Sea Shepherd Global

Sea Shepherd Global


Laren, Noord Holland 47.572 volgers

Over 40 years of direct-action campaigns to defend, conserve and protect our oceans and marine wildlife.

Over ons

First established in 1977, Sea Shepherd is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organisation. Our mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world's oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species. Sea Shepherd uses innovative direct-action tactics to investigate, document, and take action when necessary to expose and confront illegal activities on the high seas. By safeguarding the biodiversity of our delicately-balanced ocean ecosystems, Sea Shepherd works to ensure their survival for future generations. Created in 2012, Sea Shepherd Global is an independent entity from Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in the US, and operates as the umbrella organization for independent Sea Shepherd groups throughout the world which continue anti-whaling campaigns in the Southern Ocean.

11 - 50 medewerkers
Laren, Noord Holland
Ocean Conservation, Environmentalism, Marine Wildlife en IUU Fishing


Medewerkers van Sea Shepherd Global


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    🛠️ Engineers are the very heart of each and every one of the conservation ships in the Sea Shepherd fleet, and due to some recent changes in plan, we're looking for a qualified and ticketed 2nd engineer to join us in Italy this coming weekend and for two weeks. Because of the late notice, the position is compensated. ⚓ If you fit the bill, send in your CV at  So if you know someone who may fit the bill, tag them in the comments! 🌊 #Sailor #MarineEngineer #SeaShepherd #ForTheOcean

     CV Application

     CV Application

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Sea Shepherd Global, afbeelding

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    🌊 Can Innovative Business Ventures Turn the Tide on Ghost Fishing in the Mediterranean? 🌊 Explore how innovative business ventures can combat the devastating impact of ghost fishing in the Mediterranean. Jeroen Botter, Partnerships Director at Sea Shepherd Global, highlights the potential of repurposing abandoned fishing gear to promote marine conservation and sustainable business practices. 🚢♻️ #SustainableBusiness #MarineConservation #GhostFishing #Innovation #SeaShepherd #CircularEconomy

    Can Innovative Business Ventures Turn the Tide on Ghost Fishing in the Mediterranean?

    Can Innovative Business Ventures Turn the Tide on Ghost Fishing in the Mediterranean?

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Sea Shepherd Global, afbeelding

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    📣 #News - After 3 months of nonstop patrolling, removing illegal longlines, saving wildlife, and supporting the local authorities to secure crucial evidence to stop illegal fishing in Tuvaluan waters, the #Allankay is moving on to its next mission.⛴️ What we uncovered was eye-opening, and we’ll be sharing these details in the coming days, so stay tuned❗ Learn more about the campaign here: 📸 Youenn Kerdavid / Sea Shepherd #seashepherd #operationtuvalu

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Sea Shepherd Global, afbeelding

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    GIVEAWAY ALERT! 🚨 Join us in the fight to protect our oceans and stand a chance to win an eco-friendly Nelo 400 kayak Sea Shepherd t-shirt(s)! 🏴☠️ 👇 How to Enter: • Follow us on Instagram. • Sign Up: Become an Ocean Warrior by joining our monthly donor program. No matter the size of your donation, every contribution helps us protect the oceans! By becoming a Sea Shepherd Ocean Warrior, you’ll not only support our life-saving campaigns but also gain exclusive access to sneak previews, captivating photos, unfiltered campaign footage, gripping films, and live updates from the heart of the action. 🌍 Why It Matters: Your contribution helps us combat ocean pollution, protect marine wildlife from IUU fishing, and preserve our oceans for future generations. The Nelo 400 kayak, made from 50% recycled materials, embodies sustainability and is designed to last decades. Winning this kayak is your chance to be closer to the ocean you care about and actively protect. 🌊 🎁 Bonus Entry: Share this post and tag three friends in the comments who are passionate about ocean conservation. By doing so, you’ll also be in the running to win a Sea Shepherd t-shirt for yourself and your friends! Join the movement and make a difference today! 📣 Giveaway ends on August 16th, and winners will be announced on August 19th! 👉 Enter now and become an Ocean Warrior! #seashepherd #marineconservation

