Klimaattechnologie productvervaardiging

GEHECO wants to enable carbon-neutral heating in as many buildings as possible.

Over ons

GEHECO is developing a method to install the well of water-water heat pumps substantially easier and cheaper. GEHECO solution is much more compact, therefore able to create a well, in places current solutions cannot.

Klimaattechnologie productvervaardiging
2-10 medewerkers
Naamloze vennootschap
technology, green tech en heat pumps


Medewerkers van GEHECO


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor GEHECO, afbeelding

    115 volgers

    Profiel weergeven voor Onno Bierhoff, afbeelding

    Very passionate about scaling

    Dear network, with great pleasure I would like to give you a short update on my endeavors in the past six months. It was a very energetic period full of meeting great people and a lot of learning new things! During this period, I split my time in two roles.   A) as co-founder and business lead of GEHECO as I am working on the development of a new method to place the well of a brine heat pump. Together with Arjen van der Horst, we are in an exciting journey to build our prototype and developing our company. With excellent support of our advisors, business partners and network. Special to mention: engaged in a lot of new experiences due to our participation in the YES!Delft accelerator program. Thank you Freek Smoes and Y!D team!   B) besides this adventure, I had the opportunity to support Saxion Centrum voor Ondernemerschap in their growth journey. It was a great pleasure to work with them on further developing their business models, supporting the marketing team (thank you Patty Rademaker & team for the warm welcome!), and exploring new products and ecosystems. Thank you very much Andre Roos, Vera de Ruiter, Jurgen Scheffer, Rob Reuvekamp and all others SCVO team members for this opportunity!   Going forward till the summer, I plan again to divide my time between two roles, as the business work on GEHECO is not a full-time job yet. I am therefor available for a new assignment (approx. 2 days a week) starting beginning of February. Are you looking for support on your growth journey, or could you use some help in business modeling, new product development or finetuning your role in your ecosystem? Or do you know someone in your network that could use some support? Please reach out to me, thank you!

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