Ministry of Marketing

Ministry of Marketing

Bedrijfsconsulting en -services

Brand Valuation, Marketing, Branding & Communication at M&As and Scale-ups

Over ons

Improving marketing and communication performance at B2B scale-ups and M&As. Ministry of Marketing is a consultancy agency in B2B-marketing, repositioning, brand valuation and brand development. With our Marketing Performance Model© we enhance your marketing and commercial performance. With our Isolated Brand Valuation method©, we're able to determine your brand equity. Internationally, we develop positioning strategies, operationalize marketing and develop and implement new brands.

Bedrijfsconsulting en -services
2-10 medewerkers
Particuliere onderneming
B2B Marketing, Positionering, Merkontwikkeling, Merkstrategie, Marketingstrategie, Marketingadvies, Branding en Rebranding


Medewerkers van Ministry of Marketing


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    🌊 Search Engine Advertisting (SEA) works differently for B2B When a company starts with SEA they often want to hear how many conversions it will bring. Though that is a very important metric, in B2B marketing, where long sales trajectories are the norm, conversions are all but a given. However, SEA has a lot of other advantages to offer: 🫧 Brand Awareness: everytime a potential customer searches for something related to your campaign, your brand will pop up! And not just your brand, but your brand presented in a great way. They will see your brand in an ad that is embellished by the algorithm: with your USP's, with a picture, with site links to your other services and with a description of what you have to offer. That's a pretty good first impression! 🫧 Reaching more people: gaining more website visits and clicks from your campaign means more engagement with your brand and a great way to position yourself in the market and to stay top of mind for your target audience. 🫧 Secondary conversions: your new website visiors may not immediately go for the service you were offering, but they could download a whitepaper or subscribe to to your newsletter. That's leads that you can follow up on in the future! Of course, conversions are still very possible to achieve, but for B2B it can best be seen as a long term goal, while enjoying the short term benefits! #SEA #B2Bmarketing #SecondaryConversions

  • 🌊 Search Engine Advertisting (SEA) works differently for B2B When a company starts with SEA they often want to hear how many conversions it will bring. Though that is a very important metric, in B2B marketing, where long sales trajectories are the norm, conversions are all but a given. However, SEA has a lot of other advantages to offer: 🫧 Brand Awareness: everytime a potential customer searches for something related to your campaign, your brand will pop up! And not just your brand, but your brand presented in a great way. They will see your brand in an ad that is embellished by the algorithm: with your USP's, with a picture, with site links to your other services and with a description of what you have to offer. That's a pretty good first impression! 🫧 Reaching more people: gaining more website visits and clicks from your campaign means more engagement with your brand and a great way to position yourself in the market and to stay top of mind for your target audience. 🫧 Secondary conversions: your new website visiors may not immediately go for the service you were offering, but they could download a whitepaper or subscribe to to your newsletter. That's leads that you can follow up on in the future! Of course, conversions are still very possible to achieve, but for B2B it can best be seen as a long term goal, while enjoying the short term benefits! #SEA #B2Bmarketing #SecondaryConversions

  • ‼ [This is a clickbait title!] 😄 Getting the attention of your target audience is very important. On social media this is often done with a 'clickbait' title. A sentence to get the audience to engage with your post, something like, "You would never believe…" or "The worst thing that ever happened…" or in the case of Burger King "Women belong in the kitchen"... 🧐 Although the intentions were good: offering more scholarships to their female employees who want to become chefs👩🍳, the execution was less good. This was mostly because the form did not fit the platform. On twitter (or X nowadays) tweets are not necessarily grouped, so a lot of people just saw that first tweet and got angry. If only they had put all that information in one tweet, the campaign could have worked out a lot better. Little reminder to make sure your great idea also fits the platform you're thinking of using! #fckupfriday #marketingfail #platformadvertising

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  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 👀 and so is the perception of your brand. “A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is – it’s what consumers tell each other it is.” – Scott Cook (co-founder Intuit) Perception matters. Say, you're marketing to Gen Z and using a lot of 'hip lingo' to communicate about your brand. You could describe your brand as cool 😎, but your target audience might disagree😒. And their perception outweighs what you want to communicate. It is their perception that influences what they're telling their friends (your target audience). If that perception is negative, that will have a big impact on your success. The best way to tackle this is to ✨stay authentic.✨ How do you want to be perceived and what does your business need to look like (internally and externally) to match that perception? #perception #branding 

