WRI Europe

WRI Europe


The Hague, South Holland 5.803 volgers

De Europese kantoren van het World Resources Institute, serieus impact hebbend op milieu en maatschappij.

Over ons

WRI’s missie is om de menselijke samenleving ertoe te bewegen te leven op manieren die de aarde en omgevingbeschermt met het vermogen om te voldoen aan de behoeften en ambities van huidige en toekomstige generaties. Wij richten ons op zeven urgente wereldwijde uitdagingen die moeten worden aangepakt om armoede te verminderen, economieën te laten groeien en natuurlijke systemen te beschermen: Klimaat: bescherm gemeenschappen en natuurlijke ecosystemen tegen de effecten van klimaat verandering en creëerkansen voor mensen door het katalyseren van een wereldwijde transitie naar een koolstofarme economie. Energie: stimuleer de opschaling van schone, betaalbare energiesystemen over de hele wereld om duurzame sociaaleconomische ontwikkeling te realiseren. Voedsel: zorg ervoor dat de voedselsystemen van de wereld hun impact op het milieu verminderen, economische kansen stimuleren en 9,6 miljard mensen duurzaam voeden tegen 2050. Bossen: draag bij aanhet bestrijden van armoede, verbeterenvan de voedselzekerheid, behouden van biodiversiteit en beperken van klimaatveranderingdoor ontbossing te verminderen en de productiviteit van aangetaste, ontboste landen te herstellen. Water: het bereiken van een waterzekere toekomst door wereldwijde waterrisico's in kaart te brengen, te meten en te mitigeren. Duurzame steden: verbeter de kwaliteit van leven in steden door het ontwikkelen en opschalen van ecologische, sociale en economisch duurzame stedelijke en transportoplossingen. De oceaan: wij creëreneen nieuwe Oceaan-Economie die goed is voor banen, economische groei en gezondheid van mensen - terwijl de oceaan wordt beschermd en hersteld. WRI draagt oplossingen aan en analyseert deze zeven kritische doelen door de lenzen van onze vier Centers of Excellence - Governance, Business, Economics and Finance.

51 - 200 medewerkers
The Hague, South Holland


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    Copenhagen is a case of success in being more planet-friendly, and here is how they did it 👇🏼 🔹The city of Copenhagen decided to take matters into their own hands and change (for the better!) the food served in their public kitchens. 🔹Every single day, the city's kitchens serve 70,000 meals to children, the elderly, and socially vulnerable people. 🔹The city has reduced the number of meals with meat on its menu, leading to a 52% reduction in purchases of beef and lamb and a 20% reduction in pork. 🔹 By adopting a new mindset and menu, Copenhagen has significantly reduced its emissions! The city set a target to cut food procurement emissions by 25% by 2025, a goal it accomplished in 2024. 🔹 The city joined the Coolfood pledge in 2019. Coolfood is the World Resources Institute’s initiative to curb diet-related greenhouse gas emissions. 🎉 The transition to mostly plant-based meals in Copenhagen benefits the environment and promotes healthier eating habits. Are you ready to try it at home? By incorporating vegetables, legumes, and green protein sources, you can enjoy the benefits of a nutritious and balanced diet and the future generation will thank you. #SustainableFood #WRI #Europe #Vegetarian #Vegan #PlantBased

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    Geopolitical shifts and economic challenges have heightened the need for robust environmental governance, also in Europe. We want to contribute to the dialogue and implementation of practices that center around people, nature and climate - aligning with our global goals amidst these changes. 🎯 Learn about our strategies for maintaining Europe's green leadership: https://lnkd.in/ey52b4MT #ClimateScience #EnergyTransition #EUSustainability #SustainableEurope #EUGreenDeal #ClimateAction #EnvironmentalPolicy #CircularEconomy #Biodiversity #EUClimateLaw #GreenFinance #UrbanSustainability #Sustainability #WRI #Europe

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    The Earth has just experienced its warmest day in recent history. On July 22nd, 2024, temperatures reached a new record high of 17.15°C, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service. This surpasses the previous record-breaking temperatures from last year.     With epic heat waves, wildfires, and droughts, this year’s sweltering heat is just a glimpse of the future. Cities are the most impacted by the warming temperatures. Unlike rural areas, the heat in cities is trapped in buildings, concrete, and other infrastructure, a phenomenon known as the Urban Heat Island Effect.     What do these high temperatures mean for people living in cities? According to the IPCC:     🚨 Cities, which currently hold more than half the world’s population and will add another 2.5 billion people by 2050, will be exposed to double the level of heat stress compared to rural surroundings.     👉 Extreme heat in urban areas will increase levels of mortality and heat-related illnesses, especially among the elderly and young children, impair concentration and cognition, affecting learning and educational outcomes for children, particularly in South Asia and Africa.     🌆 Extreme heat will reduce labour capacity during hot periods by 20% or more by 2050, up from 10% currently.     WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities and partners are developing models to provide useful city-level climate data, which is essential for making informed decisions and protecting vulnerable communities.     Learn more about our findings and the urgent need for data-driven solutions to combat urban heat: https://bit.ly/4ajNWle    #ClimateChange #UrbanHeat #SustainableCities #WRI #HeatWave #ClimateCrisis World Resources Institute WRI India WRI Indonesia WRI Türkiye World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia

