistä ajattomista klassikkovideista.   Lue lisää kampanjasta:

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    AI is the main driver for significant data traffic growth in the Nordics 🤖   This development now leads to new agreements: Because of the AI wave and the growing need for big data capacity, GlobalConnect is gearing up for heavy investments in datacenters with a Nordic Frame Agreement with Coromatic – a large contractor within datacenter construction work. “The growth in demand for datacenter capacity is beyond everyone’s expectations. AI is the main driver of this growth. We are focused on making sure we’re ahead of the curve and ready for our customers when they come to us with AI workloads. This is the main reason why we now have signed a large Nordic frame agreement with Coromatic enabling us to increase the pace of capacity growth with efficient turnkey builds and other projects,” Luke Davies, Head of Datacenters in GlobalConnect says.

    News - GlobalConnect

    News - GlobalConnect

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    GlobalConnect is thrilled to announce the winners of the E A S Y Awards 2024! 🏆 🙌 😍 A hearty congratulations to our winners😍   Expertise Siri Eggen Mogstad Available Dennis Jon Rostrup Speed Pia Pernille Rødsten You Negin Valadkhani In order to celebrate and recognize the GlobalConnect emplyees who've wholeheartedly adopted our conduct, we have the EASY Awards two times each year. This allows the employees to put forward their peers who stand out in putting the E A S Y values into action. ✌ E for Expertise, A for Availability, S for Speed and Y standing for You - our customers, but also our internal culture. A bid congratulations to our winners!

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    EASY Awards 2024 😍 🎖 Introducing the GlobalConnect EASY Awards Finalists for 2024 Q2! Our commitment to our customers is to provide an EASY experience, with "Expertise", "Availability", "Speed", and the focus on "You", our valued customer, but also our internal culture. To ensure we uphold this promise, we integrated the EASY concept into our internal values and behaviors, allowing us to remain consistent with our pledge. To appreciate and recognize the GlobalConnect employees who have adopted these values deep within, we have the EASY Awards two times each year. Our staff have the chance to nominate their colleagues who best represent these EASY principles. We were inundated with nominations, and it brings us great joy to announce and celebrate our exceptional finalists! A big congratulations is in order to our great finalists! Expertise Thomas Fabricius Siri Eggen Mogstad Carole Dupont-Lavadoux Jonas Lundberg Available Simona Tentea Dennis Jon Rostrup Birthe Hertrampf Håvard Kjelberg Speed Bente Pulz Nielsen Daniel Engh Pia Pernille Rødsten Jesper Fibæk You Fredrik Partanen Alexandra Ene Marco Ziebarth Negin Valadkhani

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    NIS2 is critical, but it’s not the only regulation to consider. Øystein Snekkerlien’s article dives into other significant EU directives that your enterprise must be ready for. Learn about these regulations and how to effectively comply. #NIS2 #EULaw #Compliance #CyberSecurity

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