

Internationale zaken

Amsterdam, Amsterdam 33.477 volgers

Techleap helps quantify and accelerate the tech ecosystem of the Netherlands.

Over ons

Techleap helps quantify and accelerate the tech ecosystem of the Netherlands. Creating the optimal climate for tech companies to scale with programs and initiatives for improving access to capital, market and talent. To get in contact, email to [email protected]

Internationale zaken
11 - 50 medewerkers
Amsterdam, Amsterdam
startup, startup ecosystem, fast growing companies, The Netherlands, Amsterdam, Startup regulation, Startup investors, funding, Tech talent, start-ups, Innovation hubs, tech wharf, Angel capital, Accelerator en Incubator


Medewerkers van Techleap


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    33.477 volgers

    🎤 In the competitive tech scaleup world, a compelling investor pitch can make or break your funding chances. But crafting that perfect pitch? It's an art many founders struggle to master. Techleap for Scaleups members, join us on 19 September in Amsterdam for an exclusive session on perfecting your investor pitch with seasoned investors! 🔑 You'll learn: • How to effectively convey your business essence • Techniques for compelling storytelling • Ways to spotlight critical aspects of your product • Best practices for pitch deck formatting 📢 Featured experts: Ryan Sarver - Investor and Operator, Forum Ventures Marin Licina - Limited Partner, Gradient Ventures Emma Bell - Venture Partner, Techleap These experienced investors will share insider tips on what makes a pitch stand out. You'll have the chance to either present your pitch live for real-time feedback or receive expert critique on your deck outside the session. Ready to elevate your pitch game? Techleap for Scaleups members can apply to the session here: #InvestorPitch #StartupFunding #TechleapforScaleups #Techleap

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    What a success! These past weeks, we hosted three intimate dinners tailored for different groups of founders and CEOs from our Techleap for Scaleups community: female founders 👩💼, travel tech founders ✈️, and health tech founders 💊. 🤝 These handpicked, smaller gatherings of inspiring leaders created an environment where participants could openly share insights, challenges, and successes, and build meaningful connections and friendships. 🙏 Special thanks to After5, a platform dedicated to empowering ambitious women to create new and personalised connections in real-life experiences, for making this possible by collaborating with us on these curated and personalised events and hosting us at AMI in Amsterdam. #Networking #FemaleFounders #TravelTech #HealthTech #After5 #Techleap

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Techleap, afbeelding

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    🇬🇧 Are you an ambitious founder looking to penetrate the UK market with the right expertise and support? In partnership with ScaleNL, join us for a 3-day trip to London from 1 to 4 October, designed exclusively for Techleap for Scaleups' founders. Building on our successful US expedition to San Francisco and Salt Lake City, this trip will equip you with vital insights and invaluable networking opportunities in the heart of the UK’s tech landscape. What to expect: 🚀 Gain insights through dynamic sessions with leading founders, VCs, and legal experts from the UK. 💼 Participate in tailored workshops and roundtable discussions addressing your specific scaling challenges. 💡 Expert speakers will be carefully selected based on the attending companies, focusing on insights from unicorn founders, investors, and industry leaders. This carefully curated expedition will provide you with the knowledge and connections needed to succeed in the competitive UK market. Sign up here 👉 [for Techleap for Scaleups members only] #DutchTech #Scaleup #Techleap #TechleapforScaleups #UKExpansion

