VitalFluid B.V.

VitalFluid B.V.


Plasma Activated Water, the solution for natural nitrogen, seed treatment, crop protection and medical wound treatment

Over ons

VitalFluid is world market leader in Plasma Activated Water (PAW) solutions. The company creates "lightning in a box" with only ambient air and water as input. By copying this force of nature VitalFluid offers sustainable solutions for many applications. Natural Nitrogen Our Freya unit can convert nitrogen into nitrate dissolved in water, the most important fertilizer for plants. Seed treatment PAW can be used for seed treatment resulting in clean and healthy seeds with good germination. Plant Health PAW is a sustainable alternative to chemicals to keep crops and plants healthy and free of diseases. Medical Plasma Activated Water can be used for the disinfection of skin, treatment of skin disorders, infected wounds and burn wounds. Cleaning The disinfecting effect of Plasma Activated Water is suitable to purify water and clean surfaces. Multiple additional applications exist. This project named Plan2fix has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 873862

11 - 50 medewerkers
Particuliere onderneming
Bioplasma, Nitrogen Fixation, Seed Treatment, Crop Protection, Water Purification, Medical Wound Treatment, Fertilizing, Nitrate en Desinfection


Medewerkers van VitalFluid B.V.


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    We are thrilled to announce that VitalFluid B.V. has been recognized as one of the winners of the prestigious Gerard en Anton Philips Award! 🏆✨ This incredible honor celebrates our innovative approach and dedication to harnessing the power of nature for sustainable solutions in agriculture. At VitalFluid, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of Plasma technology to create a healthier, greener future for all. A heartfelt thank you to the jury, our amazing team, and all our supporters who have been part of this journey. Together, we are making a positive impact! #sustainablefarming #agriculture #sustainability #plasmaactivetedwater This award is sponsord by: BRAVENTURE High Tech Campus Eindhoven Philips Kadans Science Partner Rabobank EY

    • Gerard en Anton Philips Award.
    • winner of innovation award
    • VitalFluid Plasma Activated Water
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    Last week Wobine Buijs-Glaudemans, Chair of SER Brabant, presented the advice "Building on a Strong Foundation" to Deputy Martijn van Gruijthuijsen. The advice address the question of how the Provincie Noord-Brabant can contribute to the sustainable, future-proof earning capacity of Brabant and the Netherlands with mission-driven policy, in an ever-changing landscape. One of the issues discussed concerns VitalFluid B.V., which faces significant challanges in administrative and regulatory pressure due to the accumulation of rules and regulations. For VitalFluid, complying with all these regulations is barely, if at all, compatible with maintaining a healthy business operation. Therefore, there is a need of simplification of these rules for sustainable alternatives so that these innovations do not move outside of European Commission. Follow below link to the complete article:

    • Founders VitalFluid
Oprichters VitalFluid
    • Missiegedreven innovatiebeleid als hefboom voor vernieuwing
  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor VitalFluid B.V., afbeelding

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    Join VitalFluid B.V. on the High Tech Campus open day coming Saturday! VitalFluid creates “Lightning in a box”, a copy of the natural process of a thunderstorm, by fixating nitrogen into water. It is a sustainable solution for many agricultural applications like natural plant protection. ⚡Watch how we create lightning! 📅 Date: June 8th 2024 ⏰ Time: 11:00 - 16:00 📍 Location: High Tech Campus 25-5, Eindhoven 🅿️ Free Parking available on campus We look forward to welcome you! High Tech Campus Eindhoven Brainport Development #openday2024 #hightechcampus #hightechdiscoveryroute #hightechontdekkingsroute #htor