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  • Whats in a (brand)name? 🌹 Coming up with a new name for your brand(s), a new service or a side project is always a difficult process. Did you know that we offer a workshop to guide you to your ideal name? We've created a step by step guide to get to the perfect name in a focused and effective manner:  💡Starting at your positioning and proposition(s). We ask questions like: What is it you promise? How do you want to be perceived?  💡 We look at competitors, how can you differentiate yourself from them and what can you 'borrow'? 💡 From the brainstorm we'll create a shortlist of possible names 💡Then we can start excluding names. Like names that are hard to pronounce or have negative connotations. 💡We will help you do a judiciary check, which names are still available? 💡And last but not least, the practical side, let's claim that domain name. Of course our knowledge goes beyond the renaming process, so we can also answer any questions you might have about the implementation, consequences and pitfalls. Want to know more about this workshop? Look here:

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  • How Server-Side Tagging Can Keep Your Online Marketing on Track The landscape of online marketing is shifting with stricter EU regulations on GDPR and cookie usage. As third-party cookies gradually disappear and browsers like Safari and Firefox block them by default, collecting and analyzing data is becoming more challenging. But don't worry—there's a solution! 🌟 Server-Side Tagging (SST): This innovative approach leverages first-party cookies and your own server to collect and manage data. Here’s why it’s a game-changer: 🛡️ GDPR Compliance: With the right GDPR cookie banner, SST ensures that data collection respects user consent and complies with EU regulations. 📍 Server Location: By managing your own server, you can decide where the data is processed and stores 📊 Data Accuracy: Server-side tagging helps you sidestep the limitations imposed by third-party cookie blockers, ensuring you capture more comprehensive data. ⚡ Faster Load Times: By using first-party cookies, you reduce the number of scripts needed, which speeds up your website and enhances user experience. 🔒 Enhanced Security: Fewer scripts mean reduced risk of data theft or misuse. In our latest blog, we dive into these changes and show you how to adapt your strategies effectively. Keep your data insight while staying compliant. 📖 Read the full blog here: #GDPR #DataPrivacy #OnlineMarketing #ServerSideTagging

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  • F*ck up friday: No openness in communication ... 🤫 ... is one of the biggest causes of failure in M&A. The effect of bad communication is that approximately 33% (!) of current staff leave or has the intention to leave within the first year. This number climbes drastically to almost 75% after 3 years. Most of them say that they don't feel heard, or are not being consulted. As if they were just a product that was bought. There goes loyalty ... 😔 How can you prevent this and how can you encourage engagement? In this article we share 5 tips: #mergers #acquisitions #communication #staff #engagement 

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  • Meet Hans de Winkel (the second Hans 😉) Hans is our new associate partner, available for interim or project-based work. He thinks fast and keeps a strong focus on the marketing and sales funnel. With broad international experience, that he picked up at EY, KPN, PostNL and Menzis among others, he can be hired for a wide array of projects. Hans can help you with: 💡 Getting your brand ready to sell 💡 Merging your brands after an acquisition 💡 Filling an interim marketing, sales and leadership position 💡 Sharing knowledge in a workshop And much more... Got a project upcoming that you could use some help with? Let us know or get in touch with Hans: [email protected]! #AssociatePartner #InterimMarketing #MarketingAndSales

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  • 🌟 Client Spotlight: Fiona Festival 🌟 "With Ministry of Marketing's guidance, Fiona Festival completed an educational brand positioning journey. The 'explanimation video' we created together has been instrumental in refining our story and engaging our audience." We're happy to have helped Fiona Festival refine their brand story through collaborative efforts, including the creation of an impactful 'explanimation video' that resonates with their audience. Shout out to all the people that were involved in the making of this explanimation: Illustrations from Nina Fernande, animations from Sander Alt from URREBUK and of course the input from Fiona Festival, from Peter Goldman. 🙌 You can watch the explanimation on #FionaFestival #BrandStorytelling #MarketingSuccess

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