Ivy Green-Timmermans

Ivy Green-Timmermans

Venlo, Limburg, Nederland
18K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties


LI Open Networker & LinkedIn superconnector. Accepts ALL invitations.
Never hit the 'I don't know this person'- button. NEVER SPAM.



I don't sell programs or do funnels etc. I'm an introverted Dutch housewife who hates phones and interacting with many people, coz I love studying. 

I typically work for successful men in their industry, who sabotage their success by getting extremely ill or addicted. I usually solve this once and for all during ONE simple conversation (78% success rate) with NLP, holistic aura reading or teaching you a simple 5-min. energy healing in 3 conversations max. Invite me for the weekend.
Confidentiality guaranteed. I never keep medical records or reveal who my clients were.

AFTER paying my hefty bill (plus VIP travel & stay expenses), you tell me by email where to visit you.

My WHY: after taking care of one of the oldest CF patients in the world for 40 years (my late husband), I'm ready and available again to prove doctors wrong!

Connect with me on social media or go to [email protected] and tell me your biggest fear, frustration, problem you want to deal with and how much you're willing to pay me, so you can find peace, happiness and fulfilment. You will thank me for the rest of your life! : ))

Ivy Green-Timmermans


Artikelen van Ivy



  • IndustrieRockstar.com eternal member AI Assisted Entrepreneur Sprint (TM) ed. 3.0, 4.0 etc.

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    Tangrakhali, Bangladesh

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    Shaymnagar, BD

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    Region Nijmegen, Roermond & Tilburg

Ervaring als vrijwilliger

  • Caregiver

    For a family member

    - heden 41 jaar

    Lung tapping twice a day (a physiotherapist taught me). Walking the patient daily to make sure he gets enough exercise. Visiting doctors. Housekeeping. Daily care etc. Tax excemptions (which our former 4 RA accountants didn't know - with special thanks to a retired bookkeeper who gives us free updates every year).

  • Co-examiner

    St. Ecabo (education for secretaries)

    - heden 35 jaar

    Interviewing, making up questions, giving points and deciding if students of the Gilde Opleiding in Venlo pass their exams.
    Talking with future secretaries about their first appenticeship was great fun.

  • Toys donor

    Toys Bank Sokkertante (Foundation)

    - heden 14 jaar 9 maanden


    It's a real joy to buy cheap toys or discontinued Legos and Playmobil for poor children.
    I don't know who is more excited, the lovely ladies volunteers or the children who like to play! : ))
    It's unbelievable how much fun toys you can buy for upwards of 2$ (-6$)! :)
    A real hit were Michael Jackson barbies and Thunderbird dolls.



  • Anger Management: Understand and heal the deeper roots! - Bertold Ulsamer (March 2019)


  • Astral travel: Hypnosis to Astral travel for an amazing Hypnosis Adventure - Alan W. Kirwan (March 2019)


  • Childhood trauma: How childhood and family history affect our happiness - Past facts which may influence you - Bertold Ulsamer (March 2019)


  • Color Psychology Color influences perceptions & Correct Color Increases Sales. User Experience increases if correct colors used - Saad T. Hameed (STH) (March 2019)


  • Computercourses for entrepreneurs (Chamber of Commerce Breda)


  • Control Anxiety & Depression - Non-Medicated Solutions - Jessica Brown (Febr. 2019)


  • Dealling With PAB - Passive Aggressive Behavior


  • Did over 25 courses for PA's


  • EFT: Increase Your Intuitive Abilities Using EFT (Tapping) Use Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to open your intuitive channels: clair-audience, clair-voyance, clair-sentience & clair-cognizance. - Cha~zay Sandhriel Ph.D. (March 2019)


  • Fam. constellations - Stop self-sabotaging your own professional success! - Bertold Ulsamer (March 2019)


  • Family Constellation: Master Course - Bertold Ulsamer (Febr. 2019)


  • Family constellation - a significant method for your growth - Bertold Ulsamer


  • Family constellations - Stop torturing yourself! - Bertold Ulsamer


  • Find your Life Purpose - Building your Inner Compass - Your Path To Self-Fulfillment - Stephanie Keyrouz


  • Human Design 101: The 5 Energy Types - Colleen Griffin (March 2019)


  • Human Design: Intro to Human Design A Tool for Self-Discovery & Acceptance - Colleen Griffin (March 2019)


  • LOA: Top Success Secrets Revealed: The Roadmap To Success - Sean R. (March 2019)


  • Life Purpose Breakthrough: Finding Your life Purpose - Chi Phan (March 2019)


  • Life Purpose: 3 steps to a perfect Career Change - Career change & development on the basis of your personality - Deepankshu (March 2019)


  • Life Purpose: A Journey to Empowerment 'Chopra Certified Instructor' - Marie Atkinson (March 2019)


  • Life Purpose: The Masterplan of Life. Discover your True Purpose and Live a Victorious and Meaningful Life - Patrick Ndlovu (March 2019)


  • Life Purpose: The Power Of Dreamwork. Dreaming With Action Leads To Greatness - Jose Vargas (March 2019)


  • Life purpose: Discover your Purpose in 7 Steps for Any Level - Dr. Brian Morton (March 2019)


  • Life purpose: Meaning to Life and Defining Your Life's Purpose - Marc Wynn (March 2019)


  • Magnetize your Audience - Callan Rush

    Oct. 2015-

  • Malay language (Bahasa Malaysia) (Sept.-Oct. 2018)


  • Mediumship - Connect to spirit - Emily Stroia


  • Mediumship - Top tips for mediumship - Linda Rauch


  • Mind - Solve your inner conflicts - Bertold Ulsamer


  • Mind management - How to manage strong emotions Advance Mind Management Program For Mental Clarity, Success and Confidence in life - Aman Varma (March 2019)


  • Mind: The Mind Wealth Reprogramming System - Dominic Cruz (March 2019)


  • NLP For Sales, Persuasion & Influence - Alain Wolf - AlainWolfCoaching.com


  • NLP Master Practitioner (Sept.-Okt 2018) @ Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, Five, UK


  • NLP: Allow yourself to feel (occasionally) stupid! - Bertold Ulsamer (March 2019)


  • NLP: Methods against sleeplessness - Bertold Ulsamer (March 2019)


  • Open the doors to your professional success! - Bertold Ulsamer (Febr 2019)


  • PR and advertising


  • PR for Anyone - Christina Daves - Liam Austin (Small Today)

    Oct. 2015

  • Panic attacks: Spiritual Meditation & Mindfulness For All - Julian Jenkins (March 2019)


  • Psychology: Guide to understanding and assessing personality - Elena Davydkina


  • Reading annual accounts


  • Stress: How to stop worrying - learn a smart way - Dmitry Oganesov (March 2019)


  • Technical writing (St. OOM)


  • Telephone operator (Randstad)


  • Transformation Life Coach (Oct Nov. 2018) Transformation Academy Joeel & Natalie Rivera


  • Wealth creation mindset


  • What is the purpose of your life? Find the meaning - Dmitry Oganesov (March 2019)


  • Write Press Releases That Get Publicity, Build Your Brand and Sell More Books


  • Writing & publishing Press Releases with the help of 200 backlinks - PressCable Support

    Sept. 2015

  • Writing press releases



  • Mentoring Jitesh Manaktala re. Google page 1 rankings by researching top keywords

    I'm an an experienced SEO consultant, but Ivon taught me many amazing trade SECRETS to LEGALLY rank ANY product or service on Google page 1, within 1/2 DAY!! She researches the best keywords and truly is the Queen of ranking."

    Many thanks,
    Jitesh Manaktala

    Andere bijdragers
    • Jitesh Manaktala
  • Mentoring Ina Zamzam creative LOGO's

    Mentoring small business owner Ina to grow her business.

    Andere bijdragers
  • Tony Robbins inspires Dhaka student and Dutch housewife feeding Bangladesh.

    *** This simple press release was on Google page 1 till 2016/06/06 ***

    A simple press release like this gets you on Google page 1 within a few days, with the help of 200 media channels from newspapers. Their sites will AlL link back to YOUR site, making your service or product rank on Google page 1 within 24 hours or less.

    Eid II 2015. This year we supported a hardworking man, who has to feed his disabled wife and 2 daughters with only 2$ per day. Also a begger widow. We got…

    *** This simple press release was on Google page 1 till 2016/06/06 ***

    A simple press release like this gets you on Google page 1 within a few days, with the help of 200 media channels from newspapers. Their sites will AlL link back to YOUR site, making your service or product rank on Google page 1 within 24 hours or less.

    Eid II 2015. This year we supported a hardworking man, who has to feed his disabled wife and 2 daughters with only 2$ per day. Also a begger widow. We got them clothes and food supplies.

    Next step is to hire a veggie plot for them, so they can grow some food.

    At least 10% of what we earn goes DIRECTLY to feeding the poorest of Bangladesh: the disabled, orphans and widows. We hand over food and clothes personally. No middle organisation.

    Andere bijdragers
  • Mentoring Dilip Patil


  • Winning from the insurance doctor.


    Gerard's psychologists (plural!) and social worker said he would never be able to beat the insurance company. But with the help of a (1 day!) workshop at the Dutch Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (the NCSF), we did. Advice: it there's a 'system', find out exactly HOW that system works, so you can beat them with their own rules. Result: after 6 months of typing answers (from early in the morning till late at night) to every possible (trick)question they were allowed to ask, the insurance doctor was…

    Gerard's psychologists (plural!) and social worker said he would never be able to beat the insurance company. But with the help of a (1 day!) workshop at the Dutch Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (the NCSF), we did. Advice: it there's a 'system', find out exactly HOW that system works, so you can beat them with their own rules. Result: after 6 months of typing answers (from early in the morning till late at night) to every possible (trick)question they were allowed to ask, the insurance doctor was considered to be seriously out of line and got summoned by his own company. Gerard got his 'longlife' disability pension.

    Andere bijdragers
    • Gerard Timmermans
  • Beneficially accept an inheritance for me and my 3 younger brothers.


    1. Getting my brothers and 1 sister-in-law to sign 2 documents each to give me full power of attorney. One for the notary and one for the court (Kantongerecht).
    2. Cold calling banks to find out if my father happened to have an account there.
    3. Visiting banks in Spain, where he lived in the wintertime. (Trust me, you never ever want to have an account in Spain, as you only need someones PASSPORT to empty out an account - no other legal document asked! Only 1 bank refused even my legally…

    1. Getting my brothers and 1 sister-in-law to sign 2 documents each to give me full power of attorney. One for the notary and one for the court (Kantongerecht).
    2. Cold calling banks to find out if my father happened to have an account there.
    3. Visiting banks in Spain, where he lived in the wintertime. (Trust me, you never ever want to have an account in Spain, as you only need someones PASSPORT to empty out an account - no other legal document asked! Only 1 bank refused even my legally translated document, saying I had to get a lawyer, looking at me like I was a crook). My notary said a bank isn't allowed to TELL if anyone has an account there. Well the girls answering the phones, having acces to a computer and telling me everything I wanted to know (in Spain I sat down together with them BEHIND their computers) didn't know that! By the way, I'm very grateful for the few lessons in private LAW I got at the MEAO, as a small DOMESTIC bank (headed by my uncle) tried to disinherit us (saying he could only pay us money if we DECLINED the inheritance - you've got to be kidding, and he was stupid enough to put this in writing!).
    4. My legal insurance (DAS) could NOT confirm if my half-brother is legally my full brother. According to dutch law, after a devorce, a man is still responsible for a child born within exactly so and so days (about 9 months)! The fact that my uncle had to pay a bastard child caused a lot of stress in HIS family (my father's 10 brothers and sisters, who had given no-one sole power of attorney and were suing each other). Because I read a lot, I found ANYONE WHO DOES A SINGLE ACT (e.g. ending a houselease or contacting an undertaker, has a JOINT AND LEGAL LIABILITY - is HOOFDELIJK aansprakelijk met zijn privé-vermogen)! When my uncle denied to pay us, or see me, I confronted him with this in a single letter, which quickly made him pay us. Notaries hardly gave me any information. Anyone still interested to accept an inheritance for the family?

