Om oss

Intermodal transport based on rail is our core business. Our customers are carriers, freight forwarders, shipping companies and logistics companies. In 2014, CargoNet relieved the roads in Norway of about 525 articulated lorries every day, throughout the year. Our shuttle trains carry trailers, swap bodies and containers from 20 to 45 feet as well as tanks. CargoNet carries freight for industry and commerce in an efficient shuttle net of intermodal terminals in Norway with connections to/from Sweden and the rest of Europe.

201–500 ansatte
Åpent aksjeselskap


Ansatte i CargoNet AS


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    Flere tog mellom Oslo og Narvik Det er allerede store transportvolumer som kjøres på tog mellom Nord- og Sør-Norge. Nå vil vi kjøre enda mer. Vi har transportert sjømat, næringsmidler, industri- og forbruksvarer på ARE-togene i en årrekke. Vi er derfor svært fornøyd med å kunne tilby enda bedre frekvens i togtilbudet mellom landsdelene. Vi vil kjøre ytterligere 3 tog mer i uken fra 4.mars, noe som gir muligheten til tilby enda flere kunder å benytte våre effektive transportløsninger på tog mellom landsdelene. Ta kontakt med oss om du ønsker mer informasjon om vårt tilbud.   Increased offer between Oslo and Narvik We have transported seafood, foodstuffs, industrial- and consumer goods on the ARE trains for a number of years. Now we increase our offer with three additional shuttles. Please contact us for more information. #cargonet #ARE #intermodaltransport

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    Vis organisasjonssiden til Kalmar, grafisk

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    Norway’s leading rail freight operator CargoNet AS is committed to using machines with little or zero emissions. Their new Kalmar Heavy Electric Forklift has proven the right choice for more sustainable rail freight handling. Watch the video and contact our expert if you're also ready to go electric with your Forklift operations: #Kalmar #Forklift #CargoNet

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til CargoNet AS, grafisk

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    New portal for train deviations Our new tool, which we call "kundefront", designed to help you stay informed about train delays, will be launched on the 22nd of August. This tool provides updates on train delays, giving you the information you need to plan ahead and avoid costly delays. In this blog post, we will explore how our application can benefit your business. • Stay informed: With our application you will receive real-time updates on train delays, so you can plan more effectively and avoid costly delays. • Increased transparency: Our application provides increased transparency in the transport process, and gives you the information you need to make informed decisions. • Save time and money: By staying ahead of deviations in train traffic, the application helps you save time and money on transport costs.  

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