


Empowering Sustainability Through Innovative Solutions

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At Biosable, we are committed to making a significant impact on the global fight against both plastic and forest waste. Our mission is to replace 1 million kilos of plastic with 1 million kilos of sustainable bamboo, providing eco-friendly alternatives to everyday plastic items and reducing the demand for wood-based products. By empowering individuals and businesses to make sustainable choices, we aim to preserve our forests and promote a healthier planet. By choosing Biosable, you are not only investing in superior, biodegradable products but also supporting a movement towards a cleaner, more sustainable world. Our range of bamboo products—from toothbrushes to kitchenware—embodies durability, style, and environmental responsibility. Join us in our mission to reduce plastic and forest waste. Together, we can create a world where eco-friendly practices are the norm, not the exception. Connect with us to learn more about our sustainability initiatives and how you can be a part of the solution. Let’s make a difference, one step at a time.

2-10 medewerkers
Particuliere onderneming
Sustainable Material Expertise, Innovative Eco-Design en Educational Advocacy



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    Rethinking Dental Care: Addressing the Environmental Impact of Floss As we become more conscientious about our environmental footprint, it’s crucial to examine every aspect of our daily routines, even down to our dental care choices. Traditional dental floss, typically made from materials like nylon and Teflon (PTFE), poses significant challenges to our environment. These synthetic materials, while durable and effective for oral hygiene, are not biodegradable. Once discarded, they contribute to plastic pollution in landfills and oceans, where they persist for hundreds of years, impacting marine life and ecosystems. At Biosable, we believe in promoting sustainable alternatives for dental care. Biodegradable floss options, crafted from materials such as cornstarch or silk, provide effective cleaning while minimizing environmental harm. By making simple switches in our daily routines, like opting for biodegradable floss, we can collectively reduce plastic waste and support a cleaner planet. Let’s start conversations and take actions that align with our commitment to sustainability. Together, we can make a positive impact on our planet, starting from our daily choices. 🌿💧 #Sustainability #Biosable #EnvironmentalImpact #DentalCare #BiodegradableFloss #PlasticPollution #CleanPlanet #GreenLiving

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    From Profit Margins to Positive Impact ♻️ Envision a world where a business’s success is measured not just by its profit margins, but also by its positive impact on the planet and communities. This is not a distant dream – it’s an emerging reality. A staggering 77% of consumers are inclined to buy from businesses that help make the world a better place, and 88% say they are more loyal to companies that actively support social or environmental issues. This signals a seismic shift in the business landscape. Traditionally, KPIs such as revenue growth and profit margins have dominated the business world, driving decisions and strategies. However, as we confront unprecedented environmental and social challenges, these metrics alone are no longer sufficient. Modern businesses recognize the need to adopt impact metrics that capture their contributions to society and the environment. This transition is not just a trend but a crucial evolution for businesses aiming to build trust, drive meaningful change, and secure long-term success in an increasingly conscious marketplace. What are impact metrics? Impact metrics are performance indicators designed to measure a company’s contributions to social, environmental, and economic well-being. Unlike traditional KPIs, which focus primarily on financial outcomes, impact metrics provide a broader view of a company’s overall impact on society and the planet. These metrics are often categorized into three main areas: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). Environmental impact metrics: • Carbon footprint: Measures the total greenhouse gas emissions caused directly and indirectly by a business. Reducing carbon footprint can lead to significant energy cost savings and lesser environmental impact. • Plastic neutrality: Tracks plastic footprint or the amount of plastic a company uses and offsets it by supporting initiatives that remove plastic waste from the environment. This metric highlights a company’s commitment to tackling plastic pollution. • Waste reduction: Measures the efficiency of a company’s waste management practices, focusing on reducing, reusing, and recycling materials to minimize overall waste. At Biosable, we are committed to redefining business success by integrating these impact metrics into our core strategies. We believe that by focusing on environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and robust governance, we can contribute to a better world while achieving long-term success. Join us in this journey towards a more sustainable and impactful future. Together, we can drive meaningful change and build a world where business success and positive impact go hand in hand. #ImpactMetrics #Sustainability #ESG #Biosable #PositiveChange #BusinessEvolution