  • Setting up an administration (AIE) for a friend


    Helping out a friend with a car repair shop. He had a serious problem with the IRS for lack of administration.

    Pro bono setting up an all in one (AIE) administration and coding (alf. into nos.) incoming & outgoing invoices. Also data entry of incoming & outgoing invoices of 2 years.

  • Setting up a new branch to a friend's business.


    New branch: business gifts and give-aways. As my friend lacked the time, I did everything on my own, from calling manifacturers for documentation and pricing, to discussing businessproposals eye to eye.

  • Getting a huge discount on my property tax.


    Do you live adjacent to a drug property? Lodge a complaint with the tax office. In some cities the value of your property decreaces to up to 50%!
    How do you do this? Wait till you get the assesment from the tax office and just write a letter back, indicating you live nextdoor to a drug property and summing up every negative item you can think off, like sewage smells in the house, hearing nextdoor people talk, mold in the bathroom, kitchen, cellar etc., asbestos in the house or on the roof…

    Do you live adjacent to a drug property? Lodge a complaint with the tax office. In some cities the value of your property decreaces to up to 50%!
    How do you do this? Wait till you get the assesment from the tax office and just write a letter back, indicating you live nextdoor to a drug property and summing up every negative item you can think off, like sewage smells in the house, hearing nextdoor people talk, mold in the bathroom, kitchen, cellar etc., asbestos in the house or on the roof, deferred maintenance (list every single detail). Loud pubs in the neighborhood, not enough car parking spaces.

  • Learning herbs/roots from Janne Peters.



  • DISC model by psychologist dr. William Marston

    Score: 8-10 Excellence

    July 1997 I did a similar test (this time 200 questions) at Scientology on the road. They instantly wanted me to open up and lead a second education institute for them. When I refused (a.o. because they 'attacked' my husband (a manager) abusing his cons - and I like to STIMULATE people), they send me over 53 handwritten letters, asking me to reconsider.


  • Business Dutch

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

  • Business German

    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

  • Business English

    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

  • Business French

    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

  • Dialect Limburgs

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

  • Malay (Bahasa Malaysia)


  • Latin for HBO (higher professional education) propedeuse medical terminology


  • Shorthand Stenography Groote: Dutch English French German

    Professionele werkvaardigheid


  • Become A 6-Figure Online Instructor - Joe Parys

    FB member

    - heden
  • Bookpumper Launch Lab - PJ Coleman

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is for promotional experiments, and learning about effective book promotion strategies.

  • Freedom Mavericks - Monika Mundell

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is for FREEDOM MAVERICKS, free-spirited entrepreneurs who want a business that gives them choices, time freedom and joy. This is a place for sharing caring. A place to connect, co-create learn. A place to ask questions, share your wins and build relationships. So go right ahead and... Share your wins Ask for help Ask for feedback Talk about your day Share your strategies Support others Tell us about your goals Share stories Encourage fellow SPARKlers

  • Photoshop CC for Beginners - Jeremy Deighan

    FB member

    - heden

    Main Topics in this Group Include: - Education, Information and Tips Using Photoshop CC - Workflow, Motivation and Productivity - Networking and Collaboration This is a group to mainly discuss any information relating to Photoshop CC that others may find useful.

  • Women helping Women to Succeed - Jacqueline Seidel

    FB member

    - heden

    For women around the world to motivate, inspire and help other women to succeed. We share blogs, ideas, inspiration, motivation and support each other.

  • [BF] Client Attraction Breakthrough - Masterclass Series - Barbera Aimes

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is for participants of the Client Attraction Breakthrough Masterclass Series to connect with each other, ask questions and interact with the Experts who have been interviewed as well as other participants.

  • Audacity Voiceover Users'​ Group - Paul Licameli

    FB member

    - heden

    Welcome! This is a place for us to talk technicalities and help each other discover the best methods for applying Audacity to spoken word.

  • Buddha Light Blessings - Marianna Smith

    FB member

    - heden
  • Build Your Brand Academy - Chris Well

    FB member

    - heden
  • Building A Profitable Online Courses Business - Sorin Constantin

    FB member

    - heden

    In this group you will find eveything you need to know in order to build a profitable online courses business. It's a group for tips, ideas, blueprints and networking that will help us as a community to build a thriving business.

  • Career Possibility & Transformation VIPs - Rebecca Vertucci

    FB member

    - heden
  • Client Attraction 2.0 - Rob Kosberg

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is about getting clients online - version 2.0! There are about a million different people and ideas about how to make online marketing work for your business. Somehow it still never seems to work... I guess this group will be # 1,000,001 :) The owners and moderators of this group have created 11 businesses that have done over a million in sales online. And are working on #12. None of them in the "make money online" space. You will likely hear advice here that you won't get from…

    This group is about getting clients online - version 2.0! There are about a million different people and ideas about how to make online marketing work for your business. Somehow it still never seems to work... I guess this group will be # 1,000,001 :) The owners and moderators of this group have created 11 businesses that have done over a million in sales online. And are working on #12. None of them in the "make money online" space. You will likely hear advice here that you won't get from people who just want your money - advice like "this takes work"!

  • Copywriting Secrets For Coaches - Jenn Mayers

    FB member

    - heden
  • Everlesson - Chad Nicely

    FB member

    - heden

    membership sites

  • Feelings International Artists Society - Armeli Quezon

    FB member

    - heden

    This is an international group of established and budding writers,/authors/editors/ poets, singers, painters, photographers, sculptors, musicians, cultural dancers , Martial Arts Practitioners, Garden Lovers, Culinary Lovers and Art Designers who want to share their talents, inspire others, abide by the standard of politeness and respect for all living and inanimate objects. Advertisement of any kind, Obscene words, posting other's works are not allowed. All posts, if in dialects, should be…

    This is an international group of established and budding writers,/authors/editors/ poets, singers, painters, photographers, sculptors, musicians, cultural dancers , Martial Arts Practitioners, Garden Lovers, Culinary Lovers and Art Designers who want to share their talents, inspire others, abide by the standard of politeness and respect for all living and inanimate objects. Advertisement of any kind, Obscene words, posting other's works are not allowed. All posts, if in dialects, should be translated to English, so as to be understood by international readers. All works submitted should be the original works of members and within the standards set by FB.

  • Intuitively Inspired Entrepreneurs - Angela Artemis Mangano

    FB member

    - heden

    Join us and form deep soulful relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and be open about your intuitive and spiritual nature.

  • JV Success Mastermind - Marie Grace Berg

    FB member

    - heden

    Welcome to this exclusive private community. Thrilled to have you here! This is group is for coaches, authors, speakers, experts, consultants, podcasters and bloggers who want to build, grow and scale their online businesses using Joint Venture partnerships. We´ll be covering the the 4phases of a successful JV partnerships: Getting JV-Ready, Getting JV Partners Onboard, Doing a JV Launch and Nurturing Your List and JV Partners. We'll focus first on getting JV-Ready, putting the pieces…

    Welcome to this exclusive private community. Thrilled to have you here! This is group is for coaches, authors, speakers, experts, consultants, podcasters and bloggers who want to build, grow and scale their online businesses using Joint Venture partnerships. We´ll be covering the the 4phases of a successful JV partnerships: Getting JV-Ready, Getting JV Partners Onboard, Doing a JV Launch and Nurturing Your List and JV Partners. We'll focus first on getting JV-Ready, putting the pieces together so you're prime to reach out and enroll JV partners that will help you reach that 5 and 6 figure launches. Everyday, we'll have theme topics to focus on that will help you get JV-Ready so that you can start reaching out to your potential JV partners.

  • Local Theme Jack - Jack Hopman

    FB member

    - heden

    Enterprise Version: http://jackhopman.com/enterprisep/ Local Theme Jack: The Easiest, Most Stunning, Local Business WordPress Theme Ever. For support items use: [email protected]

  • Mark Bishop Mastermind - Mark Bishop

    FB member

    - heden
  • New Superwoman Entrepreneur Community - Maribel Jimenez

    FB member

    - heden
  • Powerful Global Women Leaders - Dorothy A Martin Neville

    FB member

    - heden
  • Private Members Training - Trevor Carr

    FB member

    - heden

    The Private Members Internet Marketing Club

  • Publishing with The Book Shepherd Group - Judith Briles

    FB member

    - heden

    Publishing with The Book Shepherd is a community created for authors who want to be SERIOUSLY SUCCESSFUL and to create a book they don't regret. It's designed to share and deliver practical publishing advice and guidance. I'm Judith Briles, The Book Shepherd and your encouraging and supportive guide. Heads up--I'm blunt and sometimes butt-kicking. I know publishing from the traditional, indie and self arenas. Currently, I'm working on my 35th book: How to Avoid Book Publishing Blunders…

    Publishing with The Book Shepherd is a community created for authors who want to be SERIOUSLY SUCCESSFUL and to create a book they don't regret. It's designed to share and deliver practical publishing advice and guidance. I'm Judith Briles, The Book Shepherd and your encouraging and supportive guide. Heads up--I'm blunt and sometimes butt-kicking. I know publishing from the traditional, indie and self arenas. Currently, I'm working on my 35th book: How to Avoid Book Publishing Blunders, Bloopers and Boos.

  • Referral Network Ninja - Clarence Fisher

    FB member

    - heden
  • The Total Wealth Entrepreneur - Kimberly Adams

    FB member

    - heden

    For business owners who want to make a big impact in the world and want to create wealth by removing their negative money mindset and subconscious programming. This is a place to support and help each other.

  • Thought Leadership Marketing - David Newman

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is about one thing and one thing only: Marketing, monetizing, and maximizing your thought leadership as a speaker, author, coach, or consultant. If you want to know what it REALLY takes to expand your reach and revenue and to help you sell more speeches, books, workshops, trainings, webinars, online courses, consulting, high-fee mentoring programs, elite masterminds, and high-fee professional services... ...you're in the right place. The admins of this group work for a company…

    This group is about one thing and one thing only: Marketing, monetizing, and maximizing your thought leadership as a speaker, author, coach, or consultant. If you want to know what it REALLY takes to expand your reach and revenue and to help you sell more speeches, books, workshops, trainings, webinars, online courses, consulting, high-fee mentoring programs, elite masterminds, and high-fee professional services... ...you're in the right place. The admins of this group work for a company called Do It! Marketing, started by David Newman in 2002. We exist to help experts like you make consistent, profit-rich sales of all your products, programs, and services WHILE enjoying more freedom and feeling great about what you do.