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    🌟 Join our team! We still have several open positions in The Hague and London. Are you eager to make a difference for people, climate, and nature? Become a part of our mission-driven organisation and help drive positive global change! 📌 Data Communications Manager, Land & Carbon Lab⁣ 📅 Deadline: 29/Jul/24⁣ ⁣ 📌 Chief Financial Officer⁣ 📅 Deadline: 05/Aug/24⁣ ⁣ 📌 Associate - Information Security Systems⁣ 📅 Deadline: 09/Aug/24⁣ ⁣ 📌 Partnerships and Engagement Lead 📅 Deadline: 09/Aug/24⁣ ⁣ 📌 Senior Product Engineer 📅 Deadline: 09/Aug/24⁣ ⁣⁣ To apply to these positions, click here: https://lnkd.in/gWnyea4r #CareerOpportunity #Sustainability #ClimateAction #DataCommunications #HumanCapitalManagement #JoinOurTeam #WRI

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    If you are 30 years or older, you'll probably remember how forests, fields, gardens, or even beaches used to be full of insects—from beetles to craneflies, from bees to moths, from butterflies to fireflies. We don't see them that often anymore, and no, it's not because you are not looking in the right direction. Insect numbers are dramatically declining. Artificial light, pesticide use, intensive agriculture, weather extremes, climate change, deforestation, and urbanisation all contribute to the decline of insects. Some studies point out decreases in insect numbers in Europe of 70-80% over the past decades. It might seem beneficial not to have pesky flies and wasps swarming around our sweet summery drinks, but it is not. Insects are a crucial part of a larger ecosystem; they serve as pollinators for plants and as food for birds, reptiles, and mammals like bats. Plants, animals, and even humans rely on insects for their survival. If you're interested in learning more about this pressing issue, check out this insightful article by Reuters ➡️ https://reut.rs/3WjRpvG #Biodiveristy #Bugs #Nature #CollapseOfInsects

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    Globally, around 4 billion people — 50% of the world’s population — are exposed to extremely high #WaterStress at least one month a year. By 2050, that number could be closer to 60%💧📈 💭What’s causing global water stress? Across the world, demand for water is exceeding what’s available. Globally, demand has more than doubled since 1960. Increased water demand is often the result of growing populations and industries like: 🚿 Irrigated agriculture 🐮Livestock 🔋Energy production 🏭Manufacturing 👉Meanwhile, lack of investment in water infrastructure, unsustainable water use policies or increased variability due to climate change can all affect the available water supply. 👉Water stress, the ratio of water demand to renewable supply, measures the competition over local water resources. The smaller the gap between supply and demand, the more vulnerable a place is to water shortages. A country facing “extreme water stress” means it is using at least 80% of its available supply, “high water stress” means it is withdrawing 40% of its supply. More on the analysis from WRI Water ▶️ https://bit.ly/3KHo0F8 #climatechange #environment #sustainability #water #watercrisis

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    At our recent event, "Rethinking the Menu: A Key Piece of the Emissions Puzzle," held during London Climate Action Week, we discussed how the hospitality industry can cut scope 3 emissions through smart menu design. Co-hosted with The Food Foundation and World Resources Institute, the event featured new data and insights from WRI's 'Food Service Playbook for Promoting Sustainable Food Choices'. Scope 3 emissions make up 90% of food service businesses' total emissions, so reducing them is crucial. Managing Director at The Sustaineble Restaurant Association, Juliane Caillouette Noble, highlighted that the climate crisis is already affecting restaurant supply chains. "Agri-food supply chains are responsible for one-quarter of all emissions," she said. "Positive change is possible," urging restaurants to guide customers towards better choices with delicious, inspiring food. Edwina Hughes, Head of Coolfood at WRI, introduced the Food Service Playbook for Promoting Sustainable Food Choices, urging businesses to adopt the Playbook's 90 science-based techniques. The panel discussion explored how these ideas can be applied. The key takeaway? The time to act is now. The hospitality industry can significantly reduce its environmental impact by rethinking menus and adopting sustainable practices. Thank you to Brigade Bar Kitchen for hosting this inspiring event. Read our Playbook's 90 science-based techniques and start making a difference today https://bit.ly/3RH2m7G #Sustainability #ClimateAction #Hospitality #Scope3 #WRI 

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    Tackling climate change and its consequences – and supporting wider human development – need urgent investment. But the international financial system is struggling to respond. Is it time now to agree a new framework for international climate and development finance? Can the G20 under Brazil’s leadership, and the international leaders meeting at the United Nations in New York in September, prepare the ground for a binding finance target at the climate summit (COP29) in November? 📰Read this insightful piece by Moazzam Malik of World Resources Institute : https://bit.ly/3Y3dYG6  #ClimateChange #Finance #UN #COP29 #WRI #Environment #Sustainability

    We need a new global deal on climate and development finance

    We need a new global deal on climate and development finance


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    🚨 Last Days to Apply for Internship Opportunities at WRI! Don’t miss your chance to make a real impact on people, climate, and nature. Our internship applications close this Sunday, July 21st. Join our teams in The Hague and London and contribute to a sustainable future. Available Internships in The Hague, Netherlands: 🌿 Clean Air Action Internship 📱 Digital Media Internship 🇪🇺 EU Partnerships Internship 🌡️ Geospatial Data Scientist Internship – Urban Heat 🧑💼 Human Resources Internship 🌍 Integrated Climate Action Internship 🤝 Internal Partnerships Internship 🌾 Land and Resource Rights Initiative Internship 🌲 Monitoring Europe's Forests Internship Apply through here and become a part of something bigger: https://bit.ly/4d5BG8L #WRI #Internship #ClimateAction #Sustainability #LastChance #CareerOpportunity #TheHague #London

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