Bijdrage van New Energy Coalition

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Vorige week vond het slotevenement plaats van MAKING-CITY EU, een project waar wij de afgelopen jaren met veel enthousiasme aan hebben gewerkt. Omdat steden een essentiële rol spelen in het waarmaken van de grote klimaatambities van Europa is eind 2018 het project Making City gestart op initiatief van de Europese Commissie. Binnen het project gingen de aangesloten steden aan de slag met verduurzaming en konden ze van elkaar leren. Tijdens het slotevenement in Groningen (één van de twee Europese Lighthouse Cities), dat wij samen met Gemeente Groningen en Grunneger Power organiseerden, werden de belangrijkste resultaten, succesverhalen en de geleerde lessen gedeeld en werd een bezoek gebracht aan twee Positive Energy Districts in Groningen, waar verschillende huizen en gebouwen dermate zijn verduurzaamd dat ze gezamenlijk meer energie opleveren dan verbruiken. Een inspirerend evenement om het zesjarige project mee af te sluiten!   👏 Goed werk projectteam Making City: Martijn de Vries, Jannes Kalfsbeek, Philo Tamis, Shubhra Chaudhry en Alexander Jacobs   Leer meer over Making City op de projectwebsite:   #makingcity #positiveenergydistricts #lighthousecity #verduurzamen #klimaatambilties #slotevenement

Organisatiepagina weergeven voor MAKING-CITY EU, afbeelding

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✨Last week, the journey of the MAKING-CITY EU project ended with an inspiring #InnovationCamp at the Energy Barn - a modern, sustainably built venue close to the Hanze ENTRANCE - Centre of Expertise Energy. 💡 At the event, Groningen's advancements towards carbon neutrality were showcased through the achievements of its two Positive Energy Districts (PED). The presentations highlighted technological innovations and best practices in urban energy, providing valuable insights and guidance for other cities aiming for sustainable urban development. 🎤 Martijn de Vries from New Energy Coalition, Eppie Silvius, Energy Programme Leader from the Municipality & Katerina Radosteva, Energy project lead from Gemeente Groningen and our lighthouse city Groningen emphasized the significance of the Positive Energy District (PED) concept, its technical implementation, and social engagement in urban transitions. They presented the six-year journey of the MAKING-CITY EU project, showcasing pivotal results, success stories, and valuable lessons learned. 🔄 Participants then engaged in parallel workshops. Christian Zuidema from the University of Groningen discussed energy poverty and effective community engagement. Shubhra Chaudhry and Philo Tamis from New Energy Coalition led a workshop on PED technical actions, design, and policy, while Frank Pierie facilitated his interactive "We Energy Game MAKING-CITY" illustrating the collaborative efforts needed to develop a PED in an urban area as Groningen. 🚌 After a networking lunch, attendees visited PED North and PED South sites, including: 🔷 The #EnergyAcademyEurope, one of the Netherlands' most sustainable educational buildings and home of New Energy Coalition 🔷The demo houses of PED North featuring versatile vertical solar panels optimized for diverse sunlight conditions but also providing insights into citizen engagement strategies by Grunneger Power supporting residents during the retrofitting process. 🔷 Mediacentrale, an old coal-fired power station now used as a business complex, showcasing sustainable energy application in large buildings using geothermal energy as part of the PED South 🔷 The #SolarFootpath collecting renewable energy for the PED South The event concluded with a closing speech by the Vice Mayor, Alderman Philip Broeksma, and drinks at the Forum Groningen, offering a perfect view over the whole city. This final gathering was a fitting end to the project, celebrating the contributions of all partners and discussing the future of PED initiatives with new projects like NEUTRALPATH project, POCITYF, and AtelierH2020. 👏 A huge thank you to all speakers, workshop leaders, and participants for making this event a resounding success. Here's to the last months of this beautiful project! #EnergyTransition #CarbonNeutral #PED #PositiveEnergyDistricts #SocialEngagement #SustainableCities #SmartCities

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