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Techleap, afbeelding

    33.477 volgers

    📊 Belangrijk nieuws voor de Nederlandse startup-scene! 🇳🇱 Nieuw onderzoek van het Beleidsanalyseteam van het DG Bedrijfsleven en Innovatie van het Ministry of Economics bevestigt: startups en scaleups zijn cruciaal voor Nederland's verdienvermogen! Waarom? ✅ Hogere productiviteit ✅ Snellere omzetgroei ✅ Grotere investeringen in innovatie Het onderzoek wijst ook op unieke uitdagingen voor startups, vooral op het gebied van talent en investeringen. De overheid wordt opgeroepen haar beleid hierop af te stemmen. De vraag hoe dat het beste te doen is, is nog niet beantwoord met dit onderzoek. Vervolgstappen: 1️⃣ Onderzoek naar ondernemers en werknemers in het startuplandschap 2️⃣ Analyse van de samenhang met regionale ecosystemen Goed om te lezen dat: "Uit de evaluatie van StartupDelta en Techleap blijkt in ieder geval dat deze aanjaagorganisaties met hun activiteiten een positieve bijdrage hebben geleverd aan het versterken van het Nederlandse start-up-ecosysteem en zo helpen om aanwas en doorgroei van deze bedrijven mogelijk te maken" (Van den Toren et al., 2023). En daar gaan we vol enthousiasme mee door! 🚀 Geïnteresseerd in meer details? Check de comments voor het ESB-artikel van Tommy Span en lees het volledige onderzoeksrapport hier: Bedankt Techleap collega Chiara Parisi, voormalig collega Nika Schutten, en onze gewaardeerde datapartner voor hun waardevolle bijdragen aan dit belangrijke onderzoek. #startups #scaleups #innovatie #DutchTech #ondernemerschap

    Starten om niet te stoppen met groeien: wat startups en scale-ups onderscheidend maakt

    Starten om niet te stoppen met groeien: wat startups en scale-ups onderscheidend maakt

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Techleap, afbeelding

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    💥 Exciting news from our recent AI salon event! 💥 We had an incredible turnout with 189 signups, making it the best AiSalon Amsterdam to date. Attendees were treated to talks by industry experts Daniel Gebler, CTO at Picnic Technologies, and Cas Mevissen, responsible for AI policy at the Dutch Government, as well as numerous startup pitches. 🎙️ Daniel shared insights on how Picnic applies AI to benefit the broader community, while Cas discussed the implications of the EU AI Act. It was a truly insightful and engaging evening full of valuable discussions. 💡 One key takeaway from the event was the importance of bridging the gap between government, policy makers, and the startup and scale-up ecosystem. By fostering stronger relationships between these entities, we can ensure that the Dutch AI Ecosystem continues to thrive. 🙌 A huge thank you to the teams at AiSalon, BrainCreators, and MaxCredible. Special thanks also goes out to our sponsors Twintos, KPN, and TD SYNNEX for their support in making this edition of AiSalon possible. Get ready for the next edition happening in September. Let's continue to work together to drive innovation and growth in the AI industry! 🦾 #AISalon #AI #Innovation #TechCommunity

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Techleap, afbeelding

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    🌟 It’s been a remarkable journey of growth and transformation for our 6th Pole Position cohort. On Tuesday night, we wrapped up the programme and celebrated. The ventures reflected on the invaluable insights from our entrepreneurial guests, explored the pivotal changes the sessions have sparked, and crafted a strategic vision for the next 180 days. With their renewed vision, they are ready to tackle the key inflection points ahead with renewed energy and focus. 🚀 A special thanks to our race captain Sjaak Vink for ensuring and upholding the key values of our programme: 🏡 Safe Place: Creating a nurturing environment for growth and innovation 💡 Learning Curve = Growth Curve: Demonstrating that every challenge contributes to our development 🎁 Feedback as a Gift: Emphasising the importance of constructive feedback And of course a big shout-out to all participating entrepreneurs from Loop Robots, ATRO Medical BV, Choice - Every Child Desired, STIL , Spatium Medical, Sensius, Sensible Healthcare Systems, IMcoMET & Digi.Bio for your dedication and commitment to this journey and all our pit crew members, guests, and challengers for their commitment to giving back. 🙏 #LSH #Healthcare #Medtech #Scaling #PolePosition

