Juan Del Cerro

Juan Del Cerro Juan Del Cerro es una persona influyente

Ciudad de México, México
27 mil seguidores Más de 500 contactos

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I am convinced of the potential every person has to become an agent of change.

That is why I founded Disruptivo.tv a media and education platform for social business in Mexico and Latin America, and also Socialab México, an early stage accelerator for Social Entrepreneurs.

With this, I work every day to inspire, educate and support a new generation of entrepreneurs that are changing the way business can have an impact on our society and planet.

I am passionate abou social entrepreneurship and social innovation, this has led me to work in the social sector for 12 years. I am extremely grateful that my work has inspired others and led me to be selected for:

- Mexico’s “National Entrepreneurship Award” for Disruptivo's work promoting the entrepreneurial ecosystem and supporting entrepreneurs.

- LinkedIn’s “TOP VOICES” of Latin America, and Entrepreneur's Magazine: "Top 20 influencers on Linkedin".

- Poder Civico's Gifted Citizen Award for having the potential to impact over 10 million people with my work.

I also love content and digital marketing, I am the author of the book “What is Social Entrepreneurship?”, I collaborate for Entrepreneur.com, host the podcast “Disruptivo” and I participate as speaker, having given two TEDx talks, participating in events in Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica, Slovenia the US and Israel.

I believe in building a strong entrepreneurial ecosystem, so I participate as a board member and advisor of the Global Entrepreneurship Network for Mexico, the Mexican National Entrepreneurs Association, Ibero University's Business School "EDESI", and Reforestamos Mexico's Entrepreneurship Board.

I also collaborate as teacher for Social Entrepreneurship at UNAM, Tec de Monterrey, Ibero, and many other institutions in Mexico.

But above all this, I love to collaborate and help my community, so tell, what can I do for you?

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  • Gráfico Disruptivo


    Ciudad de México, México

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    Mexico City, Mexico

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    Mexico City Area, Mexico

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    Mexico City Area, Mexico

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    Mexico City Area, Mexico

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    Mexico City Area, Mexico

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    Mexico City Metropolitan Area

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    Ciudad de México

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    Mexico City Area, Mexico

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    Mexico City Area, Mexico

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    Mexico City Area, Mexico

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    Greater New York City Area

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    Mexico City Area, Mexico

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    Mexico City Area, Mexico

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    Mexico City Area, Mexico


  • Gráfico


    Actividades y grupos:COPSA - Consejo de presidentes de Sociedades de Alumnos.

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Experiencia de voluntariado

  • Gráfico Reforestamos México A.C.

    Advisory Board for Forestry Entrepreneurship

    Reforestamos México A.C.

    - 4 años

    Medio ambiente

  • Gráfico Ibero CEDE

    Mentor, Centro de Emprendimiento Social Ibero.

    Ibero CEDE

    - 4 años

    Potenciamiento económico

  • Board Member - InademCrowdfunding.mx/

    Instituto Nacional del Emprendedor INADEM

    - 2 años

    Potenciamiento económico

    I am part of the Board of Advisors of the INADEM crowdfunding platform, which aims to get social entrepreneurs closer to strategic funding

  • Gráfico Posible México


    Posible México

    - actualidad 9 años

    Potenciamiento económico

    I participate with Posible, assisting social entrepreneurs developing their business plans and tackling different issues related with marketing, strategic planning and social entrepreneurship.

  • Gráfico MicroMentor



    - 3 años

    Potenciamiento económico

    I participate with Micromentor, assisting different entrepreneurs developing their business plans and tackling different issues related with marketing, strategic planning and social entrepreneurship.

  • User Experience Coordinator


    - actualidad 9 años

    Ciencia y tecnología

    TEDxCuauhtémoc is an Independently organised TED event based in Mexico City.

    My role in the team is to lead a team of volunteers to enhance the user experience, previous, during and post the TEDx events. Our team's goal is to create a deep commitment of our users so that they become a permanent member of our community, and to broaden the impact of out TEDxTalks beyond the event.

  • Gráfico Universidad Iberoamericana

    Member of the Business Studies Academic Board

    Universidad Iberoamericana

    - 1 año


    Academic Boards are the collegiate organisms responsible of representing the academic community of a certain department, in this case Business Studies, for the attention of all academic affairs.