  • Transformational Workshop Leaders - Sage Lavine

    FB member

    - heden
  • Akashic Records Institute - Patricia Missakian

    FB member

    - heden

    Welcome to the Akashic Record Institute group! This special group consists of members of the Akashic Records Institute Tribe. A place where our Tribe meets daily to support and uplift each other. A place to learn, grow, and pay it forward!

  • Discipline your mind challange - Agnieszka Borzecka

    FB member

    - heden
  • MoneyMaking Topic Webinar - Osayi Emokpae Lasisi

    FB member

    - heden

    Learn how to pick the right moneymaking topic for your online product.

  • Munchweb - PR, SEO, Viral, Local & Attention Marketing - Chris Munch

    FB member

    - heden

    Munchweb Elite is a private group online entrepreneurs focused on traffic generation, especially using PressCable press releases. Only online business discussions are allowed in this group. Topics include attention marketing, entrepreneurial mindset, product creation/selling, press releases, PR, SEO, local marketing, getting clients viral marketing and sales funnels.

  • Rock the Room Workshops - Ida Shessel

    FB member

    - heden

    Welcome to Rock the Room Workshops! This is a community for speakers, coaches, experts, and consultants who create or are looking to create and lead workshops, training sessions, seminars, and presentations.

  • The Aspiring Bestselling Author - Claudia Svartefoss

    FB member

    - heden

    I help you empower yourself to write a transformational book and start your own successful business that brings you the freedom and financial abundance you seek! I created this group to inspire, encourage, and support you as an aspiring best-selling author & entrepreneur!

  • The IM Inside Track - Dennis Becker

    FB member

    - heden

    Please feel free to post your top Internet marketing questions here, we have group leaders with all types of skills. Feel free to suggest a topic of the day. This group is an extension of the Earn1KaDay Insiders Club, but others are welcome to join here, so please, tell others about us.

  • Abraham-Hicks - Debbie Stark

    FB member

    - heden

    Co-Creators of Positive Manifestations This forum is strictly Abraham-Hicks.

  • Build a Coaching Business - Brian Powers

    FB member

    - heden

    Welcome to the Build a Coaching Business Facebook group. This Facebook group is for practicing or certified Coaches of all niches in any phase of building and operating a coaching business. The main purpose of this group is to build a co-operative community of Coaches that share ideas and support each other with the intent of elevating the field of Coaching. Whether you have just completed certification and you're looking for your first paying client, or you are a seasoned coach with years of…

    Welcome to the Build a Coaching Business Facebook group. This Facebook group is for practicing or certified Coaches of all niches in any phase of building and operating a coaching business. The main purpose of this group is to build a co-operative community of Coaches that share ideas and support each other with the intent of elevating the field of Coaching. Whether you have just completed certification and you're looking for your first paying client, or you are a seasoned coach with years of experience and an established client base, the Build A Coaching Business Facebook page is for you. It’s a place for the exchange and sharing of strategies, successes, and challenges that will ultimately help us all in achieving our collective objective, creating a successful coaching business. The field of Coaching is elevated in our sharing of experiences. New Coaches can bring a freshly trained outlook and new tools. Veteran Coaches can bring years of practice and experience. Coordination and sharing, not competition, will help elevate the field of coaching. We are better together. Conversations can range from business start-up, marketing, client successes, client challenges, coaching materials, etc. Anything that can help a coaching business move forward.

  • OWN Your MONEY, OWN Your LIFE - Belinda Rosenblum

    FB member

    - heden
  • She Broadcasts - Jessica Carter Brace

    FB member

    - heden

    The purpose of this group is to connect with other like minded entrepreneur women who are interested in broadcasting online. What ever platform you choose: YouTube, Podcast, Video Cast, Periscope, Blab, YouTube Live, Facebook Live, Summits and more!

  • The MoneyMaking Webinar - Osayi Emokpae Lasisi

    FB member

    - heden

    2016/11/05 Webinar set up your online marketplace.

  • The Teachable Tribe - Ankur Nagpal, Cameron Mattis and others

    FB member

    - heden

    Welcome to the Teachable Tribe. We're a group of independent teaching entrepreneurs and companies focused on creating great content, growing our own audiences, and making money online.

  • The VSM Community with Navid Moazzez

    FB member

    - heden

    The VSM Community is a free community supported group for Navid Moazzez's Virtual Summit Mastery, and specifically the free VSM Blueprint and email series (starting November 2016).

  • Audiobook Narration Group - Krystal Wascher

    FB member

    - heden

    Interested in audiobook narration? Then come chat with us! This group is a friendly place to ask questions and talk about all things related to working as an audiobook voice artist. Most of the members of this group have gone through the "5-Day Audiobook Audition Challenge." This is a great place to start if you are brand new to the world of audiobook narration and production. You can here to sign up for the next available "5-Day Audiobook Audition Challenge" ---->…

    Interested in audiobook narration? Then come chat with us! This group is a friendly place to ask questions and talk about all things related to working as an audiobook voice artist. Most of the members of this group have gone through the "5-Day Audiobook Audition Challenge." This is a great place to start if you are brand new to the world of audiobook narration and production. You can here to sign up for the next available "5-Day Audiobook Audition Challenge" ----> http://www.krystalwascher.com/challenge/ (Via Udemy course).

  • Big Finish Challenge - Jane Deuber - starting 3rd Oct.

    FB member

    - heden

    This is a place where those participating in the Big Finish Challenge can share openly and honestly their experiences as they are on their journey. No matter when you start the Big Finish Challenge, our intention is to inspire and support you to end 2016 stronger than ever!

  • Buy Essay/Dissertation/Research Paper/CV/Resume - Jill Nicholson

    FB member

    - heden
  • Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches - Judith E. Glaser

    FB member

    - heden

    From: Judith E. Glaser and the WBECS Team Welcome to the Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches Community This will be the community hub for the next 2 months and we welcome all coaches that are striving towards excellence with their coaching. We want to begin holding conversations about the new body of work we are shortly going to be releasing and felt with 1.5 billion active users this would be the best platform to do so. Please feel free to share anything related to Conversational…

    From: Judith E. Glaser and the WBECS Team Welcome to the Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches Community This will be the community hub for the next 2 months and we welcome all coaches that are striving towards excellence with their coaching. We want to begin holding conversations about the new body of work we are shortly going to be releasing and felt with 1.5 billion active users this would be the best platform to do so. Please feel free to share anything related to Conversational Intelligence and the neuroscience of coaching. We do not want to clutter the group with inspirational quotes, blog posts or any kind of promotional material but instead keep the group laser focused. Please feel free to ask questions. If you are thinking it, I promise someone else is too. We ask that everyone respects each other, add value where you can but be aware that this group will attract many of the most seasoned coaches in the world as well as coaches just beginning their journey so often you will gain the most value through listening and asking great questions. Our mission is to have a profound impact on the success of coaches across the world through the ground breaking methodologies frameworks and tools we will be releasing. We are excited to have you as part of our new community From Judith E. Glaser and the WBECS Team

  • Dharma Divas - Julie Serot

    FB member

    - heden

    The spiritually rich life: master classes on creating income through inspiration & impact. Welcome to Julie Serot’s Facebook group for the awesome crew lovingly known as the Dharma Divas. This gathering place is for female coaches, healers, experts, creatives, mentors, guides and spiritual business leaders who feel a CALL in their heart and are ON A MISSION to get their dharma into the world. Is that you? Welcome! This is a place of immense positivity, ownership and self-determination. We…

    The spiritually rich life: master classes on creating income through inspiration & impact. Welcome to Julie Serot’s Facebook group for the awesome crew lovingly known as the Dharma Divas. This gathering place is for female coaches, healers, experts, creatives, mentors, guides and spiritual business leaders who feel a CALL in their heart and are ON A MISSION to get their dharma into the world. Is that you? Welcome! This is a place of immense positivity, ownership and self-determination. We are a loving group of sisters who are committed to being supportive to one another. This group is your go-to spot to curl up with a hot cup of something yummy and connect with fellow female leaders on a similar path as you. It is not designed to replace paid coaching programs that are much more in-depth and effective in getting your work into the world.

  • EasyWebinar Private Members Group - Casey Zeman

    FB member

    - heden

    Easy Webinar Video System is a closed private, invite only group. We are geared towards creating more awareness of the power of Video and Webinars. As well as discussing the power of systems and workable strategies in business. I love inspiration. Value. Thinking. Masterminding.

  • Engage with Stories - Tony Laidig

    FB member

    - heden

    Welcome to Engage With Stories! This is where we will discuss the course, share our own stories, interact, ask and answer questions related to the course contents and more!

  • EssayRepublic.com - essay writing service - Jill Nicholson

    FB member

    - heden

    You Have Found Your Essay Writing Pot of Gold Essays, papers, book reviews, case studies, and more – the list just keeps piling up. And if you are like most students and trying to keep a calendar of what is due when and how you can schedule the time to get all of it done, you quickly realize you are doomed. So, you go back and try to set priorities. Which assignments will you “blow off” and take a really low grade on; which assignments will you give your energy to? Dump the Gloom and Doom.

  • G-Probe Closed Door Mastermind and Support Group - Anthony Aires Gomes

    FB member

    - heden

    G Probe is a support group for search engine optimization junkies that want to get INSTANT traffic from Google. Jihaa! :))

  • Get Into Wealth Creating Action - Debera Jensen

    FB member

    - heden

    This is a challenge group to show people how much easier it is to get focused. 14-Day Get Into Wealth Creating Focused Action Challenge is for entrepreneurs who want to learn how to make work into a fun experience - and to get more done by using brain-training techniques to exercise their brains to get into and to stay in automatic action. Our next Get Into Wealth Creating Focused Action Challenge starts: MONDAY, October 10!!

  • Graphics Mystic Official Group - James Mason

    FB member

    - heden

    Get free marketing graphics & templates with ultra-premium quality and PSD files!

  • Grow Your Business, Impact & Profit - Elena Korsakova

    FB member

    - heden

    Welcome to the “Grow Your Business, Impact & Profit” Network! This group is a place to connect, support and network with smart, driven, and caring entrepreneurs, business owners and leaders. We focus on building businesses to have an impact, to become financially savvy and to create a life of your own design. If you are passionate about community, sharing your successes, learning and you have a desire to help others – JOIN this group! This is a place to ask for advice, share resources, and…

    Welcome to the “Grow Your Business, Impact & Profit” Network! This group is a place to connect, support and network with smart, driven, and caring entrepreneurs, business owners and leaders. We focus on building businesses to have an impact, to become financially savvy and to create a life of your own design. If you are passionate about community, sharing your successes, learning and you have a desire to help others – JOIN this group! This is a place to ask for advice, share resources, and build relationships.

