Water Footprint Implementation

Water Footprint Implementation


Den Haag, Zuid-Holland 2.489 volgers

Fair and smart use of the world's fresh water

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Water Footprint Implementation (WFI) works with businesses, government organizations and NGOs to measure, analyse and reduce Water Footprints. We translate the latest scientific data into practice and take a supply-chain approach to quantify and manage water consumption.

2-10 medewerkers
Den Haag, Zuid-Holland
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Medewerkers van Water Footprint Implementation


  • 🌍 Understanding CSRD Part 1: The Relevance of ‘Water’ in ESRS E1 💧 As you may know, there is a separate ESRS for water (E3: Water and marine resources), but water is directly and indirectly relevant across all environmental dimensions. ESRS E1, titled “Climate Change" is composed of three sub-sections: climate change adaptation, climate change mitigation, and energy. Water and climate change are closely interconnected. As the climate shifts, water availability and quality are affected, leading to droughts, floods, and rising sea levels. Climate change impacts the timing and intensity of the water cycle, influencing agricultural productivity and ecosystem health. Effective water management is crucial for both climate adaptation and mitigation efforts. By improving water efficiency and protecting water resources, businesses can reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions, contributing to overall sustainability and resilience. At Water Footprint Implementation, we are dedicated to helping businesses navigate these challenges and integrate sustainable water management practices. Stay tuned for more insights in our upcoming posts and webinars on CSRD and ESRS. #Sustainability #ESRS #CSRD #WaterManagement #ClimateChange #EnvironmentalImpact #CorporateResponsibility Photo from US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS)

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  • CSRD encourages businesses to assess and optimize their resource use, driving operational efficiency. Efficient resource management not only reduces costs but also minimizes environmental impact. Partner with Water Footprint Implementation to streamline your water usage and comply with CSRD standards. Join our Webinar on July 31st to learn more! Register in this link. #CSRD #SustainableBusiness

    CSRD Webinar on July 31st

    CSRD Webinar on July 31st


  • 🌍💧 Corporate Engagement in Water Policy: A Crucial Step Towards Sustainable Water Management 💧🌍 We are excited to share an insightful article on corporate engagement in water policy and governance by Suvi Sojamo and Thérèse Rudebeck. This comprehensive study explores the pivotal role corporations play in shaping sustainable water practices and policies. The need for quantitative data in water management has never been clearer. 📊 As highlighted in their research, "The need for quantitative data has been met with the development of corporate water accounting frameworks... water footprint sustainability assessments of companies and their value chains". These frameworks not only help businesses understand their water usage but also guide them in making informed decisions that contribute to sustainability. At Water Footprint Implementation, we are dedicated to helping businesses measure, analyze, and reduce their water footprints through comprehensive water accounting frameworks. By integrating these frameworks, companies can make informed decisions, enhance transparency, and drive sustainable practices across their value chains. Together, we can enhance water governance and achieve a water-secure future. Congratulations to the researchers for their invaluable contribution to this field! #WaterGovernance #Sustainability #CorporateResponsibility #CSRD #WaterFootprint 

  • CSRD encourages businesses to assess and optimize their resource use, driving operational efficiency. Efficient resource management not only reduces costs but also minimizes environmental impact. Partner with Water Footprint Implementation to streamline your water usage and comply with CSRD standards. Join our Webinar on July 31st to learn more! #OperationalEfficiency #CSRD #SustainableBusiness

    🌊💼 After a successful 1st webinar about CSRD reporting on water, we have been approached by numerous CSRD enthusiasts to be part of this learning, and hence, here is a follow up webinar! If you missed out on our 1st webinar, then this is an excellent opportunity to learn about CSRD and its relationship with water. The new CSRD reporting requirements on water are extensive. This poses significant difficulty for most businesses, given the frequent lack of data on water consumption and related impacts.  📊 In this webinar, we provide a solution for your reporting challenge: the water footprint. In short: knowing your water footprint can support your business in meeting CSRD reporting requirements on water. 📅 Want to learn more? Sign up for our webinar! The webinar will take place on the 31st of July at 13:00 CET. It's free, open for everyone, and will take approximately 30 minutes, including enough time to enter into a discussion. Sign up using the link below. We are excited to welcome many of you! 🌊🌍 #waterfootprint #csrd

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  • 🌍 Big Changes Coming in 2024: Is Your Business Ready for CSRD? 🌍 Starting this year, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will revolutionize sustainability reporting for around 50,000 companies. Here’s why it matters: 🔍 Transparency & Trust: CSRD mandates comprehensive sustainability disclosures, boosting stakeholder trust. 🌱 Environmental Impact: Water is directly addressed, with relevance across all environmental dimensions, underscoring vulnerabilities and dependencies on water. 💡 Investor Attraction: Transparent reporting attracts investors who value sustainability and legitimacy. 🔄 Driving Sustainable Practices: Proper water reporting fosters cross-department understanding and efficiency, leading to more sustainable practices. *Register for our webinar which will take place on July 31st to get a better overview.* Let’s get ready to embrace this change and build a sustainable future together! For more water related information and assistance, contact us. 🌊🌿💧 #CSRD #Sustainability #WaterManagement #Transparency #InvestorRelations #FutureReady

    Ready for CSRD?

