Color Line

Color Line

Transport, logistikk, forsyningskjede og lagring

Oslo, Oslo 13,644 følgere

Color Line is Norway’s largest shipping line for international passenger and goods traffic to and from Norway.

Om oss

Color Line AS is Norway's largest and one of Europe's leading companies in European short sea shipping with around 3,000 employees across four countries. Annually, nearly 4 million people travel to and from Norway on the company's ships. Color Line transports 1 million cars and 200,000 freight units. The shipping company currently operates a fleet of five vessels and runs four international ferry routes between seven ports in Norway, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden. The company is currently the only shipping company in international passenger and freight traffic between Norway and foreign countries with ships registered in Norway and with a Norwegian headquarters. The company's vision is to become Europe's best cruise and transport company.

Transport, logistikk, forsyningskjede og lagring
1 001-5 000 ansatte
Oslo, Oslo
Privateid selskap
travel shipping transportation, Conference & Exhibition facilities


Ansatte i Color Line


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    The Importance of Proactive Ship Maintenance! ⚓⚙️🔧 Regular and thorough ship maintenance is indispensable for safe, efficient, and sustainable maritime operations. By ensuring that all systems are in good working order, complying with regulatory standards, and incorporating sustainable practices, we prevent costly breakdowns, extend the life of our ships, and minimize our environmental footprint. 🌍🚢 In the ever-challenging maritime environment, diligent maintenance practices are the key to smooth and sustainable sailing. To keep meticulous track of all maintenance activities, ensuring nothing is overlooked and every ships remains in peak condition we are greatful to use Star Information Systems for some of these important tasks. #MaritimeMaintenance #Sustainability #ShipManagement #MaritimeSafety

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    Gratulerer til våre lærlinger som nettopp har fullført 2 års læretid! 🎉 🌊🚢 Siden 1996 har Color Line vært en pioner innen maritim opplæring ved å ta inn i underkant av 1 150 lærlinger. Gjennom disse årene har mange fått sin opplæring innen dekk og maskin, og de senere årene har vi også inkludert kjøkken-, servitør- og resepsjonsfaget i vårt lærlingprogram. I 2022 tok vi steget videre og begynte å ta inn kadetter på helårsbasis. Dette gir oss et solid grunnlag for intern rekruttering til faste stillinger innenfor de maritime fagene. Vårt spesialutviklede program for kadetter i sommermånedene er nøkkelen til å sikre at studentene får nødvendig praktisk erfaring og fartstid mellom studieårene. Color Line er stolt over å bidra til utdanning og utvikling av fremtidens maritime fagarbeidere. Vi ser frem til å fortsette å være en viktig opplæringsbedrift og en trygg arbeidsplass for våre ansatte. #MaritimeEducation #ColorLine #Opplæring #Lærlinger #Kadetter #FremtidensFagarbeidere

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  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Color Line, grafisk

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    🌊 Today is the International Day of the Seafarer! 🚢 On June 25th, we honor seafarers and their vital contributions to global trade and transportation. They ensure goods and passengers reach their destinations safely and efficiently. Let's take a moment to thank all seafarers for their dedication and hard work. Your efforts keep our world connected! 🌍⚓️ #InternationalDayoftheSeafarer #Seafarers #GlobalTrade #Transportation #Gratitude

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    Today we celebrate Sweden's National Day 🎉🇸🇪 Do you know why Swedes celebrate on June 6th? Two key events happened at this day: 👑 Gustav Vasa was elected king in 1523, marking Sweden's independence. 🖋 Signing of the constitution in 1809. ⭐ Did you also know that June 6th originally was "Swedish Flag Day" until 1983 when it became National Day? 🇸🇪 Happy National Day, Sweden! 💙 💛 #SwedensNationalDay

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    Today, Denmark celebrates the introduction of its constitution on June 5, 1849. ⚖ With this constitution, the form of government in Denmark was changed from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy. Constitution Day is therefore seen as a celebration of Danish democracy, and it is marked with political speeches all over Denmark. Happy 175th Constitution Day, Denmark! 🇩🇰

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    We celebrate Inclusion and Diversity at Color Line 🌈 Inclusion is about creating an environment where all employees feel welcome, respected, and valued for their unique contributions. Diversity involves recognizing and valuing differences among employees, including gender, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and background. As an employee at Color Line, you should feel confident that you can be yourself and that you are equal to everyone else. We are committed to fostering a culture of inclusion, diversity and belonging to ensuring that every employee feels valued and respected. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH 🏳️🌈🫶 #pride

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