Bellona Europa

Bellona Europa

Ideelle organisasjoner

Brussels, Brussels Region 4,862 følgere

Bellona Europa is the Brussels branch of the Bellona Foundation - an independent, environmental non-profit organisation.

Om oss

Bellona Europa is an independent, non-profit organisation that meets environmental and climate challenges head on. We are solutions-oriented and have a comprehensive and cross-sectoral approach to assess the economics, climate impacts and technical feasibility of necessary climate actions. To do this, we work with civil society, academia, governments, institutions, and industries.

Ideelle organisasjoner
11–50 ansatte
Brussels, Brussels Region
Ideell organisasjon
Climate Change, Low-carbon technologies, Electro-mobility, Carbon Capture and Storage, Climate Policy, Climate Action in Industry


Ansatte i Bellona Europa


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    Bellona’s take on the Monitoring and Reporting Regulation amendment to the EU ETS revision🔽    In our consultation response, we highlighted the following key points:     ✅ These changes mark a constructive step towards transparent & comprehensive reporting of all emissions, including from fuels containing zero-rated carbon fractions     However...    🔍 All emissions to the atmosphere affect the climate & further steps should be taken to penalise any emission that ends up in the atmosphere.     🚛 We're concerned about the exclusion of CO2 transported for non-geological storage purposes in these monitoring rules, which could create loopholes. We urge the European Commission to ensure consistent monitoring and reporting for all #CO2transport.     ✈️ Non-CO2 aviation effects should be monitored on all flights arriving and departing from the EU, to improve the scientific understanding of these impacts.     Read our full consultation response here: #ETS #netzero #emissions #climateaction #CO2infrastructure

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    🔍 Join our team! Bellona Europa is hiring a Financial and Administrative Officer (EN/FR or NL). Key responsibilities will include: 🔸Manage bookkeeping tasks, process invoices and expense reports 🔸Prepare financial reports and budgets 🔸Handle petty cash, reimbursements, and daily post 🔸Support project expenditure reporting and timesheets 🔸Ensure smooth office operations and assist with administrative tasks Do you have knowledge of the Belgian accounting system, strong organisational skills, and are proficient in accounting softwares? 📅 Then apply by: August 20, 2024 (applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis) 🎯 Desired start date: September 1, 2024 Read the full list of requirements & apply here: #greenjobs #hiring #hiringnow

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  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Bellona Europa, grafisk

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    📆❕Have you registered for the #BellonaClimateActionConference 2024, happening on October 1st?     Get ready for engaging discussions on strategies and solutions to accelerating industrial decarbonisation,  with the following agenda:     🔹14:00–14:05 Opening remarks  🔹14:05-14:15 Keynote speech by Kurt Vandenberghe, Director-General DG CLIMA European Commission (TBC)  🔹14:15-15:00 Decarbonising Power Systems for an Industrial Transition   🔹15:00-15:40 Unlocking Markets for Low-Carbon Materials: The Role of Green Public Procurement    ☕15:40-16:10 Coffee break   🔹16:10-16:50 Clearing the Path for Industrial Decarbonisation Through CO2 Infrastructure Deployment   🔹16:50-17:30 Effective Carbon Pricing for European Low-Carbon Manufacturing: A Dialogue   🔹17:30-17:45 Closing remarks   So far, we have confirmed speakers from the European Commission, CEMBUREAU , SCHWENK Latvija, Carbon Market Watch, ESPO (European Sea Ports Organisation) and the Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska… Stay tuned for further speaker announcements!  🎤 For registration, head over to ↩    #climateaction #climateactionnow #climatepolicy  #decarbonisation #netzero #climateneutrality #climateevent

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    🏭🍃Recent CCS developments in Latvia! Strategic political leadership is vital for Carbon Capture and Storage ( #CCS) to accelerate industrial decarbonisation and ensure competitiveness.     We are delighted to see that this is finally the case for Latvia, as its Prime Minister Evika Silina, together with Ministers Kaspars Melnis from Klimata un enerģētikas ministrija/Ministry of Climate and Energy and Viktors Valainis from Ekonomikas ministrija/ Ministry of Economics are discussing strategic investment projects, including #CO2storage. Bellona Europa encourages Latvian political leadership to facilitate the development of CO2 transport and storage for the following reasons: 🔹Geological CO2 storage in Latvia is currently prohibited, even though according to CCUS ZEN studies, Latvia has some of the best storage potential in Europe with a relatively high level of storage readiness. 🔹It’s a key opportunity to accelerate the competitiveness of local industry, while prioritising the #justtransition.   🔹It will help hard-to-abate industries that require CCS to tackle their process emissions.     📄Following the Baltic Carbon Forum held in Riga, Bellona Europa co-signed a joint statement by BASRECCS members to the responsible ministries in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland with recommendations for effective CCS deployment, to support local hard-to-abate industries (e.g. cement producers) and reach climate targets. Read the joint statement here ➡

    Vis profilen til Evika Silina, grafisk

    Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia

    Lielo un stratēģiski nozīmīgo investīciju projektu padomē visaugstākajā valdības līmenī risinām investīciju vides jautājumus. ➡️ Jūlija sēdē runājām par ražošanas izejmateriālu pieejamību, CO2 uzglabāšanu, birokrātijas mazināšanu vēja parku attīstībā un infrastruktūras attīstību.

