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Google News Initiative

Product Design Sprint Lab

The Google News Initiative's Product Design Sprint Lab is a structured ideation process to help journalists working at digitally mature publishers identify, experiment and test new ideas through design sprints.

This methodology takes one of Google’s core development philosophies, and with locally relevant changes, applies it to the news industry.

While we are not currently accepting applications for this lab, please sign up for our newsletter to get notified about future versions of this lab and other Google News Initiative programs.

Lab content

Product Design Sprints are a proven method to foster collaboration and innovation in a short timeframe in an organization. Focusing on the user and leveraging data-informed ideation leads to a prototype and helps validate proposed solutions.

The Lab will be broken into four sections for your team to explore new ideas.

  1. Mapping: Goals, Mission and Insights
  2. Imagine, Ideate and Sketch
  3. Decide and Prototype
  4. User Testing and Action Planning



  • We have not yet announced the next version of the lab.

    In the meantime please sign up for our newsletter to get notified about future versions of this lab and other Google News Initiative programs. And we are always taking applications for our Fundamentals Lab — in which Google reviews your news organization's website and shares practical, easy-to-follow guidance about audience engagement, ad revenue, and reader revenue — if you are interested in that program instead.

  • Google staff will review all applications and determine a cohort that can collaboratively work together and learn from each other. We may request additional information via email regarding your application.

    All applicants will be notified of selection decisions via email within six weeks.

  • Email [email protected] with any questions or for additional guidance.

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