    Ready for CSRD?


  • 📊 Why CSRD Matters for Your Business 📊 The CSRD isn't just a regulatory requirement—it's a crucial step toward a sustainable future. By mandating comprehensive sustainability reporting, CSRD helps businesses: ✔ Increase transparency and trust with stakeholders ✔ Identify and mitigate environmental risks ✔ Enhance long-term resilience and competitiveness At Water Footprint Implementation, we support companies in meeting CSRD standards, focusing on water footprint assessment and management. Let’s work together to build a sustainable future! Water Footprint Implementation is hosting Follow Up: CSRD reporting on water. Make sure to attend it on July 31. #CSRD #Sustainability #WaterFootprint #CorporateResponsibility #EnvironmentalImpact Jurian van der Zwet Grant Thornton Netherlands PwC

    🌊💼 After a successful 1st webinar about CSRD reporting on water, we have been approached by numerous CSRD enthusiasts to be part of this learning, and hence, here is a follow up webinar! If you missed out on our 1st webinar, then this is an excellent opportunity to learn about CSRD and its relationship with water. The new CSRD reporting requirements on water are extensive. This poses significant difficulty for most businesses, given the frequent lack of data on water consumption and related impacts.  📊 In this webinar, we provide a solution for your reporting challenge: the water footprint. In short: knowing your water footprint can support your business in meeting CSRD reporting requirements on water. 📅 Want to learn more? Sign up for our webinar! The webinar will take place on the 31st of July at 13:00 CET. It's free, open for everyone, and will take approximately 30 minutes, including enough time to enter into a discussion. Sign up using the link below. We are excited to welcome many of you! 🌊🌍 #waterfootprint #csrd

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  • 💊 Pharmaceutical Disposal: Protecting Our Water Resources 💊♻️ What do you do when you find expired medicine in the house? Proper disposal of pharmaceuticals is critical to protecting our water resources. The improper disposal of medications, such as flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash, can lead to pharmaceutical compounds entering our water systems, posing risks to both human and environmental health. Key measures to mitigate this impact include: ◻ Advanced Wastewater Treatment: Investing in technologies that can effectively remove pharmaceutical residues from wastewater. (Water Environment Federation) ◻ Take-Back Programs: Implementing pharmaceutical take-back programs to ensure safe and proper disposal of unused or expired medications. (Drug Enforcement Administration) ◻ Public Education: Raising awareness among consumers about the importance of proper disposal practices and providing clear guidance on how to do so. (FDA) ◻ Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with regulations that govern the disposal of pharmaceutical waste to minimize environmental impact. (European Medicines Agency) By focusing on these measures, the pharmaceutical industry can play a crucial role in safeguarding our water resources and ensuring a healthier environment for all.  Let us know your practices, and share your ideas! #WaterPollution #SustainablePractices #CSRD #WaterManagement #EnvironmentalHealth Jurian van der Zwet

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  • 💧🏭 Pharmaceutical Production: Reducing Our Water Footprint 🏭💧 The pharmaceutical industry is essential for global health, but it also has a significant impact on water resources during the production phase. Pharmaceutical manufacturing consumes vast amounts of water, contributing to both depletion and pollution of our water bodies. To mitigate these effects, it’s crucial to adopt sustainable water management practices in production processes. Key strategies include: 🔹 Optimizing Water Use: Implementing water-efficient technologies and processes to reduce water consumption in manufacturing. (US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)) 🔹 Closed-Loop Systems: Utilizing closed-loop systems to recycle and reuse water within production facilities. (ISPE) 🔹 Green Chemistry: Adopting green chemistry principles to minimize the generation of waste and hazardous substances. (American Chemical Society) 🔹 Sustainable Sourcing: Ensuring that the water used in the production supply chain is sourced sustainably and responsibly. (Water Footprint Network) By prioritizing these practices, the pharmaceutical sector can significantly reduce its water footprint and contribute to the preservation of our precious water resources. To learn more about the water footprint of your industry, feel free to reach out to us. #WaterSustainability #PharmaceuticalIndustry #WaterFootprint #CSRD #WaterManagement #EnvironmentalHealth Jurian van der Zwet

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  • Water Footprint Implementation is hosting Follow Up: CSRD reporting on water. Make sure to attend it on July 31!

    🌊💼 After a successful 1st webinar about CSRD reporting on water, we have been approached by numerous CSRD enthusiasts to be part of this learning, and hence, here is a follow up webinar! If you missed out on our 1st webinar, then this is an excellent opportunity to learn about CSRD and its relationship with water. The new CSRD reporting requirements on water are extensive. This poses significant difficulty for most businesses, given the frequent lack of data on water consumption and related impacts.  📊 In this webinar, we provide a solution for your reporting challenge: the water footprint. In short: knowing your water footprint can support your business in meeting CSRD reporting requirements on water. 📅 Want to learn more? Sign up for our webinar! The webinar will take place on the 31st of July at 13:00 CET. It's free, open for everyone, and will take approximately 30 minutes, including enough time to enter into a discussion. Sign up using the link below. We are excited to welcome many of you! 🌊🌍 #waterfootprint #csrd

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