Over ons

Deltares is een onafhankelijk toegepast kennisinstituut op het gebied van water en ondergrond. Wereldwijd werken we aan slimme innovaties, oplossingen en toepassingen voor mens, milieu en maatschappij. We richten ons voornamelijk op delta’s, kustregio’s en riviergebieden. Omdat het beheer van deze dichtbevolkte en kwetsbare gebieden complex is, werken we nauw samen met overheden, ondernemingen, kennisinstellingen en universiteiten in binnen- en buitenland. Ons motto is ‘Enabling Delta Life’. Als toegepast kennisinstituut is Deltares succesvol als haar kennis wordt verzilverd in en voor de samenleving. Deltares stelt hoge eisen aan de kwaliteit van de kennis en de adviezen.

501 - 1.000 medewerkers
climate change, flood risk, hydraulic engineering, water resources management, infrastructure, offshore, warning systems, spatial planning and ecology, strategic studies, urban water management, water and soil quality, applied geosciences, groundwater quality, Future deltas en Climate adaptation


Medewerkers van Deltares


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    🌫 We know that our industry, transport, and agricultural systems emit a lot of greenhouse gases, but how do (semi) natural systems (ditches, rivers, dredged sediments) contribute to the carbon cycle? Several groups in the Netherlands are working on answering this question, including some of our colleagues: Julia Dorigo, Wouter van der Star, Koen Pelsma, Stefano Gamberoni, and Pim Willemsen.   🤝 To connect with other research groups (Radboud University, TU Delft, Nederlands Instituut voor Ecologie (NIOO-KNAW), Universiteit van Amsterdam), we organised a meet-up focusing on the detection methods for greenhouse gas emissions from aquatic and terrestrial sources.   💻 Interesting presentations were given by prof. Sarian Kosten from Radboud University, prof. Julia Gebert from the TU Delft, and by dr.ir. Koen Pelsma on our own work that we conducted in collaboration with Witteveen Bos on the Marker Wadden.   📏 We also did some fieldwork: at Flood Proof Holland we got the opportunity to measure and compare the GHG fluxes from a peatland before and after inundation. Interested to learn more? Please contact Koen Pelsma, Wouter van der Star, Stefano Gamberoni or Julia Dorigo! #EnablingDeltaLife #GreenhouseGasEmissions #GreenhouseGases

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    🌾 In een akker vol wintertarwe bij het Zeeuwse dorp Kerkwerve controleren Deltares-onderzoekers Teun van Woerkom, Jude King en Edvard Ahlrichs een innovatief dubbel drainagesysteem. Dit is aangelegd om zoet grondwater gemakkelijker beschikbaar te maken voor boeren, die steeds vaker kampen met verziltend grondwater.    Teun: “Veldwerk is zo leuk, omdat de realiteit altijd dynamischer is dan je je achter je computer voorstelt. Dat de ondergrond binnen een straal van een paar centimeter zo kan verschillen, maakt je nieuwsgierig. Waarom is dat zo? Die verwondering zet je aan tot meer onderzoek.”    💧 Voor het monitoringsprogramma van dit 3-jarige proefproject van Living Lab Schouwen Duiveland reizen Teun en collega’s elke zomer en winter af naar Schouwen-Duiveland, waar ze veldmetingen doen aan het bodem- en watersysteem.    Met rhizons zuigen ze bodemvocht op en met de prikstok meten ze de geleidbaarheid van het grondwater: hoe zouter het water, hoe beter de geleiding. Zo hopen ze antwoorden te krijgen op vragen als:  - Werkt dit drainagesysteem zoals bedacht?  - Hoeveel water kan worden geoogst?  - Hoe zit het met de zoet-zoutverdeling in de ondergrond?  - Hoe gedraagt de grondwaterstand zich? - Hoe hoog is de zoute kweldruk?    🤝 Dit project is een samenwerking van Acacia Water, Deltares, Delphy, AIKC Rusthoeve, Maatschap den Boer, Land- en Tuinbouwbedrijf Klompe & van der Linde, Den Hartog Landbouw VOF en Gemeente Schouwen-Duiveland.    #EnablingDeltaLife #veldwerk #bodemonderzoek #kerkwerve #grondwater

