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Crash debugger

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Crash debuggers in the context of internally produced Nintendo games are debug menus in video games which are intended to give information about the state of the game after a freeze.

In a few Nintendo DS games, they can normally be accessed after the game has crashed with the following button combinations:

  • L R A Left, release.
  • Down B, release.
  • Start Select.


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Internal Nintendo products
Aging cartridges  • Controller test cartridges  • Crash debugger  • Debagame Tester: Second Impact  • DS Download Station Game Cards  • Mario Club build games  • Nintendo Campus Challenge 1991 cartridge  • Nintendo Campus Challenge 1992 cartridge/Super Mario Club Taikai You  • Nintendo Demo Vision  • Nintendo kiosk demos  • Nintendo NES M82  • Nintendo World Championships (cartridges)  • Pokémon distribution cartridges  • Super Famicom DOS  • Super Mario Club (Famicom Network System)  • Super NES Service cartridge  • Port test cartridge  • Service disc  • Tech demos  • Test program  • VUE debugger sample  • Wide Boy