Over ons

VDL Weweler develops, produces and sells parabolic springs, air suspension systems, special axles and related articles for manufactures of trailers, trucks and buses. VDL Weweler systems are robust and deliver reliability and cost-effective operation for on-highway applications as well as in the most demanding operating environments. The ISO-certified manufacturing facilities in Apeldoorn (The Netherlands) and Poperinge (Belgium) are highly automated: robotics play an important role in cost-effective and reliable production. VDL Weweler system solutions are designed with OEM serial production and specialist, medium volume applications in mind. Advanced logistics enable large Kanban and Just-in-Time deliveries to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM).

51 - 200 medewerkers
Particuliere onderneming
trailing arms, air suspension systems, axle lifts en auxiliry axles


Medewerkers van VDL Weweler bv


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor VDL Weweler bv, afbeelding

    1.917 volgers

    This year, 2024 will be a very special year for Weweler – as we will be celebrating our 100th anniversary! This is such a remarkable and memorable milestone of which we are very proud. Over the past century continuous technical innovations drove our growth and we are striving to proceed this in the future to come. Starting in 1924, in Apeldoorn The Netherlands, as a wholesale business selling replacement parts for heavy commercial vehicles. Later in 1948, the company started producing springs and in the 70’s and 80’s moved on to designing and producing air suspension systems. Since 2001 VDL Weweler became part of VDL Groep, an international industrial family-owned Dutch company, founded in 1953 with five main divisions. Resulting in the addition VDL to the company name. VDL Groep is a conglomerate of flexible, independent companies, each with its own specialty. The strength of VDL Groep lies in the mutual cooperation between these companies. In 2013, VDL Weweler opened a new high-tech plant at a new location in Apeldoorn. With its unique one-off machinery and advanced robotics, state-of-the-art test facility, optimal logistics, a critical quality policy and world-class craftsmanship, the production plant provided the new basis to ensure VDL Weweler’s customers receive the added-value they so desire and deserve. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our customers for their continued support and trust. Next to that we of course also extend our heartfelt thanks to all our past and present employees for their dedication and unwavering commitment to delivering our quality product. In the coming months we will highlight here some crucial innovations and interesting moments from our history. As well as new developments and innovations. We are excited to celebrate this momentous occasion and we invite you to meet us at our stand at the upcoming IAA Transportation 2024 in Hannover later this year. Thank you once again for your support and trust in VDL Weweler!

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor VDL Weweler bv, afbeelding

    1.917 volgers

    Ter nagedachtenis aan Wim van der Leegte Wim heeft voor velen veel betekend. Vanaf 1966 heeft hij de fundamenten gelegd voor ons internationale familiebedrijf met ongeveer 16.000 collega’s bij meer dan 100 werkmaatschappijen in 19 landen. Wim zag dat de combinatie van vakmanschap en automatisering de weg naar welzijn en welvaart voor velen kan wijzen. Wim was een gerespecteerd boegbeeld met visie en lef, sociaal betrokken en een ondernemer met menselijke maat voor iedereen. In 2016 heeft Wim de leiding van VDL Groep overgedragen aan zijn drie kinderen, Pieter, Jennifer en Willem. Ook vanaf dat moment is hij met zijn ervaring, wijsheid en inspiratie van grote betekenis gebleven. Zijn medemenselijkheid en ondernemerschap zijn een blijvende inspiratie. Nu laat Wim een grote leegte achter. Wim, we zullen je missen. Bedankt voor alles. ------------------------------------------------------- In memory of Wim van der Leegte Wim has meant a lot to many of us. From 1966 onwards, he laid the foundations for our international family business with around 16,000 colleagues at more than 100 operating companies in 19 countries. Wim saw that the combination of craftsmanship and automation could point the way to well-being and prosperity for many. Wim was a respected figurehead with vision and guts, socially committed and an entrepreneur with human touch for all. In 2016, Wim handed over the leadership of VDL Groep to his three children, Pieter, Jennifer and Willem. Even from that moment on, he remained of great significance with his experience, wisdom and inspiration. His compassion and entrepreneurship are a lasting inspiration. Now Wim leaves a great void. Wim, we will miss you. Thank you for everything.

  • VDL Weweler bv heeft dit gerepost

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor VDL Groep, afbeelding

    59.040 volgers

    Familie Van der Leegte: “We zijn diep bedroefd door dit plotselinge verlies. Wim is allereerst een geweldige echtgenoot, vader en grootvader voor ons geweest. Wij voelen ons gesterkt door de vele blijken van medeleven en willen daar iedereen hartelijk voor bedanken. Ons pa heeft voor velen grote betekenis gehad.”  In het online condoleance register op onze website is er ruimte om je medeleven te tonen of om een mooie herinnering aan Wim te delen. https://lnkd.in/em6xf6MC

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