  • Juggernaut Freedom - John S. Rhodes

    FB member

    - heden

    GREAT NEWS! Finally got "Juggernaut Freedom" launched for you. It's where I'll post links, updates, content, downloads, reminders and more for all my webinars. That includes REPLAY and PDF links. :-) You can (and should!) invite other people to join this FREE but closed group. Or, keep it to yourself. Up to you! Woo hoo!

  • MAKE PINK HAPPEN (Entrepreneur Mum) - Elena Marson

    FB member

    - heden

    Make Pink Happen was created by Elena Marson-mother & entrepreneur with Mary May Cosmetics-with the vision to connect all the mothers (and women in general) in business to support their professional and personal development. Elena strongly believes in the power of co-operation and mutual support. If you resonate with that as well, please feel free to contribute to the growth of the group.

  • Market like a Nerd (former: The Balanced Entrepreneur) - Amanda Goldman-Petri

    FB member

    - heden

    Brought to you by http://MarketLikeANerd.com/ and marketing and tech nerd Amanda Goldman-Petri (aka: AGP), this nerdtastic group is dedicated to helping you grow your biz in a smart, balanced way so that you can make money without having to work too hard, hustle, or sacrifice. I believe you CAN have it all! PLEASE JOIN IF YOU ARE: - Fun - Passionate - Intelligent AND WANT TO: - Work Smarter - Make More While Working Less - Scale Your Business - Stop With One-Off Successes And Sustain Your…

    Brought to you by http://MarketLikeANerd.com/ and marketing and tech nerd Amanda Goldman-Petri (aka: AGP), this nerdtastic group is dedicated to helping you grow your biz in a smart, balanced way so that you can make money without having to work too hard, hustle, or sacrifice. I believe you CAN have it all! PLEASE JOIN IF YOU ARE: - Fun - Passionate - Intelligent AND WANT TO: - Work Smarter - Make More While Working Less - Scale Your Business - Stop With One-Off Successes And Sustain Your Business For Long Term Wealth - Play A BIGGER Game

  • PixelStudioFX - Jimmy Kim

    FB member

    - heden

    Welcome to the private group for Pixel Studio FX members! This is a private forum.

  • Rocket Video Ranker Pro Mastermind - Bill Cousins

    FB member

    - heden

    This is the private Rocket Video Ranker Pro Mastermind FB Group! - via Linkwheel Vortex 2.0 agency.

  • Speed Rankers Pit Crew - Anthony Aires Gomes

    FB member

    - heden

    Closed members only group.

  • Wealth Through Workshops - Callan Rush & Justin Livingston

    FB member

    - heden

    Accompanying our Wealth Through Workshops 12-day Online Training, this group is used to asking questions regarding clarity around the videos, webinars and downloads from the training.

  • #Feminine Influencers - #women #community #empowerment #support - Zaza Giroday

    FB member

    - heden

    Welcome to the Feminine Influencers community! Feminine Influencers is a movement destined to inspire women all over the world to stand up and stand out. By holding your space, you show others what's possible and in turn allow other women to ride on your confidence. It’s about leaving a legacy or generations to come. This group is a place to connect, support and network with like-minded soul-centered women entrepreneurs. If you have a passion to empower other women and transform their lives…

    Welcome to the Feminine Influencers community! Feminine Influencers is a movement destined to inspire women all over the world to stand up and stand out. By holding your space, you show others what's possible and in turn allow other women to ride on your confidence. It’s about leaving a legacy or generations to come. This group is a place to connect, support and network with like-minded soul-centered women entrepreneurs. If you have a passion to empower other women and transform their lives – join this group! This is a place to ask for advice, share resources, and build relationships. And mostly to inspire and get inspired!

  • Blaster Members

    FB member

    - heden

    BlasterSuite private group for paid members of video VSB pro 2.

  • Brilliant Women (former Reinvent Yourself-Become the Woman You've Always Wanted to Be, former Grow Brilliant - Reinvent Yourself) - Tee R Sebastien

    FB member

    - heden

    This is an exclusive group for brilliant women who want to reinvent their lives, awaken their feminine power through self-love, and pursue goals they never had the courage to pursue. This is a warm and supportive environment where we help one another to feel amazing, and realize our full potential.

  • Business Owners Who Think BIG - Alina Vincent & Susan Berland

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is a place to connect and network with like-minded business owners and entrepreneurs. If you have passion for success and desire to help others – join this group! This is a place to ask for advice, share resources, and build relationships.

  • Calm & Collected - Stress Relief (mindfulness, relaxation, meditation) - Bronwen Morgan

    FB member

    - heden

    www.theyogadiva.com Calm and collected, stress relief (mindfulness, relaxation, meditation and yoga therapy) has been established by Bronwen Morgan, The Yoga Diva, Not Just Yoga On A Mat. She is passionate about bringing together like minded men and women who believe that they should be proud of who they are and be entitled to good health and well-being and a stress free life. Bronwen, The Yoga Diva will provide regular free resources including webinars, videos and strategy advice to empower…

    www.theyogadiva.com Calm and collected, stress relief (mindfulness, relaxation, meditation and yoga therapy) has been established by Bronwen Morgan, The Yoga Diva, Not Just Yoga On A Mat. She is passionate about bringing together like minded men and women who believe that they should be proud of who they are and be entitled to good health and well-being and a stress free life. Bronwen, The Yoga Diva will provide regular free resources including webinars, videos and strategy advice to empower you to create the stress free health and lifestyle you dream of... The Daily Themes are: Monday: Mindset Tuesday: Talk In Wednesday: Awareness Thursday: Tools and techniques Friday: Philosophy Saturday: Recommend Sunday: Relax

  • ClickFunnels (Official) - Russell Brunson

    FB member

    - heden

    ** Welcome Funnel Hackers!!! ** I wanted to officially welcome you to the ClickFunnels / Funnel Hackers community / cult-ure. You've pretty much found the coolest place on the internet for entrepreneurs who are obsessed with creating sales funnels.

  • Creative Designers and Writers: Authors, Artists, Book Promotions - Alwin Gnanaraj

    FB member

    - heden
  • Doodly Design Group - Jimmy Kim

    FB member

    - heden

    *ATTENTION* Doodly Design Group for Doodly Members Only. DO NOT APPLY UNLESS YOU ARE A PAID MEMBER. WE WILL VERIFY YOUR MEMBERSHIP. This is a private forum For Doodly. Simple rules apply. No Negativity. No whining. No crying. No Spamming, sending links, or demanding promotions/jv's etc. That includes messaging others in this group via PM with your affiliate links etc. One Strike Rule- If you're removed from the group for violating a rule, you will not be allowed to participate in the…

    *ATTENTION* Doodly Design Group for Doodly Members Only. DO NOT APPLY UNLESS YOU ARE A PAID MEMBER. WE WILL VERIFY YOUR MEMBERSHIP. This is a private forum For Doodly. Simple rules apply. No Negativity. No whining. No crying. No Spamming, sending links, or demanding promotions/jv's etc. That includes messaging others in this group via PM with your affiliate links etc. One Strike Rule- If you're removed from the group for violating a rule, you will not be allowed to participate in the future. This is a BONUS for Doodly! Here's the DO's: 1. You are encouraged to talk about your videos and progress. 2. You are encouraged ask people for opinions and feedback. 3. You are encouraged to share with others knowledge you've gained with Doodly. 4. You are encouraged to post POSITIVE stories and results Enjoy!

  • Essay Writing for ESL students - Alisa Bestuzheva Jill Nicholson

    FB member

    - heden

    Group for people who don't want spend their lives writing essays.

  • High Performance with Debera Jensen

    FB member

    - heden

    Private Group.

  • Launch Grow Joy - Andreea Ayers

    FB member

    - heden

    Do you have an online store or ecommerce store and you want to get more traffic, grow your list and increase your online sales? If so, join other like-minded entrepreneurs, connect with our community, ask questions and get the support you need to run your online store and ecommerce store.

  • Personal Development for Women - Karen Offord

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is for WOMEN around the WORLD who want to GROW, LEARN, INSPIRE, BE-INSPIRED, CONNECT, CONTRIBUTE and become their most BEAUTIFUL AUTHENTIC self and create a life they LOVE! The aim and purpose of this group is also to empower & encourage WOMEN to CELEBRATE all that they are, all that they do, can do and can be!

  • Project Supremacy - via LeadScope

    FB member

    - heden
  • Reevio Video Maker - Don Maynard

    FB member

    - heden
  • Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs - Lee S. Irwin

    FB member

    - heden
  • Strategies To Grow audience - Uder Semo

    FB member

    - heden
  • Women Losing Weight - Sue-Anne M. Hickey

    FB member

    - heden

    A group to support and encourage women in achieving lasting weight loss.

  • Adwords for Video Mastermind - Justin Daniel Sardi

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is all about Adwords for Video. If you want to learn more about how I set up successful campaigns - Video Ads Crash Course 3.0

  • Authorpreneur Mastery - Kristen Joy

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is for members of ANY Authorpreneur Mastery course taught by The Book Ninja... ONLY! Authorpreneur Mastery is a SERIES of courses. That means there's more than one course (you know how I LOVE to do things as a series!)... This series is ongoing, meaning several courses are already available and more are being taught over the next year or so.

  • Ellen's Affiliate Stars - Ellen Finkelstein

    FB member

    - heden
  • Healing for Female Entrepreneurs (former Revolutionary Women Mentors and Coaches, former Unleash Your Wealth and Soar, former Unleash The Success You Crave, former Unleash Financial Success in Your Business - Dunja Radosavljevic

    FB member

    - heden

    Welcome to the Group Unleash Financial Success in Your Business. We will not be boring, and when the elevator tries to bring us down, we will go crazy and punch a higher floor! This is a place to go crazy, unleash the crazy wealth you want in your business and discover why it hasn't happened yet for you. Ask questions, get support, exchange ideas, post videos, post successes and post failures. Cos we are real here and we are no hype!

  • Instant Self-Publishing Ninja - Kristen Joy

    FB member

    - heden

    This online accountability and networking group is EXCLUSIVE to PAID members of Instant Self-Publishing Ninja by The Book Ninja.

  • Online Luau Networking for Solopreneurs #Solopreneur #Entrepreneur, former Online Luau - Lauri Hand

    FB member

    - heden

    Savvy, sassy Solopreneurs sharing, supporting and celebrating each other as we build amazing JV partnerships.

  • Passion And Purpose: Create A Career You Love Community - Connie Livingston

    FB member

    - heden

    This is a community of individuals who want to share their gifts and talents with the world, create a career they love, and make the world a better place. A place for encouragement, coaching, community, and resources. Here you will find tips, inspiration, and general encouragement to help you down the path to creating a career you love. Your dream to do the work you love is attainable!