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Techleap, afbeelding

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    ☀️ Thanks to all who joined our Summer Community Gathering yesterday for making it such a success! This was the first in our new format of quarterly gatherings, bringing various Techleap for Scaleups sessions under one roof to connect our wider community of founders. Here’s a glimpse of the highlights: 🎓 13th Cohort Wrap-Up for Rise: Celebrating the impressive achievements of our latest batch of founders from our flagship Rise programme. 🤝 Rise Alumni Open Forum Session: Connecting past and present Rise members to tackle business challenges together and share their insights and wins. 🇬🇧 Scaling Your Business in the UK: Partnering with Deloitte we explored UK expansion tips, tax compliance, and regulatory insights for founders interested in entering or expanding in the UK market. Thanks to our experts Jan-Piet Nelissen, Eve Oppenheimer and Daniel Barnet-lamb for sharing their insights! 👨👩👧👦 Building Exceptional Businesses With Your Partner or Family: Mien Gheysens and community members shared strategies for managing family-run businesses. The grand finale brought all sessions together for a Q&A with Swapfiets CEO Marc de Vries, followed by a BBQ 🍔, networking, and celebration, as we watched a screening of the Netherlands’ 3-0 win against Romania! ⚽️ 🇳🇱 Thanks to all who joined, and to number 5 foundation for hosting us at your beautiful location in The Hague. We can't wait for the next one! 🚀 #TechleapforScaleups #SummerCommunityGathering #Tech #Scale

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Techleap, afbeelding

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    🎉 We're proud to celebrate our Techleap for Scaleups' Community member Axelera AI and their outstanding team led by Fabrizio Del Maffeo! They just announced the successful close of an oversubscribed $68M Series B financing round, Europe's largest in the fabless semiconductor industry, to accelerate Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence 🚀

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Axelera AI, afbeelding

    15.289 volgers

    🎉Today is an exciting day for Axelera AI! We have announced the successful close of an oversubscribed $68 million Series B financing round - Europe's largest oversubscribed Series B funding round in the fabless semiconductor industry.   🚀 This tremendous milestone is a testament to the growth and success we’ve had as a company. In just three years, we have raised a total of $120 million and have built a world-class team of 180 employees (including 55 PhDs with more than 40,000 citations). We have also launched our Metis™ AI Platform, which achieves a 3-5x increase in efficiency and performance, and have visibility into a strong business pipeline exceeding $100 million. This success has attracted diverse global funding from venture capital, sovereign wealth, and pension funds.   We would like to thank the major institutional investors involved in this round, including Invest-NL Deep Tech Fund, the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) Fund, Innovation Industries Strategic Partners Fund (backed by Dutch Pension Funds PMT and PME, administered by MN), and Samsung Catalyst Fund, along with existing investors Verve Ventures, Innovation Industries, Fractionelera, and the Italian sovereign fund CDP Venture Capital SGR. We would also like to thank those who contributed to previously raised funds, including the innovation credit from RVO - Netherlands Enterprise Agency , and equity investment from Bitfury, CDP Venture Capital, Federal Holding and Investment Company of Belgium (SFPIM),imec, imec.xpand, and Innovation Industries.   We would also like to thank the entire Axelera AI team. This achievement would not have been possible without our incredible executives, board of directors and employees.   We are tremendously excited for what’s ahead as we continue our global growth, expand into new markets, accelerate product development and emphasize Axelera AI’s position as the AI industry’s partner of choice to unlock innovation.   Learn more about this exciting milestone in this press release →   Fabrizio Del Maffeo, Charles Mander, Evangelos Eleftheriou, Flavio Devide', Olivia Hughes, Jonathan Ferguson, Marco Barbato, Ioannis Koltsidas, Meghna Singh, Hugh Brown, Inder M. Singh Jonathan Ballon, Sander VerbruggeCyril Vančura, Massimo Vanzi, Valery Vavilov   #GenerativeAI #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MachineLearning #Funding #StartupFunding #ComputerVision #VisualAI #VentureCapital #VC

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