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    🚨Breaking News: Over 9.5 kilometers of illegal longlines intercepted❗Working with Tuvaluan authorities, our Allankay crew seized crucial evidence to halt an illegal fishing operation in its tracks, marking a significant step in protecting the #SouthPacific. Longlines in this region target tuna and inadvertently trap endangered sharks and other marine animals. Learn about the wildlife rescued by our crew and the pivotal evidence that led to this interception. Read the full press release: 🎥 Sea Shepherd #tuvalu #seashepherd #marineconservation

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    🌍 The fate of Antarctica's delicate ecosystem, and therefore our planet's future, hangs in the balance as world leaders gather in Seoul this week for a meeting that could change the course of history. Why does the Seoul meeting matter now❓ 👉 The krill supertrawler fleet is expanding in the proposed Marine Protected Area (MPA) while vital krill populations are declining. In 2022, over 190 countries committed to protecting 30% of the ocean by 2030, yet only 3% is currently safeguarded. 👉  Six years ago, Chile and Argentina proposed the Antarctic Peninsula MPA. Now, with just six years left to fulfill global commitments, the time for action is NOW❗ 👉  The 2024 Harmonization Meeting in Seoul is a pivotal moment we cannot afford to miss. It's time for all 26 nations to unite, seize this opportunity,  and make history. ✋ Raise your hand in the comments to show your support.✋ 📌 For more insights, check out the full commentary here: #antarcticsos #stoptheplunder #seashepherd

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    Ready, Steady, Unhook!  This year, our Sea Eagle crew took on the South Tyrrhenian Sea to save marine life, pulling up massive longlines and rescuing countless sea creatures from deadly hooks. Check out Deckie Conner hauling in the line, Angela removing bait, and Bosun Vince freeing a distressed stingray. Just another day for our ocean warriors! But you don't have to be on the frontlines to help save marine lives. Join our Ocean Warriors membership program and help protect the ocean from afar. Sign up now and you'll be enrolled in our giveaway to win an eco-friendly Nelo 400 kayak and Sea Shepherd t-shirts! 🏴☠️ 👇 How to Enter: • Follow us on Instagram. • Sign Up: Become an Ocean Warrior by joining our monthly donor program. No matter the size of your donation, every contribution helps us protect the oceans! By becoming a Sea Shepherd Ocean Warrior, you’ll support our life-saving campaigns and gain exclusive access to sneak previews, captivating photos, unfiltered campaign footage, gripping films, and live updates from the heart of the action. Bonus Entry: Share this post and tag three friends in the comments who are passionate about ocean conservation. By doing so, you’ll also be in the running to win a Sea Shepherd t-shirt for yourself and your friends! Join the movement and make a difference today! 📣 Giveaway ends on August 16th, and winners will be announced on August 19th! 👉 Enter now and become an Ocean Warrior! 📸 Claire Foster / Sea Shepherd #seashepherd #marineconservation #mediterranean

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Sea Shepherd Global, afbeelding

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    ⚠️ The future of our oceans hangs in the balance! Next week, the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) members meet in Seoul, South Korea, to address the gridlock blocking the proposed Antarctic Peninsula Marine Protected Area (MPA). 🐧 The Antarctic Peninsula, especially the proposed Domain 1 MPA, is a critical area that needs protection due to its unique ecological and environmental significance. This meeting could be a game-changer for #Antarctica and our planet. 🌍 Want to know more and find out how you can help push for this vital protection? Click here: #seashepherd #marineconservation

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    🔴 The tragic slaughter of 90 pilot whales in Hvalvik, #FaroeIslands, last week—and a staggering❗592❗in just 8 weeks—demands our immediate action. 'There is no easy solution to ending this cruelty. The older generation of whalers are holding on to their traditional killing like their lives depend on it, and they are doing their best to inspire the younger generation to join in.' - Valentina Crast, Shepherd's Faroe Islands Campaign Lead Why do we need you to follow and support❓ Because international pressure is pivotal in advocating for change. Public, policy, and corporate pressures all influence how the Faroese government and stakeholders view this issue. 👉 Your voice matters. Whether lobbying policymakers, boycotting Faroese products, or raising awareness, join our mission to #StopTheGrind. Read the full commentary and find out more here 📌 #seashepherd

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