  • Selling on Azon - James J. Jones

    FB member

    - heden

    Selling on Azon is a members only group exclusively for listeners of the James Jones Selling on Azon podcast. No promotional posts. If you need product support go to www.tnrsupport.com. You can listen to the podcast on iTunes at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/selling-on-azon/id978298326?mt=2 For Android listeners go to: http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=66170&refid=stpr

  • The Freedom Formula Group - Happiness, Freedom And Success (former The Women's Success Group) - Paul Graham

    FB member

    - heden

    The Women's Success Group is for entrepreneur ladies who want to take their life and business to the next level. We are going to show you HOW you have ALL the answers within you to take you to the next level. You can have it all in life but all starts with YOU. Reconnect with your true inner self and reignite your confidence you had when you first started out in business. Not running on 100% then how can we expect our life and business to do the same? We are going to show you how to fuel…

    The Women's Success Group is for entrepreneur ladies who want to take their life and business to the next level. We are going to show you HOW you have ALL the answers within you to take you to the next level. You can have it all in life but all starts with YOU. Reconnect with your true inner self and reignite your confidence you had when you first started out in business. Not running on 100% then how can we expect our life and business to do the same? We are going to show you how to fuel your body and mind for success. Exercise, you are your most valuable asset to your business so it's about time you treated yourself with the love and care you DESERVE. Yoga is the perfect de-stress to reconnect with yourself, get rid of the stress and refocused for the week ahead. These are four main pillars of success and this is EXACTLY what you will learn in this group.

  • Bestseller Business Blueprint - Ellen Silverstein Violette

    FB member

    - heden

    How create #1bestsellers and use them to grow your business!

  • BUSINESSMASTERS 360° - Dennis Pitocco

    FB member LI member

    - heden

    WE BELIEVE that success tomorrow is about streamlined access to a quantum of profound knowledge today, allowing you to effortlessly capture, manage and master the colossal universe of “big data” surrounding us all. Which is why we literally scan hundreds of expert knowledge bases around the globe daily to come up with a handpicked selection of leading-edge insights matching our three-pronged criteria; SIGNIFICANT, RELEVANT and ACTIONABLE. The end result is a one-stop "evergreen" dossier –…

    WE BELIEVE that success tomorrow is about streamlined access to a quantum of profound knowledge today, allowing you to effortlessly capture, manage and master the colossal universe of “big data” surrounding us all. Which is why we literally scan hundreds of expert knowledge bases around the globe daily to come up with a handpicked selection of leading-edge insights matching our three-pronged criteria; SIGNIFICANT, RELEVANT and ACTIONABLE. The end result is a one-stop "evergreen" dossier – poised for your optimal speed of enlightenment. - See more at: http://bizcatalyst360.com/#sthash.dgcaLruF.dpuf

  • Digital Kickstart (Official) - Mark Thompson

    FB member

    - heden

    This is a great place to share your awesome results using Digital Kickstart products and trainings, build relationships with other Digital Kickstart members, and learn tips and strategies using our software.

  • DIVINE ENTERPRENUERS TRANSFORMATIONAL SUCCESS & DOLCE VITA LIFESTYLE, former Entrepreneurs Transformational Success - Marina Ferrara

    FB member

    - heden

    This group was created for your empowerment and connecting with your true energy. Inside this Group you will find "Tips for your Success", strategies on how to overcome and transform your limiting beliefs and blocks, Rapid Reprogramming Technics I've been using for more than 20 years to heal my clients issues,and bring them straight to achieve their goals. I will also share Transformational audios. We love your suggestions and preferences. How can this group serve you best ? My name is…

    This group was created for your empowerment and connecting with your true energy. Inside this Group you will find "Tips for your Success", strategies on how to overcome and transform your limiting beliefs and blocks, Rapid Reprogramming Technics I've been using for more than 20 years to heal my clients issues,and bring them straight to achieve their goals. I will also share Transformational audios. We love your suggestions and preferences. How can this group serve you best ? My name is Marina Ferrara I am a TRANSFORMATIONAL SUCCESS MASTER COACH & ENERGY ALCHEMIST and I help lead women to gain clarity and remove any blockages to their success using Rapid Reprogramming Techniques. Our focus is on overcoming any blocks and gain confidence and success in your life, attracting money into your business so that you can shine discovering and expressing your wow factor. Your destiny awaits you. You are welcome to promote but no spamming or any link except for the days specified. The main purpose of this group is to share, connect and grow. This group will help you to eliminate any blocks to your success and have fun ! Live your Dolce Vita Marina Ferrara

  • Hello, Gorgeous Entrepreneurs! - Kristi Ford Van Sickle

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is for women entrepreneurs who... *dream of creating a life of freedom and purpose *aren't content to sit around and wait for their dreams to come true but are ready to set goals and work to achieve them *want to make a positive impact on the world by sharing their gifts and talents *want to make a whole lot of money in the process In this group, we will encourage each other and cheer each other on as we watch each other achieve goals and make entrepreneurial magic happen. What…

    This group is for women entrepreneurs who... *dream of creating a life of freedom and purpose *aren't content to sit around and wait for their dreams to come true but are ready to set goals and work to achieve them *want to make a positive impact on the world by sharing their gifts and talents *want to make a whole lot of money in the process In this group, we will encourage each other and cheer each other on as we watch each other achieve goals and make entrepreneurial magic happen. What you can expect: *Daily inspiration and motivation *Periodic training to help you grow your business and reach your goals *A friendly environment where you can build relationships with fellow smart, savvy entrepreneurs In this group, you can... - Promote your free offers - Ask questions about growing your business - Expect lots of free content about growing a prosperous business - Enjoy a sisterhood of entrepreneurs where you know you will find support and encouragement - on the good days and the bad! Because my goal is to make this a fun and supportive place to hang out, there are a few rules. Here they are: * Be kind to one another. * Support each other. Always. * Promos for your free offers are ALWAYS welcome. Promos for paid offers should only happen on Fridays. * Participate as much as you promote. Make friends. Build relationships. Let's make this a happy place to hang out, share tips and inspiration, and grow our businesses.

  • Home Studio Center Forum - Rob Mayzes

    FB member

    - heden

    A group for musicians to learn about home recording, ask questions about creating and using their own home studios and share information.

  • Infopreneur Community - Bailey Richert

    FB member

    - heden

    An online community of beginning budding infopreneurs created and hosted by business coach Bailey Richert.

  • Inspirational Business Women Network - Virginia Parsons

    FB member

    - heden

    Inspirational Business Women Network provides support, collaboration and inspiration to business women who want to "step out of their shadow" and SHINE as the Go-To-Expert in their niche using on-line marketing and livestream broadcasting to brand, grow and market their business. As a collaborative, we help spread the word about member's livestream and recorded broadcasts and events. This is also a place to form new partnerships that enhance each other's offerings to provide greater benefits…

    Inspirational Business Women Network provides support, collaboration and inspiration to business women who want to "step out of their shadow" and SHINE as the Go-To-Expert in their niche using on-line marketing and livestream broadcasting to brand, grow and market their business. As a collaborative, we help spread the word about member's livestream and recorded broadcasts and events. This is also a place to form new partnerships that enhance each other's offerings to provide greater benefits to their fans, such as cohosting, interviewing, co-instructing and more.

  • Invanto - Deep Arora

    FB member

    - heden

    Participate in discussion with hundreds of other like-minded members about making business a fun. Who's Invanto? Ever heard of "FreshMember" by Mark Thompson? Or, "MemberFactory" by Sam Bakker? Or, "SiteManPro"? You guessed it right... we created those softwares. And many more. You might have bought one of those products at some point of time, which actually, were created by us as a silent partner.

  • Jim's Easy Wizards Mastermind

    FB member

    - heden

    This is a private group exclusively for Jim Edwards' Wizard customers to meet, connect, share, and help each other use the Software Wizards for best results!

  • Network Marketing Add Me Group - Casey D. Eberhart

    FB member

    - heden

    This is a group for Network Marketers who are interested in adding VALUE We are a group of professionals and are looking to connect with other business people and building relationships and sharing ideas, content and promoting other people. This is NOT a place to just promo your biz op. I do not want to make the group not be able to share links but please do not abuse it. Some ideas on value: Blog posts Cool tools you are USING with RESULTS Promoting someone we should know Tips that would…

    This is a group for Network Marketers who are interested in adding VALUE We are a group of professionals and are looking to connect with other business people and building relationships and sharing ideas, content and promoting other people. This is NOT a place to just promo your biz op. I do not want to make the group not be able to share links but please do not abuse it. Some ideas on value: Blog posts Cool tools you are USING with RESULTS Promoting someone we should know Tips that would help others Trainings that are coming up that might be useful for members Places to meet if you are traveling I hope you will be a part of this awesome community and treat the wall as if it is your own personal wall! Give someone an AWESOME day! Casey

  • Nicci's Trusted Sales Club - Nicci Bonfanti

    FB member

    - heden

    For people who love to serve but hate to sell. This is a free club for anyone who is committed to growing their business in a trusted way.

  • Reed Floren's Customers - Reed Floren

    FB member

    - heden

    For customers of Reed Floren's products

  • RockYourTalk open party (former Rock Your Talk VIP Room) - Kristin Schiffner Thompson

    FB member

    - heden

    Hey rock star! This group is OPEN to you & your friends and colleagues... if you want to learn more about how to turn your message into more visibility, leads, clients, and cash! Learn how to rock your unique personality, your message, and your biz. Come on in, join the community, and start rocking your talk!

  • Sales Best Practices - Laurent J.V. Dubois

    FB member & LI member

    - heden

    This group is about sharing our experiences and solutions as it relates to Selling, marketing and Best Practices. Some of these topics include : Sales Development/Prospecting, Marketing, Cold Calls, Productivity, Team management, Sales Tools or Software (CRM), Business Strategy, Closing Strategies, and Recruitment. http://www.sales.eu.org/

  • Sales Process Repair Station for Coaches, Consultants and Info Experts - Sherri Anderson

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is a place to connect and network with other like-minded coaches, consultants, and information experts. If you have a passion for success and desire to help others – join this group! This is a place to ask for advice, share resources, and build relationships.

  • Sassy Successful Entrepreneurs - Christina Jandali


    - heden

    This Group is for... Female Entrepreneurs and the Aspiring Female Entrepreneur. You’re a talented, ambitious and driven woman determined to make an IMPACT by HELPING OTHERS. You’re committed to your own SUCCESS. But how long have you been walking around with your gifts still inside you, just waiting to be unleashed? There are dreams to be experienced yet few people fearless enough to chase them. You’ve poured your heart and soul into building the dreams of others, but now it’s your time.…

    This Group is for... Female Entrepreneurs and the Aspiring Female Entrepreneur. You’re a talented, ambitious and driven woman determined to make an IMPACT by HELPING OTHERS. You’re committed to your own SUCCESS. But how long have you been walking around with your gifts still inside you, just waiting to be unleashed? There are dreams to be experienced yet few people fearless enough to chase them. You’ve poured your heart and soul into building the dreams of others, but now it’s your time. …to invest in YOU, your DREAMS and your own BUSINESS. You’re not the woman who’s just going to let her dreams pass her by. From this moment on, I want you to say buh-bye to playing small, hiding in the shadows and letting your light burn out. There’s no room for that anymore. I’m your host, Christina Jandali, and I’m here to give you the sassy strategies, bold action and abracadabra magic that’s going to have you doing a 180 toward a future full of clarity, confidence and clients so you can leave your 9-5.

