

IT-services en consultancy

Rotterdam, ZH 1.183 volgers

Accelerate your Kubernetes journey with Guida.

Over ons

We're Guida, a Rotterdam-based Cloud Native and Kubernetes managed services provider. We're a team of engineers with expertise in Cloud Native, DevOps, Continuous Delivery, Microservices and Security. We love to help software companies with the journey to Cloud Native and the adoption of Kubernetes: - We build and run cloud-native platforms on public (Azure AKS, AWS EKS, GCP GKE) and private cloud (Intermax Kubernetes Service) using Kubernetes. - We deliver support via a DevOps/SRE operating model. - We train your engineers to build, deploy, and operate cloud-native applications. Member of Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), Linux Foundation (LF), and a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider (KCSP). Proudly part of the Intermax Group.

IT-services en consultancy
2-10 medewerkers
Rotterdam, ZH
Particuliere onderneming
Kubernetes, Cloud Native, CI/CD, DevOps, Microservices, Open-Source, SRE, AWS, Azure en Google Cloud


Medewerkers van Guida


  • Guida heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Tjitse Kooistra, afbeelding

    Guida | Kubernetes = automation to the highest degree - hyperscaling ☁️🔝 - ROI increase📈💰 - zero downtime app deployment 🔄🏗 - shorter time2market ⌛️🚀 | WE ARE a “Kubernetes Certified Service Provider“(KCSP) |

    Today team Guida (Freek Plantinga Hans van den Bogert and Albert van 't Hart) are visiting the #Azure&AILowlands2024. One of the sessions I attended was “the future of LLM’s exploring #RAG” This approach enhances text generation by integrating real-time data retrieval, ensuring more accurate and contextually relevant outputs. Experience smarter, more dynamic AI applications with RAG's innovative fusion of retrieval and generation capabilities. Its all about how #LLMs get even smarter with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). Conclusion Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a groundbreaking technique that supercharges LLMs by blending real-time data retrieval with advanced text generation. This innovation leads to more accurate, relevant, and dynamic AI applications, opening up new possibilities for smarter, more responsive technology.

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  • Guida heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Albert van 't Hart, afbeelding

    Accelerate your Kubernetes journey | Co-founder of Guida

    Time flies! Here at Guida, we've been working 24/7 with container technology. We're proud of the work we've done guiding numerous software companies in their adoption of Kubernetes. Here's to many more years of innovation and success in the world of containers! Thanks to the amazing community for making this journey possible. #kubernetes #birthday #cncf #opensource #community

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Guida, afbeelding

    1.183 volgers

    Happy 10th Anniversary, Kubernetes! 🎂🎉 Kubernetes has changed how we deploy, scale, and manage applications. Over the past decade, it has helped countless organizations achieve agility, resilience, and scalability in their cloud-native journeys. #kubernetes #birthday #cncf

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  • Guida heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Tjitse Kooistra, afbeelding

    Guida | Kubernetes = automation to the highest degree - hyperscaling ☁️🔝 - ROI increase📈💰 - zero downtime app deployment 🔄🏗 - shorter time2market ⌛️🚀 | WE ARE a “Kubernetes Certified Service Provider“(KCSP) |

    Kubernetes is turning 10! Join the party on June 6th

    Kubernetes is turning 10! Join the party on June 6th

  • Guida heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Albert van 't Hart, afbeelding

    Accelerate your Kubernetes journey | Co-founder of Guida

    Kubernetes is (not) secure by default. After reviewing numerous Kubernetes environments, we've identified several critical security risks that require attention: Top Security Risks: - Misconfigurations - Weak Access Controls - Lack of Visibility - Poor Network Isolation - Running Pods with Privileged or Root Access How to mitigate these security risks? Enforce Security Policies with Automation: Automate the enforcement of security policies to ensure consistency and reduce human error. Encrypt Data and Communications: Protect sensitive information by ensuring that all data and communications are encrypted. Implement Comprehensive Logging and Real-Time Monitoring: Use extensive logging and real-time monitoring to detect and respond to security incidents promptly. Adopt Zero Trust Network Policies: Apply zero trust principles to network policies, ensuring that every access request is verified and authorized. Implement Pod Security Standards: Follow established pod security standards to restrict privileged access and minimize vulnerabilities. Addressing these areas can significantly enhance the security of your Kubernetes environments. #kubernetes #security #compliance

