


The Hague, South Holland 336 volgers

We help businesses and investors to become nature-positive in the ocean.

Over ons

We help businesses and investors around the globe to become nature-positive in the ocean. In other words, if your business or investment has a potential impact in the ocean or coastal ecosystems, we help you to identify and manage them in order to have a positive impact in the marine environment (i.e. achieve net positive impact on biodiversity). Our services: - Marine Biodiversity Data Analysis and Intelligence for Nature-Positive Projects; - Biodiversity in Environmental & Social Impact Assessments (ESIA): coordination, revision and QA/QC. - Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Risks & Opportunities: for operations, projects & investments and M&A with potential footprint in the ocean and coastal ecosystems. - Design and Review of Monitoring Programs to Demonstrate Marine Biodiversity Net Gain. - Marine Ecosystem Restoration Projects. - Capacity Building on Marine Biodiversity. In order to achieve our mission, Diatom operates in two fronts in its two separated (but interconnected) arms: Diatom Consultancy: which is a consultancy focused on helping business, governments and investors to better integrate biodiversity into the businesses decision-making processes. As a consultancy, Diatom is built on decades of experience and expertise of its team of marine experts. Diatom Blue Tech: a startup designed to develop technologies to assess and measure marine biodiversity net gain or biodiversity outcomes for companies, investors and governments with projects / impacts in the ocean.

2-10 medewerkers
The Hague, South Holland
Marine Biodiversity Risks and Impacts Assessment, Marine Biodiversity Data Analysis and Intelligence, Marine Biodiversity Integration into decision-making processes, Marine Biodiversity in Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, Assessment and demonstration of nature-positive impacts in the ocean en Environmental monitoring to demonstrate nature-positive impact


Medewerkers van Diatom


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Diatom, afbeelding

    336 volgers

    An example that many companies should follow to demonstrate their real intentions to contribute to a sustainable blue economy.

    Organisatiepagina weergeven voor HUB Ocean, afbeelding

    8.163 volgers

    NEWS! 📢 HUB Ocean and Ecowende pioneer open access to unprecedented amounts of ecology data from offshore wind farms! In a landmark agreement, non-profit foundation HUB Ocean partners with wind farm developer Ecowende to make #ecologydata publicly accessible through HUB Ocean’s Ocean Data Platform. This is setting a new standard for #transparency in #datasharing in the offshore wind industry. The partnership was announced at #WindEurope24 in Bilbao. Ecowende's offshore wind farm on Hollandse Kust West (#HKW) lot VI, located about 53 kilometres off the Dutch coast, aims to be the most ecological wind farm to date with numerous ecological innovations. Through sharing data on the Ocean Data Platform, Ecowende – the first offshore wind developer to do so – is contributing to a deeper understanding of the complexities inherent in our oceans – an ocean that is overexploited and largely unmapped. "HUB Ocean is proud to be the trusted platform for Ecowende and its planned public data-sharing. The commitment to share offshore wind farm data on this scale is a significant step. It not only paves the way for others to follow and voluntarily embrace data sharing - as a lot of data is collected by the industry - it sets a benchmark for all offshore wind companies," said Johannes Berrum, Head of Growth in HUB Ocean. The data provided by Ecowende will come from numerous #sensors in its offshore installations and stand-alone surveys. These sensors monitor a variety of species and other oceanic parameters, both above and below the water, such as bird observations, bat presence, underwater telemetry and acoustic data. Data will be collected, shared and made available in a format that embraces the scientific #FAIR standard (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). This adherence boosts research efficiency, transparency, and impact, aligning with trends towards openness and data-driven discovery. Hermione van Zutphen, ecology project manager at Ecowende: “Transparency, efficiency, and data-driven sustainable operations is essential for Ecowende. The ultimate goal is to create a repeatable data sharing model that illustrates how industrial activities in the ocean can contribute to ocean science and effective environmental management around wind farm sites, by unlocking data for broader research via HUB Ocean’s Ocean Data Platform.” More info in the link! https://lnkd.in/gUwREXPR

    Pioneering open access to unprecedented amounts of ecology data from offshore wind farm — HUB Ocean | Dedicated to Unlocking Ocean Data

    Pioneering open access to unprecedented amounts of ecology data from offshore wind farm — HUB Ocean | Dedicated to Unlocking Ocean Data


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Diatom, afbeelding

    336 volgers

    Exciting news about Maerl Beds in Europe.

    Profiel weergeven voor Rhianna Rees, afbeelding

    Seaweed Specialist || Scottish Sector Developer

    🌊 Exciting News from Cornwall! 🌿 In the news this week, one of the largest Maerl beds ever discovered in the UK has been found in Cornwall. This incredible find sheds light on our rich marine biodiversity and the importance of our coastal ecosystems. Maerl beds are not just ordinary underwater landscapes, they are living, breathing habitats formed by the accumulation of calcified seaweed over thousands of years. This recently discovered Maerl bed is estimated to be over 4000 years old, showing us the resilience and endurance of nature. What's even more remarkable is its size – spanning an area equivalent to a 900 rugby pitches (why is everything measured in pitches?). This discovery underscores the significance of our oceans and the need to further understand our vital underwater ecosystems. While Maerl beds may look more like purpley pink rocky carpets (I'll admit, I've only seen one on the isle of Skye) they're made out of calcified Seaweed, which plays a crucial role in marine life. It provides an important habitat for small invertebrates to commercially important fish species. Additionally, Maerl beds act as natural carbon sinks. The fact that we are only just making this discovery now, shows us how little we know about the oceans around us. #Cornwall #MaerlBeds #MarineConservation #SustainableOceanManagement #Biodiversity #Seaweed

    Cornwall researchers discover huge ancient seaweed bed

    Cornwall researchers discover huge ancient seaweed bed


  • Diatom heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Alexandre do N. Campos, afbeelding

    Founder & MD at Diatom | Environmental, Biodiversity & Social Leader | Biodiversity SME | Expert in solving complex issues and integrating sustainability into businesses | Marine Biologist | Freediver | Father

    Interesting study: Yet our understanding of the general principles and expectations for how seaweed aquaculture can provide benefits to the broader environment remains limited. The early results of this work suggest they might also be highly context-dependent, influenced at the farm site by local environmental conditions and management practices.

    New study confirms seaweed and mussel farms improve biodiversity and abundance of marine life

    New study confirms seaweed and mussel farms improve biodiversity and abundance of marine life


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Diatom, afbeelding

    336 volgers

    Diatom is delighted to participate in the Biomarine 2024, a networking event, which explores collaboration in a multi-stakeholder’s environment for a positive impact in the blue economy.

    Profiel weergeven voor Pierre Erwes, afbeelding

    Chairman @ BioMarine | Partner @ Blue Forward Fund | We are on the brink of a transformative era where AI will redefine the blue economy, shifting it from a mere asset class to a dynamic and disruptive service provider.

    BioMarine 2024: ITV N°4, Alexandre Campos CEO Diatoms. Alexandre will participate to our session on marine biodiversity indexing! what is the promise of marine conservation if we don't have the right tools to assess it! join us in Biarritz at #BioMarine2024 https://lnkd.in/gjWYP_rA

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