Solar Team Twente

Solar Team Twente

Productie motorvoertuigen

Enschede, Overijssel 4.991 volgers

Powered by Human Energy

Over ons

Wij zijn Solar Team Twente. Wij zetten ons in voor de toekomst van stedelijke mobiliteit! Het solarteam bestaat uit 19 enthousiaste studenten met één gemeenschappelijk doel: het bouwen van de meest efficiënte zonneauto ter wereld. Samen met onze innovatieve partners kunnen we de wereld inspireren om zich in te zetten voor een duurzamere toekomst.

Productie motorvoertuigen
11 - 50 medewerkers
Enschede, Overijssel
solar powered verhicles, solar energy, innovation, racing, technology, engineering en sustainability


Medewerkers van Solar Team Twente


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Solar Team Twente, afbeelding

    4.991 volgers

    🚀 We are ready for the Sasol Solar Challenge! 🚀 We are thrilled to announce that our team is all set for the Sasol Solar Challenge in South Africa! Last week, we packed and numbered all the necessary equipment, ensuring everything was in perfect order. On Sunday, we successfully loaded everything into the transportation box, made by Meilink. On Monday, everything was picked up for transport by Denkers BV, marking the final step of this process. 🏁 With our gear on its way, we are more motivated than ever to take on this incredible challenge. 🏎️ Stay tuned for updates as we embark on this thrilling journey to showcase our cutting-edge solar technology. A big thank you to our dedicated team and supportive community for making this possible. Let’s harness the power of the sun and drive towards a sustainable future! 🌍🔋 #SolarTeamTwente #SasolSolarChallenge #SustainableEnergy #Innovation #TeamWork

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Solar Team Twente, afbeelding

    4.991 volgers

    We had a great time at the Technology Lunch yesterday! 🤩 A big thank you to all the students and our partners who participated, creating a valuable space for connection and collaboration.🙏 The atmosphere was filled with synergy, highlighting the #PowerOfCollaboration in driving innovation and growth. We are looking forward to seeing the collaborative efforts from yesterday develop into exciting tech ventures. See you next time for more engaging conversations and connections. Until then, let's continue pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the tech world.🔋🏎️ #SolarTeamTwente #TechnologyLunch #TechFuture #Networking #Innovation

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  • Solar Team Twente heeft dit gerepost

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor CIREX Europe, afbeelding

    1.117 volgers

    𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝘂𝘀 𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘆 𝗟𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵 𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗮𝘆! 🔥 As a Gold Partner of Solar Team Twente, we have been invited to the Technology Lunch today. This is a low-key event for (technical) students from the University of Twente to meet local companies and to get to know eachother. Colleagues Ellen and Sanne are at our stand to talk to and motivate students about possible internships, research assignments and traineeships! #Internship #Research #Traineeship #UniversityofTwente #SolarTeamTwente #Students

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  • Solar Team Twente heeft dit gerepost

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Lelystad Airport, afbeelding

    5.560 volgers

    🌞🚗 Solar Team Twente test hun zonneauto op Lelystad Airport! 🚗🌞 We zijn trots dat we Solar Team Twente opnieuw mochten verwelkomen. De testdagen op Lelystad Airport zijn een cruciale stap in de voorbereiding op hun volgende race in Zuid-Afrika in september! Het doel van deze testdagen was om het energieverbruik van de zonneauto bij verschillende snelheden in kaart te brengen. Door nauwkeurig te meten hoeveel energie de auto verbruikt, kan het team een optimale strategie bepalen voor de race. Tijdens de testdagen voerde het team verschillende uitroltesten uit, waarbij de auto vanaf een bepaalde snelheid uitrolt. Deze tests helpen bij het bepalen van de rolweerstand en luchtweerstand van de auto. Daarnaast werden er ook testen uitgevoerd waarbij de auto op constante snelheid reed, wat helpt bij het meten van de efficiëntie van de energieomzetting van de batterij naar de motor. Daan Nibbering, strateeg bij Solar Team Twente: "Voor deze testen is de lange, rechte, en vlakke rijbaan November van Lelystad Airport zeer geschikt. Hier kunnen we de testen over een lange afstand uitvoeren en hebben we geen last van hellingen, slecht wegdek of bochten, wat het namelijk moeilijker maakt om de data te analyseren. De tweede testdag hadden we wat pech met het weer, met harde wind en buien, maar met de data die we op de eerste dag hebben verzameld, kunnen we goed in kaart brengen wat de efficiëntie is van onze zonneauto. Wij bedanken Lelystad Airport voor het opnieuw mogen gebruiken van de rijbaan! Hierdoor staan we goed voorbereid aan de start van de zonnerace in Zuid-Afrika in september!" We wensen Solar Team Twente veel succes in Zuid-Afrika en kijken ernaar uit om hen weer te verwelkomen op Lelystad Airport! 🌍🏁 #SolarTeamTwente #Zonneauto #Duurzaamheid #Innovatie #ZuidAfrikaRace #LelystadAirport

