2iZii HQ

2iZii HQ

Datatjenester for IT-systemer

Sentrum, Oslo 216 følgere

Transform your business with our digital solutions

Om oss

2iZii provides digital solutions and services for your business. Our offerings include a digital payment solution, webshop, booking system and digital marketing. These services can streamline your operations and offer the customers a more convenient and efficient experience.

Datatjenester for IT-systemer
11–50 ansatte
Sentrum, Oslo
Ansvarlig bedrift


Ansatte i 2iZii HQ


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    2iZii and BlueStar: Payment Solutions of the Future We are proud to announce our partnership with BlueStar, a leading global distributor of technological solutions. Together, we will deliver innovative solutions that simplify payment processes and facilitate smarter, safer, and more sustainable work methods. We look forward to collaborating with BlueStar’s partners to deliver the best solutions to our customers. This partnership gives us a unique opportunity to enhance customer experience and increase productivity across multiple industries. #2iZii #Teamvisuality #Mobilepayment #BlueStarEurope #Retail

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    Vis profilen til Serdar Sindi, grafisk

    CMO & Partner 2iZii, CEO & Founder Alliansen Bemanning og Rekruttering and Founder Hjelp Bygg. Innovative Entrepreneur Building Success in Digital Business, Property Management, Recruitment and Construction Work

    Did you know that 2iZii offers payment solutions tailored to your customers' needs? Whether they shop in-store or online, they can choose how they want to pay. The solution is simple, fast, and smooth. How can a customer-focused payment solution improve your business? Contact us to learn more about which solutions are right for your customers! 📧 [email protected] #2izii #Teamvisuality #Mobilepayment #Retail #Marketing

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    Vis profilen til Serdar Sindi, grafisk

    CMO & Partner 2iZii, CEO & Founder Alliansen Bemanning og Rekruttering and Founder Hjelp Bygg. Innovative Entrepreneur Building Success in Digital Business, Property Management, Recruitment and Construction Work

    Den nye Zebra PS30 selvskanneren gjør det mulig å ta direkte betaling gjennom NFC. Med 2iZii sin innovative betalingsløsning, er det ikke lenger behov for en separat betalingsterminal eller et kasseområde. Alt skjer direkte via PS30-enheten. Dette gir en sømløs og effektiv handleopplevelse. #2izii #Teamvisuality #Mobilepayment #Zebra #Marketing

    Vis organisasjonssiden til Datema Retail, grafisk

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    Discover the next level of self-scanning: Tap-to-pay! As self-scanning is continuously improved, new features are added for a frictionless shopping experience. One of the latest features, available with the new Zebra PS30 self-scanning device, is the ability to pay directly through NFC. No external payment tower or checkout area is needed – everything is done directly using the PS30 device and your bank card. Learn more about the feature here! 👇 #zebrapartner #zebratechnologies #2izii #mobilepayment Zebra Technologies | 2iZii HQ

    The next level of self-scanning: Instant payment using NFC — Datema Retail

    The next level of self-scanning: Instant payment using NFC — Datema Retail


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    2iZii og BlueStar: Fremtidens Betalingsløsninger Vi er stolte over å kunne dele nyheten om vårt samarbeid med BlueStar, en ledende global distributør av teknologiske løsninger. Sammen vil vi levere innovative løsninger som forenkler betalingsprosesser og legger til rette for smartere, sikrere og mer bærekraftige arbeidsmetoder. Vi ser frem til å samarbeide med BlueStar sine partnere for å levere de beste løsningene til våre kunder. Dette partnerskapet gir oss en unik mulighet til å forbedre kundeopplevelsen og øke produktiviteten i flere bransjer. #2iZii #Teamvisuality #Mobilepayment #BlueStarEurope #Retail

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til 2iZii HQ, grafisk

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    One of the latest features, available with the new Zebra PS30 self-scanning device, is the ability to pay directly through NFC. With 2iZii providing the cutting-edge payment solution, no external payment tower or checkout area is needed, everything is done directly using the PS30 device. Enjoy a seamless and efficient shopping experience! #2izii #Teamvisuality #Mobilepayment #Zebra #Retail 

    Vis organisasjonssiden til Datema Retail, grafisk

    848 følgere

    Discover the next level of self-scanning: Tap-to-pay! As self-scanning is continuously improved, new features are added for a frictionless shopping experience. One of the latest features, available with the new Zebra PS30 self-scanning device, is the ability to pay directly through NFC. No external payment tower or checkout area is needed – everything is done directly using the PS30 device and your bank card. Learn more about the feature here! 👇 #zebrapartner #zebratechnologies #2izii #mobilepayment Zebra Technologies | 2iZii HQ

