

Architectuur en ruimtelijke ordening

We are Mecanoo, an international practice focused on architecture, urban planning, landscape, interior & restoration.

Over ons

Mecanoo, officially founded in Delft in 1984, is made up of a highly multidisciplinary staff of creative professionals from 25 countries. The team includes architects, interior designers, urban planners, landscape architects as well as architectural technicians and support staff. Mecanoo is led by Francine Houben (Creative Director & Founding Partner), Floris Overheul (Financial Director), Dick van Gameren (Design & Research Partner), and Partners/Architects Nuno Fontarra, Rick Splinter and Arne Lijbers. Mecanoo has extensive experience designing and realising exceptional buildings which serve client ambitions while creating vibrant end-user spaces. Each project responds to our philosophy of People, Place and Purpose: to the client’s requirements and the user’s needs (People); the physical context, climate and culture (Place); and the current and predicted potential of a building’s function (Purpose). The result is unique solutions for each varying situation, in which the disciplines of architecture, urban planning, landscape and interior combine in a non-traditional way. Over the years we have learned that functions inevitably change. Therefore, we must create buildings that are prepared for (un)predictable change. Sustainability is an inherent aspect of our design approach, feeding into an ambition to create new identity in a world of globalization, resulting in inspiring and authentic places, socially relevant for people and communities. Preoccupied not by a focus on form, but on process, consultation, context, urban scale and integrated sustainable design strategies, the practice creates culturally significant buildings with a human touch.

Architectuur en ruimtelijke ordening
51 - 200 medewerkers
Particuliere onderneming
Architecture, Urban planning, Landscape architecture en Interior design


Medewerkers van Mecanoo


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    Historic Havenziekenhuis set for residential transformation in #Rotterdam! The former Havenziekenhuis in Rotterdam is being transformed into a residential complex. The project includes the renovation of the hospital’s historic main building and the construction of two residential towers flanking it. This ambitious development will provide 380 homes and a range of community facilities. The historic Havenziekenhuis, one of the few buildings in central Rotterdam to survive the 1940 bombings, will be restored to its original splendour while incorporating modern sustainability features. A publicly accessible roof terrace offering views of the Nieuwe Maas and the city centre is also planned. In addition to housing, the new complex will host various neighbourhood amenities, including catering, healthcare, sports facilities, and commercial spaces, all located on the ground floor. The design of the project places a strong emphasis on sustainability. The roofs of the residential buildings will serve as water storage, and the surrounding green spaces will also facilitate water collection. The green roof of the catering pavilion on the city balcony will support biodiversity, providing habitats for insects, spiders, and birds, while bat boxes will be integrated into the pavilion’s facade. The buildings will be heated using heat-cold storage, a method that stores energy in the form of heat or cold in the ground. Read more about this development at Vervat Vastgoed

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    Saadiyat Cultural District Abu Dhabi: One of the greatest concentrations of cultural institutions is on track for 2025 completion, including Mecanoo's Natural History Museum! Nuno Fontarra, Partner/Architect at Mecanoo illustrates where he finds inspiration as well as why the diversity of disciplines at Saadiyat Cultural District Abu Dhabi is so valuable. Nuno Fontarra has designed iconic buildings like the Natural History Museum Abu Dhabi, Palace of Justice in Cordoba, and National Kaohsiung Centre for the Arts. He believes architecture should enhance the spirit of place, addressing emotional, spiritual, and cultural needs. His approach balances reuse, preservation, and context analysis. Watch the full interview at Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi) Read more about this project at