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Solar Team Twente, afbeelding

    4.991 volgers

    Exciting Kombaan Test Days for Our Solar Team!🙌 The past two weeks have been extremely exciting for our solar team. On Saturday, 25 May, and Sunday, 2 June, we organized two intensive bowl track test days at the RDW Test Centre in Lelystad. These days were essential for testing our solar car to the limit and preparing our drivers for the challenging conditions we will encounter in South Africa.🌍 At the test site in Lelystad, we explored the ultimate limits of our solar car. This included testing at maximum speed and endurance of our vehicle🏎️🔋. By exposing the solar car to high speeds and long-term loads, we gathered important data on its performance and reliability. This information is crucial to ensure that our car performs optimally during the race in September. Besides testing the car, these days were also valuable training opportunities for our drivers. They had a chance to improve their driving skills and adapt to the specific driving conditions they will face in South Africa. This hands-on experience is invaluable, helping them appear confident and prepared at the starting line.🏁 📸: Gijs Versteeg #solarteamtwente #solarteam #solar #solarsystem #teamwork #challange

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Solar Team Twente, afbeelding

    4.991 volgers

    Yesterday was a special day. 🚀 We proudly unveiled our newest innovations! This milestone would not have been possible without the unwavering support and enthusiasm of our partners, friends and family members. We would like to thank everyone who took the time to attend our presentation. Your presence and involvement mean everything to us. It was truly inspiring to see so many people come together to support our vision for a more sustainable future.🌍🔋 This new step in our journey is just the beginning. With the innovative technology we have developed, we are determined to push boundaries and reach new heights in the world of solar energy.☀️ We can't wait to put our newest innovations to the ultimate test at the Sasol Solar Challenge in September! 📸: Gijs Versteeg #solarteamtwente #solarteam #solar #solarsystem #teamwork #challangethefuture #newpartner #partners #universityoftwente

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Solar Team Twente, afbeelding

    4.991 volgers

    Building up for the Innovation Reveal! 🏎️ The whole team is busy with the final preparations to get everything ready. The stage is already set for the big reveal on Thursday, but there is still much more to do and see. Our team is working hard to ensure every detail is perfect. From testing the technologies to fine tuning the presentation, we are putting everything into creating an impressive and inspiring experience.🙌 The Innovation Reveal promises an exciting insight into our latest innovations and the future of sustainable mobility. Are you curious too? We cordially invite you to attend this special event. You can still get your free tickets via this link -> Don't miss this unique opportunity to witness groundbreaking technologies and meet the team behind the innovations. We look forward to welcoming you!🚀 #twente #solarteamtwente #solarteam #solarchallenge #partners #solarcar #solar

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Solar Team Twente, afbeelding

    4.991 volgers

    Our location for the Innovation Reveal!🚀 On the south side of Hengelo's central station is a unique area with a rich history: the historic site of the Koninklijke Machinefabriek Stork. This iconic site, steeped in industrial history, is the perfect place to reveal the future. Here we will present the latest innovations of Red X, our groundbreaking solar car.☀️🏎️ After the presentation, you will definitely not have to be bored. We have set up a great market where you can enjoy various Solar Team Twente experiences. Do you want to be there and experience this special day with us? You can! Get your free ticket now and secure yourself a spot at this unique event. 🎟️: We hope to see you there and discover the future of solar energy together!🙌 #stork #innovation #solar #technology #solarenergy #solarpower #solarsystem

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Solar Team Twente, afbeelding

    4.991 volgers

    Ready to revolutionize the world with cutting-edge innovation?🚀 We are Solar Team Twente, a group of passionate thinkers and doers dedicated to pushing the boundaries of engineering and creativity. With your support, we can turn our vision into reality: creating groundbreaking technologies that redefine what's possible🛠. From game-changing tools to innovative software, we have the drive and expertise to make the extraordinary achievable. But we can't do it alone. Together, we can bring our ideas to life and make a meaningful impact in the world of technology. Let's shape the future together. Help us create an innovative future. Let's transform the world through innovation!🏎 #solar #solarenergy #innovation #technology #twente

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