  • Serve No Master Non-Fiction Writing Group - Jonathan Green

    FB member

    - heden

    Welcome to the SNM Non Fiction Writing group. In there I'll share with you tons of great tips, training and opportunities. You can submit works in progress here and ask for any advice that has to do with non-fiction writing, publishing and finding paying clients!

  • Success Code - Naia Williams

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is specifically designed to help serious entrepreneurs and key members of small teams to grow a sustainable, profitable business. Here, we come together to share insights, tips, questions, answers and most importantly support for one another in our business growth journey. This FREE Facebook community is for entrepreneurs and business owners who have been in business for AT LEAST 1 YEAR OR KEY TEAM MEMBERS OF SMALL BUSINESS' THAT HAVE BEEN IN BUSINESS FOR AT LEAST 1 YEAR. Key people…

    This group is specifically designed to help serious entrepreneurs and key members of small teams to grow a sustainable, profitable business. Here, we come together to share insights, tips, questions, answers and most importantly support for one another in our business growth journey. This FREE Facebook community is for entrepreneurs and business owners who have been in business for AT LEAST 1 YEAR OR KEY TEAM MEMBERS OF SMALL BUSINESS' THAT HAVE BEEN IN BUSINESS FOR AT LEAST 1 YEAR. Key people for this Group: Nikki Purvy (founder of Better Than Success and creator of this group). Kiarra Solomon (Head of Community Experience). Naia Williams (Community Manager)

  • The Kindle Publishing Bible - Tom Corson-Knowles

    FB member

    - heden

    How to sell more Kindle eBooks on Amazon Welcome! This group is for writers helping writers. For Kindle book authors to network, share ideas, marketing tips, best practices and collaborate. Sorry, ALL PROMO posts with 'buy my book' or 'book is free' or 'book on Amazon' are only allowed on the OFFICIAL Free Promotions Thread found in the "Files" Tab. All other discussion, questions, sharing info, updates and topic-related posts are welcome on the wall.

  • Wild, Creative and Confident Entrepreneurs - Sarah Marie Thompson

    FB member

    - heden
  • Your Business Brilliance - Prema Lee Gurreri

    FB member

    - heden

    This is a community of love, support, and guidance for those who truly want to awaken and fully utilize their unique divine gifts in their business to fulfill their mission and dreams. In order to keep it that way promotion is not allowed unless approved by admin.

  • Yours For Prosperity - Anthony Aires Gomes

    FB member

    - heden

    Yours For Prosperity is a meeting place where like minded people come together to help each other succeed in acheiving Total Prosperity. So we can excel at living to our full potentials in Spirituality, Health, and Wealth, with Our Families! To enjoy The SWEET LIFE! We're all inspired by Thinking And Growing Rich thanks to the great Napoleon Hill! We understand The 12 Laws Of The Universe: 1. The Law of Divine Oneness 2. The Law of Vibration 3. The Law of Action 4. The Law of…

    Yours For Prosperity is a meeting place where like minded people come together to help each other succeed in acheiving Total Prosperity. So we can excel at living to our full potentials in Spirituality, Health, and Wealth, with Our Families! To enjoy The SWEET LIFE! We're all inspired by Thinking And Growing Rich thanks to the great Napoleon Hill! We understand The 12 Laws Of The Universe: 1. The Law of Divine Oneness 2. The Law of Vibration 3. The Law of Action 4. The Law of Correspondence 5. The Law of Cause and Effect 6. The Law of Compensation 7. The Law of Attraction 8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy 9. The Law of Relativity 10. The Law of Polarity 11. The Law of Rhythm 12. The Law of Gender https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTZTxzwYCng And we believe ANYTHING is POSSIBLE :) Striving to improve and acheive the what may seem IMPOSSIBLE to us. Yours For Prosperity, Anthony Aires P.S. Visit http://YoursForProsperity.com/

  • Alpha Diven - Unternehmerinnen Netzwerk - Nicoletta Hahn

    FB member

    - heden

    Die Plattform für Powerfrauen, die ihr Unternehmen präsentieren wollen. Eine Werbeplattform von Frauen für Frauen. Austausch über die richtige Business-Strategie. Lasst uns zur größten Unternehmerinnen Community wachsen :-) Hier ist auch Platz um neue Mitarbeiterinnen zu generieren und seine Firma zu präsentieren

  • Amy's Content Club - Amaryllis Harrop

    FB member

    - heden

    Amy’s Content Club is a group where friends, fans, subscribers and customers of Amy Harrop can discuss: self-publishing content marketing share their work ask questions and get feedback

  • Badass Facebook Marketing Club - Sherri-Lee Woycik

    FB member

    - heden

    The Badass Facebook Marketing Club is for coaches, authors, speakers and heart-centered entrepreneurs who want to learn how to attract more clients and customers from Facebook without a huge budget or having it take up their entire day.

  • Do What You Really Love 14 day Summit starting 20th June 2016 - Nathalie Lussier

    FB member

    - heden
  • Easy Book Illustrations - Tony Laidig

    FB member

    - heden

    This is a closed, private group for attendees participating in the Easy Book Illustrations trainings. Level 1, level 2, level 3.

  • EBR 365 hosted by E. Brian Rose

    FB member

    - heden

    Welcome to the playground! Group for bizzarro marketing ideas and share thoughts.

  • Game Changer Free - 8 Day Program - Henare & Kate O'Brien

    FB member

    - heden

    Welcome to GameChangerFree! This 8 Day Program is designed to bring you back to your truth, have you OWN who you are on every level & step boldly into your power! To join for FREE & get full access to the Daily Video Power Classes, go to: ====>> www.gamechangerfree.com The purpose of this group is to provide a space for you to powerfully learn, grow & expand. We'd LOVE to hear from you, share each day: What are you LEARNING & OPENING UP to? What are you BREAKING THROUGH? What are you…

    Welcome to GameChangerFree! This 8 Day Program is designed to bring you back to your truth, have you OWN who you are on every level & step boldly into your power! To join for FREE & get full access to the Daily Video Power Classes, go to: ====>> www.gamechangerfree.com The purpose of this group is to provide a space for you to powerfully learn, grow & expand. We'd LOVE to hear from you, share each day: What are you LEARNING & OPENING UP to? What are you BREAKING THROUGH? What are you COMMITTING TO? ** My biggest stand & highest value is to FULLY support & empower women in coming back to their truth ** There's a couple of ground rules that will support this group to remain an empowering space, fully committed to empowering their own & each others growth... 1. Be respectful and supportive of others in the group. We all have different world views, and experiences. 2. This is not a free marketing platform to promote other businesses, websites, forums, blog, opt-ins etc – including your own (there are already many online forums that offer that) These types of posts will be removed. 3. This is not a place to cross post or share quotes, infographics, or other automated messages - Keep those to your own personal pages or groups that allow these types of posts. Note: From time to time, we may share resources links we think you’ll find valuable. 6. There is zero tolerance for spam. Anyone who posts spam will be removed from the group

  • Happy People, Happy Profit - Osayi Emokpae Lasisi

    FB member

    - heden

    *Themed days* #StrategySunday #MeetingMonday #PersonalDevelopmentTuesday #MentoringWednesday #WorkLifeBalanceThursday #QandAFriday #GivingbackSaturday -- Fridays are Q&A days - Share your questions and challenges, and get the support you need.

  • Ladies Enterprises Group - Sumaila Ali

    FB member

    - heden

    Only for business ladies, u may post products u want to sell and products u want to buy, u can discuss your business problems with us !!!

  • Lets All Make Money Online - Ty Cohen

    FB member

    - heden

    The perfect place to; 1- Get info on the world's most profitable online marketing systems 2- Advertise your online business 3- Share and get ideas and 4- Find great partners to help start and grow your business

  • Local AdWords Academy - Jack Hopman

    FB member

    - heden

    It's every Local Marketer's dream... ...to have a HIGH-DEMAND SERVICE ...that is EASY TO SELL ...that delivers REAL RESULTS ...and that you can be PROUD and CONFIDENT TO OFFER. Only paying members are part of this secret group.

  • Mindfulness in Everyday Life - Judy Mackenzie

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is for women who are wanting a change or are in the midst of a change and would like support. I believe that creating a resilience mindset is the foundational component to living a mindful life. I am a mindset coach and I will be moderating the site on a daily basis. Let me know how I can help you.

  • Online Course Creation Summit - Devin Slavin June 6th - 17th 2016

    FB member

    - heden

    40 livestreams Learn more at: http://onlinecoursecreationsummit.com/ NOTE: This is a group for discussion of the creation of online courses and for updates from the summit hosts. Please refrain from marketing your products or services to the group. Feel free to include URLs to any of those things so we can get to know you and see what you're up to!

  • Passive Income $how - Dave Espino

    FB member

    - heden

    This is the private Facebook Group for fans of the Passive Income Show live webcast on Blab. To discuss making a passive income through teaching online courses. It IS a place for positive discussions, questions and answers about teaching online!

  • PLR Counts Customer Only Mastermind - Paul Counts

    FB member

    - heden

    We're talking about PLR and our online business in here! Let everyone know how we can all collaborate together to build each other's businesses up!

  • Purposeful Publicity and Prosperity For Women Entrepreneurs - Jerica Glasper

    FB member former How To Become A Media Mogul & Get Massive Media Mentions

    - heden

    WELCOME! Our supportive community is hosted by Jerica Glasper. (Check out the pinned post for our theme song!) We are a global group of purpose-driven women entrepreneurs who want to leverage the power of the media and purposeful publicity to grow our business! Here we support and lift each other up in our entrepreneurial journey. If you’re a local small business owner, coach, consultant, or service-based entrepreneur who wants to master your online shine, get media mentions, be known as an…

    WELCOME! Our supportive community is hosted by Jerica Glasper. (Check out the pinned post for our theme song!) We are a global group of purpose-driven women entrepreneurs who want to leverage the power of the media and purposeful publicity to grow our business! Here we support and lift each other up in our entrepreneurial journey. If you’re a local small business owner, coach, consultant, or service-based entrepreneur who wants to master your online shine, get media mentions, be known as an expert in your field and attract clients online, then welcome! Here you'll also learn how to authentically grow your business in a way that inspires, influences, IMPACTS and brings you more income. Our community is a place for you to ask questions, get help, collaborate with others & share ideas, so that you achieve real results.

  • Soul to Soul Sales - Kelly Jo Murphy

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is a place to connect, support and network with like-minded soul-centered entrepreneurs. If you have a passion to make a huge difference for others – join this group! This is a place to ask for advice, share resources, and build relationships. And mostly to DANCE your way to the bank without selling your soul!