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Guida, afbeelding

    1.183 volgers

    Kubernetes Pod Disruptions: What You Need to Know Kubernetes offers numerous features to ensure high availability for applications running in its cluster environment. One critical aspect of maintaining high availability is managing pod disruptions effectively. Here's a quick rundown of how to keep things smooth: ✅ Replication: Make sure you've got at least two copies of your app running. And if your app's popularity goes up and down, think about using (event driven) autoscaling to keep up with the demand. ✅ Health Checks: Use health checks to keep an eye on your app's health. That way, if something goes wrong, Kubernetes can jump in and help out. ✅ PodDisruptionBudget: This is like a safety net for your app. Set up a PodDisruptionBudget to control how much disruptions can affect your app. ✅ Anti-Affinity & Spread Constraints: Spread your app's pods around your cluster, zones, and nodes so they're not all in one place. ✅ Resource Allocation: Give your app enough resources to do its thing. If it's struggling for resources, it won't run as well. ✅ Signal Handling: Teach your app how to exit gracefully. Handling signals properly means your app can shut down without causing a fuss. Read more in this article: #kubernetes #highavailability #reliability #resilience

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  • Guida heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Albert van 't Hart, afbeelding

    Accelerate your Kubernetes journey | Co-founder of Guida

    Kubernetes and managing pod disruptions? Kubernetes offers numerous features to ensure high availability for applications running in its cluster environment. One critical aspect of maintaining high availability is managing pod disruptions effectively. Here's a quick rundown of how to keep things smooth: ✅ Replication: Make sure you've got at least two copies of your app running. And if your app's popularity goes up and down, think about using (event driven) autoscaling to keep up with the demand. ✅ Health Checks: Use health checks to keep an eye on your app's health. That way, if something goes wrong, Kubernetes can jump in and help out. ✅ PodDisruptionBudget: This is like a safety net for your app. Set up a PodDisruptionBudget to control how much disruptions can affect your app. ✅ Anti-Affinity & Spread Constraints: Spread your app's pods around your cluster, zones, and nodes so they're not all in one place. ✅ Resource Allocation: Give your app enough resources to do its thing. If it's struggling for resources, it won't run as well. ✅ Signal Handling: Teach your app how to exit gracefully. Handling signals properly means your app can shut down without causing a fuss. Read more in this article: #kubernetes #highavailability #reliability #poddisruption

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  • Guida heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Albert van 't Hart, afbeelding

    Accelerate your Kubernetes journey | Co-founder of Guida

    Our first GuidaCon event for our trusted partners and clients took place on Tuesday, and we couldn't be more excited about it! We covered the following topics: 🌱 Saving the planet, one pod at a time: Intermax Group CEO Ludo raised an essential question: How can we utilize Kubernetes in the IT chain to foster sustainable digitalization and innovation while minimizing our environmental footprint? 🚀 Navigating the Kubernetes Cosmos: I was honored to share insights from KubeCon 2024 and shed light on Guida's future plans and the evolving Kubernetes landscape. 💡 Boosting Cost-Efficiency or Enhancing Performance using Autoscaling: Freek guided us through Kubernetes Autoscaling, exploring horizontal vs. vertical scaling vs event scaling and its implications for cost savings and performance optimization. 🤖 AI: beyond the hype: In collaboration with Wilmar, we explored the realm of AI, uncovering its origins, practical applications, and some cool demos with running LLMs on your own laptop. Thanks, Ludo, Freek, and Wilmar, for speaking and sharing your insights at GuidaCon. And a special shoutout to Joris for organizing the event and keeping us entertained with his pirate jokes throughout the day. #guidacon #kubernetes #sustainability #ai #autoscaling #futureplans

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  • Guida heeft dit gerepost

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Guida, afbeelding

    1.183 volgers

    Kubernetes v1.30: Uwubernetes, the cutest release yet! With 45 enhancements, including 17 stable, 18 beta, and 10 alpha features, Uwubernetes represents the culmination of months of hard work and collaboration from the global Kubernetes community. These are the features that look most exciting to us in this release: - Pod Scheduling Readiness: Optimizes resource allocation by delaying Pod scheduling until sufficient resources are available, reducing wastage and cost. - Min Domains in PodTopologySpread: Seamlessly integrates with Cluster Autoscaler, allowing users to specify minimum domain requirements for improved workload distribution. - Reduction of Secret-Based Service Account Tokens: Reduce the surface area of secret-based service account tokens, which are less secure than bound tokens. - CEL for admission control: The integration of Common Expression Language (CEL) for admission control introduces a dynamic method to enforce complex, fine-grained policies directly through the Kubernetes API. Read more in the official release notes: 👉 #kubernetes #releasenotes #Uwubernetes

    Kubernetes v1.30: Uwubernetes

    Kubernetes v1.30: Uwubernetes

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