ICTREE(1) User's Reference Manuals ICTREE(1)

ictree - like tree but interactive

ictree [option ...] file

ictree is a terminal-based program that takes a list of contents of directories and displays them in a pager similar to less where you can fold/unfold directories and quickly jump between them.

It is useful to browse locate, find or any other program output that is a list of paths.

Fold directories by default.
Set directory separator to C. ‘/’ is the default value.
Print a help message and exit.
Display version information and exit.

Find something with locate and pipe output into ictree:

locate something | ictree

The same applies to any program that can produce a list of paths. For example, one can use find with ictree to view current working directory in a nice tree-like format:

find | ictree

ictree can also take a file that contains paths as its first argument:

locate something > list.txt
ictree list.txt

ictree supports Vi-like search functionality. Extended regular expressions are supported. If a pattern contains ‘/’ character, the search is performed by full paths of items instead of their short names in the list.

All the commands for moving in the pager resemble less and Vi commands.

Move cursor down 1 line
Move cursor up 1 line
Scroll right
Scroll left
<Mouse Wheel Down>
Scroll down one line
<Mouse Wheel Up>
Scroll up one line
Scroll down half-window
Scroll up half-window
Scroll down one window
Scroll up one window
Move cursor to the top
Move cursor to the bottom
Put cursor at the center of window
Go to parent item

<Mouse Left Button>
Fold/unfold selected item
Fold selected item and move cursor down 1 line
Go to parent item and fold it
If selected item is folded, unfold it; otherwise go to first child item
If selected item is unfolded, fold it; otherwise go to parent item
Search forward for pattern
Search backward for pattern
Repeat previous search
Repeat previous search in reverse direction
Copy selected item into X or Wayland clipboard (using this command requires xsel or wl-copy installed, depending on which display server is used)
Write selected item to standard output and exit
Suspend ictree

It's possible to define custom commands in the configuration file (see FILES) to open a selected path in other programs.


# open selected path in vim by pressing e
map e vim "$f"

# open selected path in a pager
# defined in $PAGER environment variable
map i $PAGER "$f"

When a custom command is invoked, ictree simply runs a program with /bin/sh and sets $f variable to whatever a user has selected.

Note: unlike Vim, it's impossible to use more than one character in a mapping.

Configuration file. If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set, defaults to ~/.config.

tree(1), find(1), locate(1), less(1)

Written by Nikita Ivanov.

2022 Linux