  • The Creativity and Sense Network! - Ogo Ogbata

    FB member

    - heden

    This is a private group where clients and associates of 'Creativity and Sense Consulting' can discuss topical business issues, network and collaborate with like-minded people as well as receive peer feedback on their projects and concerns. You need to be on our mailing list or receive a proper invitation from a member of the group in order to be here (adding people without their consent is not encouraged, by the way). In today's global economy, collaboration is the new currency. So join us…

    This is a private group where clients and associates of 'Creativity and Sense Consulting' can discuss topical business issues, network and collaborate with like-minded people as well as receive peer feedback on their projects and concerns. You need to be on our mailing list or receive a proper invitation from a member of the group in order to be here (adding people without their consent is not encouraged, by the way). In today's global economy, collaboration is the new currency. So join us today to connect, collaborate, innovate and profit! To find out more about us and sign up for updates about our resources, events and special offers, GO TO: www.creativityandsense.com To find out more about the group's founder, Ogo Ogbata, please GO TO: www.ogoogbata.com/about

  • The Soulful, Abundant & Entrepreneurial Women, former The Soulful, Abundant & Prosperous Women - Millen Livis

    FB member

    - heden

    WHY (Intention for this group): Create an oasis of FINANCIAL WELLNESS WHO is it for: This group is for Professional Women or Women in Business who want and are ready to THRIVE in life: live their DREAMS, have FINANCIAL FREEDOM; MAKE a DIFFERENCE in the world while building a FINANCIALLY SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS; enjoy MEANINGFUL CONNECTIONS and have HEART-CENTERED tribe of kindred GODDESSES. WHAT’s in it for YOU (Benefits for being a member of this group): - Get CLARITY about your goals and…

    WHY (Intention for this group): Create an oasis of FINANCIAL WELLNESS WHO is it for: This group is for Professional Women or Women in Business who want and are ready to THRIVE in life: live their DREAMS, have FINANCIAL FREEDOM; MAKE a DIFFERENCE in the world while building a FINANCIALLY SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS; enjoy MEANINGFUL CONNECTIONS and have HEART-CENTERED tribe of kindred GODDESSES. WHAT’s in it for YOU (Benefits for being a member of this group): - Get CLARITY about your goals and what you can do to become financially free; What kind of business idea best aligned with your passions, interests and gifts; How to create, expand and grow your business - Receive tips, strategies and resources about Creating and Managing Wealth - Shine and Share your brilliances, your services and expertise - Be seen and heard by other driven, caring and successful women - Enjoy authentic professional relationships; form real friendships, connect with potential clients

  • Travel PhotoScapes - Janice Mascarina

    FB member

    - heden

    Whether you're a professional or amateur photographer, share your travel photos and adventures! Travel doesn't have to be to an exotic location. It can be as simple as going to the town next door. Inspire others to see Our Big Beautiful World! Since we're a new group, we ask that you invite your friends to make this group all the more merrier. Enjoy! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1703328859906978/

  • Webinar Mastery - Jon Schumacher

    FB member

    - heden

    The Webinar Mastery Group is hosted by Jon Schumacher over at http://jonschumacher.com/ The intention of the group is to provide an educational environment for those who would like to improve their skills as webinar hosts and virtual presenters. Please refrain from sharing links to outside promotions and/or your website. This group was formerly HangoutsThatConvert hosted by Jon Schumacher and A. Michael Bloom.

  • Women Passionate About Travel - Linda Beach

    FB member

    - heden

    "This group is for women like me who LOVE to travel! While all ages are welcome, my original intent is to support “mature” women in their quest to see the world. We’ll see how it grows. Most of us are well beyond the days where we want to strap on a backpack and stay in hostels while we roam the planet. If that is your style, NO worries and power to you. I prefer a soft pillow and comfy mattress! Feel free to share this group with your travel-loving friends."

  • 7-Figure Goddess: Spiritual Women Making Money - Elizabeth Purvis

    FB member

    - heden
  • Conscious Currency Crew

    FB member

    - heden

    This is a group for dedicated business leaders who are ready to increase their global impact. We know that wealth is more than a paycheck. We desire wealth in our relationships, faith, finances and health. We seek for global impact with our messages and support each other in creating massive growth!

  • Cutting Edge Elite Mastermind - Tina Williams

    FB member

    - heden

    This is a Special Elite Group for Multipassionate Entrepreneurs who want to stay on the Cutting Edge of Mindset Mastery, Business Mastery, Marketing Mastery and Social Media mastery, all in one spot.

  • Divinely Intuitive Business - Anne Presuel

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is for the people who are building their Divinely intuitive businesses using Spirit-led and Universal Truth principles.

  • Entrepreneur Mastery (former Mindset Mastery Summit) - Bonnie Groessl

    FB member

    - heden

    May 17-25th - 25 thought leaders share their expertise, insights and wisdom to help you on your journey. Speakers and topics they will be addressing are here http://dreambuildingevent.com/mindsetmastery Some of the topics: How to build confidence and quiet the gremlins How limiting beliefs keep you from moving forward How to avoid being overworked and underpaid How your “mind stories” sabotage your business and life The #1 driver for true financial success Understanding how your body holds…

    May 17-25th - 25 thought leaders share their expertise, insights and wisdom to help you on your journey. Speakers and topics they will be addressing are here http://dreambuildingevent.com/mindsetmastery Some of the topics: How to build confidence and quiet the gremlins How limiting beliefs keep you from moving forward How to avoid being overworked and underpaid How your “mind stories” sabotage your business and life The #1 driver for true financial success Understanding how your body holds your money story One crucial mindset shift you must make to grow a prosperous business Manifesting abundance the right way that leads to BIG results From Ashes to Abundance: From Debt to the Financial Freedom You Deserve! More than 25 thought leaders will share their top secrets so you can make more profits, enjoy more free time, and live the life you deserve. You can listen anywhere from your computer or mobile device and it’s completely free!

  • Hay House World Summit 2014 Global Community

    FB member

    - heden

    Registered for the Hay House World Summit? Join us here and let's experience the World Summit together! This group is a place to talk about the interviews, ask questions and connect with a supportive community. https://www.hayhouseworldsummit.com/?a=4457&c=596&p=r&s1=hhwsfbgroup

  • Kaart leggen Lenormand en tarot - Patrick Vereecke

    FB member

    - heden
  • Kindle Cash Flow Mastermind - Ty Cohen

    FB member

    - heden

    Where rock stars that purchased the Kindle Cash Flow 2.0. come to get advice, share their successes and be part of a whole lot of awesomeness!!!!

  • Lenormand Cards Study Group

    FB member

    - heden

    This is a group that was created for the study and discussion of the Petit Lenormand card decks.

  • Lenormand/Oracle Deck and Book Sellers Group

    FB member

    - heden

    Sellers, Traders, or Buyers are welcome here.

  • Master Course Builder - Tony Laidig

    FB member

    - heden

    This exclusive Facebook Group is for PAID customers of Master Course Builder ONLY.

  • MVP Master Virtual Presenter

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is for speakers, authors and trainers who want get more EXPOSURE, VISIBILITY and MARKETING REACH through the power of their virtual presentations that get "pushed" through New Media channels! This new class of online marketer is called a "Push Button Influencer" because at this moment, there a few buttons they have to push ("record" or "broadcast" or "post" or "like", etc. buttons) in order to become a Social Influencer in their area of expertise. The goal of "Push Button…

    This group is for speakers, authors and trainers who want get more EXPOSURE, VISIBILITY and MARKETING REACH through the power of their virtual presentations that get "pushed" through New Media channels! This new class of online marketer is called a "Push Button Influencer" because at this moment, there a few buttons they have to push ("record" or "broadcast" or "post" or "like", etc. buttons) in order to become a Social Influencer in their area of expertise. The goal of "Push Button Influencers" is to be a certified "Master Virtual Presenter" (or "MVP Certified") by "pushing" marketing messages through New Media channels that guarantee more exposure, visibility and reach!

  • NuminAce Energy Healing - Jan Anderson

    FB member

    - heden
  • Online Biz Wiz Village - Erika Kalmar

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is designed to help surround you with other people building an online business. Coaches, consultants, healers, authors and other service based entrepreneurs... Smart small biz owners who want to move away from trading hours for dollars and harness on the unlimited marketing capacities internet has for us... Dreamers who want to build a business following their dreams, visions and incorporating their strengths... Doers who want to set clear goals and follow thru to get there.. and…

    This group is designed to help surround you with other people building an online business. Coaches, consultants, healers, authors and other service based entrepreneurs... Smart small biz owners who want to move away from trading hours for dollars and harness on the unlimited marketing capacities internet has for us... Dreamers who want to build a business following their dreams, visions and incorporating their strengths... Doers who want to set clear goals and follow thru to get there.. and might have a question or two down on the road... And most importantly this group is for people who are ready to actively take part and help others before asking for help. It takes a village to make a successful business... ... a global village... Welcome to the Online Biz Wiz Village!

  • RockStar Entrepreneur

    FB member

    - heden

    This is a PRIVATE Inner Circle Group for Rockstar Entrepreneurs. Members are part of Ben and Doc Dan's (2RockStars) Family and will share, collaborate, and work to up level everyone in this group.

  • Spiritual Female Entrepreneur Club (former Manifesting for Spiritual Female Entrepreneurs) - Patricia LeBlanc

    FB member

    - heden

    Manifesting for Spiritual Entrepreneurs was created by Patricia LeBlanc as her mission in life is to empower over 100 Million Female Entrepreneurs to get out of their own way and create the life and business that they truly want. Mondays: #Intentionoftheweek. What are you intending to accomplish this week. Tuesday: #SalesDay we will share our offerings such as consultation, group programs, any sales we may have. This is the only day that you will be able to pitch your…

    Manifesting for Spiritual Entrepreneurs was created by Patricia LeBlanc as her mission in life is to empower over 100 Million Female Entrepreneurs to get out of their own way and create the life and business that they truly want. Mondays: #Intentionoftheweek. What are you intending to accomplish this week. Tuesday: #SalesDay we will share our offerings such as consultation, group programs, any sales we may have. This is the only day that you will be able to pitch your services/products. Wednesday: #BlogorPodcastShare. On Wednesday, we will share with the group links for our blog or podast. Thursday: #FreeOfferDay. We will share our free offers like e-book, reports, webinar, etc. Friday: #SocialMediaday. on Fridays, we will share our social media links. One week it will be our facebook page, another week twitter handle, another week our linkedin profile, Instagram, etc. Saturday: #ElevatorPitch. on this day, we will share our elevator pitch and help fine tune it. Some of us are not comfortable and need to practice it. If we want to attract our ideal client we need to get comfortable saying it. Sunday: #Gratitude. What are you grateful for.

  • The Art Of 6 Figure Coaching - Sai Blackbyrn

    FB member

    - heden

    The idea behind “The Art Of Six Figure Coaching” is .. to provide a forum and a community wherein YOU can interact and network with coaches who have spoken in front of hundreds of people, written bestsellers and have, for the lack of a better phrase, “been there done that”.

  • WorldWideBusiness.Connection - wwbconnection.com - Tom Smith

    FB member

    - heden

    Wwbconnection is a worldwide business connection consulting & networking firm, based in Europe, whose mission is to create beneficial relationships, between different businesses worldwide.

