Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) | Partner in Sustainable Development

Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) | Partner in Sustainable Development


Den Haag, Zuid-Holland 5.155 volgers

We help you find partnerships, identify funding opportunities and get advice on your international development project.

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Partner in Sustainable Development is a part of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). RVO helps you find partnerships, identify funding opportunities and get advice on your international development cooperation project. Together, we contribute to sustainable development in developing countries. Our subsidies, programmes and services are open to entrepreneurs, NGOs, knowledge institutes and government organisations worldwide. The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs funds our subsidies and programmes. Follow us on LinkedIn for updates about development cooperation subsidies and programmes and inspiring stories and lessons learned about development cooperation projects. To directly connect with partners in development cooperation, join our exclusive Partners in Sustainable Development community. Join this group here:

1.001 - 5.000 medewerkers
Den Haag, Zuid-Holland
development cooperation, humanitarian aid, sustainability, sustainable development goals, advice, funding en partnerships


Medewerkers van Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) | Partner in Sustainable Development


  • 🌍 In response to the global food crisis, the Accelerating Resilient Food Systems in Africa (ARFSA) programme has selected six new projects. In these projects, civil society organisations, businesses and knowledge institutes will work together to strengthen local food systems in 6 African countries. They will receive funding from the ARFSA subsidy programme. 🌾 ARFSA is committed to improving food productivity, stability, and sustainability, adding value to national and regional markets. The selected projects, in Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, South Sudan, and Uganda, will develop strong local food systems over the next 2 to 3 years. These systems are made to handle challenges like climate change, pandemics, and conflict. Read more ARFSA and their selected projects here ➡️ #SDG2 Woord en Daad Both ENDS Wageningen University & Research ZOA

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  • 🌿 Imagine a world where every product is made with care, waste is minimised, and each item serves a purpose throughout its life. This aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 12, which deals with unsustainable consumption, climate change, and pollution. Sustainable production also includes fairness and ethical practices. 🌍 Making responsible choices means supporting methods that are good for the environment and fair to people, creating a world where sustainability considers both nature and human impact. #sdg12

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  • In 2021, approximately 675 million people had no electricity access, and 2.3 billion people lacked modern cooking facilities. These numbers show how urgent our mission is at the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). 💡 Discover our progress in the images below ⬇️ These achievements show our strong commitment to a sustainable future and the power of working together. We thank all our partners and stakeholders for their dedication. 🤝 #RenewableEnergy #SustainableDevelopment #sdg7

  • ✅ Are you interested in promoting renewable energy projects in developing countries or emerging markets? We are here to help you achieve your goals by offering financial assistance, expert guidance and access to a large network of connections. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) stands ready to assist entrepreneurs and organisations in expanding their sustainable energy projects, locally and internationally. As part of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, we provide support to stakeholders, including entrepreneurs, NGOs, policymakers, and knowledge institutions. We aim to foster collaborations and boost their capacity through funding opportunities and valuable networks. 💡 With our wealth of knowledge, finances, network and resources, we are committed to supporting your international business endeavours. 🌐 Discover more about our initiatives by visiting our website: 📸 Photo: BrightLife

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  • Explore business opportunities in the emerging market of solar energy in Nigeria 🌞 Nigeria is a major global oil exporter, yet nearly half its population faces challenges with reliable electricity access, particularly in rural areas with frequent power cuts. While common, Diesel generators are costly and very harmful to the environment. Rural Nigeria offers significant opportunities through mini-grids. These small-scale solar installations provide electricity to communities and offer a great opportunity for businesses. According to Jasmijn Snippe from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), businesses can lease mini-grids to enhance productivity and create jobs. Are you a Dutch entrepreneur in solar energy? The market for solar energy in Nigeria offers a unique digital and physical collaboration platform among entrepreneurs, financiers, and governments. 💡 For more insights into the potential of Nigeria's solar energy sector, explore our detailed findings in the report below ⤵️ #RenewableEnergy #SDG7 Jasmijn Snippe-Thissen

  • Take a look at this video showcasing the African Biodigester Component programme in Kenya! 🌱 Meet Peris Wanjiku, a dedicated farmer from the Kiangatia Dairy Farmers group. In this video, she shares her journey with biodigesters and their incredible benefits to her farm and household. Peris offers valuable advice for those without a biogas plant, highlighting the ease of running a biodigester and the advantages of joining a group for convenient setup and payment options. ✅ Watch the full video to learn more about how biodigesters can transform farming and household practices! The African Biodigester Component programme (ABC), a component under the SEE-Clean Cooking programme, supports the growth and sustainability of the biodigester market.

  • Do you want to learn more about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies from companies in the off-grid renewable energy sector? 💡 Our latest document offers exemplary CSR policies from companies like ATEC, BURN, Pawame (now known as Ignite Power) Pollinate Group, and VITALITE Senegal, developed under the SDG7 Results programme. 📄 Covering key themes such as health and safety, environment, gender equality, and more, these policies provide inspiration and practical guidance! Dive in to discover how these companies are driving positive change and shaping a sustainable future. 🌍 #CSR #RenewableEnergy #SDG7

  • The African Biodigester Component (ABC), a component under the SEE-Clean Cooking programme, is boosting the biogas sector in Sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on Burkina Faso, Kenya, Mali, Niger, and Uganda 🌱 ABC is a 5-year programme ending in 2025. It aims to create sustainable biodigester markets, providing energy access and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By 2025, the African Biodigester Component aims to build 50,000 small-scale and 250 medium-scale biodigesters, benefiting 250,000 people and cutting CO2 emissions by 180,000 tonnes annually. Do you have a biogas or organic fertiliser enterprise in one of the 5 countries we focus on? And would you like to collaborate with us? You can apply to participate in the ABC programme on an ongoing basis. If you are interested in participating, please contact us 👇 #Biogas #Sustainability #RenewableEnergy #Africa #RVO

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  • In Bangladesh, agriculture isn't just an occupation but a way of life for millions 🌱 With nearly 4 million farmers in Bangladesh tending to 2 or more cattle each, managing manure has become a big problem. ATEC helps farmers and their families turn their manure into gas and organic fertiliser. The bioslurry produced by ATEC's biodigester system nourishes their crops. This promises healthier soil so their plants can grow stronger and yield better harvests. Similarly, households can reduce indoor air pollution and protect their health by replacing traditional cooking fuels like wood, straw, or kerosene with clean biogas. With more time and money saved from not having to gather or purchase fuel, families can invest in education, healthcare, or other essentials, improving their overall quality of life. Do you want to make a local impact? We can provide you with the right information, finances, network, and resources 👉

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