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    Transforming Ocean Plastic into Sustainable Solutions 🌊 We're inspired by the incredible work of The Ocean Cleanup and their mission to extract and repurpose ocean plastic. Recently, they removed another 16,210 kg of plastic from the ocean, destined for recycling into durable, sustainable products. This ensures that the plastic never re-enters the environment. GIVING VALUE TO WASTE At Biosable, we share the belief that there is no such thing as waste – only wasted resources. By turning ocean plastic into valuable products, we can prevent it from harming our environment again. This approach transforms a problem into a solution and directly supports further cleanups. PROOF OF CONCEPT: THE OCEAN CLEANUP SUNGLASSES The Ocean Cleanup demonstrated the potential of this approach with their Ocean Cleanup Sunglasses, made from plastic extracted from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This product showed that ocean plastic could be recycled into high-quality consumer products, helping raise funds for more ocean cleanups. While The Ocean Cleanup has since sold out of these sunglasses, their initiative highlights the importance of innovative recycling solutions. At Biosable, we aim to collaborate with partners to develop products using recycled plastic, allowing us to focus on our core mission of reducing plastic pollution at its source. Looking Ahead In the future, The Ocean Cleanup plans to work with partners to create more products using recycled ocean plastic. This will enable them to concentrate on scaling up their cleanup operations and catching exponentially more plastic. Similarly, at Biosable, we are committed to leveraging innovative recycling solutions to address plastic pollution comprehensively. Support the cause and help us turn ocean plastic into a solution. Together, we can make a difference. 💙 #OceanCleanup #Sustainability #Biosable #Recycling #MarineConservation #NoMorePlastic #TurningTide

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    Exciting News for Marine Conservation! 🌊 Late yesterday, the state of Florida banned the intentional release of balloons into the sky, which often end up in waterways, hurting or killing animals. This is a massive victory for marine ecology and will make an immediate difference for cleaner beaches and healthier ocean habitats. This kind of change is only possible because of dedicated advocates. A major thanks to Jon Paul (J.P.) Brooker and Mark Cason for their leadership, and to everyone at Ocean Conservancy and the broader marine conservation movement who pushed for this change. At Biosable, we celebrate this significant step forward and are inspired to continue our mission to prevent plastic pollution. If you’re celebrating or you’d like to thank someone who was involved, please do so in the comments! #MarineConservation #PlasticPollution #OceanConservancy #Biosable #CleanerOceans #Florida #EnvironmentalVictor

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    The Double-Edged Sword of Plastic❗️ Plastic was once hailed as a revolutionary material, celebrated for its versatility, durability, and affordability. It revolutionized industries, from packaging to medicine, making everyday items more accessible and improving countless lives. However, what started as a marvel of modern engineering has now become a significant environmental crisis. Our reliance on plastic has led to severe pollution, with over 8 million tons of plastic waste entering our oceans every year. This has devastating impacts on marine life, ecosystems, and even human health as microplastics infiltrate our food and water supplies. It’s time to rethink our relationship with plastic. At Biosable, we are committed to creating sustainable solutions that reduce plastic waste and promote a healthier planet. By innovating with biodegradable materials and advocating for responsible consumption, we can turn the tide on plastic pollution. Join us in our mission to protect our environment and ensure a cleaner future for generations to come. Together, we can transform the legacy of plastic from one of harm to one of hope. #Sustainability #PlasticPollution #EnvironmentalImpact #Innovation #Biosable

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    Tackling Single-Use Plastic: A Path to a Greener Future 🌍🚫 Single-use plastics are one of the biggest environmental challenges we face today. From straws and bags to bottles and packaging, these items are used once and discarded, often ending up in our oceans and landfills, where they cause long-lasting damage. At Biosable, we are committed to fighting this crisis by offering sustainable alternatives to single-use plastic products. Here are a few ways we can all make a difference: 1. Choose Reusable Products: Opt for reusable bags, bottles, and containers. Every small step counts! 2. Support Sustainable Brands: Look for companies that prioritize sustainability and offer eco-friendly products. 3. Reduce and Recycle: Be mindful of your plastic use and ensure proper recycling of any plastic items. 4. Educate and Advocate: Spread awareness about the impact of single-use plastics and encourage others to join the movement. Together, we can reduce our plastic footprint and protect our planet for future generations. Join us in our mission to create a cleaner, greener world. Learn more about our sustainable solutions at [Biosable’s Website]. #Sustainability #NoPlastic #EcoFriendly #GreenLiving #Biosable

    Single-use plastics

    Single-use plastics

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    That's fantastic news, Rainforest Alliance! At Biosable, we celebrate your achievements in promoting sustainable practices within the coffee industry. It's inspiring to see such significant growth in certified coffee production, especially in Brazil. Together, through sustainable choices and collective action, we can make a lasting positive impact on our planet. Keep up the great work! #CertifiedCoffee #Sustainability #Biosable

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    It’s been a year of stabilization and growth for #CertifiedCoffee at the Rainforest Alliance! ☕ In 2023, we welcomed over 260 additional supply chain partners to our program, marking a year-on-year increase of 25% and significant boost of the availability of certified coffee. Brazil held its position as the year’s largest producer, with its green coffee output soaring from 367,000 metric tons in 2022 to 518,000 metric tons in 2023—a remarkable 41% increase in certified production! 🎉 Curious to learn more about the year's achievements in Rainforest Alliance certified coffee? Click on the link below to dive into our newly released Coffee Certification Data Report! 👉 📸 Photo credit: Matt Ehnes of Jared's Detours #RainforestAlliance #RainforestAllianceCertified #Coffee #CoffeeSector #Sustainability #Certification #SupplyChain