  • "Cool Cat" Content Creation - Donna Kozik

    FB member

    - heden
  • Cener Shopify Mastermind - Justin Cener

    FB member

    - heden
  • Coaching Business Mastery - Susan Paulson Epstein

    FB member

    - heden

    Group for Coaches, Therapists & Healers who want to build a 6 figure plus business.

  • Entrepreneur's Magic Maker Mastermind - Deanna Newsome

    FB member

    - heden

    Discontinued group - 2016-11-14. This group is for magic making female entrepreneurs who like to be surrounded by people who "get" them and understand the unique, trying, and always magical path of entrepreneurship. This group is for you if you: --> Want to make an impact in the world --> Like to share lessons you've learned and support others who are in the middle of their "learning" right now :) --> Are a go-getter who thrives on overcoming challenges --> Like to share your abundant…

    Discontinued group - 2016-11-14. This group is for magic making female entrepreneurs who like to be surrounded by people who "get" them and understand the unique, trying, and always magical path of entrepreneurship. This group is for you if you: --> Want to make an impact in the world --> Like to share lessons you've learned and support others who are in the middle of their "learning" right now :) --> Are a go-getter who thrives on overcoming challenges --> Like to share your abundant knowledge and unique perspectives --> Are loving, supportive, and like to have fun --> Want to learn about business and magic making strategy Note: This group is a 2-way street. You gotta give love to receive love! Official Rules: 1. Be kind and respectful at all times. 2. Do not spam. You will be banned. 3. Only promote your stuff on the specified days when admin posts that it is okay to do so. 4. Be fun and have fun. Lots of love, Deanna

  • Selling online - Dave Espino

    FB member

    - heden
  • Smart Empowered Parents Community - Mercedes Samudio

    FB member

    - heden

    This a discussion group for smart and empowered parents who want to discover their parenting powers, get helpful and supportive advice, and share resources to help them feel confident on their parenting journey! As an added bonus for being in the community, youll get early access to upcoming FREE trainings, special discounts for courses and programs, and a chance to get support from a parent coach! Woohoo!! 3

  • Boss Women in Business - Priya Nayar

    FB member

    - heden
  • Brand Fame Mastermind - Minling Chuang

    FB member

    - heden

    This group was created for women entrepreneurs (especially ones with an online business) who are ready to stand out, get noticed and become the next ‘It’ Brand in the market.

  • Enroll Hi-End Clients Community - Angela Artemis

    FB member

    - heden

    Coaches Can Overcome the 3 Hidden Barriers Stopping Them From Enrolling High-Ticket Clients. To free you from the stranglehold these hidden barriers have on your ability to feel confident and self assured in the sales process! Once you kick your anxiety around sales and marketing to the curb you can go from "scared to sell to can't stop me now!" The truth is, once you get past your blocks sales are intuitive. - Angela Artemis

  • Generating Clients for Life TM - Charlotte Greenman

    FB member

    - heden

    The main theme is telemarketing, telesales, cold calling and appointment making but also many other sales and marketing methods, resources and connections. This Facebook group will focus on sharing information, methods, hints, tips, articles, offers, competitions and much more. It will focus on sharing with you as many ways as possible to Generate Clients for Life. The main theme will be LEAD GENERATION and CLIENT CREATION but it will also include many other sales and marketing methods…

    The main theme is telemarketing, telesales, cold calling and appointment making but also many other sales and marketing methods, resources and connections. This Facebook group will focus on sharing information, methods, hints, tips, articles, offers, competitions and much more. It will focus on sharing with you as many ways as possible to Generate Clients for Life. The main theme will be LEAD GENERATION and CLIENT CREATION but it will also include many other sales and marketing methods, resources and connections. Here's the daily format: Momentum Monday - What do you need to get done this week to keep your momentum going to keep your dreams on track? Share your to-do list as this will help you be held accountable. Top Tips Tuesday - Your chance to promote your freebies, hints, tips, giveaways etc. Share and help others. Work It Out Wednesday - Ask the Expert day including guest experts (comment below or PM me if you want to be featured as an expert for one of these days). Topical Thursday - I'll pick a topic to discuss in more detail and give you resources and links. Freedom Friday - Adverts, promotions and anything else you want us to know about. Paid or free. Social Saturday - Share any of your social media links to connect with others. Star Member Sunday - I will highlight one member per week who has been active and engaging with other members and who has filled out their intro in the pinned post. You can easily earn this spot by being an active member of this group...and yes, you can be a star more than once in a short amount of time! Everyday - post questions, answer other people's questions, share resources and join in. That's it folks! That's the layout so far. I hope this is useful to you and I'm open to feedback and suggestions if you feel it can be improved. Members will get EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to a private membership page to gain unlimited access to a constantly growing list of free ebooks, strategy sessions, articles and training courses.

  • Picture eBook Mastery Users - Jon Bard

    FB member

    - heden

    about publishing Kindle Picture eBooks.

  • Success in Motion Tribe - Simone Niles

    FB member

    - heden

    This group was created to offer a place of support and inspiration for those who want to LIVE ON PURPOSE WITH PURPOSE. We are all about supporting your transition into work that makes you come alive! It is a platform for you to share your successes and ask each other questions while you are making your transition and building your business.

  • Daniel Hall - Real Fast Info Product

    FB member

    - heden

    In this group people are sharing some cool new sales strategies, about listbuilding, affiliate promos, etc. e.g. to create an info product in less than a day.

  • Michael Griffiths - Referral Guru

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is about collaborating, creating partnerships, sharing networks, creating referrals and opportunities for one another. The group is one big powerhouse network that you can tap into to grow your business, to partner with other people, to build real business relationships, to get great business content, to learn from the amazing members in the group and to be part of the community.

  • $100K Income Mastermind Meetup - Minesh Baxi

    FB member

    - heden

    Are you looking to grow your income by $100K or more in the next 12 months using simple relationship and referral strategies? Then this is the right group for you. I will add you if you come to our events and are looking to give rather than just take!

  • Limitless (former LB Limitless Business Group) - Scott Oldford

    FB member

    - heden

    Limitless Business Group is an exclusive curated community of entrepreneurs who are focused on growing their business through online marketing funnels. Community of entrepreneurs who focus on learning from experts in the realm of business growth and marketing.

  • Power Up for Profits Community - Kathleen Gage

    FB member

    - heden

    Your place to connect with others who are committed to making business and their communities a better place. There is a big focus on how to use speaking to reach more people with your message.

  • Beyond Confidence for Success - Divya Parekh

    FB member

    - heden

    Community of independent coaches, speakers, authors, and entrepreneurs to supporting each other succeed, share, network, and grow.

  • Million Dollar Author; Publish, Promote, Publish - Rob Kosberg

    FB member

    - heden

    Private group to help entrepreneurs, consultants, coaches, speakers and authors learn the latest tactics and strategies.

  • The End of Jobs - Taylor Pearson

    FB member

    - heden

    Group of entrepreneurs passionate about the future of work and what it takes to do truly great work.

  • Facebook Ad Mastery Team - Dan Dasilva


    - heden

    FB member

  • Get Backed


    - heden

    FB member

  • Local Training Academy - Syd Michael


    - heden

    FB member

  • Parenting Powers Powerful Parents - Susan Paulson Epstein


    - heden

    FB member

  • Advanced Amazon Sellers Training Course - Franklin Medina

    FB member

    - heden
  • Alex Jeffreys Marketing with Alex

    FB member

    - heden
  • Base Income Formula Private Group - Jeanne Kolenda

    FB member

    - heden
  • Black Belt List Building Secrets

    FB member

    - heden
  • Click Funnels Masters - Jay Boyer

    FB member

    - heden
  • Daniel Hall - Tips, Deals & Announcements

    FB group

    - heden
  • Expert Media Show - Tony Laidig

    FB member

    - heden
  • FTC Guardian

    FB member

    - heden
  • JJ Fast Webinars - Jay Boyer

    FB member

    - heden
  • Magnetize Your Audience - Callan Rush

    FB member

    - heden
  • My518.com Real Estate Worldwide

    FB member

    - heden
  • High Achieving Women (former: The Ladies Business Brainstorming Club) - Carol Stewart

    FB member

    - heden

    Brainstorm & Networking. It is for women who want to be authentic, bold, confident leaders, excelling in their careers and businesses.

  • Jim Rohn

    FB member

    - heden
  • Weight Management with Harmony and Balance "Healthier Life Style" - Vel Parsons

    FB member

    - heden
  • 3X VSL Copy Posse - Jon Benson


    - heden

    The 3X VSL COPY POSSE is a members-only private group.

  • How to Start a Startup

    FB member

    - heden
  • Rapid Coaching Academy - private FB group


    - heden

    This is a private FB group for paid members of Christian Mickelsen's Rapid Coaching Academy.

  • Design, Promote & Sell-out your Transformational Retreats

    FB member

    - heden

    This group is for all the awesome folks who want to learn create their own incredibly transformational destination retreats and profit from them!

  • The Joyful Entrepreneur - Sarah Sewell

    FB member

    - heden
  • The Feminine Space Community - Natasha Koo

    FB member


    You are not alone; in this tribe you can :: Be confident & let go of self-doubt or self-sabotage :: Feel empowered to speak up and say No :: Allow self-love, self-worth and care into our lives :: Choose what we want, as opposed to doing it all :: End guilt for what we want & shame of who we are :: Step into our true spacious, creative, powerful, sensual self :: Connect with our heart, body, intuition, wisdom and dreams :: Stop hiding and proudly be a strong woman who stands her ground and…

    You are not alone; in this tribe you can :: Be confident & let go of self-doubt or self-sabotage :: Feel empowered to speak up and say No :: Allow self-love, self-worth and care into our lives :: Choose what we want, as opposed to doing it all :: End guilt for what we want & shame of who we are :: Step into our true spacious, creative, powerful, sensual self :: Connect with our heart, body, intuition, wisdom and dreams :: Stop hiding and proudly be a strong woman who stands her ground and desires. We are NOT here to learn, but to experience and live what is already inside of us. Enough with giving giving giving & giving into both external and internal expectations! This is a group where we bust down our self-limiting walls and finally take responsibility for our feelings, desires, body, dreams and natural power. This is for you, if you want: ♡Deep caring, nurturing and empathy ♡Honesty, vulnerability and sharing real experiences and perspectives ♡Practical exercises & tips that make you feel better and stronger ♡To build each other up; get but also give support ♡To Be in a loving space where you fully be yourself This is NOT for you, if you want: X To talk about blabla X To judge, compare or put others down X To complain or play victim X To promote your business or opt-ins This is a closed group so we can be open and honest as we discuss real-life issues, our struggles and wins. Feel free to add other sisters to this group. Play with love, authenticity and compassion.

  • Bangladesh Professionals Group

    FB member

  • Secretary Platform

    Active member


    Visiting interesting companies (like the office and the house of the future by Chrit Titulaer), attending workshops and lectures of leading captains of industry in the south of our country. Especially events to pamper us on Secretary's Day in Hotel Cocagne and the World Trade Center in Eindhoven (to get our business), were always great fun.

  • Coach Club (former: Get clients today) - Christian Mickelsen


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