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    Next stop, Taoyuan Station! The groundbreaking ceremony marks the start of Mecanoo’s new station. A groundbreaking ceremony was held on July 10th for the new Taoyuan Station underground construction project, part of the #Taiwan Railways metropolitan area MRT's. Rodrigo Louro Flor, Associate Architect; Yi - Hsuan Lin, Architect/Director Asia; and Veerasu Saetae, Architect at Mecanoo, who are currently in Taiwan visiting various projects, were present at the ceremony along with representatives from Sinotech. As a pivotal initiative within the two-phase masterplan, Taoyuan Station is set to emerge as the city's central axis. Located in the old city center, the new Taoyuan Station is a large, covered plaza encompassing commercial spaces, a metro, a bus station, and underground railways. The roof canopy spans three volumes and two voids, which are well-connected to the underground levels. Taoyuan, known as the Airport City, embodies this spirit with the station's canopy resembling an origami aeroplane. The soffit pattern, combined with linear lights, creates a dynamic ceiling that captures the attention of the station's users. Recognizing the subtropical climate of Taoyuan, and as part of Mecanoo's sustainable and holistic design approach, the canopy provides shade and shelter for the public space. This design seamlessly merges the city and the station, enhancing the public character of the transportation hub. Read more at

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    Rodrigo Louro Flor, Associate Architect; Yi - Hsuan Lin, Architect/Director Asia and Veerasu Saetae, Architect at Mecanoo are back in #Taiwan to visit ongoing projects, including the Kaohsiung Station, which is now in its final stages with an opening expected in January 2025. In this photo update, we can see how Mecanoo's vision is beautifully crafted and how it responds to Kaohsiung’s vision for the future as a sustainable city. The station’s large curvilinear-shaped canopy reaches out to the city in a powerful gesture, acting as a green connector that unifies different modes of transport. The sprawling landscaped canopy protects the open public plaza underneath from Kaohsiung’s tropical climate, much like large trees would. With a cycling path running east-west on top, the station’s multi-layered landscape introduces a generous amount of public space into the city center. Designed as a destination rather than merely an efficient mobility hub, the station offers a myriad of facilities for the local community and travelers. Read more at

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    🎙 #Podcast Radio Mecanoo: Francine Houben at Torpedo Theater in Amsterdam Welcome to Radio Mecanoo, a podcast series led by Sandra Rottenberg, talk show host and producer, which will explore current social issues where architects play a crucial role, such as urban resilience, sustainable development, and inclusive design. Emphasizing why the human condition should be central to the future of design, this series brings diverse perspectives to the forefront. Guests range from architects and urban planners at Mecanoo, to developers, stakeholders, and community activists, each offering unique insights into the intersection of architecture and societal well-being. This podcast series will be conducted in Dutch. Listen to the first episode here: NL Welkom bij Radio Mecanoo, een serie podcasts waarin programmamaker Sandra Rottenberg de maatschappelijke impact van architectonisch ontwerp onder de loep neemt. Kan architectuur bijdragen aan het oplossen van hedendaagse maatschappelijke vraagstukken? Hoe kom je tot een inclusieve stedelijke ontwikkeling? Hoe draag je bij aan de fysieke en mentale gezondheid van bewoners? Wat betekent duurzaamheid? Kortom: voor wie bouw je, wat ontwerp je, waar en waarom? Wie betrek je daarbij? Wie bepaalt wat er komt en hoe het uiteindelijk wordt gebruikt? Wat is de relatie tussen binnen en buiten? En waar is de schoonheid, de poëzie? In deze serie komen de architecten, stedenbouwkundigen en landschapsarchitecten van Mecanoo aan het woord, maar ook opdrachtgevers, ontwikkelaars en buurtactivisten. In aflevering #1 is Francine Houben te gast in de talkshow van Sandra Rottenberg in het Torpedo Theater te Amsterdam. People, Place, Purpose and Poetry: Wat is de missie van Francine Houben? Waarom werd ze architect? Wat wil ze bereiken? Aan de orde komen onder andere de transformatie van de Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library in Washington (‘Mies van der Rohe op de ene en Martin Luther King op de andere schouder’), het ontwerp van de Kaohsiung Centre for the Arts in Taiwan, de transformatie van De Nederlandsche Bank en Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. Muziek: Teun Grondman; techniek: Vinny Tailor en 303 Studio’s.