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    Absolutely! Rediscovering Surfrider’s mission through this inspiring video reaffirms our commitment to protecting our oceans at Biosable. We share the belief that positive activism is pivotal in safeguarding our planet’s precious resources. As advocates for sustainable solutions to prevent plastic pollution, we are dedicated to acting decisively to preserve marine ecosystems. At Biosable, we embody the spirit of proactive environmental stewardship, striving to innovate and implement greener alternatives to plastic that stop pollution at its source. We believe in fostering partnerships and leveraging innovative technologies to amplify our impact. Joining forces with The Surfrider Foundation aligns perfectly with our mission to create a lasting positive impact on our oceans and the environment. Together, we can empower communities, drive meaningful change, and ensure a brighter future for generations to come. Let’s continue to champion the voice of the ocean and take tangible steps towards sustainability. Together, we can make a difference! #Biosable #SurfriderFoundation #OceanConservation #Sustainability #PositiveActivism #ProtectOurOceans

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    Are you ready to have a positive impact and become the voice of the ocean? 🌊Today, rediscover Surfrider through this video and become a positive activist for the ocean. But what is a positive activist? ✊ It's what defines who we are at Surfrider and beyond: lovers of life, nature and water who act on the ground every day to protect and preserve the ocean. Empowering the voice of the ocean to better preserve it. Across every playing field. By every possible means. This is our mission 🌎 If you are as tenacious as you are enthusiastic, resolutely optimistic but never utopian, sometimes radical but always open-minded, then come and defend the future of the ocean with us. With your help, we can create a brighter future for our planet and make a difference for generations to come. Let's be blue! 🌊✊ 🎬 Agence Disobey 🎶 Void Loop - Birrd #future #water #video #ocean #environment #takeaction #protectyourplayground #engagement #changementclimatique #oceanactivists

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    Exciting News from The Ocean Cleanup! ♻️🌊 Ever wondered what happens to the plastic caught in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? At The Ocean Cleanup, we're dedicated to ensuring it doesn't find its way back into our environment. We're thrilled to announce our partnership with Kia Worldwide, Kia America,, and Sustainable Development Group and NPE: The Plastics Show next week! Join us as we showcase the journey of plastic from removal in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch to its transformation into durable products. Together, we're making strides in sustainability and turning the tide on plastic pollution. Stay tuned for updates! #TheOceanCleanup #Biosable #Sustainability #PlasticPollution #NPE2024 #EnvironmentalImpact #CircularEconomy

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    What do we do with the plastic we catch in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? We aim to ensure it doesn't end up back in the environment, and we do so alongside our partners. Next week, we will attend NPE: The Plastics Show together with Kia Worldwide, Kia America,, and Sustainable Development Group to showcase the journey of plastic from the moment we remove it in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch to it being transformed into durable products. Here's our value chain explained:

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    Coca-Cola and Plastic Waste 🌍 In today’s world, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is more critical than ever. Companies have a profound impact on our planet, and it’s essential they lead by example in sustainable practices. Coca-Cola, as one of the world’s largest beverage companies, has a significant role to play in addressing plastic waste. 🚫 The Challenge: Coca-Cola produces billions of plastic bottles annually, contributing to the global plastic waste crisis. These bottles often end up in landfills and oceans, harming wildlife and ecosystems. As a leader in the industry, Coca-Cola’s actions have far-reaching consequences. 🌱 Steps Toward Sustainability: 1. Recycling Initiatives: Coca-Cola has pledged to collect and recycle the equivalent of every bottle it sells by 2030. This ambitious goal is a step in the right direction, but it requires robust implementation and global cooperation. 2. Innovative Packaging: The company is investing in research to develop sustainable packaging solutions, including plant-based bottles and increasing the use of recycled materials. 3. Partnerships: Collaborating with environmental organizations, Coca-Cola aims to improve recycling infrastructure and educate consumers about the importance of recycling. 📢 The Road Ahead: While Coca-Cola has made significant commitments, it’s crucial for the company to accelerate its efforts and set higher standards for sustainability. Consumers and stakeholders are increasingly holding companies accountable for their environmental impact. 🌿 Our Role: As consumers, we can support and advocate for companies that prioritize sustainability. Let’s encourage The Coca-Cola Company and other corporations to continue their journey toward a plastic-free future by adopting and promoting eco-friendly practices. #CSR #Sustainability #PlasticWaste #CocaCola #EcoFriendly #Biosable

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