    The next level of self-scanning: Instant payment using NFC — Datema Retail

    The next level of self-scanning: Instant payment using NFC — Datema Retail


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    Vi er i en tid der varehandel stadig utvikler seg og tilpasning er nøkkelen til suksess. Nå er det viktigere enn noensinne å tilby tilpasningsdyktige betalingsløsninger som er uavhengig av landegrenser. 2iZii sin digitale plattform forener den fysiske og digitale handelen i én sømløs løsning, slik at man kan gjennomføre salget hvor som helst og når som helst.  Vi forstår at dagens kunder krever valgfrihet ved betaling, og hvor viktig det er for din bedrift å ha flere betalingsalternativer uten begrensninger. Hos 2iZii legger vi stor vekt på funksjonalitet og brukervennlighet, slik at man skaper en handelsopplevelse som er både engasjerende og problemfritt. Med et bredt spekter av betalingsmuligheter dekker vi alle aspekter av handelen: • I butikk, hvor man kan tilby både personlig betjening og selvbetjening. • På nett, med en nettbutikk som tilbyr sømløse betalingsalternativer. • QR-betaling, som lar butikken bruke kunden sin egen smarttelefon som betalingsterminal. • NFC-betaling, som gjør det mulig å ta imot betaling på alle sertifiserte NFC-enheter. • Mobilbetaling, for enkel og rask transaksjonshåndtering. Våre digitale rapporteringsverktøy gir deg full oversikt over dine transaksjoner, og vi er tilknyttet det internasjonale betalingsnettverket for å sikre en enkel, rask og smidig handel over hele verden. Med 2iZii kan man tilby en sømløs og effektiv betalingsopplevelse for dine kunder, uavhengig av nasjonalitet og landegrenser. Ta kontakt med oss i dag for å finne ut av hvordan vi kan transformere din virksomhet. #2izii #teamvisuality #mobilepayment #retail #future

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til 2iZii HQ, grafisk

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    We are in a time where retail is constantly evolving, and adaptation is key to success. Now, more than ever, it is crucial to offer adaptable payment solutions that are independent of borders. 2iZii’s digital platform unites physical and digital commerce into one seamless solution, allowing you to complete sales anywhere and anytime. We understand that today’s customers demand choice in payment methods and how important it is for your business to have multiple payment options without limitations. At 2iZii, we emphasize functionality and user-friendliness to create a shopping experience that is both engaging and hassle-free. With a wide range of payment options, we cover all aspects of commerce: • In-store, where you can offer both personal service and self-service. • Online, with an e-commerce platform that offers seamless payment options. • QR payment, allowing the store to use the customer’s own smartphone as a payment terminal. • NFC payment, enabling you to accept payments on all certified NFC devices. • Mobile payment, for simple and quick transaction handling. Our digital reporting tools provide you with complete oversight of your transactions, and we are connected to the international payment network to ensure smooth, fast, and efficient commerce worldwide. With 2iZii, you can offer a seamless and efficient payment experience for your customers, regardless of nationality and borders. Contact us today to find out how we can transform your business. #2izii #teamvisuality #mobilepayment #future #retail

  • 2iZii HQ la ut dette på nytt

    Vis profilen til Serdar Sindi, grafisk

    CMO & Partner 2iZii, CEO & Founder Alliansen Bemanning og Rekruttering and Founder Hjelp Bygg. Innovative Entrepreneur Building Success in Digital Business, Property Management, Recruitment and Construction Work

    The Current State of QR Payments with iZiiPay QR payments represent a significant part of digital transactions. With the increased use of smartphones and growing consumer acceptance, we are seeing substantial growth in this sector. QR codes make payments easier and faster for both consumers and merchants. iZiiPay – the future of QR payments. Here are some key points to consider about the current state of QR payments and how iZiiPay is leading the charge: 1. Growing Popularity: QR payments are becoming more popular worldwide, with millions of transactions happening every day. This growth is driven by the convenience and speed that QR payments offer. iZiiPay leverages this trend to provide seamless payment experiences. 2. Ease of Use: For consumers, paying with a QR code is as simple as scanning the code with their smartphone. iZiiPay simplifies this process, eliminating the need to carry cash or cards and making it a preferred choice for many. 3. Benefits for Merchants: For merchants, QR payments simplify the checkout process and reduce the time spent on transactions. iZiiPay enhances this by providing a user-friendly interface and quick transaction processing, leading to increased customer satisfaction and more efficient operations. 4. Security: QR payments are secure. iZiiPay uses advanced encryption to protect transaction data, reducing the risk of fraud and ensuring that both consumers and merchants can trust the payment process. 5. Adaptability: QR payments can be used in a variety of settings, from retail stores to online shopping. iZiiPay’s versatility makes it an excellent option for businesses of all sizes, providing a flexible solution that adapts to your needs. With iZiiPay, you can leverage the power of QR payments to enhance your customer experience and streamline your payment processes. As we continue to embrace digital transformation, QR payments with iZiiPay are set to play a crucial role in the future of commerce. Is your business ready to take advantage of iZiiPay’s powerful QR payment solutions? #2izii #teamvisuality #mobilepayment #marketing #future

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    50 years ago, the first commercial barcode was introduced, revolutionizing retail. Today, half a century later, 2iZii has taken technological advancement a step further by introducing iZiiPay. This digital payment solution uses unique and intelligent QR codes to ensure fast and secure transactions. With iZiiPay, 2iZii demonstrates how innovation can shape the future of payment solutions, making everyday life easier and more efficient for both businesses and consumers. #2izii #teamvisuality #mobilepayment #tapondevice #retail

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    2iZii og Datema Retail: Mobile Betalingsløsninger Vi er stolte over å kunne annonsere vårt nye partnerskap med Datema Retail! Datema Retail er en ledende leverandør av mobile løsninger med over 20 års erfaring i å levere selvscanningsløsninger som forbedrer brukeropplevelsen og øker kundelojaliteten. Deres EasyShop-løsning er kjent for sin effektive arkitektur, enkle integrering, omfattende funksjoner og konkurransedyktige priser. Gjennom dette partnerskapet vil vi kombinere 2iZii sine digitale betalingsløsninger med Datema Retail sin ekspertise innen mobilteknologi. Sammen skal vi levere løsninger som gjør betalingsprosessen enkel, effektiv og mer kundevennlig handleopplevelse. Vi ser frem til å tilby våre kunder løsninger som øker produktiviteten og bidra til en mer bærekraftig og kundeorientert fremtid. #2izii #Teamvisuality #Mobilepayment #Datemaretail #Retail

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