Studio Willem Elskamp

Studio Willem Elskamp

Architectuur en ruimtelijke ordening

Architecture, Urbanism, and Interior Design: Transforming Spaces, Preserving Heritage, Empowering Communities.

Over ons

Studio Willem Elskamp, a multidisciplinary architecture studio, is dedicated to creating innovative and sustainable designs in the fields of architecture, urbanism, and interiors. With a diverse portfolio of projects in the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, and Bangladesh, a global perspective is brought to the work. The studio firmly believes in the power of community engagement and participation. Communities are actively involved in the design process, ensuring that their needs and aspirations take center stage in projects. Through collaborative workshops, consultations, and participatory methods, spaces are created that authentically reflect the values and identities of the people who inhabit them. Moreover, there is a deep passion for preserving and revitalizing cultural heritage. Projects involving historical buildings and sites are approached with a strong sense of responsibility, striking a balance between preservation and contemporary design interventions that infuse new life into these spaces. Driven by a strong focus on research and innovation, the studio constantly explores new ideas and approaches to push the boundaries of design. The work is characterized by a harmonious blend of functionality, aesthetics, and contextual sensitivity, resulting in spaces that inspire and transform.

Architectuur en ruimtelijke ordening
1 medewerker
Architecture, Urbanism, Interior design, Community participation en Cultural Heritage


Medewerkers van Studio Willem Elskamp


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    188 volgers

    Community engagement / bewonersparticipatie is een onmisbaar aspect van mijn rol als architect, en ik haal veel voldoening uit het betrekken van mensen via interactieve games. Daarom kijk ik met grote trots terug op onze succesvolle community engagement in Faro en ben ik enthousiast om nieuwe participatie projecten te starten! Een van de methoden die in Faro is gebruikt, is een kaartspel dat ik persoonlijk heb ontworpen en ontwikkeld om zowel kinderen als ouderen binnen de gemeenschap te betrekken. Deze methode dient als een krachtig hulpmiddel om generatiekloven te overbruggen en samenwerking, creatief denken en inclusieve ontwerpdiscussies te bevorderen. Het is geweldig om getuige te zijn van de uitwisseling van ideeën en de gedeelde enthousiasme die tijdens deze sessies ontstaat. Ik ben vastbesloten om deze aanpak uit te breiden naar een grotere schaal. Ik sta open voor samenwerkingen met gemeentes, ontwikkelaars en collega-architecten om workshops en participaties met gemeenschappen/bewoners te faciliteren. Samen kunnen we mensen in staat stellen actief deel te nemen aan het vormgeven van de gebouwde omgeving. --- Community engagement is an indispensable aspect of my role as an architect, and I derive immense joy from involving people through interactive games. That is why I look back with great pride to our successful community engagement in Faro and am excited to start new community engagements! One of the methods used in Faro is a card game I personally designed and developed to engage both children and elderly members of the community. This game serves as a powerful tool to bridge generational gaps, fostering collaboration, creative thinking, and inclusive design discussions. It's incredibly rewarding to witness the exchange of ideas and the shared excitement that arises during these sessions. I am committed to extending this approach to a broader scale. I am open to collaborating with local governments, developers and fellow architects to facilitate workshops and engagement activities with communities. Together, we can empower people to actively participate in shaping the built environment, ensuring that our designs truly reflect the spirit and desires of the community. Special thanks to Antonio Carlos Queiroz Filho for capturing our work in Faro. #participatie #gamification #seriousgames #inclusiviteit #stadontwikkeling

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