Eden Hotels

Eden Hotels


Amsterdam, North Holland 5.397 volgers

Eden Hotels unlocks cities for our guests and deliver genuine Dutch hospitality for easygoing stays.

Over ons

For over 75 years, Eden Hotels unlocked cities for our guests and delivered genuine Dutch hospitality for easygoing stays. Our hotels are vibrant spaces with playful designs and thoughtful amenities. On our doorstep, you’ll enjoy easy access to iconic landmarks, buzzing neighbourhoods, and cultural gems. A stay at Eden means you can relax and wake up refreshed, ready to explore everything our cities offer.

501 - 1.000 medewerkers
Amsterdam, North Holland
Particuliere onderneming
hotels, restaurants, hotel management, hotellerie, hospitality, meetings, trainings, accountmanagement, bars, revenue management, events, weddings, livestream, office space for a day, eat, sleep, drink en lovecitylife


Medewerkers van Eden Hotels


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    5.397 volgers

    Introducing Restaurant R at The Manor Hotel Amsterdam! Our new pop-up eatery brings a fresh concept to the table, blending #ecologicalcooking with the comforting flavours of modern European cuisine. Zero-waste practices take centre stage, as we transform foods that would otherwise be discarded by local suppliers and distributors into creative meals that not only delight your palate but also care for our planet. Insider tip: Don’t miss Head Chef Bryce Steba's signature dessert - the tantalising caramelised orange peel. Discover more and reserve your table at: https://lnkd.in/e6crJEbE #sustainablerestaurant #circulargastronomy #amsterdam

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  • Eden Hotels heeft dit gerepost

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Flare Department, afbeelding

    447 volgers

    Over the course of 3 months we have been capturing Eden Hotels all across the country. With a tight deadline and a great variety in hotels to shoot in, we came up with a vibrant and unified look and feel tying all the different hotels together. In need of a photography agency that can implement a single look and feel over a large portfolio of locations, rooms or restaurants? Check out our hospitality portfolio and give us a call. #hospitalityshoot #hotelshoot #interiorphotography

    • A vibrant hotelbar with kobalt blue chairs and a kobalt blue wallpaper
    • A vibrant hotel lobby where breakfast is served
    • A vibrant hotel lobby with yellow and red colours
    • A breakfast table setting in a hotel lobby with mandarin fruit and icecubs in a glass
    • A close up of a yellow couch with a wooden coffee table with coffee and an Andy Warhol Poloraids book
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    5.397 volgers

    📸 Colleague in the spotlight: Bas Leusink Meet Bas, our Guest Service Supervisor at the Oranje Hotel in Leeuwarden! With a genuine love for making guests feel at home and a commitment to excellence, Bas is not just a seasoned professional; he's an invaluable asset to our team. His vibrant energy and team spirit play a pivotal role in the success of the Oranje Hotel, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for our guests. We’re lucky to have Bas on our team, and we're endlessly grateful for the magic he brings to the hotel. 📸 Collega in de spotlight: Bas Leusink Maak kennis met Bas, onze Guest Service Supervisor in het Oranje Hotel Leeuwarden! Met een oprechte liefde om het gasten naar de zin te maken en een streven naar uitmuntendheid, is Bas niet alleen een doorgewinterde professional; hij is van onschatbare waarde voor ons team. Zijn bruisende energie en teamgeest spelen een cruciale rol in het succes van het Oranje Hotel en zorgen voor een warme en gastvrije sfeer voor onze gasten. We hebben geluk dat we Bas in ons team hebben en we zijn hem zeer dankbaar voor de magie die hij in het hotel brengt.

