Gravity Energy

Gravity Energy


Amsterdam, North Holland 110 volgers

Augmented energy thanks to gravity!

Over ons

Gravity Energy Ltd, based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands has invented a unique technique that generates electricity with a very high efficiency: By unbalancing a weight, gravitational energy becomes available as extra input into a generator, maximising the energy output from the source. The patented technique can be licensed for specific purposes. The technique works on three levels: Small, Medium and Large. Each license will be negotiated in order to best fit the clients need and book the best progress for the invention. The first license deal was done for the Medium scale and involves Red Cross (IFRC) and the University of Texas, USA.

2-10 medewerkers
Amsterdam, North Holland
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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Gravity Energy, afbeelding

    110 volgers

    Invention sheds new light on electricity generation. By using gravity to generate energy more efficiently, architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars and Aliakbar Ghaderiaram (Civil Engineering, TU Delft) have achieved a breakthrough. Gravity Energy obtained global patent protection for the invention. During the 14 year long development from initial naive idea to theoratical and physical proof to construction of the current product prototype, we collaborated with scientist from Twente and scientists from the Delft University of Technology. Dutch newspaper Het Parool just wrote on the small prototype lantarn post that was made in close collaboration with TU Delft | Civil Engineering and Geosciences and Timberlab Natural Outdoor Solutions An important moment for the invention. Thanks to TAUW Nederland for a memorable 'kick-off' meeting with the outside world some 12 years ago after a couple of years of childlike questioning. A huge thanks to Jeroen V., mathile brandts and Richard de Jeu for their early and generous ongoing support. Without it no, no progress. Thanks to Ronald van der Meijs for the valuable collaboration on several playful art/tech prototypes! Inaday Brands and Patents for the interesting discussions and their specialism. TU Delft | Civil Engineering and Geosciences for their inmense effort, trust and (oa) knowledge on TENG, Timberlab Natural Outdoor Solutions for their vision and support, Jurre Kuijper for his important research that opened the door for practical solutions with TENG, Peter Heykamp for being beside me, Robert Verkerk for his unique media skills and last but not least Jan Holterman en Theo de Vries from VIRO for their enthusiasm and high level work on both theory and first prototypes with piezo.

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Gravity Energy, afbeelding

    110 volgers Invention sheds new light on electricity generation By using gravity to generate energy more efficiently, architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars (Gravity Energy) and Ali Ghaderiaram (Civil Engineering, TU Delft) have achieved a breakthrough. Ruijssenaars has obtained global patent protection for the invention. During the years-long development from initial idea to construction of a prototype, he collaborated with parties from Twente and scientists from the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). "The ancient Greeks already knew that when you bring two materials into contact, energy is released. However, they never translated that knowledge into a usable technique to, for example, harvest energy. It has only in recent years become possible with TENG (Tribo Electric Nano Generator). With the help of such a generator and an unstable weight, we have now made a new usable invention," says Ruijssenaars, who works as an urban designer for the municipality of Amsterdam in his daily life. Balloon Everyone is familiar with the phenomenon that when you rub a balloon against your hair, energy is generated. That is essentially how the prototype, a street lantarn, now lights up. "By adding a weight, attracted by gravity, you can generate energy with a greater impact. You only need a bit of wind, vibrations, or temperature difference. Anything that destabilizes the weight can serve as a source.’’ Convenient The gravity invention is especially useful in places where electricity is not readily available. Ali Ghaderiaram (Civil Engineering, TU Delft) demonstrated the technique in a wooden lantarn made by TimberLab. But it can not only produce light but also charge your phone or laptop, for example. Scientists at TU Delft see the most potential for this technology in sensors that require electricity to function. Ruijssenaars adds, "But of course, we will also explore how this technology can be made usable on a larger scale, such as for charging electric bicycles."

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