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Keep visitors engaged with web videos
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Keep visitors engaged with Core Web Vitals (7:38)
Build news apps with Flutter (7:18)
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Keep visitors engaged with web videos


Build your relationship with younger audiences


Why video?


While 62% of audiences say they mostly read news online, younger audiences are significantly more likely to say they watch news online:

Who mostly watches the news?

  • 17% of audiences 18-24
  • 14% of audiences 25-34
  • 12% of audiences 35
  • 11% of audiences 55

Why do people prefer to watch the news?

  • 42% say it’s easier
  • 41% say it’s more engaging
  • 29% say video tells a more complete story
  • 24% say they’re using social media anyway
  • 20% say they like to see the people making or reporting the news

Get video insights by enabling News Tagging Guide

NTG Screenshot 2023-02-24 at 3.00.04 PM

News Tagging Guide analyzes your Google Analytics data to identify user behavior, see how your audience segments interact with your videos, and get insights on how to increase video starts and completions.

To use News Tagging Guide, you need a Google Analytics account.

  1. Go to News Tagging Guide
  2. Select your Google Analytics Implementation and Account ID.
  3. Select Video Analytics.

NTG Screenshot 2023-02-24 at 3.00.04 PM

Improve your video strategy with News Consumer Insights


News Consumer Insights analyzes your Google Analytics data and gives you actionable recommendations on how to use video to grow your audience.

To use News Consumer Insights, you need a Google Analytics account.

  1. Go to News Consumer Insights.
  2. Select Authorize.
  3. Select your Google Analytics account.
  4. Go to Video Insights.

The Video Insights report shows:

  • How many videos your audiences watch, based on how often they visit your site
  • How engaged your viewers are, based on autoplays and video starts
  • How to increase video views and video completion rates


See how videos perform with Realtime Content Insights


Realtime Content Insights analyzes your Google Analytics data to help you discover your best videos, in real-time and historically.

To use Realtime Content Insights, you need a Google Analytics account.

  1. Go to Realtime Content Insights
  2. Select Authorize
  3. Select your Google Analytics account
  4. Navigate to Realtime Video Performance on the left sidebar

This report shows your Realtime Video Performance and Historic Performance.

Realtime Video Performance

See which of your videos are generating the most realtime viewers, the profile of these viewers and their video behaviors. You'll be able to compare how these videos perform with other videos on the site in Today’s Performance Dashboard.

Historic Performance

This table ranks all of your videos by views generated during the time frame selected (last 30 days by default). The additional engagement metrics will allow you to quickly identify stories that have impacted your audience in more meaningful ways.


Encourage viewers to start more videos


In 2022, 82% of global internet traffic came from video streaming and downloads - an 88% increase since 2017.

💡 Best practices

  • Add a related videos section after videos or articles
  • Add a video section to your navigation
  • Place the video player above the fold if your article has a dedicated video
  • Use a video player that is 2560 x 1440 pixels, which has a 95% viewability rate
  • Mute autoplaying videos
  • Set videos not in view to click-to-play
  • Show related videos when viewers pause or finish videos

Encourage viewers to finish more videos


Higher video completion rates grows ad revenue by showing mid-roll and post-roll ads.

💡 Best practices

  • Add an anchored video player so a viewer can keep watching videos while scrolling
  • Keep videos under 120 seconds, as these videos are more likely to be completed
  • Implement structured data markup for your videos so people that are searching for videos like yours can discover it
  • Feature videos in your newsletters, like in the subject line
  • Include videos with play icons in your newsletters
  • Improve your site’s page speed so videos load faster
  • Enable lazy loading
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