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    Reducing tomatoes carbon footprint Azura Group is a major player in the Ecological Transition of its sector of activity. Azura is committed to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), to limit global warming by reducing its carbon footprint. VitalFluid B.V. and Azura are taking steps to address the environmental impact of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers in tomato production. Céline Montauriol, Chief Sustainability & Innovation Officer of the Azura Group explains: “The shift towards sustainable alternatives is crucial for reducing the overall carbon footprint of agricultural practices. It is in our core strategy to invest in innovations that help to reduce the footprint of our products.” The plasma technology that has been developed by Dutch high-tech startup VitalFluid is an interesting development that perfectly aligns with the Azura strategy, because it allows on site production of sustainable nitrogen fertilizer using renewable energy. Based on deep knowledge of plasma technology VitalFluid mimics the natural process of lighting to fixate natural nitrogen by only using air, water, and electricity. As VitalFluid's method, only requires electricity, air and water, it allows for the production of natural nitrogen in a  low carbon manner. In previous trials the effectiveness of VitalFluid's solution was already validated, now a so-called “Freya Natural Nitrogen System” will be installed in December at the R&D farm of Azura in Agadir, Morocco. The trial started in January and the first results are expected at the end of the campaign. Erik Hertel, VitalFluid's CEO, explains: “Reducing the carbon footprint associated with nitrogen fertilizers is particularly important because the conventional production of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers is energy-intensive and releases greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change. By adopting technologies that minimize or eliminate these emissions, the agricultural industry can play a role in mitigating climate change impacts.” Additionally, monitoring and assessing the overall environmental impact of this sustainable natural nitrogen fertilizer throughout the lifecycle of the tomato cultivation within Azura will be crucial for understanding its benefits and informing future agricultural practices. This initiative of a world leading tomato grower as Azura aligns with the broader trend in agriculture towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. It's a positive step forward in addressing the environmental challenges associated with food production. #sustainableagriculture #agriculture #sustainablefarming #tomatoes

    • Azura and VitalFluid
    • Azura logo
    • Tomatoes
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    VitalFluid B.V. will showcase Plasma Activated Water as a sustainable alternative to synthetic fertilizers and chemical crop protection agents at the upcoming Glasgroente event, organized by Delphy. This Knowledge Event is scheduled for Wednesday, May 22, and will address the key challenges and latest developments in greenhouse vegetable cultivation. Through crop-specific workshops and plenary sessions, experts will share cutting-edge knowledge and innovations in the field. Key topics include: 1. #Energy: Exploring sustainable solutions and innovative energy sources such as geothermal energy and solar panels.    2. #CropHealth: Discussing strategies for combating diseases and pests, with a focus on advancements in biological control methods.    3. #CultivationTechniques: Highlighting modern practices like precision agriculture and vertical farming.    4. #Digitalization: Examining the role of data analysis, AI, and automation in optimizing cultivation processes. Join us to gain insights into the future of greenhouse vegetable cultivation and learn about the latest sustainable technologies transforming the industry.

    • Sustainable agriculture
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    We are hiring!

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Filias B.V., afbeelding

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    #Exclusief voor VitalFluid B.V. zijn wij op zoek naar een Lead Projects and Continuous Improvement Engineer. Ben jij klaar om je passie voor innovatie en techniek om te zetten in een positieve impact op de wereld? Vitalfluid, een voorloper in Plasma Activated Water (PAW), zoekt exclusief een Lead Projects and Continuous Improvement Engineer voor hun vooruitstrevende team. In deze rol ga je samenwerken met multidisciplinaire teams aan innovatieve projecten en service engineers aansturen en ondersteunen bij klanten in binnen- en buitenland. Je zult diepgaande kennis opdoen van geavanceerde machines en technologieën, wat bijdraagt aan revolutionaire vooruitgang in duurzame landbouw. Als Lead Projects and Continuous Improvement Engineer heb je de mogelijkheid om bij te dragen aan het verbeteren van de effectiviteit en kwaliteit van Vitalfluids producten en diensten. Je hebt een directe invloed op de toekomst van duurzame voedselproductie door jouw expertise in elektrotechniek, mechanica en chemie in te zetten voor optimalisatie en ontwikkeling van producten. Jouw proactieve aanpak en nieuwsgierigheid zorgen voor doorbraken in het veld. Ben jij de gepassioneerde technicus die we zoeken? Neem dan contact op met Tom van Poppel via: 📞 085-4862600 📧 [email protected]

  • VitalFluid B.V. heeft dit gerepost

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Stimulus Programmamanagement, afbeelding

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    Spin-off VitalFluid B.V. van de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven heeft al eens eerder Europese subsidie ontvangen. Nu hebben ze met succes €5 miljoen extra financiering gekregen voor verduurzaming van de voedselproductie met behulp van plasmatechnologie. Dit goede nieuws deelden ze in een recent persbericht. In deze financieringsronde werd VitalFluid ondersteund door het Future Food Fund, Graduate Entrepreneur Fund, Horticoop en Innovation Industries. Met deze extra financiering kan VitalFluid zijn Plasma Activated Water (PAW) test programma in glastuinbouw uitbreiden, plasmasystemen verder optimaliseren voor toepassing op plantgezondheid en de commerciële activiteit versnellen. “Dankzij de innovatieve technologie van VitalFluid krijgen telers toegang tot milieuvriendelijke meststoffen en alternatieven voor chemische gewasgewasbeschermingsmiddelen”, stelt Wilco Schoonderbeek , Investments Director bij Horticoop. Meer weten over dit project? Bekijk het filmpje hier: #VitalFluid #Freya #OPZuid #financiering #plasmatechnologie #persbericht 

