SRC System Integrators B.V.

SRC System Integrators B.V.

Informatietechnologie en services

Hoorn, Noord-Holland 1.310 volgers

Product Information Management and EDI solutions

Over ons

SRC System Integrators is a software company offering Product Information Management and EDI solutions to the European B2B market. From our head office in Hoorn, The Netherlands we develop, implement and service a full suite of solutions focused on data excellence. Achieve & Maintain product data excellence with SRC PIM Good, reliable product information is at the core of what we do. Wholesalers, retailers, and manufacturers are confronted with increased demand for great product information and the customer’s demand for a perfect product experience. With our product information management solution, SRC aims at providing every organization in the value chain with the right tools to fulfill this challenge. Electronic Data Interchange For decades the leading standard for the electronic exchange of data between companies, used in industries such as food, fashion, construction, DIY, installation & logistics. Our EDI solutions enable companies worldwide to drive business, automate business transactions and processes. SRC makes sure your business documents arrive at the right destination without any problem.

Informatietechnologie en services
11 - 50 medewerkers
Hoorn, Noord-Holland
Particuliere onderneming
EDI, GDS, PIM, B2B integration, E-Business, Supply chain optimalisatie, GS1, Product Information Management, Product Data, Product Data Excellence, Standardization, Workflow, ETIM, PSinfoodservice en Syndication


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