

Professionele services

Stockholm, Stockholm 342.039 volgers

Over ons

Sweco is at the heart of the green transition - planning and designing the sustainable communities and cities of the future. Together with our clients and the collective knowledge of our 22,000 architects, engineers and other specialists, we co-create solutions to address urbanisation, capture the power of digitalisation, and make our societies more sustainable. Sweco is Europe’s leading engineering and architecture consultancy, with sales of approximately SEK 29 billion (EUR 2.5 billion). The company is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

Professionele services
Meer dan 10.000 werknemers
Stockholm, Stockholm
Naamloze vennootschap
engineering, environmental technology, architecture, sustainable city development, infrastructure, energy systems, industry, process planning, Green transition en Digitalisation


Medewerkers van Sweco


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Sweco, afbeelding

    342.039 volgers

    De drinkwatervoorziening in het westelijk deel van Zuid-Holland staat onder druk. Waar momenteel al 150 jaar gebruik gemaakt wordt van de duinen als natuurlijke zuiveringsstap en voorraadbuffer, is de capaciteit van de duingebieden in de toekomst niet meer toereikend. Niet alleen neemt de vraag toe, ook de kwaliteit van het water dat wordt gebruikt voor de productie van drinkwater is niet meer vanzelfsprekend. Sweco’s experts gingen samen met drinkwaterbedrijf en duinbeheerder Dunea op zoek naar nieuwe bronnen om in de toekomst te kunnen voldoen aan de vraag naar drinkwater met de gewenste kwaliteit. #Drinkwater #Vitalewaterketen #SwecoNL

    Dunea: drinkwatervoorziening van de toekomst - Sweco NL

    Dunea: drinkwatervoorziening van de toekomst - Sweco NL


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Sweco, afbeelding

    342.039 volgers

    𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐜𝐨 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐤𝐭 𝐚𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐱 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐝𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐯𝐨𝐨𝐫 𝐆𝐈𝐆𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞 GIGA Storage gaat in Delfzijl een megabatterij bouwen op het voormalige terrein van aluminiumfabriek Aldel. Een team van bodem- en vergunningsexperts van Sweco werkt voor GIGA Storage aan allerlei vraagstukken. Sjoerd van Keulen is projectleider en specialiseert zich in Environmental Due Diligence. Hij richt zich op het inventariseren en beoordelen van milieurisico’s. “De vraag van GIGA Storage is enigszins diffuus”, vertelt Sjoerd. “Het gaat om een complex bodemdossier en we wisten vooraf niet waar we tegenaan zouden gaan lopen. Dus het is deels op basis van regie. Voor elke vraag hebben we een oplossing.” #SwecoNL #Energietransitie #Megabatterij #Bodemonderzoek

    ‘De superbatterij is de toekomst, daar wil Sweco bij betrokken zijn’ - Sweco NL

    ‘De superbatterij is de toekomst, daar wil Sweco bij betrokken zijn’ - Sweco NL


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Sweco, afbeelding

    342.039 volgers

    Sweco has been awarded a new contract to establish a new plant for the industrial production of mycoprotein in Finland for the Finnish biotech start-up company Enifer. Production starts in 2026, and the plant will be the world's first to utilise side streams from food production on a commercial scale in an industrial symbiosis. Sweco will deliver services for project management, plant design, building permits, procurement and construction management in a project valued at EUR 4.2 million.  “Sweco is excited to be involved in enabling the food revolution, where domestic protein production that utilises side streams will reduce emissions from food production. Enifer’s production concept enables efficient protein production based on a circular economy, and we are grateful for the trust in our EPCM expertise. Our experience in food sector licensing will ensure fast implementation of this project,” says Thomas Hietto, Business Area President of Sweco Finland. Read more: https://lnkd.in/dej3sC89 #SwecoGroup #TransformingSocietyTogether

    • Image of mycoprotein
  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Sweco, afbeelding

    342.039 volgers

    As heatwaves intensify across Europe due to climate change, urban areas are under growing pressure to adapt. Our latest article, drawing from a recent Sweco study, explores how six European cities are tackling rising temperatures and the Urban Heat Island effect through innovative climate resilience strategies. From expanding green spaces and enhancing biodiversity to integrating nature-based solutions into urban planning, cities are rethinking their approach to cooling public spaces and protecting their residents.     The article highlights key strategies such as heatproofing buildings, developing blue-green networks and incorporating climate adaptation measures into local infrastructure. Discover how these innovative approaches are shaping the future of city planning in the face of climate challenges: https://lnkd.in/dBBz-MsS #SwecoGroup #TransformingSocietyTogether 

