Gebr. Vroege

Gebr. Vroege


dalen, Drenthe 178 volgers

Melkveehouderij, loonwerk en akkerbouw zijn de kernactiviteiten van ons familie bedrijf.

Over ons

Aan de rand van het pittoreske dorp Dalen staat onze boederij. Wij zijn een agrarisch familie bedrijf met drie hoofdactiviteiten; melkveehouderij, loonbedrijf en akkerbouw. Aan het begin van deze eeuw hebben we 45 hectare permanent bos aangelegd voor de opslag van CO2. In 2020 hebben we de staldaken van zonnepanelen voorzien waarmee we niet alleen ons zelf maark ook nog eens 500 huishoudens van groene energie kunnen voorzien. De agrarische sector staat nooit stil en zo ook wij niet. Samen met universiteiten, hogescholen en partners in de keten zijn we altijd opzoek naar verbetering van dierenwelzijn, gezondheid en duurzaamheid.

11 - 50 medewerkers
dalen, Drenthe
Particuliere onderneming
Loonwerk, akkerbouw, grondverzet, onderhoud zonnepark, groenvoorziening en melkveehouderij



  • Gebr. Vroege heeft dit gerepost

    Have you ever tried to catch faeces and urine of dairy cows?   Over 90 enthusiastic volunteers did so as part of our project focused on differences between individual cows in digestibility and nitrogen efficiency, a study financed by the NWO (Dutch Research Council) Synergia project and a collaboration between the Animal Nutrition group (Margreet Edens, Myrthe Gilbert, Jan Dijkstra) and Animal Breeding and Genomics group (Eugénie Guennoc, Henk Bovenhuis) of Wageningen University & Research, in close collaboration with CRV. Last year, approximately 3,000 faecal and 3,000 urine samples from over 500 dairy cows housed on 4 commercial farms in the Netherlands were collected (i.e. 6 faecal and 6 urine samples per cow, covering every 4h of a 24h period). A monster job – particularly because of the night shifts – that could only be made possible with the help of students, colleagues, friends, family, and last but not least the farming families Fam. Alders, Fam. Van Gastel, Fam. Meerkerk, and Gebr. Vroege who warmly welcomed us on their farms to perform this research. Their farms are equipped with feed bins that register the individual feed intake of each cow, allowing us to calculate feed digestibility for each individual cow. Large cohorts of animals, as included in the current study, are needed to accurately perform genetic analysis, required for sustainable breeding strategies. Are there genetic differences between cows in feed digestibility or nitrogen efficiency? Are there relations with the feed intake (pattern), feed efficiency and other cow characteristics? Are there differences between cows in nitrogen partitioning between faeces and urine? Currently, the samples are being processed in the lab and, combined with the feed intake data, we hope to answer these questions. We will keep you posted! Want to know more about our project? Check or contact Eugénie Guennor (PhD candidate Animal Breeding and Genomics, [email protected]) and/or Margreet Edens (PhD candidate Animal Nutrition, [email protected]). For more information on the general project, check #wur_abg #animalbreeding #animalnutrition #sustainability

    (Genetic) differences between dairy cows in feed digestibility - Agros

    (Genetic) differences between dairy cows in feed digestibility - Agros

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