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    💪 #FieldWorkFriday! To map the health effects of flooding, a team of 6 colleagues collaborated with the Hydraulics Department of the Suriname Ministry of Public Works in #Paramaribo. 🦠 E. coli bacteria in surface water samples were collected and analysed and, in the future the Flood & Health tool will be used to estimate differences in health risks between districts. 💧 The government can use these insights to prioritise flood mitigation measures, but most of all, the results of the samples lead to increased awareness of how clean/dirty the water bodies actually are! The results will also be used to inform residents and formulate practical recommendations they can use to decrease health risks. ℹ For more information, please contact Suzanne Van Der Meulen. 🙏 Thanks to: the Hydraulics Department of the Suriname Ministry of Public Works, Otto Levelt, Suzanne Van Der Meulen, Daan Rooze, Roel Melman, Nishchal Sardjoe, and Henriëtte Otter. #EnablingDeltaLife #Suriname #Fieldwork #WaterQuality #Floods

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    🏝 How can atoll islands be protected against sea level rise? To find out, experts from Delft University of Technology, University of Plymouth, and Deltares have transformed our very own Delta Flume into a 50-metre scale replica of a coral reef island. That includes installing Coastruction's 150 eco-friendly, complex-shaped artificial reef structures!   The model has been designed to mimic atoll islands in the Maldives and the Pacific Ocean, thought to be among the most vulnerable parts of the planet as the climate changes. Over the coming weeks, it will be subjected to varying wave and sea-level conditions, with its response being intensely monitored using wave sensors, current meters, video cameras, and laser scanners.   The tests will allow researchers to evaluate the impact of artificial reef structures in reducing the energy of the waves reaching the island shoreline. Researchers hope the experiment, which is part of the #ARISE project, will give them an indication of precisely how the islands might respond if sea levels and the frequency of extreme weather events continue to increase.   Want to know more about the experiment? Check 👉 https://rebrand.ly/xbwi6eq   #EnablingDeltaLife #SeaLevelRise #CoralReefs #Atolls #Maldives   Thanks to: TU Delft | Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Suzanna Zwanenburg | Floortje Roelvink | Gerd Masselink | Marion Tissier

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    🙌 We’re pleased that #CRIDA, a method for climate resilient water resources planning developed by Deltares and the US Army Corps of Engineers, has recently achieved ‘flagship initiative’ status within UNESCO!   CRIDA (which stands for Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis) combines a stress test for climate vulnerability analysis with an adaptation pathways approach, and has been applied in several countries and decision contexts since.   Ad Jeuken, expert on climate change adaptation and water management at Deltares and co-author on the CRIDA methodology: “In our long-term collaboration with the USACE, UNESCO, and others we have managed to test and innovate CRIDA in different contexts. This enhanced status among the UNESCO member states will likely help to scale up and further operationalise this effort”.   Read more about how CRIDA and how it is currently used, including in South African UNESCO Biosphere reserves 👇 https://rebrand.ly/hu8iuhn #EnablingDeltaLife

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    💧 Terschelling staat voor de uitdaging om voldoende zoetwater te behouden voor de inwoners. Door klimaatverandering en zeespiegelstijging wordt de zoetwatervoorziening bedreigd. Droge zomers en nattere winters vereisen een balans tussen water vasthouden en afvoeren. Na droogte in de afgelopen jaren was deze winter historisch nat, wat in de duinen en duinrand tot wateroverlast heeft geleid. 💪 Met Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein – VHL University of Applied Sciences en Wageningen University & Research werken we samen met lokale partijen in een Living Lab om oplossingen te vinden. Dit project richt zich op meten, modelleren en veldproeven om het watersysteem en landgebruik toekomstbestendig te maken. 📏 Vorige week waren Edvard Ahlrichs, Stijn Eggenkamp en Vince Kaandorp op Terschelling om het grond- en oppervlaktewatermeetnet te checken. Dit is helemaal in orde en de hoogtes zijn precies ingemeten. Met de DUALEM, de ‘gele lantaarnpaal’ die je op de foto’s ziet, hebben ze geofysische metingen uitgevoerd in de polder. Hiermee kunnen ze tot ~6m diepte in de ondergrond zoet-zout karteren. 👩🌾 Deltares heeft een klimaatmodel ontwikkeld dat inzicht geeft in de effecten van de klimaatverandering. Terschelling fungeert daarbij als een soort van proeftuin, want de uitkomsten zijn ook voor de andere eilanden interessant. 🗨 Vince: “Vlieland en Schiermonnikoog zijn nog helemaal zelfvoorzienend op het gebied van water en willen dat zo houden. Zij kampen met soortgelijke problemen en willen gebruik maken van de ervaringen van Terschelling voor een integraal watersysteem dat toekomstbestendig is.” 👉 Meer weten? Lees ook het artikel in Deltalife > https://rebrand.ly/hk30lhw #EnablingDeltaLife #Veldwerk #grondwater #klimaatverandering #Terschelling