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Sweco, afbeelding

    342.039 volgers

    The hidden dangers of critical infrastructure failures during extreme weather events go beyond physical damage — they can have far-reaching consequences on entire cities, and the people within them. From power outages to water shortages, failures in one system can trigger a cascade of disruptions in others — leading to stranded people and immobilised cities. But what often goes unnoticed is the psychological toll. Extreme weather events and infrastructure failures leave communities grappling with prolonged anxiety, fear and uncertainty. A recent Sweco study highlights how European cities are mapping these risks, emphasising the importance of addressing both physical and emotional resilience. Understanding these cascading effects is crucial for building truly resilient cities in a world facing increasing climate unpredictability. Read more about the findings and what’s being done to prepare for future challenges: https://lnkd.in/dU-Yxtp3 #SwecoGroup #TransformingSocietyTogether

    The hidden dangers of critical infrastructure failures

    The hidden dangers of critical infrastructure failures


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Sweco, afbeelding

    342.039 volgers

    Extreme heatwaves are becoming more frequent, posing significant risks to vulnerable communities in cities worldwide. Our latest article explores how six European cities are taking action to address these challenges, implementing innovative strategies to reduce heat-related risks and protect their most vulnerable residents. From Brussels to Stockholm, these cities are leveraging tools like heat mapping, targeted outreach and green infrastructure to mitigate the impact of rising temperatures. Explore how these cities are leading the way in climate adaptation and learn how similar measures can be applied to your community. The article also highlights two of Sweco's client projects that are making a real difference in managing urban heat risks. Read the full article and discover the strategies shaping the future of urban resilience in the face of climate change: https://lnkd.in/d5qGcHVJ #SwecoGroup #TransformingSocietyTogether

    Protecting vulnerable communities from urban heatwaves

    Protecting vulnerable communities from urban heatwaves


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Sweco, afbeelding

    342.039 volgers

    Europe is warming at twice the global average rate, and our cities are feeling the heat. To assess the readiness of European cities in addressing heatwaves, Sweco conducted a study on adaptation and resilience practices across 24 European cities, including six primary case study cities, analysing climate resilience policies and heatwave data. The findings indicate that all these cities are set to experience at least twice as many heatwave days in 2100 compared to 2020. Despite this alarming trend, urban heatwave adaptation policies are often lagging, especially for our most vulnerable populations. The study highlights the urgent need for: ➡ Comprehensive response strategies: Focused on data-driven decision-making and protecting the most vulnerable. ➡ Resilient urban planning: Integrating nature-based solutions and enhancing cooling infrastructure.   Discover more about the challenges and solutions in the full report: https://lnkd.in/ePjquBBF #SwecoGroup #TransformingSocietyTogether

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Sweco, afbeelding

    342.039 volgers

    Sweco has maintained an active presence in Ukraine since 1992 and our portfolio encompasses more than 70 projects. Sweco is actively participating in the country's rebuilding efforts by providing expertise in critical infrastructure projects, including securing water supplies, modernising wastewater treatment and supporting the construction of housing for internally displaced people. Collaborating with local consultants and adhering to European standards, Sweco’s recent work focuses on enhancing resilience, improving living conditions and ensuring sustainable solutions in communities affected by the war. Click the link to read more about some of our ongoing projects in the country: https://lnkd.in/dKTi95dF

    Sweco aids Ukraine’s recovery with housing and water projects

    Sweco aids Ukraine’s recovery with housing and water projects


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Sweco, afbeelding

    342.039 volgers

    Europe is on the front lines of climate change, experiencing rapidly escalating temperatures and increasingly severe weather events. Recent floods have exposed the vulnerabilities in our critical infrastructure, leading to significant disruptions, financial losses and threats to public safety. As the fastest-warming continent, Europe must take urgent action to protect its vital infrastructure from the growing risks posed by climate change. Building resilience in critical infrastructure is a continuous, evolving journey. Our latest article outlines a strategic approach to tackling these challenges head-on. These practical steps guide policymakers, project managers and city leaders in assessing and mitigating climate risks to build stronger, more resilient infrastructure. From understanding sector-specific vulnerabilities to planning protective measures, each step is designed to adapt to the ever-changing climate landscape. Building resilience is an ongoing process, and our guide provides the insights needed to make informed, proactive decisions. Click the link to learn more: https://lnkd.in/dJUWZN5W #SwecoGroup #TransformingSocietyTogether

    Seven steps to protect Europe's vital infrastructure

    Seven steps to protect Europe's vital infrastructure


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