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  • Eden Hotels heeft dit gerepost

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor TRIBE NL, afbeelding

    1.834 volgers

    Celebrating Collaboration & Cultural Exchange in the hospitality industry! 🇪🇸🇳🇱 Two weeks ago, we had the honor of hosting 11 passionate teachers from 7 prestigious Spanish hospitality schools right here in Amsterdam. Throughout the week, we immersed them in the Dutch hospitality, taking them on a journey to some of our cherished partner companies and actively participating in the Week of the World at ROC of Amsterdam - MBO College Centrum and MBO College Airport. The experience was remarkable, fostering a strong international bond among hospitality schools while offering an insight into Dutch culture and customs. We aspire that this immersive encounter will serve these schools when guiding their students toward new international opportunities.   A heartfelt thank you goes out to our valued partners, including PPHE Hotel Group, Eden Hotels, Hotel Casa Amsterdam, Zoku, MBO College Centrum, and MBO College Airport Hoofddorp. With your support, the week became an undeniable success! 🎉 Thank you for visiting us @IESMediterrània CIFP Hostelería y Turismo de Gijón @CIFPSimoneOrtega @EscuelahosteleriaCECheste @Gamarrahosteleria @CIFPfelipevi @IESfranciscodevitoriabhi Our commitment to creating meaningful connections and fostering a global community within the hospitality industry and education remains unwavering. ✨ #globalhospitality #educationpartnership #futureofhospitality #tribenlschooltour #hospitalityindustry #horecanederland #trabajarenholanda  

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    📸 Colleague in the spotlight: Mariam Meet Mariam Saleb! This month, we shine the spotlight on Mariam. Since joining the Lancaster Hotel Amsterdam in August 2021, she's been a welcoming presence for our guests day in and day out. Mariam, along with her colleagues, ensures a delightful and fresh breakfast greets our guests each morning. On behalf of the entire team, we thank you for your dedication and hard work. Your efforts are truly appreciated! 📸Collega in de spotlight: Mariam Maak kennis met Mariam Saleb! Deze maand zetten we Mariam in de schijnwerpers. Sinds ze in augustus 2021 bij het Lancaster Hotel Amsterdam kwam werken, is ze dag in dag uit een gastvrije aanwezigheid voor onze gasten. Mariam zorgt er samen met haar collega's voor dat onze gasten elke ochtend kunnen genieten van een heerlijk vers ontbijt. Namens het hele team willen we je bedanken voor je toewijding en harde werk. Je inspanningen worden echt gewaardeerd!

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Eden Hotels, afbeelding

    5.397 volgers

    📸 Colleague in the spotlight: Dian Meet Dian Holsteen, our Guest Service Supervisor! Dian started her journey with us at City Hotel Groningen in 2021 as an intern and later served as a host. She briefly left us to work as a restaurant manager, but we're delighted to announce her return last month! Dian will play a pivotal role in expanding our team as we embark on the adventure towards Eden 2.0 within our newly renovated Groningen hotel. 📸 Collega in de spotlight: Dian Maak kennis met Dian Holsteen, onze Guest Service Supervisor! Dian begon in 2021 bij City Hotel Groningen als stagiaire en heeft ons daarna ondersteund in haar rol als host. De afgelopen jaren heeft ze ons tijdelijk verlaten en was ze werkzaam als restaurantmanager. Gelukkig mochten we vorige maand Dian weer verwelkomen! Dian zal ons helpen met de groei van het team, op weg naar een nieuw Eden 2.0 in een prachtig gerenoveerd hotel.

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    📸 Colleague in the spotlight: Henk Introducing the shining star of City Hotel Hengelo's night crew, Henk! At 63 years young, Henk embodies dedication and commitment like no other. Working full-time during the late hours, Henk has consistently made sure our guests enjoy their stays in the utmost comfort and security. With his warm smile and impeccable service, he's known to turn even the quietest nights into memorable experiences. Henk's commitment to excellence is an inspiration to us all, and we couldn't be happier to have him as part of our team. #WorkingAtEden 📸 Collega in de spotlight: Henk Maak kennis met dé ster van het nachtteam van City Hotel Hengelo: Henk! Op 63-jarige leeftijd is Henk een ware legende. Als nachtbraker in hart en nieren, zorgt hij er al jarenlang voor dat onze gasten zich 's nachts net zo welkom en veilig voelen als overdag. Met een glimlach die de duisternis verlicht en altijd even vriendelijke service, geeft Henk glans aan de nachten van ons hotel. Hij is een inspiratie voor ons allemaal en we kunnen niet trotser zijn dat hij deel uitmaakt van ons team. #WerkenBijEden 

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