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    #VacancyPhDposition: Study the dynamics of phytoplankton and its interaction with nutrient and carbon cycles. Combine numerical modelling and data analysis methods to enhance ecosystem understanding. Sounds interesting? Apply for this vacancy and start your PhD research!    This PhD position is part of the EU-project ‘LandSeaLot’ with project partners from 10 countries. More information about the EU-project ‘LandSeaLot’, the supervision and what you can expect as a PhD candidate, is listed on our website. 👇 https://lnkd.in/et4bASxc #CareersatDeltares

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    #FieldWorkFriday! In these pictures we see Vera Van BeekNico Meeuwenoord, Koen Castelein and Ulrich Förster testing the sand boil filter kit, an innovative emergency measure of the US Army Corps of Engineers. Sand boils are the first signs of an erosion process whereby sand particles are transported from underneath the dike basis. This can eventually cause the dike to collapse. The filter was tested by Deltares on sand boils along the banks of the Kanaal door Zuid-Beveland (Canal through Zuid-Beveland). It prevents sand transport by locally raising the water level and allowing a controlled outflow of water. Vera and her colleagues saw that, with some modifications, this concept is a promising technique for flood control. The team plans to adapt the design and to produce these filters by Deltares, in collaboration with water authorities. With special thanks to Rijkswaterstaat en Waterschap Scheldestromen. #EnablingDeltaLife #Floods #FloodControl #Research

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    🌷 How do microplastics interact with antibiotics, and does this affect our planetary health? This is what the new EU project TULIP will investigate. Watch the video to learn more about the link between plastic waste and the spread of anti-microbial resistance (AMR), which renders existing antibiotics useless.   💧 Water is central to this very interdisciplinary issue, bridging research on rivers, oceans, water quality, plastics, microbiology, medicine, data-science, and social sciences. We're proud to be a partner in this project.   Thanks to our experts who will be working on this project: Gertjan Geerling, Frans Buschman, Joana M. Veiga, Eline Boelee, en Anniek de Jong #EnablingDeltaLife #Microplastics #Health #WaterQuality #TULIP #EUProject

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    ☔ The world of (rainfall) nowcasting for applications in flood, the energy market, and agricultural forecasting is rapidly growing. Recent AI developments have only increased the interest in research into nowcasting. Dutch and international parties are interested in developing their own AI-based nowcasting models. To bring them together, last week we organised a symposium in partnership with HKV lijn in water. Delegates from universities and research centres were joined by consultants and end users. Together, they can kick-start new collaborations that make optimal use and bring together the expertise of data scientists, hydrometeorologists, and end users. 🗝 A key takeaway from the day’s discussions is that using AI in nowcasting shouldn’t focus solely on software development. We need the entire spectrum to improve the input (radar) data, to understanding the physics, and to create the right (AI-based) model for the right purpose. 💡 It’s also important to note that a good benchmarking dataset and model testing environment will be beneficial, and allow for better testing of new AI-based nowcasting models. This also fosters the development process. Throughout the day, delegates discussed a broad number of topics and shared their many visions. It was inspiring to see the levels of enthusiasm and everyone’s eagerness to collaborate and share. We can’t wait for better forecasts for the short term!   #EnablingDeltaLife #nowcasting #AI #symposium

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