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor VitalFluid B.V., afbeelding

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    VitalFluid B.V. raises €5M funding for market introduction of sustainable alternative to agrochemicals VitalFluid is world leader in development of Plasma Activated Water (PAW) applications, which provides a sustainable alternative to chemical pesticides and fertilizers. VitalFluid cooperates with leading greenhouse growers and has plasma systems running 24/7 on multiple locations in the USA, Europe and Africa. Future Food Fund, Graduate Entrepreneur Fund, Horticoop and Innovation Industries support VitalFluid in a €5M seed funding round. The investment enables VitalFluid to speed up further market introduction. Erik Hertel, CEO VitalFluid: “We are proud to team up with these strong investors that recognize the potential of plasma technology in agriculture. ” To secure global food production, chemical pesticides play a crucial role, and at the same time impose an enormous threat to human health, biodiversity and the environment. Governments and industry have set strong targets and recognize that the transition can only be successful when alternatives become available. It is clear that there is an urgent need for sustainable solutions. In a thunderstorm, lightning causes the natural transformation of water into Plasma Activated Water (PAW). By copying this natural process, VitalFluid creates ‘lightning in a box’. This on-site PAW production provides a natural and sustainable alternative to the pesticides that are currently needed to enhance plant health. VitalFluid PAW has demonstrated to be a safe, effective and scalable solution to safeguard vegetable cultivation without negative side effects. A wide range of scientific and commercial cultivation trials in greenhouse vegetables, ornamentals and orchards confirm the huge potential of VitalFluid PAW to play a crucial role in a sustainable food production system. The plasma systems developed by VitalFluid allow farmers to produce VitalFluid PAW on site and can be seamlessly integrated in existing greenhouse and orchard infrastructure. Multiple plasma systems are now running 24/7 in greenhouses around the globe, supporting leading growers like world’s largest fresh tomato grower Azura Group, Europe largest organic tomato grower Biosabor SAT in Spain, US biggest leafy greens growers, leading rose grower Rozenkwekerij Porta Nova, and several other vegetable growers from the Netherlands. Jeroen Kimmels; Future Food Fund, Auke van den Hout; Graduate Entrepreneur Fund, Wilco Schoonderbeek; Horticoop and Vincent Kamphorst; Innovation Industries, in combination with incumbent investors VDL Groep, and Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM) have committed the funds that allow VitalFluid to transition into the next stage of growth. The €5M in funding will enable VitalFluid to expand its greenhouse PAW program, further optimize its plasma systems for plant health application, and accelerate commercial activity. #sustainablefarming #sustainableagriculture #plasmatechnology #agriculture

    • Sustainable agriculture with VitalFluid Plasma Technology
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    Transform livestock emissions into sustainable fertilizers At TRANSfarm KU Leuven, the experimental farm of the KU Leuven a new type of air scrubber is being installed and tested. It is an installation with a revolutionary technology that removes 95% of the nitrogen, in the form of ammonia, from the air in the barn. It can be a solution to nitrogen emissions from intensive livestock farming. To remove the nitrogen from the air a sustainable nitric acid is used. This nitric acid produced by the plasma units of VitalFluid B.V. will react with the ammonia into ammonium nitrate. The end product is a fertilizer which can be used in agriculture. Johan Martens Lander Hollevoet Aline Vits Annemie Bogaerts, University of Antwerp Vlaamse overheid Research Foundation Flanders - FWO VLAIO - Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship European Commission #sustainablefarming #sustainableagriculture #sustainability #agriculture

    KU Leuven ammonia scrubber

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    Growing tomatoes in Spain with VitalFluid B.V. In Spain, a trial has started at the Las Palmerillas experimental station of CAJAMAR to cultivate tomatoes using VitalFluid units. This trial is part of the Cajamar Innova project which support startups to expand in Spain. Collaborating with Juan José Magán Cañadas, VitalFluid has devised a specialized fertilizer formula and implemented the VitalFluid pH controller to regulate the water's pH during irrigation. This approach aims to enhance control over water pH and bicarbonate levels, thereby facilitating improved nutrient uptake by the tomato plants' roots. Ultimately, the anticipated outcome is an augmented yield compared to conventional cultivation methods. #sustainableagriculture #sustainablefarming #tomato #spain

    • VitalFluid pH control
    • Experimental station Las Palmerillas Cajamar

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