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    Reason #2 why the EU needs to appoint a CCS Envoy👇 Currently, obtaining permits for a full value chain CCS project is a lengthy and complex process involving multiple stakeholders. Most national authorities, with exceptions like Denmark and the Netherlands, lack the capacity and expertise to efficiently manage CCS projects. By equipping these authorities with the necessary knowledge and facilitating the exchange of best practices, the European Commission can spearhead the development of more efficient permitting procedures, enabling the scale-up of CCS across the EU. Decarbonisation should be a priority for the new Commission. CCS Europe is calling on the Commission to appoint a CCS Envoy to #MakeCCSHappen now and ensure we achieve our Green Deal targets. Join our call for a CCS Envoy here:

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    White smoke came out of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, with Ursula von der Leyen securing a second term as the head of the European Commission. We're happy to see that scaling up investments in clean energy infrastructure, including storage capacity and transport infrastructure for captured CO2, are part of the President's priorities for the next mandate. This, however, is only the tip of the iceberg. We want CCS to be a central priority for the Commission. This is why we're calling for a dedicated CCS Envoy to be appointed. Have a look at what are member's @Clean Air Task Force, @Bellona and @EuLA would like to see from VdL 2.0 when ti comes to CCS, and support our call for a CCS Envoy here:

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    Will the new von der Leyen Commission deliver on climate policy❓    Yesterday the newly elected European Parliament confirmed Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission, with 401 votes in her favour. In her speech von der Leyen positioned climate as part of the priorities for competitiveness and prosperity, while addressing:     🌍 Commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 and achieving #climateneutrality by 2050.   🏭 Announcement of the Clean Industrial Deal, ensuring the implementation of climate objectives while boosting European industrial production, to be pushed forward within the first 100 days of her mandate. 🔋 Renewable energy sources and CO2 infrastructures, which have been included in the Political Guidelines for the Next European Commission 2024-2029, are crucial to reach EU climate goals.    Bellona welcomes these commitments, but remains cautious of any potential watering down of climate ambition:     🌱 Greater competitiveness can be achieved with European industries becoming global leaders of low-carbon production.     📈 Both private and public investments should support clean technologies, but it is fundamental that they are directed towards renewable energy systems and low-carbon projects.    Read our full reaction here:🔗    Dive into our recommendations for the EU mandate 2024-2029 in our Roadmap 🔎    #elections #EU #industrialdecarbonisation #CO2infrastructure #netzero #climatechange #industry #climate #climateaction #climateactionnow #climateemergency

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    ❗ A significant milestone for green steel, but...️    🌱Today the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (#ESPR) enters into force.     Although it constitutes a step forward, the devil is in the details: the EU must ensure that the secondary legislation sets the right level of ambition in the Ecodesign requirements.    📈 Stronger requirements would also signal industries to boost their decarbonisation efforts, which is something that has also been prioritised in the published guidelines of the next European Commission of 2024-2029.    🤝 Bellona Europa looks forward to collaborating with stakeholders in the Ecodesign Forum to make this happen!     🔎 In case you missed it, read our previous article: #sustainable #ecodesign #greentransition #climateaction #decarbonisation #EUPolicy #EU2024 #climatepolicy #climateactionnow

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    🏭🌱 Bellona Europa responded to a consultation on permanent emissions storage through carbon capture and utilisation (CCU).     The #EUETS Directive has been revised with the EU target set out in the European Climate Law, to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. This sets the conditions under which GHG emissions can be considered as permanently chemically bound in a product.     Key points:  🔹 Bellona welcomes the Commission’s initiative to identify the products which can be considered to permanently chemically bind GHGs, specifically captured CO2.     🔹 Bellona supports the establishment of robust & scientifically sound criteria, preventing unaccounted release of CO2 from ETS installations.     🔹 Identifying products that permanently store CO2 is crucial for maintaining climate integrity in Industrial Carbon Management solutions like CCS and CCU, and for accurately tracking CO2 flows.    Read our full consultation response here:    #CO2infrastructure#industry #netzero #climate #EU #emissions #climateaction #ETS #CCS

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    Over a month after the #EUelections, the new (and re-elected) MEPs are meeting in Strasbourg today for the first plenary session of the new European Parliament.        This plenary will kick off the work of the new European Parliament and elect the main roles of this 10th legislative term.   Bellona calls on the new term of European policymaking to focus on the following 3 🔑 areas, which will need to underpin the much-needed industrial transformation and #greentransition ⏬    🏭 Deployment of Climate Infrastructure   🔬 Robust Science-Based Policy Making   🌏 Well-functioning Markets for a Net-Zero World    Explore our key recommendations on how the next EU cycle can further strive towards climate neutrality in Bellona's Roadmap 🔍    #elections #eu #industrialdecarbonisation #climateinfrastructure #CO2infrastructure #netzero #climatechange #industry #climate #climateaction #climateactionnow #climateemergency #EU   

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