


Global campaigning network with 25 independent national/regional entities, and a coordinating entity, GP International.

How Greenpeace creates change

Investigate and expose: We gather strong evidence about environmental crimes and who’s responsible to support our campaigns. Communicate: We voice our demands to decision-makers and ask for real action that protects the environment. Mobilise millions: Our campaigns give people a chance to channel their love for our world into real action. Take peaceful direct action: Greenpeace activists use creative protests to stop environmental crimes and to demand action from those in power.

Join the movement

Worldwide, we are powered by passionate individuals working together for a greener world. Whether in a staff role at one of the 25 independent national/regional entities, or a role at the coordinating entity, Greenpeace International, or a volunteer with the actions team, or an intern keen to learn, everyone plays a special part in our global campaigning network. Passionate about the natural world? We want to work with you.

Ways to get involved

Join us at sea

From obstructing nuclear tests in the Pacific, to documenting plastics in our oceans; from conducting research into the effects of climate change in the Arctic, to stopping shiploads of illegal timber leaving the Amazon; from bringing humanitarian relief to communities devastated by extreme weather to collaborating with local authorities to arrest illegal fishing operations in West Africa – our ships are fundamental to Greenpeace campaigns.

Sail with us!

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