Hilde Rikken

Hilde Rikken

922 volgers Meer dan 500 connecties


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  • Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen grafisch
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    Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Nederland

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    Rotterdam en omgeving, Nederland

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    Amsterdam en omgeving, Nederland

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    Rotterdam, Provincie Zuid-Holland, Nederland

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  •  grafisch


    Activiteiten en verenigingen:Research Assistent for the Department of Communication & Information Sciences

    Meegewerkt als Research Assistent aan een grootschalig onderzoek naar lesgeven op afstand

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    Activiteiten en verenigingen:- Minor International Business in Canada (exchange) - Minor European Marketing & Export Management - Extracurricular activity: Project leader at Enactus (voluntary non-profit student organization) - Extra curricular activity: Participant in "Zukunft Deutschland"(to learn more about trade and politics in Germany)

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    Activiteiten en verenigingen:Participant at Business Case Competition at Dalhousie University Minutes secretary for different courses at the university

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Ervaring als vrijwilliger

  • Enactus The Hague University of Applied Sciences grafisch

    Project Leader Generous Groceries

    Enactus The Hague University of Applied Sciences

    - 2 jaar

    Burgerrechten en maatschappelijke actie

    Enactus is the world’s largest experiential learning platform dedicated to creating a better world while developing the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders and social innovators. The Enactus network of global business, academic and student leaders are unified by our vision—to create a better, more sustainable world.

    During my time at Enactus I was a Project Leader of a project at Enactus THUAS that was all about how to reduce food waste. During this project, together with my team,…

    Enactus is the world’s largest experiential learning platform dedicated to creating a better world while developing the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders and social innovators. The Enactus network of global business, academic and student leaders are unified by our vision—to create a better, more sustainable world.

    During my time at Enactus I was a Project Leader of a project at Enactus THUAS that was all about how to reduce food waste. During this project, together with my team, I developed a concept in cooperation with the food bank The Hague to collect remaining food at the university and to send it directly to the food bank in The Hague.



  • Duits

    Professionele werkvaardigheid

  • Frans


  • Engels

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

  • Spaans

    Beperkte werkvaardigheid

  • Nederlands

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

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