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    Architect Francine Houben, Mecanoo, en Ahmed Marcouch, burgemeester van Arnhem zijn hoofdgast op de derde collegedag van de Academie voor Sociale en Stedelijke Ontwikkeling van het Nationaal Programma Heerlen-Noord (NPHLN), op vrijdag 5 juli in Royal Theater Heerlen. Die dag bespreken wetenschappers, bestuurders, bewoners en andere deskundigen problemen, dilemma’s en oplossingen. Ging het in de vorige editie over ‘Werk en Bestaanszekerheid’, dit keer wordt ingezoomd op de concentratie van armoede. Marcouch vertelt over de link tussen segregatie en de concentratie van armoede en laat zien welke methodes er in Arnhem worden gehanteerd. Houben presenteert haar eerste bevindingen en analyses van het project ‘Perspectief op Noord’. Daarnaast vindt een aantal deelsessies plaats met Radboud Engbersen (expert sociaal domein bij Movisie) en Matthijs Uyterlinde (Verweij-Jonker Instituut). Deelname is gratis, maar wel graag van tevoren aanmelden. Dit kan via 

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    Rotterdam's iconic Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen moves forward with Mecanoo’s ambitious renovation plans! The Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Rotterdam and Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen are pleased to announce that there is broad support for the new design by Francine Houben of Mecanoo for the renovation of the museum. This ambitious renovation plan is made possible in part by a contribution from the Droom en Daad Foundation. With the renovation, the museum will once again meet the requirements for displaying its world-famous collection and exhibitions. Clear routing, high-quality exhibition rooms, attention to accessibility, and a new main entrance in the heart of the renovated building will significantly improve the visitor experience. In addition to a donation of 80 million euros from the Droom en Daad Foundation, the foundation is also contributing to a solution for the museum's future knowledge centre. The reopening is expected in 2029. Mecanoo's design for the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen embodies vision and craftsmanship. The architectural concept is characterized by a clear intervention in the heart of the museum that connects all parts of the building. A sunken square marks the new entrance, providing visitors access to the Bodon and Van der Steur buildings, which will serve as exhibition spaces. The Robbrecht en Daem section of the building will be demolished, revealing the national monuments of Bodon and Van der Steur once again from the city. The removal of this wing creates space for a logistical back-of-house solution for art, goods, food, and waste. The west courtyard will be covered and transformed into a multifunctional space. On the park side, a new museum entrance near the Henket Pavilion will connect the museum directly with the park. The pavilion itself will be repurposed as a museum restaurant. Read more at

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    #Reminder 3 days left to cast your VOTE! Heerlen City Hall and Municipal Offices is one of the four finalists for the Reynaers Project Prize 2024! Luuk van Wijlick, Associate Architect at Mecanoo, played a pivotal role in the transformation and renovation of the new offices and the former Peutz’s Heerlen City Hall. Being from the Limburg region, this project holds special significance for Luuk: "This journey has been incredible. We aimed to design a building that meets modern sustainability standards while honouring Heerlen's rich architectural heritage. By incorporating local elements and innovative design solutions, we created a vibrant and functional community space." Cast your vote and support our collaborative work at Thank you! Reynaers Aluminium ABT bv Gemeente Heerlen

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Mecanoo, afbeelding

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    Designed by Mecanoo, the new organ at St. Mary’s Chapel in the Cologne Cathedral is a harmonious blend of contemporary design and historical reverence. The meticulous research into shapes and materials ensures that this piece not only stands as a modern architectural achievement but also resonates with the rich heritage of the cathedral. Its ephemeral presence transforms with every angle, maintaining a consistent dialogue with the surrounding space. It is inspired by the relationship between light and Gothic architecture, with its symbolic sensation of verticality and elevation towards the sky. The peculiarity of the design is that it is conceived as a monument that rises into the chapel, an architectural object and an artwork integrated into the church, whose beauty represents lightness and elevation to divinity.

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