  • Gráfico Un Techo para mi País

    Construction and Social Inclusion Volunteer

    Un Techo para mi País

    - 5 años

    Lucha contra la pobreza

    Participation in the construction of emergency houses in all the staff roles in the organization. Leader of a work table for social inclusion projects development.

  • Gráfico Universidad Iberoamericana

    Vice - president of the Business Management Alumni Board

    Universidad Iberoamericana

    - 2 años


  • Gráfico Universidad Iberoamericana

    President of the Business Management Student Society

    Universidad Iberoamericana

    - 1 año


    Leader of the Student Society that represents students with the academic department. Participated in COPSA (Board of Student Society Presidents). Organization of the Student Day at the University. Representative in the Academic Board of Business Management.


  • México 10 - Empeendedores Sociales

    LID Business Media

    México 10 - Emprendedores Sociales, es el primer libro en español que recopila casos de éxito de empresas de impacto positivo en el país.

    10 casos hechos en conjunto con los emprendedores y académicos expertos en emprendimiento y negocios, que nos ayudarán a entender como funcionan los modelos de negocio que resuelven problemas sociales y medio ambientales, para poder así usar esos aprendizajes para aplicarnos en nuestros emprendimientos.

    Otros autores
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  • ¿Cómo fondear mi emprendimiento?


    Este libro electrónico es la guía más completa para emprendedores que están buscando financiamiento para emprender.

    En el libro, se encontrarán 9 diferentes herramientas para conseguir financiamiento, las cuales podrán servirle a todos los emprendedores en diferentes etapas.

    Otros autores
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  • El Peor Emprendedor del Mundo - TEDx


    En mi segunda charla TEDx explico por que quiero ser el peor emprendedor del mundo.

    Si los mejores emprendedores son aquellos que más dinero generan, independientemente del impacto negativo que crean en el mundo, entonces yo quiero ser el peor.

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  • ¿Qué es el Emprendimiento Social?


    Mi primer libro es una guía básica para entender el concepto y empezar el camino de los negocios con impacto.

    Fue publicado por Novelistik, y se puede encontrar en cualquier librería Gandhi, o en mis conferencias y charlas.

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  • Hablemos de Emprendimiento Social

    Entrepreneur México

    My weekly column (Spanish) on Soy Entrepreneur focuses on discussing issues related to social entrepreneurship, from the stories social entrepreneurs, to social innovation and technology's relation to creating impact.

    Here are some of my top posts:

    "Why are social entrepreneurs Jedi apprentices." - http://goo.gl/h5IYFl
    "Uber, ¿can the government stop social innovation?" - http://goo.gl/dV2Ct2
    "Fairphone, the phone that will change the world." - http://goo.gl/Jx1vF8

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  • Disruptivo


    "Disruptivo" is a podcast that focuses on social entrepreneurs and impact projects that are changing the way we do business in Mexico and the world.

    You can check our episodes here: http://bit.ly/1KicRDZ
    Ans suscribe on Itunes here: http://apple.co/1rVLmHp

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  • Innovación con Causa - TEDx


    En mi primer charla TEDx hablo de los puntos clave para crear innovación que genere impacto social.

    Tenemos que cambiar el paradigma del éxito si queremos resolver los grandes problemas del mundo.

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  • Creación de Negocios de Impacto


Reconocimientos y premios

  • National Entrepreneurship Award - Organisms that Boost the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem.

    President of Mexico, The National Bureau of Economics and the National Institute of Entrepreneurship

  • Linkedin Top Voices - Most Influencial Voices of Latin America


    Every year, Linkedin selects the most influential voices on the platform, in 2018, I was selected for my influence in the Latin American community.

  • Gifted Citizen

    Ciudad de las Ideas, Gifted Citizen & Poder Cívico AC

    Gifted Citizen is a prize awarded to social entrepreneurs that are committed, have ambition and vision, and have a pragmatic approach to create projects that will impact millions of people in the next years.


  • Spanish

    Competencia bilingüe o nativa

  • English

    Competencia profesional completa

  • French

    Competencia básica

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